I don't want to discourage anyone who is using bac, b/c it has helped a LOT of people moderate or become AF. But so far it's not working for me.
At 5'3" and 125 lbs, I am up to 200mg with no results but a lot of side effects, some of which I can no longer live with, especially not hitting the switch. I keep saying, ok, I'll go up to X and if I'm not feeling it, I'll stop. My stopping point was 200mg. Beyond that, I think the SEs would be just too much to deal with.
The main SE I've had since about 150mg is this buzzy, dizzy, "high" feeling 24/7. Then there's the constant snoring, gag-inducing postnasal drip, weight gain, sweating, hair falling out....I would be willing to endure this for a little while longer if I knew I would hit the switch. But I am not a large person and continuing to titrate up much more would become debilitating.
Just throwing this out there. Like I said, I don't want to discourage anyone who is doing bac as it has worked for many others. I have also done TSM without success, so I really don't know where to turn from here.