Has any one experienced problems with blood pressure whilst on Topamax?
I have been taking Topa for a three weeks now or there abouts. I am currently at 75mg. I have to say I dont feel great, so I got my blood pressure taken at work, it was consistenly through the roof!
Im 36 years old, it should not be so high, I cannot think of any other reason whi it would be this way. I am symtomatic with it and believe the only thing to do is to titrate down and come off it. It really is a shame, I feel there was hope for this drug,and even tho I am becoming increasingly dopey and somewhat anxious on top of the blood pressure problem, and it may have been starting to work.
I keep thinking if I can just hang in there and not drink, the blood:upset: pressure will sort itself out, but I feel like crap, headache, breathless, palpatations. All only in the last few days, and only since consistently taking 75mg.
Dont worry I will get a doc to check it out, but my hopes will be dashed because I know what they will do......... take me of the med!
Dam, my body is just so sensitive to any medications, that includes AL, LOL!
any input would be greatly appreciated,
regards Indy
