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Topamax Side affects

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    Topamax Side affects

    Has any one experienced problems with blood pressure whilst on Topamax?

    I have been taking Topa for a three weeks now or there abouts. I am currently at 75mg. I have to say I dont feel great, so I got my blood pressure taken at work, it was consistenly through the roof!

    Im 36 years old, it should not be so high, I cannot think of any other reason whi it would be this way. I am symtomatic with it and believe the only thing to do is to titrate down and come off it. It really is a shame, I feel there was hope for this drug,and even tho I am becoming increasingly dopey and somewhat anxious on top of the blood pressure problem, and it may have been starting to work.

    I keep thinking if I can just hang in there and not drink, the blood:upset: pressure will sort itself out, but I feel like crap, headache, breathless, palpatations. All only in the last few days, and only since consistently taking 75mg.

    Dont worry I will get a doc to check it out, but my hopes will be dashed because I know what they will do......... take me of the med!

    Dam, my body is just so sensitive to any medications, that includes AL, LOL!

    any input would be greatly appreciated,

    regards Indy:upset::upset::upset:


      Topamax Side affects

      individualnz;911353 wrote: Has any one experienced problems with blood pressure whilst on Topamax?

      I have been taking Topa for a three weeks now or there abouts. I am currently at 75mg. I have to say I dont feel great, so I got my blood pressure taken at work, it was consistenly through the roof!

      Im 36 years old, it should not be so high, I cannot think of any other reason whi it would be this way. I am symtomatic with it and believe the only thing to do is to titrate down and come off it. It really is a shame, I feel there was hope for this drug,and even tho I am becoming increasingly dopey and somewhat anxious on top of the blood pressure problem, and it may have been starting to work.

      I keep thinking if I can just hang in there and not drink, the blood:upset: pressure will sort itself out, but I feel like crap, headache, breathless, palpatations. All only in the last few days, and only since consistently taking 75mg.

      Dont worry I will get a doc to check it out, but my hopes will be dashed because I know what they will do......... take me of the med!

      Dam, my body is just so sensitive to any medications, that includes AL, LOL!

      any input would be greatly appreciated,

      regards Indy:upset::upset::upset:
      Gee that is too bad. I am on 75mg also, but have normal BP. I would talk with your doc. Are there any other meds or supplements that you are taking that may be contributing to the elevated BP. Tell your doc EVERYTHING you are taking. I wish you the best!
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Topamax Side affects

        Thanks Techie,

        Yes taking Prozac 40mg. Multi Vits, fish oils all those good things. The only thing really is that I have not fully stopped drinking, I wonder if that is what it could be, although I have not had anything to drink for three days, nor do I feel like it!

        I dont know what the hell happened but, your right I will see someone about it tomorrow. Cant be running around that hypertensive, will do some serious damage! God dam it.

        Ragards Indy


          Topamax Side affects

          individualnz;911370 wrote: Thanks Techie,

          Yes taking Prozac 40mg. Multi Vits, fish oils all those good things. The only thing really is that I have not fully stopped drinking, I wonder if that is what it could be, although I have not had anything to drink for three days, nor do I feel like it!

          I dont know what the hell happened but, your right I will see someone about it tomorrow. Cant be running around that hypertensive, will do some serious damage! God dam it.

          Ragards Indy
          That could be be. I did a search on topa and blood pressure. I found many cases where topa has lowered BP in those with slightly elevated pressures. No obvious hits on cases where it was suspected in increasing BP!?
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Topamax Side affects

            Yeah I know, I googled it and found that too last night, the only other thing was another complex acidotic thing that presented a hypertensive crisis but that must mostly applicable in children, Im bloody confused.

            Its easy to just stop the med which is what I will have to do in the first instance, but what then! My seemingly life line has gone.......


              Topamax Side affects

              individualnz;911378 wrote: Yeah I know, I googled it and found that too last night, the only other thing was another complex acidotic thing that presented a hypertensive crisis but that must mostly applicable in children, Im bloody confused.

              Its easy to just stop the med which is what I will have to do in the first instance, but what then! My seemingly life line has gone.......
              I would see my doc before stopping the med. You may want to check your BP over the next day or two. Just my take. I wish you well!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Topamax Side affects

                Thanks Techie,

                Yeah I will be doing that but as it stands I cant feel that its high.

                Will up date!

                Regards Indy


                  Topamax Side affects

                  Hi Indi - please let us know how you are doing - what were your feelings towards Al on 50mg? Are you on 75mg total daily? you said that you don't feel like drinking? That is a good sign - maybe go back down to 50mg, getting your BP checked and keep to 50mg for a while...... there are other ways though if this doesn't work out - you can beat this - really!! Keep us in the know won't you.

                  Hugs, Sunshinedaisies x
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

