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Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

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    Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

    :welcome:There is a new site for Baclofen in the UK with a lot of information and useful links.

    The address is Home - Baclofen UK

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"

    Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

    Where in the UK can I buy Baclofen or generic baclofen?


      Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

      Hi thank you for posting the site otter have had a look and registered I am memebr number 4 hopefully it will grow.

      Musttry I think you will struggle to buy baclofen in the uk as it is a prescrition drug, most people buy it online from abroad, there are lots of links about the best places to buy it from.

      Good luck BH


        Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

        Musttry: Your the third person in the last 24 hours, all from the UK, who have made this type of inquiry. Things must be catching on!!!


          Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

          konbrot;913065 wrote: Musttry: Your the third person in the last 24 hours, all from the UK, who have made this type of inquiry. Things must be catching on!!!
          Yes, that is because doctors are refusing to prescribe it for alcoholism because they are saying there is no information about it and no evidence that it works. None of them are interested because doctors here do not treat alcoholism as an illness, despite what might be put out to the public by the press. Since it is not treated as an illness and there are no known cures and it is gererally believed to be incurable there are no doctors who actually speicalize in the pharmaceutical treatment of alcoholism in the whole of the UK. Not one! And, whereas you can walk into any pharmacy in Spain and buy it as easily as Aspirin, here it is a prescription drug for muscle spasm only.

          What chance does anyone have. The new web site is designed to cut through that. Why should anyone have to buy something online for such a serious illness?

          Olivier Ameisen

          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


            Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

            Point taken. Thank you. And a point very well made.


              Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

              My recent thread about getting BAC from a reliable American source...I wasn't thinking outside my box..but everyone, please get your BAC from a reliable source on your own continent or a reputable one. Not to diss our subcontinent friends...but seriously...

              The question is are they mixing the stuff like it's supposed to be mixed...from my experience and my recent conversation W/ Dr LeVin, I question everything now. Just saying.

              Namaste :-))


                Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

                Otter;913117 wrote: Yes, that is because doctors are refusing to prescribe it for alcoholism because they are saying there is no information about it and no evidence that it works. None of them are interested because doctors here do not treat alcoholism as an illness, despite what might be put out to the public by the press. Since it is not treated as an illness and there are no known cures and it is gererally believed to be incurable there are no doctors who actually speicalize in the pharmaceutical treatment of alcoholism in the whole of the UK. Not one! And, whereas you can walk into any pharmacy in Spain and buy it as easily as Aspirin, here it is a prescription drug for muscle spasm only.

                What chance does anyone have. The new web site is designed to cut through that. Why should anyone have to buy something online for such a serious illness?
                I agree with what you say Otter, in general I think a lot of Doctors view Alcohol addiction as simple as a lack of willpower or worse, a habit! A colleague of mine once told me of a man attending his GP to try and get some meds to help his detox and the GP went out of the room and came back with a glass of milk and told him to drink that! I personally would probably have knocked the glass over his lap. The man in question did not get any meds needless to say! It just shows what some Dr's think of alcoholism, criminal treatment in my view.
                Well done on the website, it looks great and will be a very valuable resource for many people taking or considering Baclofen.


                  Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

                  I may have missed out somewhere, but is this your work, Otter?

                  If so, well done. Very professional and well-organised.

                  It is a perfect companion to this forum. Here on MWO, we get personal exchanges about individual experiences. There, on (your?) site, we get the information consolidated in an objective and easy to digest format.

                  If you don't mind, whoever made this site, I would suggest that the information on research compiled by Lo0p be incorporated on the site somewhere.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Bacloen in the UK - A new site!




                    Olivier Ameisen

                    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                      Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

                      Information about Baclofen use in one handy place

                      I think most of the information from Lo0p is on the site.



                      Olivier Ameisen

                      In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                        Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

                        Hi again
                        I haven?t been here for a while. Forgive me if this posting is too long. I?ve quite a lot to say.
                        Firstly, thank you so much to all of you who have sent me private messages since my first visit to mywayout. I cannot tell you how much they have meant to me.
                        Once I decided to start baclofen, I decided to make a whole fresh start in my new life without my beloved husband. I decided to tell my children about my ?wee problem? and what I intended to do about it. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I was amazed by their reaction. My eldest said that he had pretty well guessed the seriousness. My youngest had an inkling of what I was going through. My middle one took it very badly, but has come through it with the help of the others. They are now totally behind me, which has probably saved my life.
                        We decided (or should I say they decided!!) that I would spend a week or so with each of them once I got started on baclofen so that they could support me.
                        My eldest son is a bit of a computer expert and has taken me through this forum and how to negotiate it and post on it. I know understand quite a lot of your jargon, including what a bump is. That took me a while! I have decided not to start my own thread (see, I told you I was getting the hang of it!) as I don?t think anybody would be interested to read what I would think would be merely my own ?diary?. My son has suggested I put my messages on a few more widely read threads.
                        When my baclofen arrived, there were absolutely no instructions with it. I really didn?t know what to do. Thankfully, most of you advised me to titrate up (there I go again!) very slowly. I was so glad of this advice, as I have had some terrible effects from it. Two of you advised me to go to the web site for information. I?m so glad you did. My son initially, and me since, have had lots of help from Phil. We have sent him so many e-mails and he has explained so much. It seems that my side effects are quite common. I?ve had twitching in my hands, funny visual things, horrible nightmares. I?ve even wet the bed! I have been so tired I can?t tell you. And having ?I?m not me? feelings every day.
                        Anyway, with reassurance from him, and the support of my family, I have come through all that, and I now feel great. I am now on 90mg a day, which I mess around with in terms of timing, depending upon how I feel. I?m not free of the demon booze yet, but I drink much less. I do it openly with no shame or guilt (if those are the right words), and I most definitely don?t have the all consuming need that I did only 6 weeks ago. I am absolutely getting a great deal of control back. It isn?t leading me anywhere near as much as it was. Phil said that this was a very good sign so early on.
                        Anyway, that is where I am right now. If you wish, I shall keep you informed from time to time.


                          Bacloen in the UK - A new site!


                          I am posting this to give a bit of an explanation of the website Home - Baclofen UK.

                          I have had a huge amount of support from this Mywayout forum. Before I found it, life was at times unbearable. No one understood what I was going through and no one could help. This site gives more emotional support and information than I ever expected possible, thanks to everybody on it. I don't think that can or needs to be duplicated anywhere else.

                          While it is possible to get Baclofen on-line in the UK and get better advice from this website than you can get from your doctor, there is universal health care in the UK and there should be no need to worry about getting drugs on-line. There is also a lot of bad press at the present about on-line pharmacies. There are a lot of people who don't know about this site, don't have computers and need help. A lot of people with severe AL problems here get free prescriptions without worrying about insurance issues.

                          So, it is important in the UK that the government gets involved in this. In France, the Baclofene site has asked for testimonials to support their attempt to facilitate wider prescribing of Baclofen. That is what Home - Baclofen UK is set up to do and there is now a new Testimonials section on the site. In order for it to have any effect, and the sooner the better, it needs contributions. If anyone can contribute please could you help. No real names though.

                          The hope is that one day anyone with an alcohol problem can find the information they need quickly and be pointed in the right direction.

                          Consider it my contribution in thanks of all the help I have been given over the last several months.

                          Thanks again.




                          Olivier Ameisen

                          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                            Bacloen in the UK - A new site!

                            Hi Otter, my friend
                            What you are doing is precisely what I have been trying to do at in the UK for over a year. I applaud you for your contribution. As I often say, together we are stronger.
                            Good luck.
                            PS I tried to log on as DrPhill. It worked, but didn't get much further, so I have rejoined as B4A. I don't want anyone to misconstrue that!!


                              Bacloen in the UK - A new site!


                              I am sure no one here would do that.

                              Welcome back




                              Olivier Ameisen

                              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"

