Do you tell your friends/family what you're doing? What if you fail and you've put yourself out there? I also don't want to make myself or them uncomfortable around me under any circumstances especially if I end up being a somewhat normal drinker. (yes, I too heard the beast chiming in)
Do you even risk temptation by socializing in the beginning stages? I know from recovery groups that you shouldn't expose yourself to alcohol too soon. Even a successful outing can lead to relapse shortly after as you are left feeling deprived and vulnerable. Does that apply once you've hit that magical "switch"?
And what do you say to acquaintances when they offer you a drink? I've said "I'm taking medication that shouldn't be mixed with alcohol" and I've heard "oh, not just one?" and I'm at a loss. I'm a terrible liar and I don't like being dishonest but the stigma around this disease is particularly harsh especially when you're female and a mother.
I can't believe that I am posting this for the world to see. I hung up with a relative today who is a known alcoholic and is on the verge of losing everything. I want to reach out and help her but am in this precarious stage of not knowing if I can even help myself (yet).
I did know that I was in a stronger position and I couldn't always say that.
My biggest question is what lifestyle changes did you have to make to feel happy AF? Do you still have friends that drink? Are you seriously OK not having a glass of (name your poison here) during events that you once enjoyed with drink?
I know, I should get a good therapist or go to an AA meeting. Apologies for venting here...
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.? - Maria Robinson