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Is Baclofen a cure ?

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    Is Baclofen a cure ?

    I have been reading through some old post on baclofen, yes my life is that sad ! but the question that keeps reoccuring is baclofen a cure and I have been mulling it over. My view is that any problem with al is an illness and with many illness the medical intention is limited to controlling rather than curing it . So that is my stance on baclofen I am not concerned if my illness is cured ( although that would be amazing) I am content to have it controlled.

    I discovered another interesting thing about baclofen this weekend which I wanted to share and ask if anybody else had experienced ? I choose to moderate my drinking on baclofen, which I have been on for nearly a year. But I now find that al does not have the same effect that it did before, I do not get that buzz which used to set off a binge and those close to me now say that my eyes do not change the way they used to after a couple of glasses of wine , indicating that something differant is going on in my brain ?. This to me is quite amazing as all I was expecting the bac to do was take away the craving not alter my brain, which it clearly is and I am very greatful for !.

    Is Baclofen a cure ?

    BH - I honestly don't know if bac is a cure or not. My sceptical side tends towards "no".

    The thought of moderating on bac hasn't ocurred to me. I intend staying on a maintenance dose at least until I'm a year AF in August. I think I'm going to titrate down very slowly thereafter. I need to know what will happen then
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Is Baclofen a cure ?

      I dont consider Baclofen a cure, I have been told that if you go off baclofen, the cravings will come back, but it is as close to a cure as you can get! I know that baclofen works! It does destroy that constant need for alcohol. I realize that it varies per person as to at which dose this happens, as well I believe there are many factors that dictate how much you need to take and what SEs you get. But when you reach that "switch" it is the most amazing feeling to not have that obsessive need for alcohol anymore, no matter what situation you are faced with.


        Is Baclofen a cure ?

        Brave Hearted;915289 wrote: I do not get that buzz which used to set off a binge
        This is exactly my experience, too. Since being on Baclofen, I drank on two occasions. One was having a glass of champagne that was offered during boarding a flight. That's all I had and didn't even crave more. Wouldn't get a buzz that time anyway, but...

        The second time I drank, was most of a bottle of wine. My roommate and I have historically drank together on the weekends, and I "gave in" and got myself a bottle on a recent weekend. It's strange... part of me felt bad that I've stopped our routine together, and I can sense he's feeling weird with me not drinking. So I got a bottle and joined in. I didn't finish it, which was unusual, and didn't get the same kind of buzz, nor did it set off a binge. The next day, I poured the rest down the drain and haven't craved more since.

        Good question, thanks for asking about this!


          Is Baclofen a cure ?

          Most people's experience w bac is so new that only time will tell if it is a cure or a remission. I intend to be abstinent so I may never know. I have been on it for 6+months now and am not tempted by al in the least. I fully believe that if I stopped the bac and started drinking my brain physiology would bring me quickly back to the hell of addiction. I don't care to "test" whether I am indifferent to social drinking or not. My best judgment is that I should shoot for total abstinence and so that is my plan. If I need to stay on bac to achieve that so be it. I am down to 30-40 mg/day and will slowly taper off and see how I feel. If I feel anxious that I may drink I will reserve the right to take the bac again at low doses.
          If the "illness" is alcohol dependence then perhaps yes bac is a cure. But if the illness is a physiological potential to become dependent then no, bac is not a cure for that. Just like exercise and weight loss can cure diabetes but not the underlying genetic risk factors.
          Good Question


            Is Baclofen a cure ?

            There is only a cure for alcoholism if the problems that are causing it in the first place are dealt with, IMO.

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Is Baclofen a cure ?

              mario;915859 wrote: There is only a cure for alcoholism if the problems that are causing it in the first place are dealt with, IMO.
              Which explains why my shrink has made so much money :H:H:H
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Is Baclofen a cure ?

                IMO the cure for alcohol dependence is to stop drinking. The bac helps me do this. I will always have "problems". But as long as I don't drink I won't let them be an excuse to drink. IMO


                  Is Baclofen a cure ?

                  Curious tho, what problems "cause" alcoholism?


                    Is Baclofen a cure ?

                    Good question Brave. I straight out thought no, thinking a cure meant like a one off shot or drug that stopped a disease in its tracks forever. But check this out maybe it is a cure.

                    Cure Meaning and Definition;
                    (v. t.) To set free from (something injurious or blameworthy), as from a bad habit.
                    (n.) Spiritual charge; care of soul; the office of a parish priest or of a curate; hence, that which is committed to the charge of a parish priest or of a curate; a curacy; as, to resign a cure; to obtain a cure.
                    (n.) Care, heed, or attention.
                    (v. i.) To restore health; to effect a cure.
                    (n.) Act of healing or state of being healed; restoration to health from disease, or to soundness after injury.
                    (n.) Means of the removal of disease or evil; that which heals; a remedy; a restorative.
                    (v. t.) To subdue or remove by remedial means; to remedy; to remove; to heal; -- said of a malady.
                    (v. i.) To become healed.
                    (n.) Medical or hygienic care; remedial treatment of disease; a method of medical treatment; as, to use the water cure.
                    (v. i.) To pay heed; to care; to give attention.
                    (v. t.) To heal; to restore to health, soundness, or sanity; to make well; -- said of a patient.

                    Cool hey.
                    My personal belief is it is not a disease and that one day they'll look back on it like a million other things and say " Wow I cant believe people went through that wtf?" It cant be far off it is 2010. I just hope I don't waste to much more of my time on the subject of been a alcoholic cause I have so much more to give. I had it all, I was never abused and the day I drank my life changed. I'm on my 3rd wk of Bac and the SE have been a bit rough, I work with big machines on the Wharf and have to be very careful. I have allot to thank this site for and all the people on it, it at the very least has given me hope ( No small thing) As an added bonus the main questions I thought about the most the other day were waiting for me answered when I got home and I felt purely blessed. Its amazing how you need to find something out, someone asks the question and 15 different people jump in to answer it with compassion, total understanding and straight out life experience. I miss my life, relationships lost, friends and I'm thinking no more, I want my life back. I'm only 33 and I've done ok, Not all of us post that much but we do read them all and take allot from them. Thank you all.

                    Wish you all the best,Trav.


                      Is Baclofen a cure ?

                      Whow good one Trav never new a cure could have so many meanings ! You make such a valiad point about the support and response you recieve from this site. I hope the bac works for you as 33 is young ( I am 48) and the years ar precious. Another good point is definalty the hope which bac gives us. I would be interested to know why you dont think why it is not a disease ( only if you feel inclined to say as although your view differs from mine I respect it !)

                      Another interesting point about problems causing us to drink. My frined had a very similar if not worse upbringing than me (something which has contributed to my drinking) but she does not have a problem with al, so I am not sure on that one. IMO if you have a predispostion to drink (the illness) then any life problems will add to the problem !if that makes sense. I still have my problems but since taking bac the desire to drink has gone while the problems remain .

                      I do think a lot of us are programmed through various souces to blame ourselves for our condition so any concept of a cure or medical intervention is met with opposition.

                      Roll on the day Trav had prodicted it saddens me to think of other people going through what I have been through !


                        Is Baclofen a cure ?

                        Brave Hearted;916943 wrote: Whow good one Trav never new a cure could have so many meanings ! You make such a valiad point about the support and response you recieve from this site. I hope the bac works for you as 33 is young ( I am 48) and the years ar precious. Another good point is definalty the hope which bac gives us. I would be interested to know why you dont think why it is not a disease ( only if you feel inclined to say as although your view differs from mine I respect it !)

                        Another interesting point about problems causing us to drink. My frined had a very similar if not worse upbringing than me (something which has contributed to my drinking) but she does not have a problem with al, so I am not sure on that one. IMO if you have a predispostion to drink (the illness) then any life problems will add to the problem !if that makes sense. I still have my problems but since taking bac the desire to drink has gone while the problems remain .

                        I do think a lot of us are programmed through various souces to blame ourselves for our condition so any concept of a cure or medical intervention is met with opposition.

                        Roll on the day Trav had prodicted it saddens me to think of other people going through what I have been through !
                        I tend to agree,
                        Why did I drink? It tasted good and I loved the feeling of being drunk! I didnt just drink because of problems, I drank to celebrate a good day at work, I drank because I had a bad day at work, I drank because some one I knew had a good day at work... Not because I wasnt cuddled enough as a child. I drank because I was became addicted. My Father is/was an alcoholic, I dont think that helped my chances...


                          Is Baclofen a cure ?

                          my 2 cents on baclofen as a cure

                          It simply turns down the part of the brain that craves it incessantly. Anyone who is indeed addicted knows what I am talking about.
                          When in a situation that you should not drink, that the drive TO drink is overwhelming based on an overactive reward system of the brain overriding the rational side of the brain saying " dont drink, this is not the right time" but then of course we do.
                          Not b/c we want to b/c we enjoy it, but b/c of some underlying drive.

                          Baclofen can help "turn the volume down" on that drive. It wont however tell our brain we dont enjoy drinking.
                          It can help in the periods of time where we need to rationalize not drinking and not feel like, fuck, I am suffocating over here, give me a triple vodka babe or I am going to start dropping bombs on people.

                          It allows people to choose, as opposed to be overridden.
                          It turns down the "drive system" turns down the volume of noise to allow the intellectual brian to make the decision. I can drink one drink of wine to enjoy as opposed to the brain forcing one to drink 2 bottles or the brain/body thinks it is suffocating without it.

                          A subtle difference, but an important one. One can still CHOOSE to enjoy alcohol, but properly dose one is not HOSTAGE to alcohol and the reward center of the brain, given a properly high enough dosage.

                          It is quite simply a way to correct an overactive desire system of the brain that was used and abused and "turned on".
                          Turn it down with baclofen. You can turn it back on if you down keep on dosage or overdrink it much like people who overeat their gastric bypass.

                          Its not a miracle cure for everyone, its a tool, but a damn good one but if one is adament enough, they can drink through baclofen therapy.
                          But then again, baclofen really wasnt for them in the first place if that is the case.

                          It only turns the brain chemistry/craving down to a manageble extent. If you choose to drink out of habit instead of desire, then that does nothing for someone.

                          A well managed protocol of dosing with therapy is the best. But a motivated person with baclofen can achieve easily the same.

                          A nonmotivated person, who doesnt really want to quit alcohol as it is their "out" wont find baclofen useful.
                          Alcohol is not their main problem, just a comorbid feature of their depression or anxiety or whatever issue they have.
                          Baclofen wont help treat psych issues, it only helps those who are solely a brain reward issue disorder. Others may benefit.
                          But one cant judge the effectiveness of baclofen unless properly screened individusals take it, not available online.
                          Basically, nuts wont benefit from baclofen if substance abuse is caused b/c they are nuts, but nuts caused by alcohol abuse can be helped.
                          And god love us all nuts.
                          But you have to differentiate between what is the brain issue cause. Anxxiety, reward system or another part of the brain or the fact they arent really compliant with proper dosing, self-sabotage etc...
                          Properly medicated with baclofen that are watched in trials show that it is tremendously effective.
                          Patients who skip doses or are in situations where they can easily drink dont do so well.
                          As well as psychiatric patients of a whole other ballgame, bipolar, or schizo----
                          Not going to help
                          for the very select group of sane, motivated alcoholics, typically professional intelligent people who have become addicted to alcohol. Baclofen will fix them.
                          Any other issues,well thats not what baclofen addresses,deal with it. If you have PTSD or a bipolar person who smokes two packs a day and doesnt do an exercise program or have fibromyalgia.
                          Not going to help much.


                            Is Baclofen a cure ?

                            Wow Bill. What would happen if you gave us a $'s worth :H:H:H
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Is Baclofen a cure ?

                              Thank you Bill.p for that infomation wishing you the best.

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

