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Naltrexone and severe dizziness

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    Naltrexone and severe dizziness

    Hi there,
    I am seriously thinking about going back to Naltrexone. I took it for a while years ago and for three weeks in February. It does block the euphoria of alcohol...which is why I stopped taking it the first time. Yes, I know, ridiculous. However, the second time I was much more willing to make it work, and I loved waking up in the morning without hangover because I could only drink half a glass of wine at night exactly because it did not do anything to me...I was so happy I couldn't believe it...and then it happened: all of a sudden I started experiencing severe dizziness, and I mean SCARY SEVERE. Couldn't drive, could barely walk, especially the second part of the day...Now my question is this: has anyone experienced anything like this on Nal? Is it the medication or alcohol withdrawals, after 3 weeks? I also had the dumb habit of not taking it on Sundays just to experience that euphoria I was talking about, so I drank like it just be that my liver could not take the mixture of Nal and too many units of alcohol after three weeks? I really want to go back to the med but the hallucinating effect I experienced while driving was horrible horrible horrible...A couple of times I felt sure I'd provoke an accident, which luckily did not happen but I still don't know how it didn' I stopped.
    however, I am really ready to try again...anything to cut back, ANYTHING...CAN'T GO ON LIKE THIS. I am ashamed of myself now more than ever. I read about the other meds but their side effects sound as scary as the ones I mentioned...I work and go to school and can't really afford insomnia or sleeplessness, and whenever anxiety is a side effect I run the other side. I have taken meds for anxiety for years and I don't need to trigger it further...also because the horrible kind of anxiety I get with hangovers is way more than help. Thanks.