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Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

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    Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

    I was not going to go higher than 250, but thanks to Tip's nudging I took it up to the next level; 262.5 (10.5 25mg pills) Oh my, I just calculated it, and I am actually only at 237.5 - I counted them and am taking 9.5 pills DUH! Dang, I can go even higher. That makes me 3.49 mg/kg, squarely in Dr. A's range.

    Anyways - I successfully passed Day 4 which has been my stumbling block forever. I keep track of my workouts and my drinking in a spreadsheet (I know, strange bedfellows...) and I have not gone past Day 4 in 5 years (that's how far back the ss goes). The longest I have gone is 6 days, and that's since I started drinking at age 18. So this week I have another funeral to go to (hubby's aunt and uncle died the same day, the uncle was getting ready to fly to his sister's funeral and dropped dead) so I will not have the opportunity to drink until SUnday, (and Lord knows I'd rather not drink than just have one - a total tease!!) and I am hoping by then I will have a grip on it as I will be more than a week sober by then. I would usually have had a bottle of wine last night, as I get into the mentality of "this is my last change to get drunk until Sunday" but I thought of how tired it makes me, how much I had to do with packing and all and just said "nah". !!!! This NEVER HAPPENS! I will brave snow, sleet, ice, angry mobs, hordes of locusts, you name it - to get to my beloved alcohol. but this one time, it was just too much hassle to pull over and go into the grocery store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unreal, huh???

    So, the SE's I've had (and I will copy this to the SE thread as well, and the whole lot of it to the Bac progress thread so if you see this more than once don't think old Phoenix has lost it (tho my orbit is a little off-center anyways!!) :H

    The worst:
    Extremely shallow breathing (this scared the shit out of me so badly back in December that I got off Bac entirely, only to cave and give it another go in Feb).

    Visual hallucinations - usually just a couple milliseconds in length - the scariest was seeing someone at my bedside, the least scary having a brief visual clip repeat itself. Not bad unless I have driving! This usually only happened when I was tired.

    Tiredness - I have literally caught myself from falling out of my chair at work. I've taken to napping on my lunch hour - just closing the door to my office and lying on the floor. !!

    Once I took 50mg too much by accident (!!!) and had HORRIBLE spasticity - so bad I looked like I had cerebral palsy. I just cut back on the back and it went away in 24-36 hours.

    The easiest:
    Spasticity - the irony of which is not lost on me. Also, crampy muscles, but this could be because I'm at the gym hitting it hard.

    Slight nausea. Not bad at all.

    Parentheses (you read that right!) I now enjoy parentheses more than before I started the Bac; my love of semi-colons has remained constant throughout.

    I am kickin' it at the gym. My strength has increased more in the last 2 months than it ever has.

    My drinking slowly decreased. I went from 25-35 drinks a week (and sometimes higher) to 13.5, then 12, then 4 and now 0.

    Self confidence is through the roof.

    Energy - since I now have evenings, my house is cleaner and my gardens are weeded. I am making bread and jam regularly and reading a lot more.

    Clear headed - I am usually a morning person anyway, but now I am 100% every morning. It rocks!!

    The alcohol voices have stopped. No more good angel/bad angel on my shoulders. "You deserve it - get a nice bottle of wine" "But you've already gone 3 days, you're on a roll - stick with it" That kind of crap is gone.

    I never had the bad hangovers on Bac of which others spoke. I also was never able to just quit as others seems to have been able to. Road to Recovery encouraged me to, and said the Bac would be more effective if I did, but the cravings were just too intense.

    So now I have the chance to go more than a week without. Next Weds hubby is out of town for several days, and that''s my Biggest Trigger Ever. So, how will I do? I am thinking I will be ok...

    So, have I hit the switch? If not, I am pretty darn close. I never thought I would, I quit Bac once already. I credit all the information I have read here, all the encouragement from my wonderful friends here and from Cowgal from beyond the grave, bless her soul, :upset: and my loving God most of all.

    It will remain to be seen if I can keep up the momentum, but for the first time in 35 years, I actually have hope.

    So, for all those who struggle, look to me. I was about to give up for the second time. I thought the Beast had won. I now think I have a chance on taming the Beast, but I never for a minute will think he is gone. The Beast will always be lurking in the shadows, ready to take a nip (sorry, bad pun!) out of me the second I falter. I can never forget that and get too confident.

    God bless you all.

    -Phoenix (finally rising from the ashes)
    Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
    That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
    Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
    Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart

    Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

    Spread those wings, Phoenix!

    Bloody well done - its worth the hard work, isn't it? I still can't comprehend it rationally at times
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

      well done: :goodjob:

      I know you don't know me, but every one of your words rang true and really touched me - right through to the cowgal reference.

      Well done!!


        Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

        I don't think I can express to you what your journey means to me. Thank you so much for sticking with it, and for continuing to post about it.
        I am rooting for you, as I'm sure everyone is, and can't help but look forward to the next milestone!
        I started the Bac again today, this reinforcement is just what I needed. Thanks again.


          Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

          PhoenixRising;921204 wrote: I will brave snow, sleet, ice, angry mobs, hordes of locusts, you name it - to get to my beloved alcohol. but this one time, it was just too much hassle to pull over and go into the grocery store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unreal, huh???

          Yup that's what it feels like. I've got bottles of wine in my room that have been there since like November. The thought of actually having to go find a corkscrew, pop the top, get a glass and then take the time to drink enough to feel a buzz is just...well, more hassle than it's worth.
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

            Congratulations on your progress! I've been watching you closely as I am right behind you, or in front of you.. Maybe I'm right besides you, actually...
            I'm 2 weeks AF with no aggressive cravings or withdrawal. I've muscled though a fair share of SE's including horrible episodes drinking on it. To the point that I decided to be AF and as much as possible, isolate myself and give Bac a fair go. I did go out to a favorite restaurant and ordered tea while hubby had 2 glasses of vino. I eyed it but was not so obsessed that I had to have it. I remind myself that cravings really only last a minute or two. That is not the rational voice I remember -I think a more convincing/louder voice would insist that if he's drinking, how should I be expected not to? That same voice would accompany me home and not quit until I was incapable of hearing him anymore.
            I will post a more thorough update once I know that I'm truly there.


              Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

              hopefulspirit;921735 wrote: I remind myself that cravings really only last a minute or two.
              Wow, thanks to all who have responded and have listened to my whining about the &^*&^ switch for the past nine months. I can't believe that if it weren't for Tip telling me to go just a little bit higher that I would have quit AGAIN!! And I am so psyched that I miscalculated and was on a lower dose than I thought. Silly Phoenix can't count!! The sleepies were not so bad today - thank goodness cuz we're driving. I may go up another 12.5 to an even 250 to be able to make it through next week. But honestly, the thought of AL didn't even cross my mind today. Like I didn't even think about it once. Ordinarily, I'd have been obsessed. Speaking of obsessed, I may move on from parentheses to hanging participles. :H

              HS - Good for you for recognizing that the cravings abate. I have never been able to get that one through my thick skull!! I'd drive to the store, get the wine, cravings would be gone but then I'd have the bottle there, so may as well drink it, eh? Silly, Silly Phoenix.

              Oh, and by the way - this is the REAL Phoenix... (I named her that when I got her the day after my husband was cremated - "new life from ashes" - seemed appropriate for me now)

              Attached files [img]/converted_files/1315394=5644-attachment.jpg[/img]
              Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
              That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
              Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
              Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

                Congrats I'm so happy for you!!!!
       My Story

                AF - 08/06/2010


                  Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

                  FallonsMom;921945 wrote: Congrats I'm so happy for you!!!!
                  You will get there, too, FM! Hang in there thru till you get up in dosage and you wlil experience it.
                  Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                  That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                  Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                  Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                    Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

                    PhoenixRising;921745 wrote: I may move on from parentheses to hanging participles. :H

                    Thank feck you didn't turn out to be an oxymoron for giving it up a 2nd time :H
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???


                      Really? Really really? I have had a difficult time picturing myself in a situation where I find it more a hardship to bother opening a bottle of wine than the buzz is worth. I'm optimistic to hear everyone's words of experience and support of Phoenix, and Phoenix, thanks for posting all of the detail you did. This is my second attempt. Your words mean so much to me. Thank you.

                      ps. I can't count either, so I'll keep an eye on those calculations and keep rechecking once I start bac which is enroute.


                        Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

                        I am SOOOOOOOO inspired...I am only at 60 and wondering how much longer..I will hang in there just cause of you and Tippers
                        Thanks so much!!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

                          Me? an inspiration? I am flattered but am fighting the urge to roll on the floor laughing. I have the willpower of a gnat. I have fallen off the wagon so many times, and have spent 9 months messing around with the Bac trying to hit the switch and almost gave up AGAIN despite everyone saying stick with it, it will happen. I was just so convinced it just wasn't working for me! I was scared to go this high - the somnomulence (er, sleepiniess, LOL) was truly disabling. But I found Mtn Dew!! This stuff is jet fuel. where has it been all my life?

                          I am staying at 237.5 for now. I am 7 days sober. This has not happened since I started drinking at 18. I feel so blessed and so relieved. It's been truly effortless BUT I am on the road and not in my trigger situation. That happens when I get back. So we shall see. But I have hope now, and I didn't before. THAT is huge. If *I* can do this surely anyone can.

                          Love you all. Thanks for all the sunshine. I am basking!! :h:l
                          Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                          That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                          Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                          Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                            Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

                            Phoenix -
                            So happy for you & hoping this is your switch! You have traveled a rocky road I wish I could follow...your doseage is way up there and you have suffered the SEs...I just can't do it. Will be watching you & others as you continue on your way. PLease keep posting..who knows who may be inspired to grab that towel back up off the rug and start back up the ladder again!

                            My very best to you!


                              Is it possible that Phoenix has hit the switch???

                              houtx, what made you get off the bac?
                              Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                              That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                              Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                              Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart

