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curious about the Topamax

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    curious about the Topamax

    :new:Hey all, my first time here -- was sober for almost three years in the mid 2000's -- thought I was tougher than the bottle. Hooch always wins out. Ready to try out the meds approach to suppliment working out/healthy eating and some self-hypno work. Looking forward to being sober again -- thank God I still remember how it felt. Any advice or reccomendations would be appreciated.

    curious about the Topamax

    Welcome Jogo - you have come to the right place. I took Topamax and have been AF for 7 months now. You would probably be best to download the book that is available in the health store here, and also read lots of stuff on this site. The book explains how Topa helped Roberta Jewel and it is what I went with. I had no problems with it and think it is wonderful! Others have had side effects but I had no problems. Topa for me stopped that desire to drink, so it was much easier to stop. Feel free to PM if you have any questions. There are lots of different ways to stop - read, post and ask questions. Again, welcome to the site - it is a wonderful place!!

    hugs, sunshinedaisies x
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      curious about the Topamax

      thanks sunshine -- first stop is to download the book.


        curious about the Topamax

        I took my first dose of Topa about 3 hrs ago and so far so good! That first glass of wine didn't set well - I switched to plain tonic water. I drank a little too much last night and that glass of wine just tasted blah. Having another one doesn't appeal to me, but having more tonic does. I don;t feel like eating anything either. I like it!

        I hadn't seen my Dr since January and told him, "NAL didn't work for me". His reply: "It usually doesn't" !! That killed me on many levels. Although maybe not so true for the many people who swear by TSM??...I'm just saying.

        Still I am pretty stoked to be starting Topa - plan to follow the book's recommendation for the vitamins, etc. And my Dr also recommended a program called "Smart Recovery" that is a support group NOT based on AA principles. I'm going to look into it. I really need to be aggressive in treating my addiction and not just rely on faith that taking a pill will cure me. I printed out a copy of the Lancet article of the Topa trials in 2003 & another one in 2007. He already known about using it off-label for alcohol addiction, so it was a breeze getting it.

        Keep your fingers crossed!


          curious about the Topamax

          Great Houtx - please let me know how you get on won't you, or if you have any questions too.

          hugs, sunshinedaisies x
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            curious about the Topamax

            GDAY houtx, great news about your doc prescribing the topo. I am on day 14 of it and taking 100mg per day. The only side effects so far are slight tingling in hands (not at all uncomfortable). I havent had a drink in 24 days and feel no cravings. It seems to moderate my appetite as well which is a blessing as I have always eaten like there was no tomorrow, so I am hoping to lose some weight as well. I do find the odd word recall problem, but I did that already, I think as a result of slight cognitive damage from binge drinking, so thats also no big deal....much better than drinking 4L of cheap cask wine per day...which was my normal behaviour aaaarrrrgggghhhhh. I RECEIVED THE mwo book today and have ready that you can titrate up to 300mg, so there is lots of room for me to move is I start to have cravings. Onwards and upward my friends.
            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


              curious about the Topamax

              Saph remember the supps along with the topa. When used together you may not need as much of the med. It was the case for me!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                curious about the Topamax

                THANKS FOR THAT TECH, I AM READING UP TODAY, WILL probably have to get some of the supps locally in the meantime though as it cost me $33.00 TO SHIP THE BOOK TO AUSTRALIA SHOCK HORRROR!!!!!! cANT GET THE KUDZU HERE THOUGH....bugger
                I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                  curious about the Topamax

                  TECHSTER, how much topo did you take
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    curious about the Topamax

                    sapphire1;933226 wrote: THANKS FOR THAT TECH, I AM READING UP TODAY, WILL probably have to get some of the supps locally in the meantime though as it cost me $33.00 TO SHIP THE BOOK TO AUSTRALIA SHOCK HORRROR!!!!!! cANT GET THE KUDZU HERE THOUGH....bugger
                    Mostly the hi-potency B-vits and the l-glut are key for me. Keep me at lower doses of topa. Everyone is different so see what works!
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      curious about the Topamax

                      P.S.S.S. cant remember if I congratulated you TECHULATOR for your awesome 90 days in other threads....if I didnt........Well done you legend........well done!!!!!!!!
                      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                        curious about the Topamax

                        sapphire1;933233 wrote: P.S.S.S. cant remember if I congratulated you TECHULATOR for your awesome 90 days in other threads....if I didnt........Well done you legend........well done!!!!!!!!
                        Thank you Saph you're a pal...john xx
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          curious about the Topamax

                          HAHAHAHAHA short term memory is officially on long service leave TECH my friend!!!! To satisfy my curiousity I just checked your congrats thread and sure enough, yours truly was up there with the rest of them just a few short hours ago!!! LOL Oh well there is no law against wishing you well twice in once day now is there......
                          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                            curious about the Topamax

                            Hey folks - I am soooo tired so wanted to say i am still feelin good about Topa. Went out w/ friends & talked about my use of it. I think it will be ok. Hope so on many levels - :-))


                              curious about the Topamax

                              I wanted to again say how glad I am to hear other's experiences w/ Topa. I'm using supplements as well but not exactly as outlined in the book. I'm also using the dosing schedule as per the book but my Dr does not think I'll need to go up that high. I was with friends last night and knew I'd be drinking but I did so very slowly and in control.

                              I am "talking to myself" all day about this and saying little prayers (I'm not very religious) PUH LEEZ let this work for me. I am so tired of the havoc wine is wrecking in my life. I am so wanting to be free of this monkey on my back - and do so with some medicinal help so it's easy! HAHA - I am really feeling positive about it after just taking it Wednesday the first time, so here we go!

                              Oh - Wednesday night after only 1 glass of wine and early to bed, I tossed & turned all night, waking up every hour...that was a drag. Hope sleeping without being sauced will be better than that was!

