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Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

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    Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

    When is someone going to stand up and say 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this any more!" to these doctors. You can sue your hairdresser for getting the cut wrong! These people are supposed to be intelligent, educated and, most of all, concerned for their patients.

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


      Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

      I, too, have found recovering alcoholics to be among the most closed minded on these matters. If this is the only one you can go to be the sqeakiest wheel you can be. Get a weekly appointment and nag the guy into letting you at least try this drug. Let him know he may just be able to help you and others. Give him a "reader's digest" version of the Ameisen book to read and ask him what his objections are. Engage him but don't argue or alienate him.
      . Also don't underestimate the potential good that a mear 100 mg can do for you when combined with a commitment to healthy living and abstinence. I felt an effect even at just 30 mg per day and never needed more thatn 110 mg/day. I am now down to 30/day. Everyone is different and it probably has also to do with age size, sex, level of al use etc.
      good luck


        Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

        Lo0p I know you've got the age/weight/al abuse ratio under your belt. And the willpower/abstinence/al free time too.
        While I find it really frustrating, extremely frustrating, I understand why doctors don't step outside the box. Otter, we might be mad as hell, but in this country we might have a case against our doctors if the coffee's too hot in the waiting room, we have palsy, poured and burned ourselves. Just saying. The answer is not in accusations/litigation. At least not here. At the moment.
        Negotiation, maybe? It's better than submission, more fruitful than aggression. But where to start?
        Lo0p, good luck.


          Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

          Dr. Fred Levin is a saint!!!

          That is all I feel that I can really say, other than to reiterate that if anyone feels they need to I (and he) urge you to contact him.
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

            I agree. He saved my life.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

              and I was just going to ask my doc....

              Darn.....I have an appointment tomorrow for my annual and was going to ask my doc to prescribe Bac. I was going to bring in my own report, with reference to Dr. Amiesen's book, and the success of people here. Now, I am reconsidering, and perhaps I will just call Dr. Levin. I kind of think my doc will be just the type to want me to try AA instead. The one time I mentioned it to her two years ago, she just kind of nodded her head and ignored it. I'm not brave enough to press on when someone does that in a conversation, even if it's all about me in the first place!

              I have had moderate success at 50mg of Bac, bought overseas. I am in the US. I was drinking 1 to 2 bottles of wine 5 -6 days a week, now I am .25 to 1.25 bottles, 4-5 days. I consider that a real change. I have actually passed up wine, or poured it back in the bottle because I didn't feel like anymore. Okay, that's pretty abnormal for me. If I was really "cured" I supposed I would have poured it in the sink....

              I have been following this forum pretty closely, though I don't post much. I REALLY appreciate the time you all spend to share your stories. It has made a huge difference to me.

              I'm just a slow, slow person - I've been on bac for probably 8 months, that's how long it has taken me to be consistent, and the titration to avoid the side effects. But it DOES WORK! It didn't kick in at all until over 40, then I noticed the change, about 3 weeks ago.

              Again, thank you to all of you, and I'll let you know if I get up the nerve to ask my doc tomorrow morning.


                Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!


                I had to prove to my doc that topa could be used as an addiction cure. It is only by standing your ground that the FDA will change their rules and regulations about a drug and what it is used for. Once I got 4-5 references of clinical trials, my doc was happy to help. If you can't open the link, copy and paste it into your web brouser. It should open with an abstract that links to the use of baclofen for Al abuse in clinical trials. It should also link you to other research studies

                Efficacy and Safety of Baclofen for Alcohol Depend... [Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2010] - PubMed result

                Hope that helps


                  Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

                  Thanks everyone! :thanks:

                  360 20mg pills for 30 days. Patient cost = $0

                  I'm legal!!!
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                  A Forum
                  Trolls need not apply


                    Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

                    I to know this Loop, I've been to countless Gps over the years with the same response. Normally I'm referred to a shrink. The last time I took my then partner who I explained my past experiences to but still held high hopes. The doctor started talking to my partner as if I wasn't even there asking her questions like are you living together alluding to the fact that she should get out of there. I went and seen the shrink in the city at $250 for half an hour and tried all the old meds. The shrink said to my girl that this was a life long battle and I had no control over this aspect in my life ( should have seen my GF face) 2 months later we broke up 2 days after the brake up I wrote my car off, It took me 6 months to recovery financially, mentally and to restore friendships and work. If I see a GP crossing the street I will find it hard to find my brake pedal lol


                      Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!



                      Very awesome.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Please somebody poke me in the eye with a red hot firepoker!!

                        Congrats Lo0p.

