I can't take bac. I'm embittered because I want to... I had SEs at low doses, for much longer than the half-life. So what am I doing/experiencing wrong? Going along fine and then BAM! a world of hurt.
So. I want a doc. I've reached out in a couple of different ways to find one, it hasn't worked and I've decided to just go through the phone book. I don't want to spend a fortune on an 'intake' not covered by insurance. I would like to interview them so we don't waste each other's time and my money. I figure if they're not open to a paid phone/in person 15 minute discussion it'll be easy to cross them off. If they are, what to ask???
I'd like to start with, "are you an a$$?" But that seems contra-indicated. Especially since that might just mean we could work together.
So here's the scenario in my head:
Hi, my name is and I'm an alcoholic.
introduction:my brief history, then the qualifications of the doc.
Do you treat alcoholics?
And then I'm at a loss.
Me: I've recently read a book by Dr. A. Have you heard of Baclofen for treating alcoholism? Ever treated anyone with alcoholism? Successfully?
Or, less pointedly: I've done some research into the disease.
Silence, wait for it...
I have it on good authority that I don't want to approach this as though I'm interviewing, much less interrogating. So what are the questions you would ask a health care professional in terms of alcoholism? Out of curiousity or with the naked ambition of finding someone who could help you?
Other than, "are you an expletive-of-your-choice?"