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Bac and Surgery

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    Bac and Surgery

    Hi all, I've got a bit of a weird one. I'm booked in for day surgery in about 2 weeks but unfortunately it co insides with my high dosage point of Bac. I haven't drank for a week and at this point I really don't feel like one. It has taking me a huge effort to get to this point with nothing short of horrible side SE. My concerns are as follows and I know your not doctors but your experienced feedback would be much appreciated and I have informed the Doctor.
    - Will I safely be able to continue my dose in and around the surgery?
    - Does back conflict with the pain medication as it will be needed?
    - Should I lower the does to try and avoid SE?
    - I need to fly in and out for this surgery and was wondering if this is any concern?
    - How long can I stop Bac before I get repercussions?
    - Can anyone see any other complications that I have over looked that may be cause for concern?
    Thanks in advance and I hope everyone is well, Trav.

    Bac and Surgery

    We've answered pretty much as much as we can in your other thread on the same subject. Now all there is left for you to do is tell your doctor. You need to tell them and make sure that they are on board with prescribing you baclofen before you get there. Either that or titrate off of it.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Bac and Surgery

      Congrats on your AF week. Being AF will definitely help you with surgery and recovery.

      There are many factors which may affect your options. First of all talk to your surgeon and anesthesiologist about how long it will be before you can swallow pills. If you will be without swallowing for more than a day you may need to delay the surgery so you can taper down on the bac (depending on your dose now and how long you have been on it). Some vulnerable individuals have been known to have seizures if they taper or stop too abruptly. As far as I know there are only 2 types of bac. That is oral (pills) and intra thecal (into the spinal column).
      Other pain meds should be OK. Dose individualization is always best anyway.
      If you are use to a given dose flying should not be an issue any more than the pain control meds.
      You mentioned it was "day" surgery. Does that mean "come and go or same day discharge. If so it will likely be fine. It may also be possible for you to delay the surgery if it is elective until you have had more abstinence and experience with this dose.
      Good luck. Hope all goes well for you on this.


        Bac and Surgery


        Sorry about putting 2 threads up. I posted 1 and it never came up so I posted a second and the both came up. I contacted Admin last Sunday but no one got back to me. I go in for surgery in nine days, I'm at 300mg per day and my doctor has quote "You have to stop Baclofen medication from now until surgery, in light of possible appointment on 22 Aug" Bac still makes me feel horrible, I still drink and now this. Dont tell me to see the Doctor because I have. I've had a gut full. 300 mg of a muscle relaxant per day nausea, vomiting, a constant pressure in my head, nightmares, Dropping things, forgetfulness, falling asleep at work and in general making a fool of myself. I've been on it for over 2 months, I've gone up slowly and now this.


          Bac and Surgery

          It would be dangerous to totally stop the baclofen suddenly. That doctor is not familiar with the risks. He is likely a surgeon and not well versed in the pharmacology. Good luck and talk with the anesthesiologist if you can. Remind the doctors that abrupt cessation has been associated with seizures.
          Good Luck


            Bac and Surgery


            I hate to ask this but how important is the surgery?

            You might want to delay it until you are sober and titrating down. Just a thought. You can delay it if it is not life threatening or serious.

            Not a doctor here at all. Just a concerned friend.

            I want you to be successful. I can't wait to hear you hit your switch and are AF.

            That will be awesome.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Bac and Surgery

              As one who had surgery at 90mg either go off it or make sure your Anesthesiologist is very aware. I personally would go off of it.

