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    Hi all,
    it's me again. I've been reading posts on meds and moderation for over two weeks now, but I am even more confused if possible...One minute I think I will definitely go for Topa and the next I think, oh no, definitely minute I am desperate and would do anything to at least control my drinking, but the next I am so freaking scared of certain SE that I rethink it right away...Tiredness and sleepiness scare me the most: in two weeks my schedule will get so busy again that I just won't be able to afford it...and - behold- even if Bac worked for example, I'd have to give it up if it made me sleepy because, believe it or not, workouts aside my day BEGINS at 4 pm, whether it be work or school...sooooooo confused...Topa, Bac, abstinence - uhmmmmm - or moderation - better... - ......Don't know what to do. I must confess that the appetite loss SE of Topa plays a great role when it comes to choice....I usually eat very well when not drunk....and very badly when positively drunk, which of course it's often...hate knowing that I am not in good shape anymore JUST because of alcohol... thanks guys.



    Just choose a path and go down that path. If it doesn't work, find a fork and choose a different path.

    I can't give you any better advice than that.

    I do know the path I was going down for many years was horrific.

    And, please understand, Bac/Topa/Naltrexone, while they are great helps, nothing is a miracle as of yet.

    Choose your path.

    If it doesn't work, find a different one.

    No matter what, we will all be here to provide support in whatever way we can.

    And, as a dear friend of mine here once said, "never give up giving up." He was right. It took me much longer than many here. I almost gave up hope.

    Today I am sober. I still have much work to do and much soul searching to do but at least I can do it now.

    AF April 9, 2016



      thank you...
      I GREATLY appreciate any little word of advice.
      Thank you so much...I'll keep on trying to find my path...and the day I do, I will scream it to the heavens.




        Ignore this "balls" guy/gal. They have been on here before in a different name.

        This is a site for drunks and apparently this drunk hasn't found his/her way out at all.

        Please ignore.

        Hopefully the site admin will remove the posts and this post will look really silly.

        Keep trying, Heart. You can do it if you really want to. It may take time but never, ever, give up giving up.

        AF April 9, 2016



          I started with Topa and switched to Bac. It's a matter of finding the side effects that you can tolerate the most. Then there is also the SInclair Method, some folks swear by it.
          Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
          That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
          Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
          Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart



            It really is, I think, about the process. And making the decision. Have you checked out the toolbox?
            I can't wait for some relief, but in the meantime am going to AA and trying to get myself as healthy as possible-supplements, diet, exercise. I'm hoping something is going to click--don't even care at this point if it's a burning bush and I'm bound for the nunnery. (Tho husband would be alarmed.) I just want alcohol out of my life. Once I've got hormones/glucose (or whatever the hell is going on in poor body) I'm going to do TSM and bac. Good luck.



              That sounds like a great attitude and plan, nevaeva. I guess I finally got to that point after trying one or two at a time, and then failing miserably. The other big mistake I made was flagellating myself because I was weak.

              We need to use all the tools we can get our hands on. And if others manage with just one tool (be it AA, medication, nutrition, or sheer willpower), good for them. But for most people it takes a lot more than 12 steps or a pill or 26 supplements, or willpower alone.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                Report abusive posts -- quick and easy

                I don't know if everyone knows this already, but to report a post and/or poster as abusive, all you have to do is click on the red triangle in the upper right corner of the post.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                  Heart&Soul -
                  It is a confusing situation. I started w/ TSM over a year ago, that didn't work, tried BAC on my own hated the SEs & stopped, now as of today am on Topa...

                  I hadn't seen my Dr since last January when he refilled my Rx for NAL that lasted into April when I started on BAC - which I didn't mention to him & don't plan to. When I said "NAL didn't work for me" he replied. "It usually doesn't" !!! That kinda killed me - but it obviously is successful for many people. Did you try that route?

                  I'm hoping the SEs w/ Topa will be minimal, if any. Many of the people I've talked to have been very reassuring...and I'm psyched about the weight loss aspect too after having gained on BAC! I'd like to start a Topa thread now to keep track of those of us who are using it & our progress, etc...

                  Maybe I will see you there. Good luck!

