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B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

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    B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

    A wise person told me to dissect the various bits out.
    I agree.
    Tell me how Baclofen has worked for you.

    B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

    Yes, Baclofen has worked for me wonderfully so far (3+ months).

    In the past eight years, I've been through three rehabs, 12-stepped, tried Rational Recovery, and went to counseling. I wasn't serious about getting clean/sober for my first stint through rehab, but by the 2nd one, yes, absolutely. I really gave it a good go, but could not remain sober longer than a few weeks, at most. And those few weeks absolutely sucked.

    What Baclofen does for me is this: Makes it effortless to "pass" on drinking situations, even with the strongest of cues. My flatmate still drinks every Friday, Saturday & Sunday night right next to me on the couch. The first time I was totally indifferent to it absolutely amazed me... I could not believe it. His drinking did not phase me and I was ecstatic. In the past, it would have been impossible for me not to drink in the same environment. Now, after many weekends like this, his drinking is beginning to repulse me!

    What Baclofen does NOT do for me is this: Totally remove the thought from my head, nor stop me from taking a drink. It is NOT a cure in the sense that it will prevent you from drinking. I want to be AF, so having the desire to remain sober must still be present, in my opinion, for Baclofen to work.

    I did drink a couple of times since being on Baclofen. Why? Well, I could name a ton of reasons. Desire, celebration, habit, but those times it did not consume my thoughts, nor was it a required activity, as it has been in the past. My goal now that I've "tested" alcohol and Baclofen together is to remain AF from here on out. My life is so much happier, joyful, and purposeful being AF with Baclofen, that I have no desire to re-test moderation or anything else.



      B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

      The big question is....has Baclofen worked for you Dr. Phil? Are you completely sober?

      Everything I need is within me!


        B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

        yes, it worked, honestly.


          B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

          We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


            B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

            brightlite;933466 wrote: The big question is....has Baclofen worked for you Dr. Phil? Are you completely sober?
            Before Baclofen, I had half a bottle of vodka for breakfast. I would drink a whole bottle of wine whilst I made a meal. The another whilst I ate my meal. And then more during the evening.

            I had no control.

            With Baclofen, I am not alcohol free. But it's different. I am chronically anxious and self-deprecating. But I now have a massive degree of control. Essentially, I drink like 'normal' people do.



              B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

              Not Network!

              Everything I need is within me!


                B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

                brightlite;933866 wrote: Not Network!
                Dear God.
                I'm doing my very best for everyone here.


                  B4a - Baclofen - Has Baclofen worked for you? Honestly

                  We've worked real hard to keep these all in the same place for newbies to fine easily:

                  Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                  That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                  Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                  Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart

