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B4a - Baclofen - How did you titrate up?

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    B4a - Baclofen - How did you titrate up?

    This is so important.
    Tell us how you made it work for you.
    Tell us if it didn't

    B4a - Baclofen - How did you titrate up?

    after 40 years of failure on multiple attempts to quit I continued to choose abstinence as my goal.
    Withdrew from binge on my own. Started bac 5 days later already abstinent.
    Started at 10 mg 3 times/day.
    in 3 days took 20 mg 3 times/day.
    slowly up to 80-90 in divided doses.
    Now down to 3-40-/day in divided doses
    Still working.

    Worked perfectly from the start. Abstinent times 7 months


      B4a - Baclofen - How did you titrate up?

      Sunnyvalenting;932986 wrote: after 40 years of failure on multiple attempts to quit I continued to choose abstinence as my goal.
      Withdrew from binge on my own. Started bac 5 days later already abstinent.
      Started at 10 mg 3 times/day.
      in 3 days took 20 mg 3 times/day.
      slowly up to 80-90 in divided doses.
      Now down to 3-40-/day in divided doses
      Still working.

      Worked perfectly from the start. Abstinent times 7 months
      That's fantastic.
      Thank you for telling us.


        B4a - Baclofen - How did you titrate up?

        150 mgs first day. I think I took 10, 10 , 20, 20, 30, 30 and then 40 separated by an hour and a half each. 250 the second day and 250 the third day. I believe the third day I drank 2.5 units, down from anywhere between 10 and 20. It was the first time I fell asleep sober in as long as I could remember.

        I ran out of baclofen very quickly because I didn't order enough and All Day shorted me half of my order. A month later, on about 300 mgs I had my first AF day when I finally got a big enough shipment.

        I had some side effects. I felt uncomfortably high, I had "electrical" twitches in my arms and hands, incredible somnolence and a few other sides that other people have mentioned.

        At the time I was highly suicidal and it was either baclofen was going to deliver a miracle or I was dead.

        I tried to send you a PM but my box just filled up. I'm busy as hell but if you can shoot me an email within the next 12 or so hours I'll try to get back to you before I leave. I'm leaving to go camping for quite a few days tomorrow -Evan
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          B4a - Baclofen - How did you titrate up?

          Hi Evan
          I will do my very best.
          Glad to have you back
          Would you like proper vocal chat?


            B4a - Baclofen - How did you titrate up?

            Hi Phill, I found your website earlier this year and It's great to hear from you again, because maybe it's me, but I can't seem to find entries for your b4a diary after the end of April 2010. What's happened since then? And maybe you can synopsize your relevant baclofen experience, like titration, successes, dosage/brand etc. (I know that you have extensive information concerning side effects on the b4a site). As for me, I've had some interesting ups and downs in the 4 months I've been taking baclofen. I'm up to 215mg/day -70@8am, 75@4pm, 70@ 11:30pm. Early on, I had some severe side effects titrating up too quickly (and then down too quickly). I now go up 10mg/day every 5-7 days. Slower titration and switching from a 8am/12:30pm/5:30pm loaded dosing to an 8 hour, even dosing has largely eliminated many side effects and has made the ones I still have more manageable. No switch yet, but largely AF - maybe 8 beers in the last month, but craving more. -tk
            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

