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Previous post re women and bac

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    Previous post re women and bac

    I understand there was a thread about women taking bac but I can't find it. I've searched women/men/baclofen and many of the variations.
    I can't take it, at the moment. I want to.
    I'm hesitant to write about my own reactions, without making sure it's not something unrelated. Still, what I experienced has been written about here and wonder if there is a difference between men and women?
    other things aside (height/weight/drinking career and consumption.) I'm not dismissing all of that. I know there are some women on here now, and in the past who aren't posting, who have reached the switch. But I'd like more info if it's to be had.

    Previous post re women and bac

    I'm female, on baclofen, and reached the switch in December 2009. On reading the various threads here I haven't found anything to distinguish my experience of baclofen from a male's. I think you are right about there being a thread on women and baclofen here at sometime but I'm sorry I can't shed any light on where it's gone. If I can answer any questions for you, Neva Eva, (though watch out, I'm a bit of a klutz) I'll happily do so.


      Previous post re women and bac

      It makes me completely unable (drive, walk) to function at 50mg but I'm starting again at 10mg to titrate slowly but I'm afraid it will take so long.... I stopped topa which worked due to balding, I'm female, not acceptable.


        Previous post re women and bac

        Yes, Fletch, it took me from July to December (if that's what you mean by a long time) to titrate up to 225, plus the usual side effects, and even now (the following August) I'm at 125. But not so much as a twinge of desire for alcohol and in balance alcohol also played a lot more havoc with my driving, walking and talking. I think everyone, irrespective of gender, should take baclofen nice and slowly. I also noticed a 'lurch' of side effects every time I switched from one type of baclofen to another. But I guess none of those experiences are specific to being female?


          Previous post re women and bac

          Blood sugar levels

          There is a theory that a hypoglycaemic condition resulting from alcoholism causes alcoholics to return to drink. This is why L-Glutamine is widely recommended to treat cravings. It replaces sugar as a "brain food". The Seven Weeks to Sobriety detox program focuses on hypoglycaemia in treating relapse and the Radiant Recovery program claims a 92% success rate in dealing with alcoholism through treatment of hypoglycaemia through a high protein diet.

          In relation to women, I understand that there is a blood sugar level decline during menstruation which triggers hormonal shifts. I think this may (probably) affects women in relation to their cravings and when they drink. I am not sure Baclofen can deal with this issue. I hope it does.

          My reading of "sugar sensitivity" is that someone who has it craves it as much as a herion addict craves heroin. If that is the case then perhaps high dose baclofen works on that. There are reports of it being used to treat compulsive eating disorders, I think. Apparently sugar works on the same brain receptors as opiates.

          Does anyone have any ideas??

          Olivier Ameisen

          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


            Previous post re women and bac

            My experience is that sugar craving plays a large part in my alcohol use, as well as my diet and mood.
            And my monthly cycle exacerbates those issues.
            My first panic attack ever was while taking 50mg of baclofen while menstruating. (sorry if that's TMI, but it's what I've been alluding to, and frankly I want to take bac again so want to get it all out there. and it's 2010.) After taking bac at lower dosages for almost a month.
            My second was a month later after taking bac for two days at 10mg/day. Again menstruating.
            I've had 3 since which are explicitly not related to baclofen. They suck.
            Phill noted the connection in one of the many very helpful emails we swapped. So I started to wonder if the women that have had success were perhaps post-menopausal or in some other way not menstruating.
            I have had several blood tests, including one in the ER yesterday after another flipping panic attack. I am healthy. no glucose issues/anemia or any other flags. My last physical was in April. Glucose a little low, but in normal range, and I'd been fasting. Hormones normal, thyroid normal. And while I wouldn't call myself normal, I've seen a lot of shrinks and never been diagnosed with anything other than ADD and depression. (Both bull shit, I think. I just drink too much. That's something to get depressed by/about and g-d knows affects my attention span. except when it comes to drinking!)
            I had an MRI today to rule out other things. I don't even want to know what. (Fingers crossed.)
            I often hesitate to post, esp on meds board since I'm not taking any and not abstaining from AL. But I'm looking forward to doing both, especially once I figure out what the hell else is going on in my pickled noggin. And I'll say again, I appreciate beyond measure those that have gone before and continue the community today. the good, bad and ugly.
            I am all of those things.
            Good luck, otter. Lol at the post on the other thread.


              Previous post re women and bac

              neva eva;933126 wrote: I understand there was a thread about women taking bac but I can't find it. I've searched women/men/baclofen and many of the variations.
              I can't take it, at the moment. I want to.
              I'm hesitant to write about my own reactions, without making sure it's not something unrelated. Still, what I experienced has been written about here and wonder if there is a difference between men and women?
              other things aside (height/weight/drinking career and consumption.) I'm not dismissing all of that. I know there are some women on here now, and in the past who aren't posting, who have reached the switch. But I'd like more info if it's to be had.
              I know I started a thread on that subject, although you may not be referring to that particular thread.

              I titled it something like "Sex and Baclofen", mostly to get attention. I cannot find it now on a search, which I assume is because of the word "sex" in the thread title.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Previous post re women and bac

                I hit the switch at 3.6 and I am post-menopausal. I took me 5 months to get to 245.
                The SE's weren't as bad as the 1st time I tried Bac and titrated up too quickly. This time, it's mainly been EXTREME sleepiness. As in almost fell out of my chair because I nodded off at work. I feel stoned most of the time. Some visual hallucinations, but very fleeting and sparse and not at all scary.
                Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                  Previous post re women and bac

                  Thanks, guys. Um, ladies.
                  Will continue the search for elusive thread.

