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Need some advise...

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    Need some advise...

    Hi everybody,

    I have a quick question?
    I've been taking Topomax for 25 days now( works great for cravings,AF the whole time), but does nothing for my anxiety levels!
    I have had anxiety since I was in 3rd grade, and I just turned 40.( I guess thats why I liked drinking so much, worked wonders on my nerves!)
    So here is my question- I will be seeing the Doc this coming week. Has anyone taken Topamax & Baclofen? What were the results?
    I am on 75mg of Topamax a day & that seems to be just fine.
    Any advise would be great!:thanks:

    Need some advise...

    Hi there Have Faith - I have taken Topa but not Bac. Why are you thinking of taking those two together? If you are taking the Bac for the anxiety, I am not sure how it would work with the Topa. Maybe try posting again asking with them both in the title? So few people now take Topa I am not sure that anyone here can help but you can try. Otherwise, check with your Doc. Good luck. Great that the Topa is working for you too.

    Sunshinedaisies xx
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Need some advise...

      Hi HF -
      I have no clue what to tell you about your anxiety. Have just started Topa and really wishing we could jump start a thread again w/ those of us on it...Don't know about the combination of BAC & Topa either, but it sounds kinda you feeling & doing??

      I myself am doing great 4 days in...just mentally square and ready to feel the feelings. I have not felt like drinking mucH. My appetities on all leveles are off and that's good. However, tonight, I seem to be drinking at the same levels I ever did and no little angel on my shoulder to tell me to slow down or stop!!

      BUT - The good thing is I am not depressed, had a productive day, cooked, spent time w/ my kids, other stuff going on, IMing a new guy...just so happens I also am sipping the vino a bit more quickly than I should. But I am noticing. It is 9:30 & I am about done.

      I am REALLY wanting Topa to work for me...I read on here a post from Going4MORe that just about brought me to my knees...she's been on TSM 16 months!! and gotten down to 3-4 glasses of much to digest there. She dropped off the site when so many of us were there and's unbelievable. I am passing her message on to others I am still in touch with. Just goes to show - the wonders of the world!!

      Hang in there, folks -que sera sera! XO

