I have finally decided to post a "Cindi" thread. It is not in my nature to do this kind of thing. I am basically a stay out of any limelight kind of person. However, I believe posting this and sticking with it will help me stay the course I am determined to be on.
I have gone back down to 80 mg/day in the last few days because I have had to do some weird schedules with work. To my horror, the other night I fell asleep at 10:30 pm while helping the client during a 6-midnight shift. I was at home and working on the computer and woke up about 1:30 a.m. :wow:
I haven't been able to take my Seroquel at night either for the same reason.
Hopefully things will settle down again soon.

I have a new phone with a Pill Reminder alarm and I have set it for 8-12-5 and I am taking 20 mgs at a time. In two days (8/17 - Tuesday) I will increase the noon dosage by 10 mgs. I read someone's thread (Wort's) and they discussed a long, slow titration. So that is what I am going to do.
I am AF atm but know any day I might pick up a drink. I am no longer going to play that game. I want to hit that switch. If it takes a year, I want to hit that switch.
I am thinking soon I will be unemployed (I keep thinking that but now it is becoming a reality.) I am looking forward to it so I can spend more time getting well and less time stressing about it.
I'll keep you posted as best I can, post my reactions, SEs, etc.
Thanks for being here, my friends.