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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi Lady - I have no idea about the cut off for the L-Glut - I didn't know about taking them on an empty tummy either. I am taking it in powdered form - I take it in my mucky drink which I am having right now - and take 2 tsps 3 times a day - which is 10 Grams 3 times a day - a LOT - but so far I haven't had any problems - I had a slight headache after the first time (I never get headaches usually). I then take it in a drop of water in the afternoon and then again in the early evening. Yesterday I didn't have any cravings - or so it seemed but seeing as I had had that drink early afternoon, I am wondering if that is why I didn't have any cravings. today we shall see - although because I work until 10.30.- tonight I don't usually even think about AL until I get home! I will take some around 9.00 this evening.......

    I have never taken the Gaba - you mean the supplement not the Gabapentin RX - right? Nor the 5HTP so can't comment on those. Hang in there though - I think you will have to really white knuckle it at times. I mentioned the allen Carr book - have you ever read it? A lot of folk don't like it but I did and it works for me as a motivator!

    Hugs to you, Sun X
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi Bruun !!!!!! :l
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi Sun! If you're getting headaches, be aware L-glut can cause toxcity in the brain, maybe you're taking too much. See the Holistic section under benefits of glutamine for the discussion.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi Sunny and Bruun. I was under the impression that all the amino acids were to be taken on an empty stomach but I could be wrong. And the L-Glut can be taken in large doses if you are very active and can burn it off by working the muscles A LOT, otherwise you have to be a little careful. I think around 5,000 would be tops - this is controversial tho.

          I took my second dose of .50 mg of topa this aft and felt ok. It did not make me quite as spacy as yesterday and did not suppress my appetite as much either. Although I'm not eating as much as I usually do. Today was a very crabby day - I've got to change some of my routines as I'm starting to resent having to do everything the way DH wants to do things. Eat when he wants to eat. Watch a movie every damn night when that means I have to clean up the kitchen late. Oh, man I'm irritable I'd better get to bed!!!!! (sorry for the thread-jack!!!)
          Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
          (quote from Bean )

          Goal: Survival


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Sun, Lady and Bruun, wish I had something to add here, it's just been so hectic I have really had no time to think, the son left a few days ago, the ex also, the other kids leave for Spain tomorrow, I will go with them to the airport and it will feel very lonely on the way home, won't even be with my other daughter either even though we live in the same area. So, I'm ready for the stress level to go down but will miss them all terribly, back to work, and maybe some time now to think about supplements and how I am actually doing etc., etc., I had TWO glasses of wine this evening, OMG, hope I am not going backward, had one glass at dinner with the family and then my daughters apartment was overflowing and I am staying in a hotel and just sat at the bar before coming to my room and had a glass of wine and chatted with some people and it was pretty nice and relaxing, has me worried but kind of seems normal in a way, I guess tomorrow I will see if I want to do it again.

            Lady, the Topa made me feel very spacey for about 3 days and then nothing more, I am at 25mg AM and PM. I am trying to stay at this level if possible. My appetite has been way down but lately I have felt a little more hungry, I have lost about 7 pounds in 3 weeks, that's not alot but it's something, I needed to lose twenty pounds that I gained from taking neurontin.

            Sun it's wednesday, did you start AF today? How are you? Hi Bruun, nice to see you. Lady, hope you are doing well on the Topa. I'm getting sleepy, talk to everyone tomorrow.

            hugs, play


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Really quick post - as I am getting ready for work, but will come back later and reply to you all - BUT


              This is such a HUGE achievement for me - it is the first AF day for me since July 2010 - I ALWAYS drink - even if it is just one - I am so pleased now I have broken that day 1. AND I even slept last night too. I will be back later to reply to your posts - need to get ready for work,

              hugs and love, Sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Quick post here too, Way to Go Sun, I'm really happy for you on your Day 1, I'm going to do one of my own today to celebrate yours. Will post more tonight.

                love play


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi everyone - will try to post but have some problems with one of my daughters best friends right now - she is missing - presumed suicidal - police are out looking - she is 25, daughter is really upset - obviously. Prayers needed please!!!

                  Anyway - I did well yesterday - and have also done well today. I did do my yoga and meditation when i got home from work, then cooked dinner - my daughter didn't find out about this until just after I finished my dinner.

                  Play - don't worry about going backwards - just listen to your body respond to the Topa - it is easy to drink over it if you want to - you need to listen to it!

                  Lady - Never worry about thread jacking - LOL Or being irritable - here is a good place to vent and blow off steam!

                  Bruun - I am just taking 2 doses of the l-Glut now - one after lunch and then another late afternoon. i figured I don't need the early dose.

                  Have just heard from daughter- got to go
                  Hugs to all,
                  love, sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Update for you all - police found her in a hotel with a load of tablets - she is okay - they are taking her to the ER. I am wiped and going to bed. My daughter is okay too - just really drained. LONG evening !!

                    love and hugs to you,

                    Sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi All, well first off Sun, thank god the girl was found safe and taken to ER maybe she will get a good psych assessment and some intervention that might help her, hope you got some rest and have some energy to press onward.

                      My x-mas family is off to the airport, relief in a way, I can concentrate more on myself for now. I'm pretty amazed at what I have accomplished amidst all the stress, I'm pretty proud of myself, of course it's really the medication, I'm thankful for it. I realize that I have been drinking in order to not FEEL, not FEEL the feelings that were very difficult to think about, we all have those things, I must be getting stronger. Kind of like you, Lady, getting tired of doing everything your husband's way.

                      As for my two drink night last night, maybe this is an alcohol excuse, don't really think so, but, it seemed like the most normal thing in the world. I got to the hotel and there were a few women at the bar chatting so after checking in I went over and got a glass of wine and a glass of water and just sat and talked for awhile and drank my wine and then went up and got on my computer and then went to bed. I didn't have any of the "old" compulsive thoughts about was I going to drink, when was I going to drink, or anything like that. I just thought, gee, that would be nice to sit with them for a few minutes. I did worry afterward tho. Today I never really thought once about drinking. I went with the kids to the airport and remembered how in the past I would have found a way to go to the food court to have a glass of wine, tonight I had a cup of tea.

                      My son called today and said he has been listening to the hypnotherapy tapes and hasn't had a drink since new years. He has really been sharing with me, it seems like we are kind of doing this together now. It's only because I started being really honest with him rather than hiding it from him and acting like he was the only one with a problem, not very nice of me was it.

                      Wish I knew more about the supplements, I know they are important but I always get so tired of taking so many pills and then I stop. I'm trying to take the biotin and selenium consistently for hair loss in case it happens.

                      Ok, i'm off to watch ally mcbeal.
                      love, playland


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Play - that is awesome about your son - I am so happy! At least is is knowing that he has a problem - the same with my daughter - and she did the same thing - now, although she still drinks (and sometimes, way too much!!), she soesn't drink doesn't drink daily any more - more like the youngsters of today - way too much when they go out!!

                        I think it is good that you have thought about when and why you drink - I agree - it is to escape feelings - AL has a nice way of numbing things - just a little - enough to stop everything seeming like a hassle or a stress. I agree with you on the way that you drank at the airport too actually - sounded quite normal to me !! I think you are doing really well. What supps did you want to know more about? Not that I am a master of them but with me quitting, I have done quite a bit of reading about them - and don't rattle when I walk - I take the ones I think are important and of course, always have the all-One as a mucky drink - and the all-One comtains all the vits and minerals my body needs. Even with the stuff going on last night, I didn't even think about having a drink!

                        I think you are doing so well play - never doubt that you aren't. To even have any improvement is wonderful - - it has taken me so long to get this far - to have come such a long way in such a short time for you is indeed amazing. Kudos to you.

                        I need to get ready for work - early shift again today. Hope you all have an awesome day - hugs to you,

                        love, Sun XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi Sun, Yes, I Know, what has happened for me is truly like a miracle. It does seem like it has happened in a short time and it is amazing that it happened in only 3 days on the Topa. I did drink for many years and the last few years I was just desperate so it also was a long time for me too, but really miraculous how it has happened. And I do know what you mean about listening to my body and how it is responding to the Topa, I actually can feel it when I am just not interested even if I have taken a couple of sips, it's pretty interesting.

                          About the supplements, I also take the ALL ONE and I really love it, I just never seem to be able to take alot of different supplements consistently and the ALL ONE is just so so easy, I just put it in milk and shake it up.

                          Sun, I'm so amazed that you were able to get thru the very stressful evening last night without any alcohol to fall back on, that was pretty great. How is your brother doing? He is really lucky to have you supporting him in this situation. Does he plan to quit for the long run or just to get himself focused for his work or something, just curious about his plan.

                          Better be off for the night and will see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi Everyone. Day 6 for me. Topa is doing it's thing - or at least I think it is. Had a little feet tingling yesterday morning as described in the book but not this morning. I'm also taking 500 GABA three times a day, 50 of the 5HTP twice a day, and at bedtime 2 of the 50 5HTP and 500 GABA - so I don't know if the Topa is what's working or not!! As well I take 2000mg of L-glut about an hour before meals.

                            Gee I hate taking all this stuff!!! I've never felt so calm though - ever in my whole life!!! I've always been a total control freak, and now I realize how anxious I've been - you don't know how bad things are until they stop!!! I am taking .50 of the topa around 3pm. Monday I'll take .50 at 10am and at 3pm and see what happens! I only have a small supply and don't know if I should order more. I'll have to have them sent to my friend in Tenn. and get her to mail them to me here in Canada as I can't get them shipped here. What a pain.

                            Does anyone have any advice: should I take the Naltrexone I have instead of the topa when I run out of the topa? Does the Naltrexone work in the same way? I have a large supply of Naltrexone.

                            I'm very confused about how these drugs work. From what I understand the topa works on dopamine, and the nal works on endorphins. So what should I do????? I know none of you really want to give medical advice but it would help me work through this if someone could help me with some ideas.
                            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                            (quote from Bean )

                            Goal: Survival


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hey there Play and Lady - good to see you both1

                              Play - I am still in awe of how well you are doing! yes, the All-One is amazing - I ran out once and I noticed the difference after four days - ordered some more, and after four days on it, could feel the difference in my body. It really is good stuff. And although it seems expensive initially, it isn't really if you get the 66 day suppoly and use a coupon - I just ordered 2 of the 66 day supply, had a coupon and got free shipping and it was $123 - so when you think I am not buying any other vits at all, I think it is really good. I am taking other supps right now - but they are to help with the AF-ness! And I hope to come off those gradually. Like you, I could never take a lot of supps consistently and the All-One is so easy. BOB is doing well - he hopes this time to quit for good too. he has battles this his whole life - our whole family - except for mum and little sis, have a problem - but they both have a problem with sweets - can't stop once they start - and in my eyes, it is the other side of the same coin - although they can't see it that way and you can tell it in the way they speak to us about the AL. But they can't stop their sweet addiction. And will wake up feeling hungover!! I haven't told mum yet that I have quit. I will though... Oh - and I am lucky too, in having BOB supporting me in this - we are supporting each other - we e-mail regularly and catch each other on Skype - it is good.

                              Lady - I know how you feel about taking so many supps right now - but my feeling on them is that it is a temporary thing - just to get me through the worst of the beginning. I take them in three doses - and I really do think the L-Glut in helping with cravings - 'cos I have none. the Topa might be helping too of course - because I am still on that. I am so pleased that you are feeling so calm. I think it is the 5 HTP that is doing that for you, and possibly the GABA. Well done on 6 days - you are a couple of days ahead of me. Naltrexone is totally different to Topa - I have no idea if it is the Topa that is hepling you or the other supps, but I know that Nal did nothing for me at all. It is like apples and oranges. If it is the Topa that is helping, you need to stay on the Topa. Can you not get some from your doctor? Anyway - that is just my opinion but if it is working, I wouldn't change it.

                              So good to have you both here with me - it does help to have support - and yes Play - I thought the same thing the other evening - it was surprising to me that I didn't want a drink to help me cope with it and it was so nice to be here for my daughter without the buzz of AL !!!

                              Lorry loads of love and hugs to you all,

                              Sun XX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Sun and Lady, well Lady, I tend to agree with Sun, something is working right now and I think you probably shouldn't change anything, maybe order more Topa and get your friend to ship it to you. I really helped me in only three days and yours might be doing the same thing. I'm not taking any other supplements so I knew it was the Topa and I bet it is helping you also, I'm happy you are having success quickly, how wonderful.

                                Sun, that is interesting about your mom and sister having a problem with sweets. Do you have a problem with sweets? I know that alcohol goes to sugar right away so it is connected with sweets in a way also. I've never had a sweet tooth but sure had a craving for alcohol. It's probably a good idea to wait awhile before you tell your mom that you have quit, she might make it a bit harder for you. And yes I know what you mean about having your brother to do this with, it's nice. I'm pretty blown away about what is happening between me and my son now, it's like we have a new relationship, we talk every day, very openly and honestly, it feels so wonderful, he hasn't opened up to me like this since he was a little boy.

                                You know I've been a little worried about the bit of craving I've been having in the evening (my typical time), just a little craving, I just don't want it. I normally take 25mg around 9am and again around 9pm, so today I decided to change it around a little. I took it at 9am and then about 3pm and I think it did seem to help this evening, I haven't felt that "little tinge of craving", at least tonight. Now even when I do go ahead and have the glass of wine, I usually quite half way thru because it really just doesn't interest me, wow, when did I ever leave a glass of wine unfinished, a MIRACLE.

                                And YES Sun, isn't it wonderful to be able to respond to a crises in the life of our children without being under the influence of alcohol, it's about time, right? right!

                                ok, see you both tomorrow, it's my birthday, going to see "We Bought a Zoo" with my daughter, I really have something to celebrate this year.

                                Hugs, Play

