Hi 2Run
Good luck for tonight - I'm really glad you saw an improvement. A lot of this is really in our heads. You know what I mean - that constant struggle of the drink vs our will power and when we feel our will power is up, we have a bit more of an edge.
I was good and only had two glasses- it only made me feel sleepy and a bit queasy so I wasnt too impressed with my treat... I've been able to do that during most week nights while on Topa, mostly because I only buy a 500ml bottle - OK, so its 2 big glasses. I have that after work and take the Topa at the same time by the time the wine is finished the Topa has kicked in and taken away most of the cravings and also made me so tired that I'm too lazy to drive to the store... Well its not a perfect solution but its helping me a lot with work during the day i.e. wake up earlier, less hung over, more focused.
I also noticed cold symptoms up to now, mostly coughing for some bizarre reason. And I know exactly what you mean about food. One minute I'm absolutely starving and then as soon as I eat half of what's on my plate, I lose interest. Or I'll have lovely stuffed chicken breast in the fridge but the sight of it will make me gag and I will crave something I never eat like 2 minute noodles. I can't be pregnant (!) so it must be dehydration and vitamins - even though I am taking lots of supps and water.
Have a lovely evening,