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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Space - oh dear - so sorry you are not feeling too chipper this morning (lunchtime for you right now). I suppose I find it easy to remember about the time because I am always phoning my mum and she is 6 hours ahead of me. you are in UK so you are too 6 hours ahead). And you and Diz are an hour apart. Diz - I agree with you it would be nice if we could all be on the same time but then it would be 4.00 in the afternoon and the sun wouldn't be out in places - LOL - you daffy!!! Space - just give yourself some time and let yourself rest. I know the thought of going AF IS scary - at least it was for me - terribly so - but once I took that final step and did it, it wasn't that bad. Yes, I need to do it again - LOL but now I at least know it isn't as bad as I was thinking it would be. We all go through our down times - you know I did, but we all come out the other side too. As Diz said - bake a cake or something - I know I love baking and it always seems to help - sort of like gardening really - I suppose the concentration is good. Anyway - many hugs to you and sending good vibes over the ether to you too. :l

    Houtx! Well, you posted - oh, I had forgotten - yes, college kids - why on earth didn't I think of that - get them to shopw you how to cut and paste!! I didn't get my L-Glut at Whole Foods - I got mine at a body building shop and paid $23 for an 18 oz container. Shop around a bit..... Wish you wouldn't wake up wishing you were better - wishing you were a 'normal' mother - who on earth is a normal mother? Betty Crocker? We all do the best we can and most of our kids turn out just fine. You do sound somewhat flat - I think most of us have been lately - we are all having our ups and downs, but as I said to Space - we get through them. Have you cut down at all with the wine? Are the children home for good (as far as you know?). It is so good just to see you here at last - we miss you when you aren't here.

    WTE - Gosh - I so feel for you with all that needs doing around your house - I didn't know that S CA was known for bad workers as far as getting stuff done - you need to find a little man who can do everything - a lady with whom I work's hubs is really good at doing most things and comes out if I need something done most times...... ask around and see if you can find someone like that and then use him for everything. the 4 year old heat/air though - that is a pain!! Be the squeaky wheel and just keep at them!! And stop worrying about what will happen when you are older - it isn't going to make any difference with you worrying about it and just makes things worse for you now so try and let it go....... who knows WHAT will happen down the, hang in there my friend and try to not worry - the black top can wait til next year - it is a big job (and sod would mean more mowing) and pavers are expensive anyway. See? problems solved! So, get out and plant a few plants for your spring garden instead!

    Diz - oh my gosh - you so have a lot on your plate right now - I am so sorry about your mum and her situation - maybe it won't be as bad as you are thinking it is? I surely hope not and will be sending prayers your way! You do have a lot going on - the move being a biggie - but that isn't for a month - oh gosh - just a month!! Just try and write everything down and take it all in little pieces instead of seeing the whole big picture. I do laugh at the way you tease me - no actually I have never read The Little Prince but will have to now. Yes, I have read the Tao of Pooh. And LOVE Pooh Bear and the Whole Hundred Acre Wood Crowd. I especially love Poohs poem of Half way up the Stairs. For Mothers day one year the girls gave me the Entire Books of Pooh and the Entire Poems of Pooh. Lovely. I agree with you on funsctional gardens - I have taken herbs out because I didn't use them and replaced them with either flowers I would cut or herbs I would use. I am expecting my dwarf peach tree to arrive to day and already have the hole dug for it. That is exciting. And am hoping to get my sweet potato plants too and plant those and my spuds - have some sprouting in the cellar - 'cos I buy organic I just wait til some of mine sprout and then plant those instead of buying special seed spuds. When I was turning dirt the other day for where the spuds are going to go, I found some from last year that I had missed!! Like finding gold!! Oh and I do the heavy lifting - Hubs doesn't care for the garden these days - many years ago, he did but it is just me now, and I love it - yes, it is good for the soul. I always feel so good after a day in the garden.

    Gosh - can't believe the time - I have been on here for ages. I got to bed at 1.00 last night after working the late shift it always takes a while to unwind, and I woke at 6.00 feeling wide awake so got up. It is 7.15 already! off to start my day.

    Much love and many hugs to all, Sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Just watched the Just Keep swimming bit - loved it !!!!!

      Hugs, Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Here is The Little Prince for everyone. But if you like it please buy it, it is a small and inexpensive yet magical book.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          >>>Tiptoeing in


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Damn you. Here I invite you out of the goodness of my heart and now I am no longer the one where the sun comes up! Just kidding!!!

            What time is it there now?

            Tell us a bit about yourself. You'll find our lives spread out through pages but if you're not one for novels feel free to ask for a summary.

            I feel a bit like a Topa and 'New here and starting Topa and with a question' pimp but thats OK cos its both really good, non-addictive, and I don't even charge commission.

            Crap, this site is going to get me fired just after I've been hired yesterday so I better log off for at least two hours. But you have some lovely reading to catch up on.


            :h :h :h


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hey Sisy! Welcome!! So - what time IS it there now? I have worked out what time it is for most of the others that are here in my head - so now I need to know what time it is where you are....... if you would like to tell us a little about you, that would be great - you probably know all about me from the posts!! Glad the Tuesday turned out well - of course, my Tuesday is just starting - well, having been up since 6.00, it has been going a couple of hours, but I am raring to go.... welcome to you, always lovely to see a new face here.....

              Hugs, Sun X

              P.S. Will go and read your thread so you don't have to go through it all for me !!
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Sisy good to see you over here, I didnt go to sleep, I watched something off tv on iplayer and then decided that I dont want to get into the habit of sleeping all day again and that I could go back later if I needed and got up and had a lovely long bath with deep conditioner on my hair, a face mask on and a book, it was good.

                Then I came downstairs looked out of the window and one of my dogs is standing there with a bird in his mouth, it was a starling he has caught a few of them they are such stupid birds, why do they come into my garden with the dogs to try and get worms when the are loads of other dog free gardens all around. The starling is now in the bin, when I opened the back door and shouted at him he dropped it then she picked it up and tried to run in the house with it!

                I cant believe how hard you all work on here, Sun going to bed at 1 and getting up at 6 how do you manage it? you are so brave.

                Im going to go shopping now so will be back here a bit later, have a good day peeps in the west and a good evening Sisy



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  DizzyBee;1295083 wrote:
                  Sex drive
                  ? Ha! Just checking if you?re all awake there. Celery is said to work?
                  Yes Dizzy, I was awake and hoping you had more on this one subject. Since I had breast cancer at the age of 27 and then had to have a complete hysterectomy a few years ago because of a benign tumor I have absolutely NO sex drive unless I drink alcohol first. Ugh

                  One of the reasons I haven't completely stopped drinking. Lame I know but what can I say. So ladies, if you know what works without alcohol, I'm all ears....
                  Day 1:4/4/2014


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Oh my gosh Mimi - my sex drive totally disappeared after my Breast cancer and that was nothing to do with a hysterectomy - (partial) - . If ever you find the answer - please let me know!! Hubs would be thrilled to bits!!! yes, AL used to help - but even that has no effect now. Bummer. Too much information. Sorry everyone......... will delete if you want.......

                    hugs, sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Oh Sun, who's the Daffy now? Don't delete, we're all adults now. As far as I know I'm the youngest here and at 32 I promise that I know what happens when a mommy loves a daddy.

                      Welcome back, Mimi. It's an interesting point. At first I was going to say that this was a major worry for me as I could never have sex either without drinking but that was just because I was just just so caught up in in total alcoholism. I believe that Topa has freed me enough that I can relax enough not to need booze to relax. I mean it would help, thats for darn sure.

                      But now that Sunny has chimed in perhaps there is another link with the breast cancer? Mimi can I ask how old you are again just so we can ask around the thread and get some feedback in terms of age groups. This may be linked to breast cancer, age, booze - hell women being women its also linked to your self esteem and how you feel about your partner and whether he puts down the toilet seat. I know that my sex drive goes up after my bf and I had a long heart to heart chat. Nothing sexy about that but I simply don't feel like sleeping with a stranger.

                      Here's some research links:

                      How breastcancer can affect your libido

                      3 Ways Breast Cancer Can Affect Your Sex Life | Fox News

                      The breastcancer site's tip of how to raise libido

                      Solutions for Libido Loss: Arousal

                      Foods to boost your mood

                      Love Bites | Women's Health Magazine

                      I have the same worry as you do albeit less the breast cancer issue. I’ve been in a long distance relationship and to be honest I don’t know my bf that well intimately. I think I can count the times I’ve had sex sober on my one hand and that’s damn scary.

                      My plan of action is to:

                      1. Start a yoga class next week to get into stretching (I get a month to warm up – LOL) I believe yoga helps us destress.
                      2. Eat more healthily and include some of the foods in the list above here.
                      3. Be honest with my bf and make sure there are lots of cuddles and talks.
                      4. Organise a couples massage course. There is nothing like a massage to get you in the mood, well for me anyway. Of course it mustn’t end up that everytime he rubs your feet he expects something and not everyones into massage but just a chat while he rubs your shoulders could help you calm down and relax a bit.

                      Space –
                      sending you some positive vibes sister. And with two cats and a dog, I regularly have to dispose of dead bodies. My ginger cat killed a few rabbits a while ago – he’ll eat anything that naughty bugger. I hate the fact that they’re hunters but you can’t fight nature.

                      your garden sounds lovely, you must post a pic for us soon. I will do the same. Sweet potato plants are really cool to grow as they have so many leaves! I had a little laugh at your gold remark, I’m exactly like that! I’ve a feeling my bf is the same when it comes to gardening but we shall see. His dad was an agricultural scientist and his mom a big flower enthusiast so he’s a bit allergic to gardening. Well he likes herbs and veggies but he says if I want a lawn I’ll have to mow it as he had to mow their million acre lawn in Ireland twice a week

                      Glad you liked Nemo, did you find the Little Prince? I’ll have to look up the Pooh poems, maybe paste one for us here?

                      WTE – I was staying up last night waiting for your post. Yeah I know, I’m a silly girl. And slightly weird. No, I was actually doing research for my sprout business, I’m going to make little hemp bag kits with five types of sprout seeds that people can buy as presents. I hope you are well.

                      Sassy, how did Wednesday pan out? Did you start on the MWO book? Hows the modding going?

                      Road/BABF –
                      I also remember giving you some homework??? Are you cool my friend and have you reached a decision re Topa/Bac?
                      Let me get cracking on this translation. They have already written the check (ha! Who still writes checks, if I wasn’t so broke I would frame it!) so I better not disappoint them.

                      Lots of hugs and love and strength.



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Just a quicky, I have overslept, the alarm was going off but it couldnt wake me and I woke up thinking" how much did I drink last night" then I realised nothing, I hadnt bothered with the lager I just came up to be early feeling ill.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hang in there, space cadet love. Do you think you are ill or depressed? Well done on the AF day, even though it was a sick one. :l


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            I think I a bit of both dizzy, just a bit odd tho that the morning I wake up thinking I have a hangover turns out is after the night I didnt drink at all!

                            Sex drive, hmm, I havent got one it probably also has something to do with my being single for so long, I have no drive to go and get a man, I personally think its because of the antidepressants, but its a bit of a catch 22 situation, no sex drive, no man, bearable depression - with ad's or stuck in bed forever unbearable depression, cant even get washed and just want to die, no man anyway - without ad's. I tell myself I just havent met the right guy but reality is I cant be bothered.



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Ah honey, I don't want to mess with your meds, I just wish Topa could make everyone feel as good as it does me. My mom's on Serequel and thats quite a hardass AD.

                              I don't think you should worry about men, once you feel good about yourself, your libido will come back and you will have no choice but to go a-hunting. For now just be kind to yourself.

                              Have you heard of the Lets group? I'm a strong believer in energy creates energy even if you are down. I work from home and when I have no work I have often spent a week in bed in the past, becoming more depressed by the day. So I'm not judging you, I am you at certain points of my life.

                              Could you get one activity that you sign up for where you have to get out of bed and dress up for at least 3 times a week? Maybe a walking group, a social group or volunteering? I promise that if you find some purpose for your life you will fight the black dog at your heels a little bit.

                              I have a friend who I have this conversation with every month and she keeps turning me down and I know its because she is mentally not ready. She's highly bipolar though and the state has taken her baby boy from her and I'm trying to convince her that if she takes a job at a video store, she will be able to prove to them that she can be consistent. (she is stable now, just scared) Sorry, you are clearly not her - just an example.

                              Do not let it win - and stop waiting for your new Al modding lifestyle bubble to burst. It's not going to. Just trust me - I have been the one lying in bed and I have been the one going to work every day. Even though going to work is not easy it is 200% better for the mood as you 'fake it til you make it'

                              Maybe just think about it and feel free to tell me to mind my own beeswax. (Ha! A pun!)



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Good Morning - no time except to say I am about to take my first 200 mg tablet of Topa!! And then off to work. Will post later today!!

                                Have a wonderful day everyone!!

                                hugs, sun XX

                                P.S. Diz - in USA your AF date reads as being AF from '03 !!!
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

