Topa CobanaTM (Ha!)
Hi all
Firstly – Sunny – I know your beliefs and I know that therefore you can hear/feel me when I say I am sending you positive thoughts and love. I actually started crying when I heard about the stroke. You are such a wonderful person and have been through so much in your life and really did not deserve this. Please get better and come tell us how you are as soon as you can, you hear? :h
Ah, I wanted to say how my little heart is so happy every time I open this thread and see so many replies but this Sunny thing has really thrown me. I know this site is big but this thread feels like home to me and as I work from home and I suppose my life is still quite small as I alienated a lot of people while drinking you guys are the biggest part of my support group and news like this is just devastating. So the rest of you better get your act together and better look after yourselves! Its like Ruby says we only live once and especially if you’re over fifty you have to be so careful as your organs won’t simply regenerate as quickly as they used to.
OK, sorry. Let’s start over. I'm doing well. I have to send in the first five translations today so please cross your fingers that they are all 100% and spotless. I am a bit hyper and jumping off walls this side so concentration is difficult. The fact that bf is signing his job contract and house hunting and planning to move into 'our' house on Monday is not helping, as we cannot quite agree on a house. He wants modern and I want space but to be honest both houses are lovely.
Mimi – your house sounds lovely as does your husband. People make mistakes but years of drinking can cover up things SOOO deep. I’m in a long distance relationship and my bf is a business analyst so sometimes he risks death by not communicating properly. I can feel how I get angrier and angrier, simply because we aren’t talking properly. And then after an hour of skype, my heart is open again and I feel better. He’s the same person but I can’t trust someone I don’t talk to openly. So I guess the question is whether he is still your friend, whether you still have fun and whether you still talk about nonsense – stuff other than commitments and bills. I like your attitude, I think you are now ready to do this thing! And congrats on your two days!!!:goodjob:
Hey WTE – Can you please help me with this Houtx woman!? I also wake up with a blocked nose and a headache every morning and I never get sinus – double interesting! 2-3 hour naps eh? Wish I could do that. So sorry to hear that you too went through so much trauma. I never had a sister but I’m sure it’s a bond you can never replace. The worst kind of drinking IMO is ‘drinking to feel better’ you know like after someone died. Because you usually end up feeling worse. Its fine just drinking cos its there or because youre happy but sad drinking is the pits. LOL about the Topa Cabana! Or should I say ha!
That’s incredibly shite about the worker and not boring at all. I wish you strength and positive vibes. What a total cow. After all you have done for her. I hope wine isn’t dragged into this but I doubt it will be. I had a lawsuit with my landlord once and it upset my life for a whole year. We were actually friends when we were little but we got the house through an agent. I was her only friend back then. My kindergarten report said ‘X always feels sorry for the kids crying in the corner and befriends them.’ Much good that little broken legged chick did me. She turned psycho on my ass and I figured there was a reason no one else ever wanted to be her friend Back to yoooou. Just be honest and stick to your guns, you are in the rights and she’s hunting for money. This is not pleasant but you will win.
Did I hear a 2 glass day?
I can’t afford postage so this will just have to do
RubyWillow, what a nice name, ahhh, what a cute pic but what a not nice position to be in. Jack Ass Russel Terrorist LOL!! Are you OK taking the meds though? Its just that Wild had some probs after the operation. But as you are a pro already, I’m sure you know what you’re doing. Thanks for scaring the crap out of us, we needed that. At 32 I think my liver can still fix itself but as I have soft spectrum (mild) bipolar my brain is already loopy so the last thing I can afford is any addiction to mess around with brain chemistry.
Your story is very inspiring, will you please check back with us and if not become a regular (I’m like the local recruiter here) then at least stay until Sunybutt is better. We need someone to keep us updated and I thank God for you otherwise we would’ve thought she’s on a bender and not known where the hell she is. I have her email but that would not have helped now, would it?
And good on you for stopping to count the days. I think that’s important for the first year but after that you should live and stop collecting little acorns like a chipmunk. Especially if you are on meds that make the process pain free.
Wildflowers – so glad that you’re back. You’re my Topa pal who I can compare symptoms with and I also like your style of writing. How has this 30 days been vs all the other 30 days? I know mine (well I have 25 now) has been so much easier. Jeez, I remember how scared I was when I got out of rehab and how I white knuckled it. I’m not a huge Christian so AA did not do its magic for me and Supermarkets scared the stuffing out of me. (that’s where I buy my wine)
Space – did you have a look at Jamie at Home: Cook Your Way to the Good Life: Jamie Oliver: Books Well pretty and sweet smelling blossoms is good for the soul and besides fruit trees are really difficult to grow if you want to eat the fruit. I think starting with herbs (if you like them) and veggies are much easier.
If you tell me which ones you like to eat I can tell you which ones are easy to grow. Sweet potato is easy (and looks fancy) tomato is easy in summer (unless you want to be fancy and get a mini greenhouse for winter too) I love my basil, rocket grows like weed, rosemary is very hardy not even dogs can mess that one up, I love coriander in curries, other nightshade plants like chillies and aubergines are also great fun to plant now for summer. You can even buy little six packs at your nursery (plus a fence or containers to keep the naughty pups – what kind again – away)
Good on you for realizing the need and going for the milk. You are a fighter and if you don’t look out you may just get the gold star for determination
Houtx – you may be in the United states of Ninnies but over here teachers get to smack their students so don’t just pooh pooh my instructions.
Just open another website hon and ask your kids to SHOW you. Don’t be so darn stubborn. Oh, and thanks for posting again...
Love and hugs everyone.