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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Yep I agree with the sticking to a couple of threads, sometimes when its very quite or maybe Im just looking for someone more to talk to I post on other threads, like on need help or just starting out but then I forget where I posted and who to and I must come across as a right one leaving one post then not coming back so I try not to do that now and I generally just post on the meds section on a few threads. I have found it quite difficult to get to know you peeps on here really, not you dizzy because I think Ive talked to you a fair bit but everyone else. But then when I started on MWO it was just a really confusing jumble of peeps and I just used dart around not knowing what to read or do.

    Hope you have a better/good day


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Thanks hon, I think I kind of know a bit about everyone on this thread, or as much as they would like for me to know. Sometimes I ask questions and sometimes I sit back and wait for them to offer more. But its good to find a little niche corner to settle and then just spread your wings every now and again.

      Chat later.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Morning all - Play - glad you got your Topa - please be careful won't you - you know what to watch for...... happy it came so quickly this time too!

        Space - I only post on a couple of threads too - I started posting on others and just couldn't keep up with them all. Much as I would like to, I just don't have the time to spend on here. I usually check 'new posts' and that shows me who has posted recently which helps if I did post on one as it usually has been replied to.

        Diz - did you try the breathing exercise? I hope you are feeling better today. I trolled back through this site to find out exactly what supps I was taking when I managed to quit in jan and finally found a post where I told someone what I was taking - and the amounts - YEAH! So have written it down and will get my supps together today.

        Now off to iron as I ended up drinking and chatting last night instead of ironing. Shame on me. I MUST get my head in gear here - so - gearing up!!

        love and hugs to all,

        Sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Yes, I did Sunni and it helped a bit but I'm weird in that concentrating on relaxing actually makes me worse. I did do it while falling asleep though, so thanks.

          Will you tell us the amounts too?

          And where do you go to see which are the new posts?

          Still a bit panicky though. Argh. :durn: Let's not call the spotted one.

          And after ironing, please pop over to my gardening thread...

          And I mean all of you gardening fundis.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Diz - half way down each page - horizontally is a blue line with 'user CP, 'Live Chat' 'Blogs' FAQ' etc - well further along is 'new post' - if you click on that it shows what has been posted since you last logged in. I always go there and see what is new since I was here.

            What I was taking was:

            2 Kudzu (from here) 3 times a day
            1 Chromium Picolinate 3 times a day
            1 Calcium Citrate 3 times a day
            2 tsps of L-Glut 3 times a day

            So have started all that again. the Calcium Citrate has Calcium and magnesium in it and would be really good for your PMS too. I will take them all EVERY day along with my Topa and hopefully start seeing results. Yes, I did go to the gardening thread - LOL

            I want a nap but have to go to work in an hour. maybe I could just have half an hour.....

            Hugs, Sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              I dont want to keep you awake Sun so you can read this later, Yeh you have a plan, thats great it will give you something to focus on and work with. What are your plans, to go AF again or cut down or what?

              Dizzy Im like that too, if I try to relax it causes me anxiety, when I was in rehab we had to do these guided meditations and I hated them, everyone else seemed to love it and said they had visualised beaches and birds and lovely things. I visualised a pickaxe in my head several times and also stabbing myself in the heart with a wooden stake. It was not at all nice and relaxing for me!! Thats why I use the jumping about method, it just knackers me out.:H

              When I am well I can now do relaxation and strangley thats what I was doing in my volunteer work but since I have gone back into my dark cave I have had to keep away from it.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Thanks for shout out DB. Made my day :-)


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Just saying hello all... but gotta run! Good idea about sticking to a couple of posts!

                  Sunny - the gluten test.... it can be done with a blood test but is 99% INaccurate. A gut biopsey is best, but still not totally accurate. I thought it would be simply impossible to cut out all gluten. But after 3 years of fighting the thought, I've been doing very well the past couple of months. Rice. Beans. Lots of Veggies, salads, fish, chicken. I stay away from pork. I think pork and beef might be problems for me. When I was a vegetarian, my psoriasis wasn't as bad, but I was still anxious. I think the gluten makes me anxious. There's a ton of info on the web. Plus, it's the new craze now... it's all over mags, etc.

                  gotta run! Going back to the carnival tonight without any alcohol unlike last year filled with vodka unbeknowingly (is that a word?) to others because of the non-odor!
                  I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Sunny... meaning those beautiful Sun Daisies....
                    I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I have pages and pages of catching up to but wanted to do a quick check in while sitting on this airplane flying home from Palm Springs.

                      After my friend and I had our first mean of (her) nacho's and (me) quisadia (sorry don't know how to spell that one. We decided to eat healthy since neither of our lunches sat well. We then made really good food choices. My favorite was breakfast, most mornings I ate cottage cheese with fresh fruit, lunch was usually a salad but not a boring one, dinner was often some kind of salad, fish, fruit etc.....

                      I did drink but was wise while doing it. Lots of dancing, walking and laying by the pool. fun times. The funniest part of all this is when we went dancing we were having trouble with men trying to pick us up so I would tell them up front that we wanted to dance and have fun but then we would make sure they got in a taxi safe and sound so they could wake up the next day knowing they had not cheated on their wives. We wanted to protect their wives and trust me they needed protection, the men I mean and yes, we did have to get one in a cab and make sure the driver knew where to take him before we left. Poor guy had to be up early the next morning for a golf tournament and his friends left early because of it. (they were the smart ones). He showed up again the next night and again, we had to remind him that he could dance but was getting nothing else. The sad thing is they were all really good family men. I feel sorry for their wives since I have been hurt by my husband before and will do anything to protect another women from that hurt. Dumb men....

                      Take care and I will check in again
                      Day 1:4/4/2014


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Space/ Rainy/ DZ/Play/HippieG/Sunny - glad alls well! Interesting to read your doses and what is working, what you're going thru...especially the supps, and use of L-Glut. I can tell a change in behavior & brain function already using L-glut. Am going to up my use of it...and try to get TOPA very soon. Honestly, being on L-Glut twice a day with a nice big tsp (5,000 g) of it at brain is remarkably sharper the next day. And this was pretty instantaneous actually.

                        I don't know how I will ever go AF, but if I can cut back as significantly as you all have...I will be happy.

                        Mimi - loved your recent post about the Oh so much to comment on, but it is late here and I need to get to bed. Promise to myself to close down by 11 pm Central Standard Time.

                        Hope alls well out there. are sounding better. It will be awhile before you "wash that man right outta your hair" (from "South Pacific" to those not familiar with great musicals from the 50s & 60s). Hope you dodged the panic attack! I'm not good at mentioning everyone in posts, but be assured I read all and love the updates!



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Very quick post - got in from work - I closed tonight, got home and poured a Guinness, drank one, then opened and poured a second - and have just tipped it away!! YEAH!! Am off to bed. Opening tomorrow so have to be up at 5.00. It is easier for me when I do a clopen 'cos I won't usually drink more than three MAX anyway - but usually have at least two. just did not want the second one though. I was smiling to myself as I poured it away

                          Hugs to all. Love, Sun X
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Wow, I'm so happy, so many people here, hi to everyone, I'm thinking of you all, I hate to leave anyone out but my brain just can't remember everyone without printing out the last three pages and i'm out of ink just like i have been since i moved into my new apartment, so "I Love You ALL".

                            Rainy, are you taking Topa, such a dramatic alcohol reduction?; Houtx, didn't you take topa before? And you are getting it again? Or if not what did you take before?; Welcome Hippie Girl, I was once a Hippie Girl, still am at heart!; Hi Sun, sounds like your energy is starting to rise; Dizz, hope you are feeling better; Space, you are my inspiration; Bruin nice to see you when you stop by, wish I knew you better; mamma bear you can stop in any time; anyone i left out i'll get you next time.

                            As for me, first dose of topa yesterday; OMG, no brain fog, no word losses, no tingling lips or fingers or toes, no confusion, no nothing!!!!! I can't even tell that I am taking it, I think my brain got used to it. Sun, I want to feel that brain fog and tingling so that I know it's there. Anyway, give it some time, see how it goes, will keep you posted.

                            love to you all, bye for now,


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi Everyone

                              Well, my heart is still sore and I'm still not sure if I'm breaking up or not but I'm trying not to let it become the focus of my life, otherwise there is no way I will remain sober.

                              When I woke up this morning I had a semi-nasty email from bf so I swallowed two antabuse. I am really much more depressed and sad when I drink. It used to make me happy but I think I have abused it to the point where it has altered my brain chemistry and it really does not make me happy anymore. Well sometimes, but very little of the time, and only if I stop at one or two drinks.

                              Thanks Sunny D for all the info. I did try the breathing and it did help a bit. Did you know we have a margerine here called Sunny-D? Good on you for pouring out the Guinness. Sunny-1 / Guinness-0 I think I'm going to get progesterone drops to help with the PMS too.

                              Space, you really made me laugh about the meditation thing. The guided meditation did help me but I always thought some of the ladies just spent the sessions thinking of what they are going to tell the hunk of an instructor they were seeing as to please him. We werent allowed any other male contact...

                              Yo Hippie Girl. We have to sort you out with an avatar, fool! (its an A-team reference guys, I would never insult the H-girl) How are you today? I'm here for you. You are not weak. We are all in the same boat. Just get that damn Antabuse past your damn neck please.:l

                              Rainybaby - LOL, I will look at the gluten in a bit. I have too much supplements and stuff going on right now but I will as soon as my life calms down a bit. I am eating healthily though.

                              - Damn girl, seems like you had yourself some fun! And thanks for putting those men into taxis. They never seem to grow up, do they? *sigh*

                              - Glad the L-Glut is working for you and that you are sharper. I'm sure you need that with middle school. Well, we are still washing our hair this side. And I got the reference. I love watching those kind of movies with my mom. Still panicky but I'm learning how to control it better.

                              , so happy for you! Just please be careful and perhaps keep a diary where you write down when you feel ANYthing out of the ordinary.:l



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Good morning eveyone

                                Dizzy I wish there was something we could do to help you with feeling sad, well done on the action you have taken to remain AF through this.:l

                                Hippie, are you posting on another thread that Im missing, how are you, have you started with the pills yet?

                                Im glad you had a good holiday Mimi, sorry you got bugged by men, I wouldnt have put them into taxis I would have let them sleep in the bushes.:H

                                Houtx are you just taking L glut right now and waiting to get topa, I think youve taken topa before is that right, why did you stop. Did you also try bac? I tried looking back through your posts but cant remember.

                                Play you know Im following your progress so keep us updated wont you

                                Im sorry Rainy but with everything else theres no way I can start looking onto the gluten thing, but thanks for mentioning it, I could get round to it in the future. ps your avatar is freaking me out.

                                Sun goodo on not drinking the guiness. I need to get a plan as well. I think I will up the L glut today and see if that makes a difference.

                                This is why I worry about replying to peeps I dont want to leave anyone out if I have Im so sorry

                                Im still in bed, my son went to school with his mate again today so Im a bit like routine changed and I dont know what to do with it. But then I am just dont know what to do with myself most of the time lately.

