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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Sunshinedaisies, Space, DizzyThanks for the good information. I have the L-Glut tablets but i may go look for the powder. Can I just open the tablets and take it that way?

    My grandbaby fell out of bed and broke her collarbone. bummer but she is doing pretty good.
    Day 1:4/4/2014


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Oh your poor grandbaby, glad shes doing ok I hope she mends well and quickly, how old is she?

      If youve got the capsules which it sounds like you have then I would say just take them, or you could open them up and mix with water but I dont know what difference that would make, I just wonder how many capsules it would take to equal 1heaped teaspoon full which is what I take and sun has 2. I think that is the difference, in the powder form we just take a lot more, unless the capsules are stronger stuff. I dont know.



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi Space the "grandbaby" is almost 3.

        so I got some really great news today. My dog has been adopted. She has a new wonderful family and not only that she is on t.v. Her first time on t.v. she did great and she will only get better. she is already getting fan mail.

        I also will get to visit her so am happy about that. She is famous, almost, kinda and that is pretty cool.:happy:
        Day 1:4/4/2014


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi Everyone,
          Just a quick checkin, am at my mom's in Kansas/Okla., actually my Aunt lives in Kansas and my mom lives 60 miles away in Okla. so I go back and forth when visiting. I just try to spend time with mom as she is 86, lives by herself since my died died a few years ago, they were married 60 years, whew, they made it a long time. I'm too tired tonight to check in with everyone individually but I am certainly thinking of each of you. But I do want to say to Mimi, I'm so so sorry about your little grandbaby falling and getting hurt, that must have been terrible for you, I hope she mends very quickly.

          As for me, I upped my dose of Topa today 25 AM, 25 PM, it's really strange how I feel absolutely no SE this time around, no tingling in my lips and no loss of words or brain fog, just so strange. It's possible I have a little less craving today, or it could just be that I am at my Aunts house and I know that she and my mother disapprove of my drinking so I try to keep it down when I am here but I also feel that I should be able to be myself, after all I am an adult, yes? I am always on my good behavior here, but oh well, haven't had any wine today, but I am going to get a bottle tomorrow and have a couple of glasses but I'm not going crazy wanting it so that is nice.

          I will close for now, tired, hope all the doggies are doing good, they are all so beautiful, I would like another one but my landlord won't allow them, maybe someday, my last little dog was a poodle that lived to be 16, my kids grew up with him.

          bye and love,


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            just wrote a long post and lost it.

            here's the short version:

            Married- 28 1/2 years

            I'm not sure what to think about my relationship with my hubby. We have always had a non communicative relationship. My hubby provides everything naturally but nothing emotionally. That is something I have accepted and learned to live with. The one thing we have had has been a good sex life but recently I have NO desire.

            I have no desire to put any effort into our relationship at all. He feels that if he is a good provider that is all he needs to do.

            I don't know what to do about my attitude. I don't want to split up but I know it is dangerous to feel like this. I don't tell him no when he wants sex but I don't encourage or instigate it.

            So the major problem is I feel unemotional, lazy and just don't feel like puting any effort into it. Does that make sense???? What is wrong with me???
            Day 1:4/4/2014


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Short zooom by, sorry no time to even read, will catch up with everyone tonight.
              Lots of love,


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi everyone Please help with advise, my son is the reason I joined MWO to try and get an idea of what meds can help to deminish AL abuse.He started on a slide yesterday and I am at a loss of trying to stop it before it gets completely out of control,will topamax help?And how am I able to obtain w/o prescription in SA?


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi there
                  I'm sorry to hear about your son.
                  My I ask how old he is and if he's working etc?
                  I'm afraid you can't control your son's behaviour or force him to take Topamax as its quite a serious medication and he will have to be willing to take it. Having said that | medical and pharmaceutical articles at goldpharma is an excellent online pharmacy.
                  My advice is to read the last couple of posts on L-glutamine and get him some of that as a starting point.
                  Perhaps if you give us more details we can give you better advice but I'm afraid the only way you can 'almost' control your son's behaviour is by sending him to rehab.
                  Your son has to realise he has a problem and be ready to stop.

                  Oh, and hi everyone else, will catch up tonight, still struggling to finish the translation on time. Lots of love to all.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi Dizz,I will email you during today if thats OK?:thanks:


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Sure, I'm going to be out and about with a deadline job but anytime. :l


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        My son is 39 turning 40 in 2 months he has been in rehab 4 times since November 2010,his abuse started in 2009 the reason is difficult to ascertain,prior to this he did not touch the stuff at all,he was a senior executive in his industry and lost his job due to drink related actions in June 2011.Since this he is a recluse in his bedroom at home (he moved in with us) and has binges drinking canespirit straight out of the bottle.
                        After reading this thread (for myself as well as for him) I gave him L-glut,Gaba Topamine and anti craving meds (natural).
                        Unfortunately he started up again yesterday.
                        I am aware that this site is non medical but as I indicated before our GP will not prescribe Topa/Bac until he is AF for some time.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi all
                          Just checking in. Started Bac yesterday and only took 1 10mg tab and felt so tired and still tired and sleepy today. I will divide the dose to 5mg 2x and see how that goes. Wow powerful stuff I do not know how people can take 200+ on a day to day basis.

                          Sorry to hear of your son Last hope he can realize he has a problem that is always a starting point. All the best to all of you


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi Az that feeling should wear off in a couple of days, I can vaguely remember feeling stoned and thinking I hope this lasts but it didnt but it was ok cos I was bored of it the next day.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              [B]Dizzy, Dizzy, Dizzy,[B] I can't wait until you finish your translation job because I miss you and your posts.

                              By the way what kind of translations do you do? My daughter just graduated from college and she wants to do translation. She graduated with a major in Spanish and spent a year studying abroad and she has a minor in music.

                              Last14- I order my topa online without a prescription. I suppose it's risky but so far I've not had any problems.

                              I bought a very sexy pair of shoes for the wedding today. Hope I can find a dress to wear with them and hope I don't fall over while wearing them, lol.

                              I am having a sober Friday night in spite of the fact that my husband didn't come home until 9p.m. without a phone call or explanation when he did get home. I'm pretty sure he was at our shop, talking to the guys, drinking beer but I honestly didn't feel like asking.
                              Day 1:4/4/2014


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Everyone

                                Seems I can't turn my back on you guys for long then everyone slinks off to their little corners of the world. I know WTE has an excuse, but where's everyone else? All I can see is Space giving a one liner about liking feeling stoned, Sun advising on L-glut and Mimi and Play showing up. Hmmm.

                                I've been really busy these last two days but I've also actually been avoiding writing here because this thread feels a bit like my diary and facing up to myself. I went to the doc and I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. All the tests and stuff was so expensive because I don't have insurance that it completely wiped out my credit card. Then when I finished my translation the hospital group said that I'll have to wait a couple of weeks before I can start the next batch.

                                In the meanwhile I started talking to boyfriend again but only on friend terms. Not in 'lets just be friends' terms but in 'lets be friends until we are ready to talk things through' terms. I had no other choice but to loan a big sum of money from him, it was either do that or buy out my annuity fund. I'm gutted to have to have done this and I have set up repayment terms but I had no other way. Life sometimes has a way of kicking you firmly between the eyes just as you are getting on your feet.

                                Thanks Mimi, what are your plans, are you waiting for the Topa to arrive or have you started with it. AF plan yet. Just asking as weddings can be tricky but not trying to be negative. Sexy shoes are always a bonus though

                                I still think the reason you don't feel like having sex with your husband is because you don't feel he supports you enough emotionally. I know you have accepted it thus far but it seems to me subconsciously you are starting to rebel against the fact that he wants you physically without boosting you emotionally. I would still suggest something like couple's counselling or perhaps a holiday somewhere secluded where you will have sex but will also be forced to talk a lot? Or does that sound like the opposite of what you would like to do?

                                My home language is Afrikaans but I've been speaking English since I was 2 and have a degree in English. To do translation you have to be very comfortable in both languages as you don't want to just know what the words are but also the context and the subtleties but as your daughter majored in it I'm sure she'll enjoy it. I've done various translation work but currently I'm translating 200 Nursing Policies for a local hospital group. Its challenging but it keeps me out of trouble.

                                Azurmyst - where do people you come up with with these names? LOL. Taking Bac to me was like poppling Smarties, it had no effect, so you'll have to ask Space or read up on the Bac threads. But I do have lots of experience with meds and I can say that its always a good idea to give something time. Also play around with when you take it, for instance take it before bed time or take it with a meal etc. I even kept a diary the first week with Topa to find the perfect time to take it so it least affected my working hours.

                                Last One - My heart goes out to you and your son - Did you get my email? :l

                                Play - Enjoy your trip and I think its so kind of you to go out of your way to visit your mom. It can't be easy for you. Good news on the Topa front, so happy for you.

                                - Good luck with all the :flower:s and stuff, thinking of you.

                                - where are you, you horrible, terrible person?

                                - Are you feeling better after that person disappointed you? Are you off this weekend? I still want to keep at you to read that Little Prince book.

                                I hope you are enjoying your weekend away, Space

                                Everyone else I may have missed, please come back.


