Quick reply - Maggie wore the socks every night for ages and no, the elastic doesn't slip off over her rear end - I will try and find the web site where i bought the product that I used and there is a video there with their dog actually wearing the socks as they had suggested them so the product stayed on the feet and the dogs didn't lick it off. Oh - I remember - it is called Dermapaw - if you Google Dermapaw and go to their video - they have their dogs wearing the socks - I made my own version of their socks - and they do stay on!! REALLY !!! LOL Before Maggie's cancer, she had hot spots - or the hot spots were precancer - whatever - I used the dermapaw and used the socks and they were wonderful - didn't bother her a bit. I tried tape around the top of the socks first but then if they got wet it was a hassle - so much easier just to take the socks off with the elastic. Plus they chew at the tape..... check out the video..... oh - and I did use them on Maggies back paws too......
No announcement yet.
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New here and starting Topa and with a question
Quick reply - Maggie wore the socks every night for ages and no, the elastic doesn't slip off over her rear end - I will try and find the web site where i bought the product that I used and there is a video there with their dog actually wearing the socks as they had suggested them so the product stayed on the feet and the dogs didn't lick it off. Oh - I remember - it is called Dermapaw - if you Google Dermapaw and go to their video - they have their dogs wearing the socks - I made my own version of their socks - and they do stay on!! REALLY !!! LOL Before Maggie's cancer, she had hot spots - or the hot spots were precancer - whatever - I used the dermapaw and used the socks and they were wonderful - didn't bother her a bit. I tried tape around the top of the socks first but then if they got wet it was a hassle - so much easier just to take the socks off with the elastic. Plus they chew at the tape..... check out the video..... oh - and I did use them on Maggies back paws too......How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
New here and starting Topa and with a question
I just googled it sun, I see the socks are on all four paws, I was thinking socks on just the back two paws and elastic over the top. That looks cool thanks for the advice I will remember it if I ever need it for my two. Last time I just used baby socks and taped them on, and then kept on taping them on as the dogs chewed them off
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Morning everyone - Space, I only ever had the socks on two paws at a time. mags had trouble with her front paws and hot spots. Then later, the cancer started and caused trouble in a front paw. Then another time she hot spots on a back paw so I had to use them on the back paws. But it was autumn at the time and with going in and out, it was easier to take the socks off when she went out than to keep fussing with tape and stuff - different to having a wound that that the dressing needs to stay on obviously.
As for your anxiety attack Space - was it just because you saw yourself and thought that you are fat? Oh dear - I am sure that you are nowhere near as bad as you think you are. Have you had the attacks before or is this a new thing for you? I have heard they are dreadful..... what can you do for it? Are you worrying too much about the AL? I was up to 3 again last night. Actually yesterday afternoon - I had my first at noon. And last at 5.00. Saw what I was doing and grabbed the l-Glut, so am hoping that helped me not go over the three..... Re carb cravings - if you up your protein, you will find your carb cravings will go down..... well, sugar cravings go down anyway - not sure about other carbs. What dose of Bac are you on? do you just stay on the same dose? I had forgotten that you were on it actually.....
How is everyone else doing? Still haven't heard from Struggles...... I did hear from Mimi and she is okay. Not great but okay.....
Finally got to getting my Cd's sorted a little yesterday and tried to get my lap top sorted for copying them. Also bought some blank Cd's so will start copying this week. I will need your addresses if you want any - will PM or e-mail - and find out.
I am having breakfast with my eldest daughter this morning - I didn't think she was talking to me but after two e-mails from me to her, she finally called me. Today is her birthday so I was pretty sure I would hear from her. (do i detect a touch of cynicism there Sun?). She leaves to go back to Florida on Weds and despite her sister asking what she is doing, looks like my youngest isn't getting to see her. Youngest feels really hurt. I had thought about saying for her to come to breakfast with us but that would have probably upset eldest - OH MY GOSH - why can't everyone just get along?
Diz - how are you doing today? You have been awfully quiet of late and I understand why... are you okay? Have you heard from b/f again? I know you aren't drinking so it isn't that..... chin up my friend - get out in the garden - oh wait, it is winter ther - but maybe you could wrap up and get out in the garden? Still lots to do before winter in the garden - the exercise will be good for you and make you feel good and you will be so pleased if you get stuff done.....
Hey there WTE - how is Charlie today? Please give us an update..... his fan club is waiting to hear.... and are YOU okay too now it is over - after things like this, there is always that awful release and one feels wiped......
Play - good to hear your flight went well and you are now safely back. To start getting ready for your trip to Spain.......
Houtx - hi to you - has school finished wher you are? So you are between regular and summer? Rather you than me..... hope all is well with you..
Have a wonderful day everyone, off to shower,
Love, Sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Good Morning!
My internet has been down and I am finally back to the future and out of the dark ages:H
I have not had a drink since Saturday the 16th and am holding at 75mg of topa. I may have to increase this week because it seems that at the two week point, I start to slip. I have been keeping busy with yard work, yes, pushing that dang mower, but actually liking it, sort of a self punishment to get this extra weight off I achieved from all the booze I consumed! It makes me feel good when I'm done....funny how I actually like doing things sober.
I have had a couple days where I wanted a beer, but it passed after a snickers. My problem now is I have replaced the beer with diet soda. I was drinking diet coke but came down with itchy feet and these unsightly splotches all over my body....not really sexy at all:H After some research, I may be allergic to aspartame, but then of course, 12-15 cans of diet coke a day may do that! I have switched to diet RITE cola that has no sodium, no caffeine or aspartame, it's made with splenda and seltzer water. I'm realizing I really like the carbonation in the drinks. Now I need to work on cutting down on the drinking constantly, I've replaced the beer with soda. I remember a friend who stopped smoking said she replaced the cigarettes with suckers and it was crazy, but it does come to an end.
How is everyone doing? It will take me a while to read the posts I've missed. I have the kids until 3 this afternoon and then they go to their dads....I will enjoy my reading time then.
Oh...I splurged on myself and bought Fifty Shades of Grey....all of my friends are talking about it and i do love to read...I'm told it's a doozy.
Enjoy your Monday.
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Hi All …
OK Sun ... It AIN’T WORKING! HA! I wish I could send you a video – it is absolutely hysterical!
Now, you have to remember that Charlie is a rescue, and from what all we know about his (that is, me and Homeward Bound Rescue) is he was a kenneled stud for most (all?) of his life. So he has a few odd quirks about him – none bad, but you can sense he was not always treated with care and love but more as an “it”. Example is a bird flew into my house the other day (quite common as I always have my doors open) and I was opening more doors and sliders and windows and trying to get the poor fellow out and not yelling but firming saying) “out – out –out this way! This way! It wasn’t until the bird was out that I turned around and saw Charlie – you would have thought someone had beaten him!!! He was terrified of me, cowered. Curled up in a ball outside my back door and it took quite a few minutes of baby talk and loving and hugs to assure him that I had not been speaking to him, that he was a good boy. It was SO SAD and I felt so bad!
So back to the baby socks and elastic. He turns in a statue! Won’t move an inch! I can put his FAV treat inches away from him and he won’t make eye, won’t take it and I sense he feels like he is being punished. I tried again after he had dinner and treats and his pain meds and was calm and a bit playful – same thing. Those sad eyes, stands up and will NOT move an inch. I even tried (a bit) to wait him out. I couldn’t bare it.
So, Plan B? Heck if I know! HA! The good news is we went to vet yesterday and he had the drain tubes removed. Bless my vet for being open 7 days a week! So as least that part of the irritation is gone. He still have all his staples but the stiches holding the tubes are gone and I think they were making him more uncomfortable than anything. We (2 vets and I) tried to come up with some solution and the only idea they had was strips of T-Shirts as they don’t want to bandage it. Cool idea, except it just rolls down his neck. LOL So I tried making him look like Doris Day and tied it under his chin and over his head. That actually worked through the night - however this morning he has decided he is done with that and with one paw swipe its off.
Must say he is being pretty good about not pawing at it for now! Keeping my fingers crossed!
As for me .. well, 5 days now of this stress/nonsense and I feel landlocked and so I have been into more wine than I should be. But I made a promise to myself this morning to get back on track, this is a poor excuse and a REASON I should NOT be drinking more wine because Charlie is counting on me! So I have some good kick myself in the asre coming today. HA! SO pissed off when I look at my chart! GRRRR. But no sense in looking backwards …
Ooooppps.. sorry .. dash time..be back later
New here and starting Topa and with a question
WTE - oh dear - poor Charlie - I can imagine - I remember the first time I put a thundershirt on ben - he did exactly the same thing - except he dropped to the floor and would not move...... Oh - I feel for you with the bird thing and Charlie thinking you were yelling at him - yes, the rescues don't know and we don't know what they went through do we? It is very sad. Ben was just the same if we raised our voice - you had to make sure they knew that it wasn't THEM that had done anything wrong!!!
Sorry that the socks and the elastic didn't work - how funny!! It was worth a try anyway.
I totally understand about the drinking - when we are stressed, although it is NOT a good reason for drinking, it is the one thing that we turn to - I know I do - so I have to up the L-Glut.....
Struggles, so good to see you - sorry about the internet - I would be a basket case without mine for that long. GO YOU for no drinking since the 16th - that is amazing. I am so impressed with you.....you are really incredible. Will of iron!!!
Closing shift today. Went out to breakast with both daughters this morning then swimming with the youngest - had a ball. Now having got home and watered, I am ready for a nap. Instead must get ready for work.
Hugs to all, Love, Sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
New here and starting Topa and with a question
I havent really got much to say again, I have taken my auntie to visit my uncle again today, he has been moved to a hospice. The place is lovely and the care there seems to be great but it cant take away the fact that ts the place cancer patients go to die. but then again it is a lot better than the lack of care my dad got when he was in hospital dying.
Back to me, thanks for asking about me Sun, I have always suffered from anxiety but didnt know what it was. I was in a car crash around 9 years ago and after that started having panic attacks while driving. I am not as bad as I was but still evrey now and again it gets a bit bad, not full blown panic attack tho, thank god that is awful and compleatly debilitating. I have been literally trapped in places because of it in the past. I am increasing baclofen right now and am taking 80mg. I was taking 40mg for 8 months but have decided to go up to try and stop my cravings. I am still taking 900mg gabapentin since my doc prescribed it for migraines, and I also take citalopram and serequel prescribed by my doc as well.
I am glad you got to spend time with your daughters, your eldest reminds me of my daughter. I think they both just want love and attention, I know my girl, even tho shes 25 still feels envious of the attention I give to my sons and not to her. I need to spend more time with her, she is coming to stay here tomorrow night with her bf and we are going on errands on wednesday.
Sorry that I havent ben able to chat to all you peeps but my head cant really take much in right now. xx
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Oh Space – How sweet to take your Auntie. No, hospice is very sad, but they are such wonderful souls (at least here) and were so great with my sister and partner – although they came to the home to care.
Be sure you are taking care of yourself too. We seem to be about in the same spot these days with a bit of a roller coaster effect. Weird, I NEVER felt anxiety or anything until a few years ago when it started as I would open my eyes in the morning and then be gone in quite quickly. As I drank more – I noticed it more and mentioned it to my DR. She responded “perhaps it has something else to do with something in your lifestyle”. I had asked her about hormones. HA! And guess what! Lasts few days and mis-behaving ? Woke up this AM with that feeling again – just slightly. For me it is the AL for sure. Space – do you notice any difference in with the amount you are drinking or not drinking? Just curious …..
Sun – So happy you had time with the girls. Oh how I wish my Mom was still around and I could do that with her! Sorry you are off to work again! I almost am looking forward to going back tomorrow after being home with Charlie – although this whole program should prove interesting in the shop/ HA!
Struggles! WOW – right on in pulling the plug for a bit! Congrats and I wish you lived closer because my lawn looks like hell! HA!
All for now. To be honest I am worn to the bone with Charlie and HOPEFULLY this new collar thing works. I need sleep!
Hugs all!
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Hi Everyone, I'm reading just not much time to post today, trying to catch up after getting back, but just a question Sun, what is a "Thundershirt"?
Love to all and will hopefully have more time tomorrow.
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Hi all - took my Nook to work with me and read the posts on my break! Poor Charlie - he does NOT look a happy camper!!
Space - my dad went from being with me after he couldn't manage on his own, to a hospice and if the place that your uncle is in is anything like the place my dad was in, it is really nice. the hospice places in UK are wonderful. I was so grateful to them for all they did for my dad when I couldn't be there.
yes, you are probably right about my eldest daughter just wanting love and attention - the thing is that she is so self centred and selfish that sometimes it is hard to give it to her - everything is always about her and she just doesn't seem to care about anyone else's feelings. My youngest's feelings have been so hurt with all that has been going on......but this morning I sucked it up and just decided that I was going to be as if nothing had been going on.... and she was fine. After we had all had breakfast the eldest had to go and meet with her M-I-L and the youngest and I went swimming - it was wonderful!!!! Hate to say it but she and I get on SO well!!! We are so alike....
I am sorry about your panic attacks - I can't imagine how they make you feel. I have heard from others how awful they are and you just can't do anything to stop them - so I am pleased yours aren't as bad as they were. You do sound really stressed right now - I know that Play is sending you some Cd's and I shall be adding to that too - I need to e-mail or PM you to talk to you about it. Just hang in there my friend.....:l
WTE - Lovely pic of Charlie!! dear old dog..... I felt such a pang for you when you said "Oh how I wish my mum was still around and I could do that with her". I know exactly what you meant - that is how I feel when other folk talk about their dads - WHAT I would give for a day with my dad........oh how I miss him.......
Diz - you are conspicuous by your absence. Please post and let us know you are okay..... don't make me come after you - LOL. Seriously how are you doing?
Play - a thundershirt is a thing that I bought for Ben as he was SO scared of storms - Google it and you can see - it is easier than me trying to explain it to you. It really worked though once he got used to it. It is used for dogs, to calm them down and works on pressure points. Folk say you can use an old t-shirt but the thundershirt fits much more snugly so works in my opinion, much better. ben wasn't bothered by storms at all once I put the thundershirt on him (after he would actually MOVE in it - LOL).
Not long in from work..... my day off tomorrow and am planning on playing with my compost pile..... :H
love and hugs to all.
Sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Hi all
Ahh, poor Charlie doesn't look very happy. But on the bright side, he's still a pretty puppy
I'm having some internet issues, went over the internet cap and they blocked it, so I bought some prepaid internet and they sporadically still block this, probably because they think I don't have enough worries as it is in my life.
I'm OK, I just need to focus on work for today. Someone from another thread sent me a PM on how to 'solve all my problems' and it really ruffled my feathers. That person knows nothing of my bipolar or other issues and just decided they know me 100% and can cure it all...
My mood has also gone down lately, I think the Topa must go up and from posting on too many threads it feels like I have too many people telling me what to do all the time. I have enough of that in my real life.
So today I just need a break and from then I think I'm just going to post here and on the gardening thread, that is if anyone else will ever post there again.
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Good Morning Diz - so sorry that you are feeling overwhelmed with everything. yes, it can get a bit much when we try and spread ourselves too thin over a lot of threads. I used to do that and just can't any more. I took some pics of my raised beds so will try and post them today on the gardening thread (nice, safe non- emotional gardening thread - LOL).
I am hardly surprised that your mood has gone down lately - oh my gosh - you are dealing with SO much in your life. And your decision to go to UK is hardly a small one either - with that at the forefront of everything, you are bound to be down in the dumps - it is a HUGE decision - at least I think it is.
Anyway - I tried walking Katie this morning and she just plonked her little bottom down and would NOT budge! LOL Even a treat held in front of her just made her stretch her neck out t-h-i-s far - and then she decided the treat wasn't worth it! Something for me and Miss Katie to work on..... LOL I have never had a dog before that wouldn't walk when they had the lead on. I have to take bth dogs to the vet today - katie for a shot and am going to take daisy with me as I want Tim to look at her ears. I cleaned them out last night and put some anti-biotic drops in them but want him to have a look anyway. Also need to schedule Katie's appt to be spayed.
SO - off to do something - can't go out in the garden and get all sweaty as Vet appt is at 9.30. SO what to do? I know - I can start working on the CD's.....
Lorry loads of love and hugs to everyone - have a wonderful day, love, sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Yes, I will pop back in when I can. How couldn't I? I'm a fellow topamaxer. Besides you all r so very nice here!!!!.... What I'd written b4 wasn't my only reason for staying away from this board. Just the main one. Once I got sober I was doing other things, which is good. Also wanting to explore other areas at this site & elsewhere. Plus other responsibilities & things going on in my life. Along with the fact I don't type fast. It's more like a turtle trying to run a marathon.
My laptop is up & running again, thx to my hubbs. As sitting at the desktop was killing me. A couple of my disks that r degenerating in neck, along with my upper back, shoulders bersitus. I finally took 5 advil yesterday, I know it's alot, but 3-4 does nothing.( I seldom do this, I just stretch, yoga, soak.)Oh crap sorta like my boozing days. LMAO at meor more like this
Play: Glad u landed safely. I said a prayer for u. Enjoy your precious time with your daughter & grandaughter. It must be so beautiful there.
Glad to here Mimi is OK!... Thx Sunny!
Struggles: So glad that your staying AF & that the Topa is working for you! Along with getting a good work out with that push mower. I've used them my self b4. Stay focused on AF life. I so fear for SOME of us, that we won't have one or at least not a happy one if we don't surrender & accept the facts & take actions to remove it from our lives.
DizzyBee: Oh hun so many things I want to say, but still not sure if I should or if I want to. Ya know I think the world of you hun!.... So bright, so beautiful, so funny, so giving!.....For now I will just pray that the answers will present themselves to you. Maybe a dose increase will help?
I know I was at 75 mg, felt so blahh, tired, depressed, lethargic. So, I decreased to 50mg, then too much energy, my daughter said I was in mild to moderate hypo mania. So then I compromised took 62.5. I was running all over the place for over a wk, got very stressed out!.... Which is the worst thing somebody like me should be doing in early recovery. Now I see. I had an anxiety attack at the grocery store on Mothers day, left to get my Mom, me crying & couldn't think straight, went to another store, 6-pk. Well, I ended up drinking over the topa last two days of a 10 day run. I've upped my topa again to 75 mg. Plus when I went to see Pdr, he had left for an Emergency, so I couldn't discuss what was going on. Plus I have hyperthyroidism. I'm in the process of making decisions about treatment.
As for your feathers getting ruffled, well just bless them. They are ignorant, they don't understand. No one on a message forum or even in real life can totally know you or solve all your problems. Shit we have a hard enuf time doing that ourselves!... I have know idea whether they were trying to be helpful or not. It's hard to guess peoples motives. As I don't know the facts & even if I did, still may be hard. I can tell you that there often is some truth when something someone says bothers us. NOT ALWAYS THO!
Dizzy please try & remember many folks don't understand major mental health issues, like many of us suffer from. Chin up my friend!..... Please try not to let it bring you down for too long!!!!... It's none of our business what others think of me~us.
So glad Charlie is on the mend!!!!WTE: Your words usually always have a way of soothing me. Must be all those yrs of working with flowers, kayaking, fur babies.
Houtx: You my dear crack me up. A woman who is no non-sense. A lady a bit like myself. Don't let your kids drive u nuts. Not sure how long they've been back at home. My eldest was * may still be moving out in 2 wks. She & her fellow co-workers may all be losing their jobsOMG Fecking Shit Again!.... She is so sad. Not sure she should sign the lease on the 12th. She is getting a copy after college today as we need to read it. My youngest & her Bf are coming home in 3 wks & will be here for 7. Oh boy all of them here? I don't know, I love them so, but can u say stress. THE BF. Anywoo. My Hubbs BFF lives in Houston. If we ever have $$$ for ourselves & not giving it to the kids always, I will look u up. Golf?
So Glad school is almost out for you. YIPPY SKIPPYReally don'y know how teachers & nurses do it. They should be given free yearly vacations by the President.
Sunny: I was so very very happy to read that the 3 of you went to breakfast together. That things resolved themselves. The e-mails, discord. I have two daughters, been there. Should have wrote to you encouraging you that it will pass, it will work it self out. I know I've seen my own Mom cry from being ignored by my girls. I've talked to them until I'm blue in the face. As they get older they finally get how important family is. Time takes time, hope they realize their grandparents may not have as much as they might.
Space: Oh my the Hospice. I too have had to deal with this. It all can be so painful this end of life stuff. Buried too many myself. So, grateful when we find good caregivers. They too should get free vacations. They give so much of themselves. Please remember to take time for you hun!..... I know it's hard cause u still have kids at home too, but we just have to be good to us. I to have been staying up to late. I need to stop it! I think I have same reactions to the topa as DB. It's like her & I r about a wk a part on our symptoms. I will try later to write more on this.
PS. Copying & pasting now, just in case.
Welcome to anyone new here, or anyone reading. We all hope u find your way out!
Namaste :h