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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Sorry I havent been back on here, I thought I had somehow this morning when I posted on my own. I got an early night last night and then woke up early this morning, which is very unusual for me these days so I have had a pretty long day. Been to my mums. Havent noticed anything much from the topa but it was a tiny dose, I have been feeling ok today though but Im thinking it may well be the serequel has finally got out of my system as that little bit of topa cant have done it, can it? No odd things happened yet and one good thing is Im usually very dizzy, forgetting things and saying the wrong words all the time so it may not even make much difference to me :H

    Im feeling pretty tired again now but Im not usually awake for over 12 hours straight so this is an achievement in itself.



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hey Houtx, I would say nothing to feel guilty about having a good time, YAY!

      YAY, Space, I'm glad that stuff got out of your system.

      I'm tired mysel and going to bed soon. I'm going to try to do a post to really let you know how it is going for me and my family here, thanks for everyone asking about them and wanting to know how it is going, that really is nice. Hope you are all good today.



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi everyone,

        Have been checking in here lately and just wanted to mention I made a thread called "May Sound Idiotic... " which I believe documents what the Topa was doing to me.
        Let me say though that the Topa stops most of the cravings for me - plain and simple.

        Also I am on Lamictol, a bipolar Med so how the 2 interact is obviously a consideration.
        Suffice to say, I cut back to about .50 mg of Topa and upped the L-Glut. Cravings are still here and though more intense they seem to go leave quicker which is REALLY nice

        That whole 'surf the craving' had me riding waves which sometimes lasted entire afternoons. Yuk!

        Anyway, feeling more balanced, in control. Less sleepy and ...well something else but I forget. :H

        Hugs, :l
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hey everyone - lovely to see you Kradle - I did see your May Sound idiotic thread - and yes, topa can really do a number on you. It does have SE's for some. i have been really lucky with it for the most part - get bad Topa dopa at times, but wonder if that is age related though .......:H I am really not sure and the only way to find out would be to stop it which I don't want to do. i also get severe depression when I get up to 300mg which is the dose I actually need to stop the cravings totally. so I stay around 200mg and the cravings are held back tgo a certain point - I still drink - but just 2 a day. That has been a sore point on the site. But it works for me right now. I know if I take L-Glut I can probably come down from that. Right now I have stuff going on that I am happy to stay with my two a day. Sorry - I am rambling and going off course..... I am happy that you are feeling better than you were and it is lovely to have you here. I know you have been having a really hard time of late and am so pleased for you that things have taken an upswing......

          Play - lovely to see you too and yes please to an update. I am doing well - apart from this heat that is relentless. We are breaking records here in the midwest and have a drought.....there is no end in sight - temps in the 100's all through next week - it is just awful - my plants hate it and so do I. It is a struggle to keep some of the plants alive. I think today I shall have to pull my beets as they really can't stand the heat. anyway - enough of the whingeing - please catch us up on how you are and what you are up to - it would be lovely to hear all about you...

          Space - no aplogies needed - you have been so good about keeping up on here, you have deserved a break! I wouldn't worry too much about the topa - as I said, I noticed nothing at the beginning - apart from tingling. In my feet mainly. Are you still taking the antabuse? or have you stopped that now? Are you stopping taking the serequel? How are the dresses coming along - how many are you having to make?

          Diz - today is your farewell party - I am looking forward to hearing about it. I do hope that you have fun. Although it will be a sad affair irt will be a happy one too as you start a new part of your life.

          WTE - how are things going? What is going on? you have been so quiet..... I hope things are okay with charlie..... please post a quickie and let us know okay?

          Hi Houtx - glad that you had fun. Why are you feeling guilty? You need to post a bit more - not half the story!! :H:H

          I was wondering how struggles was doing earlier today - if you are reading this struggles, pop in and let us know - okay??

          Need to go - my daughter is coming over.

          Love and hugs to all,

          love, Sun XXXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Play, you cant be asleep now the sound of the partying must have woken you!!

            Edit to peeps out of Europe Spain just won the cup


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Oh - I knew England was out some time ago - but didn't know spain had won........
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Ahh that's why they were making all that noise at the Pub I was eating at.
                Thank you for that clarification.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi Sun et Al.

                  And thanks for the kind words I so appreciate them. :h Yes things have settled doen. Daddy has the twins camping:thumbs:

                  I have a question: Topa definately stops the cravings for me. But a How long (and I know this is individual) but how long /generally does one need to stay on this? Are the people with 3, 6 plus years sobriety that started with Topa are still taking it?

                  Wonderifng if there are any longitudinal studies on the drug as I believe RJ found her original research back in 2003?

                  Obviously I would prefer to NOT be taking this drug forever!


                  PS: Sorry if this subject has come up before ...we need an index!
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Kradle - I was AF for 8 months then stopped taking it and thought I could just have one drink - HAH !!! So in answer to your question - for me - I don't know..........
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Sunny - glad you're back!
                      Cos - hope you and yours are dodging the fires; that's the scariest thing ever! So hoping alls well -
                      Lots of others to comment on, but sounds like mostly alls well w/ everyone.

                      DZ - you are amazing! Lost weight behind our backs, getting all tanned and shaved...I am soooooo happy for you and your transition. The sex life will find it's way, believe me. Once he starts nibbling on your neck or doing something else that hits a nerve, you'll be fine. Everything I've read and experienced, is that AL really dulls the senses. I agree - a few drinks can loosen you up, but can also dull things. Don't worry - it'll all come back to you! LOL And don't worry about your parents too much. They need to get along without you. It's your life - go live it! Glad you and the bf are excited and all seems to be on track. Keep us posted!

                      Now for you, WTE!! What is this about the landscaper losing his trunks in your hottub??!! That's too funny! You're holding out on us! So sorry about "Buddy" - confusing turn of events, and can so relate to the loss of that good friendship...hang in there. Think about it, feel the feelings, but don't let it get you too down, which I'm sure it won't. Life is a twisted venture, isn't it?! But sounds like you're having fun w/ the landscaping and making some nice changes. I love it that you are into spaces, parties, landscaping and decorating for such thangs. The photos you post are GORGEOUS!! Love your work & talent - so funny you just sort-of stumbled into something you are obviously have so much talent for. I recently clipped an ad for a flower design workshop & thought of you! Who doesn't love flowers...

                      Anyway, real briefly before my time turns into a pumpkin here, the man I went out with the other night is someone I'd dated a few times last fall. We played golf, had a couple of dates and is a really nice guy, but like you've mentioned before WTE, not really my type. Doesn't knock my boots off. PLus he disappeared off the radar screen for about 6 months and then wanted to say it was my fault. HUH?! I dunno - he has alot going for him, is entertaining, fairly nice looking (except has no curvature to the back of his head...seriously weird head design. I'm cracking myself up here, but picture a straight line from the back of his head to his neck...bugs me) He knows wine, loves it, drinks it, is a snow skier, golfer, retired last year ( is about to be 67, I'm about to be 59) drives a Mercedes, lives an hour away (could be good or bad)...and wants to start something up with me. I'm like we left it with a few kisses, he nibbled at my neck which tickled me below the belt and I haven't felt THAT in a year. We talked about all of this, left it at him saying "You get in touch with me if you want to"...

                      UGH - I just don't know. Feel like I need to start a relationship just for fun and he's nice and entertaining...but then again, not in the mood!! I have gained 10 lbs in the last year and feel like a porker. He sensed this and said he found me very attractive, etc...I dunno. My b'day is Thursday. Maybe I will ask him to entertain me!! LOL

                      I'll keep you all posted - gotta go. Hope this flies! Oh , and my AL use has been no worse nor better than ever. I just have what I want and try to go to bed in a timely now! :-))


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi all

                        Am afraid I'm not going to be able to respond to what everyone said. Except Sunny - thanks for the long update and you are so not bad! Don't lot other people mess with your head about two drinks. And Space, so glad you're on board with the Topa! If its making you lose sleep, try having it in the morning, like I do, it may actually give you a nice energy boost. How are you feeling.

                        My farewell was Saturday night and I only invited like 7 people but someone it turned out to be this wild party. Mostly because of this couple I didnt invite but then the girl helped my friend bake a cake so I felt like I had to invite her and her husband. I do like them but my brother doesnt like the fact that they are so wild.

                        So the husband ended up inviting quite a few more people during the course of the evening but only one of them I didnt know and he was a bit weird too. Well, to be honest I actually liked him a bit, but then it was late and perhaps if I met him sober I would thing differently. I think he also liked me but I remember that last time just before I went to London lots of guys admitted to liking me, so perhaps they just like falling for girls who are on their way out of the country... I just know most of the guys didn't like him as he is a lead singer in a band and got a bit of a ego on him. Perhaps he gets to become famous and I can say that I met him at my farewell once.

                        Anyway, it was actually quite a memorable night and they set up this 'photo booth' for me where we had this frame thing and hundreds of dress up items so we took a hundred photos with different poses which was a lot of fun. I did drink a bit too much but I must say that I was definitely not the only one and the diet probably contributed to me feeling a bit out of sorts too. Its a bit disconcerting that I went to sleep before the party was over but then again its probably for the best, I was under a lot of stress and I had to say goodbye to my best friends so I don't think they think poorly of me. Rather retire early than make a spectacle of myself.

                        Sorry, I have to run to the broker. I did read all of your updates though and I'm thinking of all of you, will update tonight if I get a minute.



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          The party sounds like it was great Dizzy, the photo booth and all the dressing up clothes must have taken some organising. Im ok sleep fine last night no problems to report but Im still only taking the tiny dose.

                          Enjoy your day everyone :l


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Wow, that sounds crazy. Have not been to a party like that ever I don't think. The ones I went to were always just lame and just drink.
                            Sounds fun.

                            Thanks hout. All is getting better here. Not too much smoke anymore!


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi kradle, I don't know if people take Topa long term, I would bet it depends on how well they really learn a new lifestyle and new habits and that takes some time to ingrained it into the brain I guess. I would take the Topa over the cravings I guess.

                              Sun, two beers isn't so bad, I enjoy my two wines, don't care what anyone on any other thread says, this is not their exclusive forum.

                              Dizz have a wonderful holiday with BF, keep us Posted, I know you will.

                              Love, play


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Oh yeah, that's what my son in law was yelling about last night, LOL.

