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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Topa such a short shelf life?!

    Just picked up a massive load of topa and bac from local pharmacy (I left the script yesterday requesting specific brand-they had to order both meds) picked up today in original manufacturer plastic bottles and to my astonishment the expiry date on topa: 02/2013 !? bac expiry: 01/2016 same parent manufacturer for both meds...go figure..


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      I don' have much time, just cruisng thru the site, happened to come by here. I don'y know why but WTE, you've been on my mind! I've been worried about you & I don't know why? I briefly read DB reply & agree, by adding shakes. To maybe getting some ensure ones with carbs. I think you may have gone off the Topa too fast, I don't know. I personally think you should go back on it, lower dose. I don't care if somebody wants to shoot me for this & maybe I'm wrong, but memeber the old days how weed can give ya the munchies, ya need ta eat. Drinkin coffee & wine is going wreck havoc on your gut & your not going t be hungry, let alone end up on the toity. I've been wondering why besides your big $5,000 deduct, why ya just don't go to the doc & give your real name. This secret docs office is going ta want your SS & such. Also wondered if ya had your endoscopy, colonsocopy when you were 50? I also think being off the topa your getting depressed. Look up some natural holistc thinsg that will increase your appetite. I'm worried & have been. Member what I said a month or so back. I just feel something to. Why I came here today, No time to read other boards, post or reply to PM. I will be thinking & praying for you. If you get ta feeling any poorer yo get ta urgent care clinic, or ER. OR Wildflowers & Dizzybee & the rest of Topa peeps are going ta be upset. Ya don't want that. No time to fix errors, proof read, paragraps, it's the message & care that counts. Please Take Care OF You!.... :h :l


        New here and starting Topa and with a question


        I just called my youngest daughter & asked her to come over a little later, we are going out to lunch & shopping. She's only her for a little more then 3 wks & leaving again. I will PM you my e-mail & give you my phone number if you need or want to talk. I don't think you've been off the Topa that long & think it's causing you major depression, adding to your increased drinking. I remember when I went off of it, did this to me back in 07-08. Even now, when I 4got my PM dose, for couple of nights & next day sad, crying... I realize now & my hubs & daughter who moved out last month can see how depressed I became. I notice it now when I don't take it cause I'm sober & have more clarity. I also finally realize that Topa does way more then help with cravings as I take a low dose & still have cravings, it relieves my anxiety & depression, but I also have to do other things. I just care about you & am worried. No pressure, no judgement. I'm a real alkie.... I understand! Believe me if ya only knew... ugh. I just hate whats happening to you & want to help. I fecking hate alcohol now, it has ruined my life & I am scared for you. Maybe I'm over reacting, but rather do that, then not care at all. Again you can e-mail me if you want & I will call you. You are a smart, beautiful, kind woman & I don't want to see you lose things, esp you! Love Wilde xoxo PMing ya now. :l :h


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          And it gets worse .... my "New DR" office today called to say he was not going to be available on the 19th after all.

          Next appointment they could give me was the 30th of this month. UGH.

          Thank you for all concerned.

          WF: I am not sure where you live, but here in the US, to have anything like AL abuse on your record can destroy your medical insurance forever. Increase in premiums, (I already pay a large sum) denial of life insurance policies, etc, etc. Since I own my own business, I have a “personal policy” which is MUCH different that if you are covered by a Group Policy given at work. They can drop me like a fly.

          I need to see a DR that I can be TOTALLY honest with about AL, about the Topa – all of it. Depression? It’s not like me AT ALL.

          So perhaps I did just stop the Topa too fast.

          DIZ: Yes, a drug CAN make you assimilate food in a different way. I can eat until I am nuts and it goes nowhere! I certainly don’t understand, but even if I eat “normal” like I used to and weighed 135#, I can still eat the same on Topa and dropping pounds daily. I don’t understand.. but hugs across the pond.

          Baclofan: Agree. *sigh*

          I don’t know what I am going to do. I CAN NOT WAIT another 19 days to see this DR.
          Rock/Hard Place.

          Just so everyone knows … I may be depressed but far from danger or suicidal. Just wading through the days and trying to figure this out …..



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi all - want to reply but too down and bummed - numerous phone calls with nurses but none with docs - am out of meds - not sure if I will get any tomorrow which is Friday - so might be out over the weekend too - great!!! Not sure how soon withdrawal starts.

            WTE - I have E-mailed you - so sorry about how you are feeling - I KNOW the feeling - LOL - although LOL is said in rather an ironic way. I am just hanging in right now.

            Diz - by the time I order from River, my RX will be sorted. I need it yesterday. Having been hospitalized for withdrawals, I am panicking. My doc doesn't seem to realise the importance.

            Back tomorrow everyone - hugs to all,

            love, sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              I don't come by here much any more, but read once in a while, as I do still care. I live in the states, am An American, but like to keep my identity private. Unless I choose to thru e-mail.

              Yes, I understand that they may drop you when your policy is up for renewal. I think Obama's health care reform for pre-existing conditions doesn't apply to adults until 2014. Does for minors now. He may not be in office. Your Ins Com can't prove it's pre-existing if it's not in your current medical records now. Not sure if the cab give you the boot at renewal time. I'm guessing because your deductible is so high, that you have major medical now.

              I have contacted a friend who is a an agent, however we live in different states. Cali does have some good laws, I googled, even if your income isn't restricted. My main concern for you is your health WTE. It won't matter if they drop you, if ya end up in the hospital, if ya keep drinking like this & not eating. I still think ya should go back on a low dose topa, google something to stimulate you appetite. Force yourself to eat toast with your coffee, b4 ya drink the whole cup. Coffee can fill you up & then your not hungry. Mash potaoes, starchy foods, protein.

              I smoke pot maybe 3-6 times a yr & it gives me the munchies. Just a little hit or two when I'm out camping, hiking. My daughter smokes it , she has RA & the meds & Injection she takes says it helps her tummy & naseua , but I know she likes it, like I did in my twenties. Last time I smoked it was when I slipped in May with my drinking after not drinking for 55 days, but the last two days drank alcoholically. I haven't drank or smoked since. Don't plan on doing either. Never had a problem with weed, just booze. I just thought since ya say ya can't eat & that ya used ta smoke yrs back it might help. Anyway I hope ya feel better. Was just worried when ya said ya were drinkin that much, not eating, very depressed, your usually so chipper.

              I don't know what ta say about your secret Dr. appt change. Just if ya get worse go to urgent care!

              Sunny, I'd be so pissed!!... Seriously, If it was me I'd march right into their office & sit there all fricking day on my day off until I had my Rx in hand!... I don't understand at all! It was nice to see ya get off this board & go say hi to Nora made me smile. No reason ta hide. Don't let other people have control over you! Maybe just when your over there not talk all the time about your couple of beers every night, as many are trying ta quit. You are such a lovely woman & I like you! If I lived by you, I swear I'd driv ey to your Dr's office & politely make noise!

              Waving hi ta Db & others. Oh I found some cool things about Topa in long termers the other night & wrote pg # down some where here in office & on best of boards. I will put it in tool box, so you peeps can refer over there. There is a nice note from RJ on best of boards & long termers RJ was taking topa 3-4 yrs somebody said. Have to run cell went off & my youngest has my car & I have ta go as she's coming at get me, run her over to other daughters apt. Always seem to be in a hurry lately. Nope she's not off from her summer job yet, so I get ta stay & look around the boards. Sometimes I just read the archives & find interesting stuff to. OK. so I found the other night in long termers a discussion about Topa pg # 13. How long people were taking, SE's. & this is where they talked about how long RJ took Topa, think other things, can't member exactly it was late. Also under best of boards, then under medical, think 6 pgs worth, how people were having SE's & playing with dosages & times, as folks worked different schedules, thought this might help MWO lady, or maybe it was Kradle? OK I will try & get this under tool box, as that thread doesn't move too fast & hopefully one of us will remember it's there.

              Take Care,



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                WTE - I wrote and hit a weird key randomly that took me into outer space and lost it...

                Bascially, I blew everyone else off to tell you to call me. You are not alone - you are going through TOPA withdrawal and the depression that certainly accompanies the disappointment that it "failed" for are malnourished, it sounds like, and just profoundly depressed after all this shit!! Certainly a strong woman and not about to off yourself, but I hope someone can run the shop in your absence for a few days. YOU ARE NOT ALONE and it will be okay!!

                I lost my damned detailed post with the pad of my hand. "Waiting to Exhale"...exhale. Go take a shower. Relax, wallow in it. Call me. Hug Charlie and call in sick if you can. We all LOVE you here. Come to Houston, if you'd like. We've had tons of rain and it's like a tropical urban rainforest highway dept. nightmare. The mosquitos have actually not been so bad. I will not scare you by taking you to the Gulf of Mexico!! lol We'd go antiquing around my gf's country house in RoundTop, TX. We'd have some retail/actualizing-therapy and talk about this vida loca we live.

                Think about it. San Diego to Hou/Hobby. Cheap!! Hang in there, will be ok!! XXXOOO


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi everyone

                  :sigh: seems we are all a bit down at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with bf and there is nothing wrong except that I'm drinking too much and I'm feeling it today in terms of a hangover. We did chat about it last night and agreed to start cutting down on Monday though. Its been a hectic week of getting to know each other again and traveling insane hours so next week should be much more normal and easier on the system.

                  Am afraid I don't have a lot of news, I made a lovely chicken korma candle lit dinner last night and had to work again today so its a bit of a return to 'normal' and I'm looking forward to a rather quiet weekend. Lots of bf's friends want to meet up but we have both agreed we'd rather spend most of it in bed. I had to meet his boss the other night and I must say I was very happy with how that turned out, considering he is 20 years older than me and probably earns a fortune. Luckily he was really easy to chat to and I seemed to have my wits about me so I must have passed the test.

                  WTE, my doctor says medicine only changes your appetite but metabolism etc is a mystery to me so perhaps you should get specialist advice on this topic. I do really think its worth it as the Topa did make a huge difference for you but we cant have you malnourished and too thin either.

                  Sunny, if I was you I would be parked securely in my doctor's waiting room. We can't have you risking another 'episode'. If you cant see her go to the hospital's emergency room and explain the situation, even if its just to get enough Lexapro until you can see the doc.

                  , you should be able to get a refund on the Topa, that's simply unacceptable, they should destroy old stock!

                  , the Topa-beer SE will wear off after a while, otherwise you could perhaps try other things. I know that I'm bad with wine and thats whats making me feel a bit sorry for myself at this very moment... but I guess if you rule out beer/cider and wine then you only have spirits left and thats not a good idea unless you buy premixed Bicardi breezers to ensure you don't end up binging. (well, i go to great lengths not to buy bottles of spirits as I just don't trust myself to stop)

                  Hi to Play, Houtx and Wildflowers.


                  PS: I discovered my favorite crips again - MONSTER MUNCH! I'm in love! LOL!


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi, WTE and Sun Im sorry to hear things are still no better for you both.

                    WTE I agree with most of the peeps, go back on topa at a low dose, try the body builders shakes, not sure what else you can do really. I do just hope your feeling better soon, things will start to work out for you, you will find a way to deal with this, I think its probably more to do with the fact that your feeling so low and crap that your drinking more than anything else.

                    Sun I hope you have got your script by now, or are sitting in the doctors refusing to go until you get it.

                    Hi Dizzy, yep it does sound like you need to calm down a bit but its great that your getting on with your bf so well. Ive never been to Leeds, dont know anything about it, Windsor does sound very posh tho is that where your living? Ive never been there either

                    As for my drinking my daughter and her bf stayed over last night and I didnt drink and havent had a drink yet today. Ive got no topa now so have been back having a lager tho just can take the hangovers from wine, and there no way Im going to drink spirits, that would not end well if I did that.

                    My youngest son has been doing this thing in school called children's university and I went this morning to see him get his certificate wearing a cap and gown I am sooo proud of him.

                    I havent really got much else to say I am feeling tired after having a busy day for me.

                    Love to you all x


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Dear WTE,
                      We are some miles apart but still close together, yes weird how men don't want to go to therapy and then the unexpected happens, my daughter offered her appointment with her therapist, the Kensiologist (sp) on Monday, told him, "you don't have to believe in it it for it to work" , said it might help with his back and neck pain and sleep problems, and to her surprise, he said that he would see her. So I'm really relieved that he will be at least seeing a therapist one time, perhaps he will be so amazed at how much better he eels that he will want to continue, who knows, I know that he must be feeling awfully bad to have agreed to see a therapist at all.

                      So,WTE, perhaps Spain sometime in the future, maybe we should meet in your area for now so that you are not so stressed about being out of the office. Also, sorry about the Buddy situation still kind of ongoing, just wondering who would ship a bunch of belongings to a PO BOX? WELL Maybe he doesn't have a lot of common sense as we have already figured out!!!!

                      WTE has all this increased drinking started since you stopped the Topa? Well sounds like you are not eating now even without the Topa, there must be a better solution, going back on the Topa for the cravings and drinking. Maybe ice cream milkshakes two times every day, things that you could eat without making an effort. It sounds like maybe being off the Topa is not really helping. I think maybe you stopped taking it too quickly, I don't know what dose you were on, but it is never good to just stop taking a medication all at once, I would say that you are having withdrawal symptoms, you could resume the Topa and taper more slowly.

                      I am like you, I can not have any of this on my health record, here in the U.S. it means that you are not able to afford health insurance on a private basis, and if you are in the health care field it would be a disaster to have on your record.

                      I am so worried about you, are you going to have your medication? What will you do? I hope that you will at least change doctors when you get thru this debacle, this physician is absolutely ridiculous, please promise me that you will change, eve if the next one is as bad as this one, this is just awful!!!!!
                      Much more to respond to everyone, just too tired tonight,
                      Have to go now, Love,


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hey there everyone - well, the doc never called me back - the PHARMACY called and told me that my RX was there. I went to pick it up and even though I had told my doc in the message that I had upped the Lexapro to 20mg and we had talked about it, she had only given me 10mg. I have enough to take 20mg until my appt on the 24th. Can't remember if I posted it or not, but she won't give me the celexa until she talks to me on the 24th, and IF she won't then, then there will be a problem with getting enough lexapro re my insurance as I will have taken more than i should and it will be too soon to refill.......

                        I am not sure what my doctors problem is. I thought their motto was First do No Harm. She either just plain doesn't like me, or else it is a power struggle going on. She is quite young and maybe doesn't like the fact that I seem to know what I need? I have lived in my body for 58 years and know what I need by this time. up until now (before her) things were fine. I am also just about out of my Topa and have a feeling she isn't going to go along with refilling that either. I am going to have it out with her about the way she is with me. I am dreading the appt. I really don't know what her problem is. The thing is that my record will be flagged if I ask for someone else - I have worked in a military clinic. All I know is that I am not happy right now.

                        Anyway - WTE - If you are still losing weight and haven't been taking the topa for a while, then I wonder if there might be another problem. You don't need to titrate down off Topa unless you are taking it for seizures. I agree with everyone else - start on ice cream shakes a few times a day with body building powder in them. They shouldn't be too hard to get in you. Set a timer so you remember to have them. Do you like nuts? Eat lots of them - they are high calorie and easy to eat too many of. And good for you too. The thing is, I know what it is like - I just don't have the weight loss issue - I really feel for where you are right now...... you know where I am :l

                        Hi there dear Dizzy - that was very sweet of you to start that thread for WTE. You sound happy but tired - things will settle down in a while. And yes, it is probably a good idea to cut back on the drinking - LOL. Your candle light dinner sounded lovely, and you have plenty of time to meet b/f friends.

                        Play - thanks for your concern - yes, i agree with you, that this doc is hopeless but am not sure that I can change - being military makes it very hard. I will see what happens at my next appt on the 24th.

                        Space - so happy you got to see your son in his cap and gown how lovely for you. I agree with you on not drinking spirits. I don't either. Just stick with Guinness - as we all know - LOL. Glad you are feeling better.

                        I MUST get to bed - I am doing a clopen and tonight at work we had a gigantic power surge which affected a huge area and really messed up our electrics. I am hoping that the systems will all be okay when I get there at 7.00 in the morning. However, will expect the worst just in case - anyway I really need to get to bed as i have to be up at 5.00 and it is getting on for midnight and by the time I get me and the dogs sorted, it is going to be silly o'clock.

                        Oh - something to make you all smile - I dropped a cherry tomato on the floor of the kitchen and katie grabbed it before I could - and then spat it out, and when I went to get it, grabbed it again - and ate it! Well, later this morning I was out picking some and I dropped one and she grabbed it again - and ate it. later again, I saw her go to the tomato plant - and PICK one off and EAT it !!! I did google it and the ripe ones are okay for her but little monkey is now taking my cherry tomatoes off the vine!!

                        And on that note, i need to get going. Love and hugs to all,

                        love, Sun XXX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi Sun, Thank god for that at least you have got enough meds to get by until your appointment.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hey Sun, what about just buying online, avoiding the confrontation stuff, get what you can from your doc and get the rest from River or wherever, I know it is more expensive without the insurance paying, but for gods sake, they will just let you sit there and have a breakdown and have to go to the ER without helping you, gee, our system is so messed up, it just disgusts me.

                            I had a day out today and it looked like the whole world had descended upon Barcelona, I have never seen so many people in the streets in my life. I have never been here in late July or August due to it being the tourist season, and now I know why, OMG, they all seem European, mostly young families with very young children or with teenagers, to me the men all have very odd hair cuts, I'm used to the Spanish women all having the same very weird hair cuts, if you go into a salon and explain how you want your hair cut, you will come out with a cut totally unlike anything that you asked for, LOL, I always make sure to go to my stylist before I come here.

                            And I'm on my own at home tonight cooking soup and going to watch a movie and trying to figure out why I keep filling up the little wine glass.

                            And Space does the Topa have any effect on the wine yet? or just make the lager taste bad? but at least you know that it is working for you which is a good thing.

                            WTE, are things any better yet? I agree that the lack of food probably really is causing some imbalances in your chemistry, perhaps you might also be really dehydrated, drinking can also cause that too, maybe some gatorade and such as that, sounds like you need a good physical as well.

                            Space, did yu get the results of your physical and blood work yet, it should be about time now, hoping to find out why you are so terribly tired all the time.

                            Dizz, glad things are going well, try o keep things under control, can't remember how long yu will be there, six months I think, wow, that is wonderful, it should give you and BF a real chance to find out if it really will work for the two of you.

                            Bye for now,
                            Love and lLight,


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi there, just want to let you know that my blood work is all ok, thats the ones that where done but I dont know what they where. I have no topa left play cos of the baank mix up so Im waiting to start again, at least I do know it worked for me in making me not want to drink lager, then I drank wine and got bad hangovers. The only thing Im worried about is that it kept me awake for two nights solid, I am a bit worried about that but I will give it another go when it comes and see what happens.

                              Oh play I wish I was thier with you, I have never been to barcelona, they speak catalan there dont they? not that it matters because I cant speak spanish, I have tried to learn nearly all my life but just cant get it.

                              I am tired now and want to go to bed but Im once again waiting for my son to go to bed, I think maybe I should just go up and leave him after all its his choice.

                              Not much else to say, oh yes sun I agree with play, why dont you order meds online, that way you know you have what you need without depending on bloody useless docs. I dont think it would work out that much more for you because you have to pay for meds anyway dont you? have a look and see, as Im over here I dont know the places but river seems to be a reputable trusted one from what I here.

                              Dizzy how are you doing in England, I am waiting a few weeks for you to settle in and sort everythin out before you visit me


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi there Play and Space - Play - I won't know until I get to the appt what I will say - I can think what I will say but what will come out of my mouth will be another matter! I do know though that I have to have it out with her.....

                                The schools in UK have probably just let out which might be one reason why it is suddenly busy there - at least I think they have - they usually get out towards the end of July. I think it is lovely the way everywhere has such different cultures but really funny the way you descibed the hair cuts and the salons!!

                                Space - so glad that all your tests came back negative. I tried Spaniah too - when i was in college and could not get the hang of it either - Latin, french and german yes, but spanish - no!!

                                I will have to see how much the meds would be on-line and wait til my appt and see what happens.....

                                Hubs put a little fence around our cherry tomato plants yesterday to stop the dogs helping them selves - but i watched daisy just reach over and still help herself!! I have never known dogs eat cherry toms before!! And katie's new thing is chasing aeroplanes. Bark, bark, bark LEAP, bark, bark, bark LEAP. We are near an AF base so although they don't go over a lot, when they do, she is noisy!!

                                Anyway, I need to go and water - although it is getting old and I think I am fighting a losing battle.

                                back later everyone - hugs to you all,

                                Love, sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

