Just a shout out to everyone … Still alive and plodding through the days. =)
Houtx: Hope you got my email back. I really don’t see a trip to Houston in my near future just because of the shop, Charlie, blah, blah, blah. But a very sweet invite.
How have you been doing with the wine? Are you still taking the L-Glut?
Diz: You sound like a very busy but happy girl! =)
Yes, I am hoping this new DR knows something about metabolism! I have always had a very high metabolism and been on the slim side.
Space: Thank you also for the concern.
Congrats on your son! You must be very proud – very cool.
And please be careful about the sprits. I know in that arena we are the same. Vodka evaporates before my very eyes if it’s in the house.
Have you re-ordered yet? What’s the plan? Glad your tests came out well! I am sure I am in for a tons of them too when the DR appointment ever happens. UGH. But long overdue.
Play: Good news on the son-in-law and agreeing to at least one appointment of therapy! It’s a start!
I knew you would understand about this stuff being on your medical record. I just can’t risk it. Plan B would be to again purchase a group policy for the shop, although I really don’t have many that need it (have husbands, etc). It wouldn’t solve it all, but at least they could not cancel me. I fear about the costs. Who knows what will happen with this new healthcare program – and it is so far down the road anyways.
I have a guy friend that also had an AL problem and confessed all to his Dr. That was years ago. It still haunts him and just a year ago or so he was denied 100% any life insurance policy. Not that I really need any, but that stuff stays on your records forever. Scary.
And yes Play, the drinking has increased since I stopped the Topa, but I was slipping a bit before that and was really considering increasing my dose. I was at 50/100 up until just about a few weeks ago. Some days I was forgetting my evening dose.
You sound like you have found at least a small bit of time to relax and enjoy. Oh how I wish I could visit there sometime – maybe. I think you and Sun should come to San Diego! =) I have plenty of room!
Sun: Too funny about your cherry tomatoes! Charlie gets into my strawberry bed if I leave my garden gate open, but so far has not discovered my tomatoes. LOL
And stay strong with that darn DR of yours! Argghh. You must feel so frustrated about it all. River delivered in about 2 weeks – if it comes to that.
I have not gone back on the Topa and really am not sure what I am going to do. Considering starting a small does again since the DR apt got put back so far. I’ve stopped weighing myself as often just because it freaks me out. But I can say I have eaten “well” the past couple of days – thanks to friends. Something has to stick after dinner last night! HA!
My “ski buddy” whom I dated at one time (from Match) called yesterday. Said he was in the mood for lobster and would I join him. He really is a sweetheart and asked if he could be brazen enough to invite himself over. So over he came with 2 live Main lobster and all the trimmings. Unfortunately also with 4 bottles of wine to do a “flight”. Shezzz…
We had fun cooking together and took Charlie for a short walk. Don’t think I posted it here but I fractured my knee about a week ago – thankfully slight! But, can’t walk too far but at least I am off the crutches. Anyways, it was a great meal with tons of butter and breads and even dessert. And then we got to talking a bit serious ….. UGH
Without going into much detail, I told him about seeing this “under cover” DR. He works in commercial insurance so is pretty up to knowledge on such issues. I explained my fears of losing my policy or increased rates, etc. Flip! So his response? He asked me to marry him! Chit! I would then be on his insurance, blah, blah, blah. And he was damn serious about it.
This is a guy that 3 years or so ago I felt was getting too serious. On paper he is great and I do enjoy his company. But I could never imagine being married to him! He has 2 adult (late 20’s) sons living with him. He plans on retiring in the next year or so and keeping his house here but spending much time up in Mammoth (6 hours away) which is where his other house is. I stopped seeing him for quite a long time, but we then kind of became buds. We would still ski together and I would stay at his Mammoth house but in the spare room. I have always worried that he was still serious about me, but let it all play out. He is the one I went to the 4th of July party with.
And then last night. Good grief. I am sure the few glasses of wine were talking as well, but I could not believe my ears when he seriously asked me to marry him. We talked logistics and basically I was not giving him the answer he wanted. I know I hurt him bad without intent! He went to the restroom and I went to another shortly after and when I came back out into the living room – he was gone! I know he takes ADs (no clue what) and had at least 4 glasses of wine so should NOT have been driving! I phoned his cell and he said he left because I “wasn’t getting “him. I feel awful for hurting him again.
So … I feel like I am living in a soap opera! HA!
I’m not sure if I believe in such things, but Mercury went retrograde yesterday. Being a Virgo, I am supposed to be overly affected by Mercury. PLUS – I am a triple Virgo! LOL If any more chit comes down the tubes I’m not sure what I am going to do! I swear every time it goes retrograde something weird happens – like last night.
Anyways, back to the nutrition and eating stuff. I’m having a tough time find “power shake” stuff that is lactose free. I can’t eat ice cream or any dairy other a bit of cheese now and again. I just need to do more research on it. If someone brought me lobster every night I think I could gain weight! HA! HA! Just don’t bring a proposal with it. LOL
I’m going to try very hard to have a great day today. The sun is coming out and it should be warm again. I wish I did not feel so overwhelmed by everything – but I think it is the wine that is part of the issue. Add to the list of crap on my plate is I now have “ground wasps” somewhere on my property. I finally called a bee company yesterday to see what they could do. They couldn’t find the “hole” or holes that they are nesting in. But I have 2 acres – so pretty daunting project. Charlie has already been stung once (although the bee guy said he probably just stepped on a dead one on the new lawn) but I can’t even walk across in in bare feet. PPfffttt. AND, in him looking at my property, in my courtyard I have a large double chaise. He says “is that a black widow spider web?” pointing to my chaise. Frig! Rattle snakes, gophers popping up on my new lawn, rabbits eating the perimeter of it .. and now spiders??? Needless to say, I am doing a good washing down of my patio this afternoon! I think I need to write a reality show …. =)
Off to the shower. Bless all of you!
With love and appreciation …