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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Oh, and Wu, the cravings will get better. You are already showing improvement in cravings, you have a plan and the willingness to change. Don't let your daughter or husband get you down. Just stick with the Topa and take the L-Glut when you have cravings during the day and come here when you need some moral support. I'm glad you joined us, Rome wasn't built in a day and this is your first weekend. If you have time and if you ordered the CDs perhaps try listening to one of them to help you calm down a bit?

    I'm also serious that I think you should take your Topa in the mornings if you crave all hours and struggle to sleep at night.



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Interesting to hear about the different countries and life in these areas. I have started taking my topamax at 3pm and it is helping with the overwelming tiredness. I am so depressed, i tried on clothes last night and even with working out at the gym I have gained so much. Not in weight but in size. the amount of alchohol consumed has gone up but the scale hasn't but I don't fit into half of my clothes. So I have to decide, what is more important, fitting into clothes and good health or putting this poison into my body. I did drink much less last night, yeah to day one of less,


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hey everyone - just in from work - doing a clopen so have to be up at 5.00 - just need to unwind then off to bed. I am getting quite brazen in my old age - our street is very quiet and doesn't usually have anyone walking down it especially at this time of night - there were four females walking down - in the road - there are sidewalks!! As I drove past them they yelled SLOW DOWN ! There is a 25 mph speed limit - I was doing 22. SO, I stopped, backed up and said "I was doing 22 - the limit is 25". One of the females was older and she spluttered "well, it seemed like you were going faster". I am in no mood to put up with any BS from anyone. Can't even believe I did it. At one time I never would have had the nerve to do that but she really ticked me off!!! especially as I was driving UNDER the limit !! Okay - got THAT out of my system! LOL

        The DFCS called me today about the lady with the children in her car too - so I didn't need that either.

        Hi Meggie - the Topa might take a while to start working for you but hang in there!! I used to play with the time i took it but now it doesn't matter when I take it - it has no effect on me in that way so your body does get used to it.

        Hey Diz - I remember that Oprah story too about the baby in the car - so sad! I am so happy that you and b/f talked and he is so understanding about how you are feeling - that was so sweet of him to leave his credit card and the thing about the camera! It is such a huge adjustment to leave your home. When I came to USA the only person I knew was hubs, but moved onto a base and had the most amazing neighbours who really welcomed me..... I think it would be a good idea for you to meet b/f's friends wives and yes, take a yoga class - just to get out and meet people. It really is hard and I do understand. Having the whole new culture and having left your home - oh gosh do I understand !!!!

        Hi there wu ! Gosh - I would HATE to have my in-laws stop by unannounced - can't you have your hubs talk to them? I only have my M-I-L left and she is awesome but she would never ever do that to me. Is there any point in trying to send you some Melatonin or would it be stopped by customs? When you come to USA next you can take some back..... in UK it is on RX only and I always take some for my aunt.

        More and more places over here have Guinness on draught these days. There are at least four places locally that hubs and I know of.... and that is without going into St Louis. Do you like guinness then?

        Yes, I am feeling better day by day thank you - the flat feeling is definitely lifting and I think it must have been an SE of the lexapro, which I hadn't even thought of - but it is going away and today I am def. feeling better even with stuff going on at work right now. Oh gosh - I could not exist without my garden - hubs mentioned us moving into a condo as we are 'getting older' and I told him it would be like putting me in prison. I said as long as I can manage the garden we are staying put. I LOVE my garden. He doesn't help in it although to give him his due he has been helping with the watering. Wherever I have lived, I have always had a garden - even when I was in a flat, I had a balcony and had sweet peas growing up string to the top !!

        Did I mention that my two dogs are shelties? I love shelties. I had Maggie who died of bone cancer a year and a half ago, and since then we have had rescues until we got katie, who is not a rescue - she is 7 months old. I laughed when I saw your F-I-L kept all five pups! OMG !!!!! They are wonderful dogs - their only fault is that they bark!

        When the time is right you will know it, to try some AF days. I worried about it 'cos I KNEW I would have a sleepless night that first night, so made sure that I had tapered down the nights before. And because I had tapered down, I ended up sleeping just fine. We get so used to sleeping with the help of AL, that our bodies don't know what hits us when we try and sleep without it. That is the biggest complaint when anyone goes AF. SO, you might want to taper down the few nights before you go AF for a few days. Can you get the L-Glut there?

        Reading about your daughter just walking in without knocking or anything. My eldest before she moved away would do that and I finally told her that I would appreciate a call and a knock before she walked in. That she didn't live here any more and I wouldn't dream of walking in her house unannounced. She was ticked with me but it worked - at least she called before she came. My youngest always does. Re the food - if she gets something out that is planned for something, I would TELL her that it is planned for something. "Oh, don't eat that - I am going make whatever with it, but you can have some bread and cheese", type of thing....... Or ask her for the key to her place and do the same thing - probably wouldn't work with the food but it might work with the turning up!

        The craving you had when she left was probably stress. And yes, we all get Topa dopa - can I ask how old you are? I always blame my topa dopa on age...... LOL. But with a young child you probably can't do that......

        Anyway gosh, I have rambled haven't I? I do tend to do that.

        Space - enjoy your sons birthday party tomorrow. Hope to hear from you soon...:l

        WTE - I know you are worrying about your appt on Monday - but hope we hear from YOU soon too!!!

        I need to get to bed. It is 11.30 and by the time I sort the dogs out and sort me out and actually get to sleep it is going to be gone midnight. And up at 5.00. Oh well.

        love and hugs to all,

        Love, Sun XXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi everyone!

          Dizzy... I do take it in the morning, but do forget to take the lglut sometimes in the afternoon. I will try that. Wonderful that your honey gave you his card and takes such good care of you. As I understand it, Venison is not so easy to cook, so good job there! It can turn out really gamey if you are not careful!! Yey you!! I didnt realize that you havent been there long, and Sun is right, that the best way to get acclimated is to meet people and start new hobbies that help you to meet new people. I should talk. I stay home all day long... but i do know what i should do. lol.......Its hard enough to leave ones homeland... let alone have something like this to go through. Come over here.. once again. The invitation is open. One reason most people in Europe waant to come here is because our incomes are very big proportionatly.... I dont work though, as i have a little one at home, and child care here is almost non exsistant.

          Meggie..... How long have you been on the Topa? I know what you mean about losing weight by drinking. I can do that to, but as you stated , its a poison. I am really enjoying my fruit smoothies, and my weight hasnt gone up at all, though i suspect with my trying different ways of making it yummy, the calories are climbing. yougurt, icecream, fruits.... i am not concerned with my weight right now, just getting healthy again. Then i can worry again about the rest. How about you? As I understand it, we might start to lose weight at some point!! Horray!! and just for you, i am going to post a song i bought today.... its a catchy tune, and i dont know why i bought something so silly, but my husband thinks i am crazy... yeah! new blackmail material!![/video]]Tacabro - Tacata (Official Video) - YouTube its kind of a rage over here, but i find it hard to be depressed when i listen to it..... hope this helps!!

          Sun... I just turned 43 on July 20th. No you never said yours were shelties!! FIL was taking care of them while the baby was little, and no one was good enough!! Not for his babies! Then he ended up in the hospital with something major, and I never had the heart to take them, the first thing he asked about when he woke up was where his dogs were. Some things work out for all the right reasons, you know? I originally wanted the dogs as i was used to having a big family, and as my ex got the two youger kids, my two older kids had moved out, i thought i was entering another stage of life, thats why mom got them for me. well, then, i met my husband, got the surprise of my life finding out i was pregnant.. and you know the rest now. I have a very wonderful family in law, and three of my five children live over here full time, plus my husband. My youngest comes with me wherever I go, and I have a son in Pheonix, who is happy there. Thats why I come and go. I lived in your area for awhile while waiting for my condo to close a couple of years ago in KY. So I can understand a little about the small type of community you live in. Gosh, we were practically neighbors, by standards in America! I lived around 5 hours away!! lol!! Mom bought a house in a small town over there, and sometimes i still think about moving there. Its small, but quiet, and comfortable. Lots of rich soil, and place for a nice garden. Yup, I may move there one day. I have to wait to get a clearer head though... like an Af week!! lol, with no topa dopa!!

          I do like guiness occasionally, but would never go over board with it. It just doesnt call me like other things. I started with chardonay, went down to sauvingion blanc, softer on the tongue, all this as consumption went up, then to boxed wine, as it has a lower alcohol content, meaning one can drink more.... or sip more.... and then i was introduced to prosecco. I only drink it in Switzerland, as in america, i drink wine spritzers, and occasionally california champagne or prosecco. I just dont fall into the same rut over there. When I need adult time, I take my daughter to the casino, and she goes to play at a supervised play area she loves, and i go play blackjack and drink baileys and coffee, but only a little. Its ironic how one can love to drink, but really be so selective. thats why i think my hubbys funny. The bottle of greay goose that ne hid isnt even mine. The marsala and madiera arent things i would ever think to drink. Ok, I did go on a real bender a year and a half ago, when my grandmother died, but i actually watched her go through hospice, and then die, and then i had to go back to work. 6 hours later. long story there. I did drink strange things during that time, but was in alot of pain. At least I was honest. He was in Switzerland with our daughter, and I was alone with a high pressure job in Las Vegas. Back then our roles were reversed, i was the one working, and he was the housewife. So when my grandmother passed, it was just really bad timing. Plus it was the holidays..... which is why i told him to go home..... why should he be alone at home when i was working 15 hour days?? Ok, thats my last and first bender... lol.... and why he hid the bottles i guess. I am better now.
          Regarding my daughter.... she just is a little self centered. I need to fix it. I need to tell her to call me before she comes over.... period. Its not really about the food. Its more about her always getting mad at me. I was young when i got pregnant with her, and always taken care of her. It might be time to lay some ground rules. I think i do have a right to a private life and private sphere. Just call me and say you are coming, and be respectful when you do come, otherwise dont come. easy. I love her very much, i just wish she wouldnt be so judgemental. I didnt drink anywhere near what she does at her age, in fact i didnt drink at all, so i do sometimes worry about her.

          Well, its getting late, and hubbys getting hungry, so off to cook.... hope you all are well, and having a wonderful day in lala land... love!!! xxoo


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Im sorry I havent been on here much, Ive been very busy with family and my sons birthday and stuff. So really I just wanted to pop in and say I havent forgotten about you all, I am still reading.



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi everyone!

              Dizzy... I do take it in the morning, but do forget to take the lglut sometimes in the afternoon. I will try that. Wonderful that your honey gave you his card and takes such good care of you. As I understand it, Venison is not so easy to cook, so good job there! It can turn out really gamey if you are not careful!! Yey you!! I didnt realize that you havent been there long, and Sun is right, that the best way to get acclimated is to meet people and start new hobbies that help you to meet new people. I should talk. I stay home all day long... but i do know what i should do. lol.......Its hard enough to leave ones homeland... let alone have something like this to go through. Come over here.. once again. The invitation is open. One reason most people in Europe waant to come here is because our incomes are very big proportionatly.... I dont work though, as i have a little one at home, and child care here is almost non exsistant.

              Meggie..... How long have you been on the Topa? I know what you mean about losing weight by drinking. I can do that to, but as you stated , its a poison. I am really enjoying my fruit smoothies, and my weight hasnt gone up at all, though i suspect with my trying different ways of making it yummy, the calories are climbing. yougurt, icecream, fruits.... i am not concerned with my weight right now, just getting healthy again. Then i can worry again about the rest. How about you? As I understand it, we might start to lose weight at some point!! Horray!! and just for you, i am going to post a song i bought today.... its a catchy tune, and i dont know why i bought something so silly, but my husband thinks i am crazy... yeah! new blackmail material!![/video]]Tacabro - Tacata (Official Video) - YouTube its kind of a rage over here, but i find it hard to be depressed when i listen to it..... hope this helps!!

              Sun... I just turned 43 on July 20th. No you never said yours were shelties!! FIL was taking care of them while the baby was little, and no one was good enough!! Not for his babies! Then he ended up in the hospital with something major, and I never had the heart to take them, the first thing he asked about when he woke up was where his dogs were. Some things work out for all the right reasons, you know? I originally wanted the dogs as i was used to having a big family, and as my ex got the two youger kids, my two older kids had moved out, i thought i was entering another stage of life, thats why mom got them for me. well, then, i met my husband, got the surprise of my life finding out i was pregnant.. and you know the rest now. I have a very wonderful family in law, and three of my five children live over here full time, plus my husband. My youngest comes with me wherever I go, and I have a son in Pheonix, who is happy there. Thats why I come and go. I lived in your area for awhile while waiting for my condo to close a couple of years ago in KY. So I can understand a little about the small type of community you live in. Gosh, we were practically neighbors, by standards in America! I lived around 5 hours away!! lol!! Mom bought a house in a small town over there, and sometimes i still think about moving there. Its small, but quiet, and comfortable. Lots of rich soil, and place for a nice garden. Yup, I may move there one day. I have to wait to get a clearer head though... like an Af week!! lol, with no topa dopa!!

              I do like guiness occasionally, but would never go over board with it. It just doesnt call me like other things. I started with chardonay, went down to sauvingion blanc, softer on the tongue, all this as consumption went up, then to boxed wine, as it has a lower alcohol content, meaning one can drink more.... or sip more.... and then i was introduced to prosecco. I only drink it in Switzerland, as in america, i drink wine spritzers, and occasionally california champagne or prosecco. I just dont fall into the same rut over there. When I need adult time, I take my daughter to the casino, and she goes to play at a supervised play area she loves, and i go play blackjack and drink baileys and coffee, but only a little. Its ironic how one can love to drink, but really be so selective. thats why i think my hubbys funny. The bottle of greay goose that ne hid isnt even mine. The marsala and madiera arent things i would ever think to drink. Ok, I did go on a real bender a year and a half ago, when my grandmother died, but i actually watched her go through hospice, and then die, and then i had to go back to work. 6 hours later. long story there. I did drink strange things during that time, but was in alot of pain. At least I was honest. He was in Switzerland with our daughter, and I was alone with a high pressure job in Las Vegas. Back then our roles were reversed, i was the one working, and he was the housewife. So when my grandmother passed, it was just really bad timing. Plus it was the holidays..... which is why i told him to go home..... why should he be alone at home when i was working 15 hour days?? Ok, thats my last and first bender... lol.... and why he hid the bottles i guess. I am better now.
              Regarding my daughter.... she just is a little self centered. I need to fix it. I need to tell her to call me before she comes over.... period. Its not really about the food. Its more about her always getting mad at me. I was young when i got pregnant with her, and always taken care of her. It might be time to lay some ground rules. I think i do have a right to a private life and private sphere. Just call me and say you are coming, and be respectful when you do come, otherwise dont come. easy. I love her very much, i just wish she wouldnt be so judgemental. I didnt drink anywhere near what she does at her age, in fact i didnt drink at all, so i do sometimes worry about her.

              Well, its getting late, and hubbys getting hungry, so off to cook.... hope you all are well, and having a wonderful day in lala land... love!!! xxoo


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hello All!

                I have a spot of time to post before I need to get dressed for the Del Mar Horse Races … a BIG event around here. Every year 25-30 of us go, have table side service in the shade and quite a treat. Wish me luck!

                I feel SO behind in catching up with everyone!

                Space: First .. a shout out to you! I am SO sorry you also had to stop the Topa. I’m glad you checked in … you are missed when not around. But I understand all too well. Hope you are doing OK. Please keep us posted …. Reading here as well, but understand the times that are hard to post.

                Wu: Is that what they have decided to call you? HA! HA! Love your stories. Trying to go back and read more, but my time is limited. Topa Dopa is a drag for sure. But it does ease up for most of us. I LOVE Switzerland and spent a month there years ago to ski. I would someday hope to see it in the spring/summer.

                DIZ!: From as much as I can read back …. Happy camper? I wish someone I loved would leave a credit card on my nightstand! HA! You sound good … but yes, friends are hard to make and it will be a challenge ..but a fun one! Don’t be lonely. You will be “out there” in no time chatting it all up. =)

                Meggie: Hello! So what’s the game plan? I know this is the Topa thread but some of us are no longer taking it. Although, I hope to get back to it soon (?)

                Sun: As always – hugs to you and the pups! Thanks for the chat the other day and email. I WILL get through this!

                Had tolaugh at someone telling you to slow down driving. THAT’S ME! The bitch on the street! HA! But, I am on private roads and we have our dogs off lead, so important. Still made me laugh. I want one of those flashing signs next t my driveway saying “YOUR SPEED IS” LOL

                Houtx: You need to get your bum to CA! Please, please come ….. We both know where each other are at. Hope you are having fun in New Orleans!!!

                Play: Where are you?? More pictures to share?? Again, have not read much but hope all is well there. When do you come home?

                So it is a play day for me after a CRAZY week at the shop. And yesterday after we installed one of my “big clients” I went and had a facial. Nice. Spent the rest of the day and evening doing just about nothing … but needed.

                I even woke up this morning worrying about the BIG party we had to do … thankfully to realize it was over on Friday! HA! INSANE! 15 Tables of guests on the lawn, slopes, holes in spots and all I could imagine was 60-70 year olds falling dead all over the place. HA! But it came off like clockwork and we had all the tables set, florals installed and all by about 2 PM. Took a lunch break (with Landscaper Guy who decided to help out Team) and then dressed for the guests to arrive.

                Must say – he was great. Got all dressed cute and helped me check in the guests and escort to the tables and bar areas. He “wedged” up tables legs on the lawn, filled holes with fake grass, etc. LOL Guests arrived starting at 6PM and we stayed until about 8 PM - me making sure all was good, taking photos for my client and the caterers took over. WHEW! We both went home (to our own houses) after words pretty tired. Set up had began at 10 AM that morning. Fun, profitable but more stressful than I can seem to handle these days …

                So tomorrow is the big “under cover DR” appointment. Pretty stressed about it but also looking for that solution. I am STILL so upset about having to stop Topa for now. Damn! I was doing SO well on it! So we shall see …. And it will interesting to find out how well this works being under a fake name! I wish my aptt was in the AM – but not until 230 PM. *sigh*

                Back to about where I was months ago with drinking – expect for getting my weight back just yet. Hopefully that comes soon.

                Much love and hugs to all …

                WTE & Charlie


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Lawn Insanity


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    WTE - BEAUTIFUL !!!!!! you do such an awesome job !!!!!! Just lovely !! I could never afford you..... SIGH. I am so glad that it all went well for you though - I know you were a tad worried about it and nice that landscaper guy helped out too.

                    It was really nice to see you post though - I have just got in - finally caved and bought ONE pair of trousers in a size down. HATE shopping with a passion. But also am fed up with my trousers hanging on me. My cords are fine as they fit after washing. The store is cool enough that I can wear them, but by the end of the day they are baggy. So I bought one pair. Also got some new undies - sorry TMI. LOL

                    AND......... drum roll please ------ WE HAD SOME RAIN. Not enough even to make the rain gauge move, but it did rain! Sunny again now but not as hot as it has been so that is wonderful.

                    I am going to bake in a minute - a cherry almond whatsit but thought I would post first. WTE - when I come to visit I shall make my raspberry cream cheese cupcakes - I LOVE those !!

                    Space - hope all went well for you with your sons birthday - tell us about it? how are you doing? I miss you when you don't post. Well, I think we all miss any of us when we don't post.......

                    Wu - I did watch the Tacata Youtube thing - what does Tacata mean? He says it often enough? LOL Yes, I do understand about being selective with drink - I really only drink Guinness - I will drink wine but don't like it nearly as much as guinness. I was practically weaned on guinness ! Tried lots of other stuff but always went back to the guinness. Hubs doesn't drink it - well, he will, but it isn't his choice so when I went AF for various periods, it was easy as there was none in the house. And I wasn't tempted by his beers.

                    Your daughter sounds SO much like my eldest - self centred could be her middle name. My two are so different. I hope that you manage to get things sorted with her and I am so happy that you get on with your in-laws too. Mine are awesome. Well - my F-I-L died a few years ago but they were wonderful. I wouldn't change a thing about my M-I-L. Hubs always says she likes me more than him - LOL.

                    I do laugh though at the antics of you and your hubs with the hiding of the AL - he is so understanding isn't he? My hubs does have a problem with AL although he sorts of admits it, he can stop like that if he wants to. Last time I stopped he said he would too - and did. But eventually started again. He drinks way more than me when he does drink and drinks almost anything. But doesn't get nasty or anything. Does have times when he can't remember stuff - although he will deny that. We have a good marriage though and he is a good guy.

                    WTE - I will be thinking about you tomorrow afternoon - I work from 2 til close tomorrow so if you post won't see it til I get home. I do hope all goes well for you. I bet you are worried about it. I would be too. I hope the doc is understanding.

                    Need to go and start my cherry thingie......

                    love and hugs to all,

                    love, sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi All, have many pages to catch up on and respond to, I've just been extremely busy with hardly a minute to my self, all my co-workers back home think that of course I have spent two glorious months in Spain just frolicking about when nothing could be further from the truth, but perhaps one of these days.

                      Anyway tonight I just wanted to say to Space I wish you might have not panicked about the eye pain quite so quickly and have gone to an eye doctor straight away instead and you should do that as well, it is the only way that you will know if there is really something wrong with your eye or not. I have an underlying problem to begin with and that is when the Topa usually can mostly be a problem, so just think about getting it checked out, most likely it is not the Topa at all.

                      So, I return to The Bay Area on Wednesday and will be sure to check in when I get home, will probably post if I get a chance before then as well.

                      It's great to,see everyone here and talk soon.

                      Love, Play


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        love the pictures, I am taking the topa at about 3pm and I am feeling less tired in the morning, however, I am drinking much less. I also tried on clothes that are about 2 years old and many don't fit. I was watching Phantom of the Opra, singing along as the pile of tight clothes got higher and higher. Thank God for good music or else I would cry . I know it has to be the gin because I am working out at the gym like a fiend, an old lady keeping up with those 30 year olds but the pants the pants that fit in Jan. won't button today. It has to be the drink, it is not the food, I know I eat well. So I will post, use the Topa until I quit for several weeks and hope to switch to Campral which less side effects. Any thoughts


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Good Morning all!!!
                          Hope this finds you all doing well!!

                          Meggie.... I hope you didnt get rid of your too tight clothes, as they may fit you sooner than you think! It seems as though you have good taste in music, I have been listening to that soundtrack since 1992... lol! It might not be the gin, might just be that as we get older our metabolism changes. I too have gained weight thats stubborn and doesnt want to go away, but wine has alot more carbs than gin, although it depends on your mixers. Take a look at your carb intake if you would like to drop some weight. Also, how long have you been on topa? how much are you taking? I dont know anything about Campral, but am sure someone will be along soon to answer that one. I think the side effects of topa lessen as we titrate up. Anyway, cheer up Sweeeite, we are on our way!!

                          Play.... I know exactly what you mean, by everyone thinking when you are in Europe for a couple of months that you are just frolicking around! People aske me all the time if I go to Paris for the weekends and such! Right! Those days were pre Euro!! LOL! Habe a nice trip home Play. I hope you have a really good connection!

                          Sun...I am not sure what Tacata means.... even though I speak Spanish. From the context, it might be slang for the movement, or the name of the dance. And on the radio here they said they say it 92 times in the 3 minutes... lol! Its normally sooo green there, so you had some Rain!!! Horray!!!!

                          I could have cases of Guiness in my house and still walk to the store during the darkest of times. And we have beautiful red wines in the house that I wont touch.... I only crave whites!! But that is better too. My husband and I went and bought 6 bottles of prosecco this weekend in Aldi, as its a good one, and cheaper there than our normal store. He agreed as I think he sees my plan now. So now i have those bottles in the car, and have to take the lift and go down to the garage to get one. The other bottles are still hidden, i just feel better knowing they are there in case of emergency, and I am not tempted. Over the weekend I kept to my two glasses per night.
                          Can you post the recipies to cherrie whatsit and rasberry cream sheese muffins? Please? Sounds wonderful!!!

                          Glad you found pants that fit you.... I know how trying that can be, and I too hate shopping! I tried pants on this weekend, and for once, found a pair that fit perfectly on the first try! Then i had to remember about the topa, and thought, um no. Not a good idea right now. They were a really high quality pair, so if I do lose any weight, it would be truly wasteful.

                          Space... Hope you get to post soon and tell us about your sons birthday!!

                          WTE.... Its was so nice to read your post, and see the beautiful pics you posted. I think i may have seen that pool on a music video!! Beautifully done..... How are you doing otherwise? Can you breathe now? Yes well if you have been skiing here, then you may indeed have been to my area. I live very close to many world class ski resorts. You can visit me anytime!! I hope your Drs appointment goes well today, though it wont be for several hours...... so i really will be keeping my fingers crossed for a long time! LOL! I relate especially with you as we have the same poison, and seemingly the same amounts, etc. I am glad you seem to be doing better!

                          Oh, funny little side note. For days, I have been putting a little glass of wine near my fruits in my kitchen, and for days, my husband always throws them out. I put it there to catch the fruit flies, and protect as best i can my precious fruits for my morning smoothies with the all one. My husband must think I am losing my drink!! LOL!!!!Or that its a SE of the Topa Dopa!! LOL!!!


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Here is a little thing to keep our moods up!
                  [/video]]Call Me Maybe: Military - YouTube

                            A tribute to our men over in Afghanistan... glad they are having a little fun over there!!! And if they can, so can we... !!! He he !! :))


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hello All …

                              Well, it was a fun afternoon at the races, although I didn’t do too well betting wise. But the weather was perfect and the food good and it was fun to see everyone. I’m glad we had a driver and didn’t have to worry about driving because I did drink a bit of wine. Yikes.

                              So this afternoon is FINALLY my big appointment with this new DR. Nervous about it but thankful the day is finally here. I have no clue how informed he is about addictions, but I do know he know about ADs as he is my GFs DR. I just hope is not another DR that suggests nothing but AB. *sigh* I know me and I know I won’t take it.

                              Making notes to take with me and even thought about showing him a copy of my “chart” and where I got to at one point and getting in more control with Topa. Since I am under a fake name – I am just going to be 100% honest about everything. And it just goes back to “am I depressed because I am drinking more, or is this depression I seem to suffer from now causing more cravings”? Something in my gut tells me that if I can get the depression under control, I will just have a better desire to eat better and more. Right now it’s SO hard to have interest or energy to cook and even go out with friends to eat. Hell, I don’t have much interest in anything these days ….

                              And so I get another phone call from the former Match guy yesterday morning. He has come “out of his cave” and called to say he was sorry for the drama. But, he is leaving the offer on the table to marry him – even if only as a “business agreement” to be on his insurance. Having a group policy from his job would not require disclosing any pre-existing conditions and if they DO find something really wrong, they can’t cancel me like Blue Cross could. It all sounds so very weird and I’m not sure I could do it.

                              With my luck, I would finally find “the one” and then be a married woman. HA! Or the same for him. And how fair is it of me to tie myself to him in any manner when I know he is in love with me and I don’t feel the same way. *sigh*

                              Sun: You ARE thin! LOL I too have been tempted to go shopping but really hoping this weight thing is temporary. Dang, yesterday trying to dress up for the races, I have this cute 3 piece dress outfit I decided to wear with nice heels. I ALMOST could not wear it as it was a bit big on me and I was messing with padded bras and safety pins and the
                              such – and it’s a size 4! New undies are a good thing. LOL

                              Yea on your rain Sun! And YES! Bring raspberry cupcakes! HA! Or at least the recipe and we can bake together. =) Yumm!

                              Always wondered how your hubby felt and dealt with your drinking. It explains a lot now. I’m happy for you that you have a good marriage and a good man in your life. Trust me – it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, being single at our age! I sense the “good ones”, the ones that are faithful and trustworthy and loving are the ones that are still in their marriages. I keep on thinking a widower would work well. HA!

                              Play: Good to hear from you! I can only imagine how hard you have worked to help your family and all that has taken. Yes, perhaps some of us CAN go frolic in Spain - it would be great to go with someone that knows the area. Hard to believe you have been gone that long already! Safe journey home … and let’s not make it TOO long before we meet up somewhere here in CA! I think I may have Sun talked into coming to San Diego! HA!

                              Hi Meggie: Thanks also for the compliments on the pictures. And please don’t hate me for having the opposite issue with weight that you do. Who knows … may be you are part of the 16% too (?)

                              It’s GREAT that you are drinking so much less. I’m not really informed about Campral at all. I DO know Topa worked great for me – other than the SE of weight loss. I hope someone can pop in and tell you more about Campral. And know, at least for me, the tiredness would subside with Topa. For me it came back a bit every time I upped my dosage, but then again would level back out. I was up to 50/100 when I decided I needed to stop and find Plan B. What dosage are you at now?

                              WU: I don’t know why – but it cracks me up to type that name! HA! Like you, it’s the white wines (chards) that I crave. Well, that and vodka and any juice. LOL But if I have ANYTHING in the house and am out of white wine, I will drink it. Hell, I had a small bottle of rum from a few months ago and a sangria recipe I made. Gone. Ran out of wine and was just too much work to drink to the store … UGH.

                              You may get a visit from in the future! HA! I adore travel and really do want to go back. When I was there I stayed in Lauterbrunnen because I had always wanted to ski the Eiger. Then traveled by train to Zermatt to ski the Matterhorn – the backside being the only time I have ever “officially” been in Italy! LOL And the took that fabulous train ride – I’ve forgotten the name! – to St. Moritz. All of it breathtaking and it was all more than I ever dreamed of. WHAT a beautiful country! Anyone who loves to ski should have Switzerland on their bucket list!

                              And yes – breathing a bit easier now that I have no other really large vents on the board for a bit. Well, not for a few weeks anyways, but also not quite as extensive as this last couple. And no Sun – you could NOT afford me! HA! HA!

                              Funny about your wine and fruit. You know they make little fruit fly traps that you can set next to your fruit bowl. Or, what I also do, is use one of those outdoor “tiny tent things” to cover the bowl. Pain the the arse the little buggers!


                              So I am sitting here tapping my fingers waiting for the hours to pass B4 I see my DR. I’ve taken the day off work just because he is very close to my house and my shop is 45 minutes away. I usually take Mondays off anyways unless something big is happening at the shop. After 18 years, screw it – I’m not working 5 days anymore! HA! Actually I DO end up working at my desk (wine danger zone) and making calls and working on my website, etc. Gosh – I am SO behind on so many projects I want to get done.

                              And once again I heard from Landscaper Guy yesterday. Just a TXT saying he hoped I was having fun at the races. Just can’t figure that guy out. He is not very complimentary and often very businesslike and I THINK really watching his boundaries than no one starts feeling anything towards him. Yet, he obviously thinks of me daily or I would not be hearing from him all the time. Weird. It’s more than the sex because often he only wants a chat on the phone, or like when he helped me with this last party – no intimacy. Ah well .. just have to keep reminding myself that there is no future there so don’t spend too much thought on it.

                              The gophers are DESTROYING my new lawn he put in out back for Charlie! UGH!! I have tried trapping and bought this granular (pet safe) stuff – no luck. The little bastard is traveling faster than I stand! I think it is only one – but they tell me I may have many more. I finally called a pest control company, but it really comes down to having to use underground pellets to get the babies (now in season) as they are too tiny to trap. That means Charlie cannot be in the backyard for 2 weeks! That’s not going to work! And I hate using poisons anyways – but have no clue what to do. All the “household” remedies such as chewing gum and hair, etc are worthless. It’s killing me after spending so much money on having it done! The front lawn he replaced and I THEN found out about “gopher wire” and so that was installed right below the sod. So far-so good. I wish I had known about it before he put in the back lawn! Between the rabbits grazing and the gophers I am going to be back to square one really soon. Poop. Ahhhhh … country living. LOL

                              Sitting here with my pack of forms I have to fill out for this DR that they sent me. YUCK. I need to make a copy of what the hell I tell them as far as personal info like SS#. HA! Oh gosh – wish me luck you guys! I’ll keep ya posted how good of a liar I am!

                              Love & Hugs to all …

                              WTE & Charlie


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hey - lovely to see a long post from you WTE. And lovely to see posts from you you meggie!

                                Meggie - what SE's are you having with the topa - apart from the tiredness which will go away? And what dose are you on? I am thinking the weight will go down, especially if you are going down on the AL and going to the gym - although you might be building muscle and muslce weighs more than fat so just watch the size and don't worry about the weight......

                                Hey there WTE. Yes, I probably am visiting in september - need to see what leave I have left and work it out with play when she comes back which is this week.... although I will probably come anyway. I will bring the recipe - can't see me lugging cupcakes on two flights - LOL.

                                And yes, hubs is great - we do have a good marriage - had one or two hiccoughs along the way but don't all marriages? Can't imagine life without him. He is a pain at times but MY pain! the drink has never been an issue between us except once he started drinking before he left work and I did get down on him about that - he drives 40 miles home and I really started worrying, so finally sat down and talked to him about it (he had it in a flask and also a bottle of mouthwash in the car) and he promised he wouldn't do it any more. To my knowledge now, he doesn't.

                                Oh - Wu - I will PM you the recipe - or post it in recipes - either way - it is in Grams is that okay?

                                WTE - it is very close to your appt time - I think you are two hours behind me - so not long now. And I am slim, not thin - LOL. Glad that you had fun at the races. You needed a fun day out after all your hard work. Happy that former Match guy texted you and things are good again.......

                                We didn't get enough rain to even soak in to the ground so it was a bit of a failure - bah humbug! Hopefully some day we will get some. Watering again today. But the temps are a tad cooler anyway - under a 100 at least for today - up again tomorrow.

                                I went to Switzerland many many years ago, and austria too with my family a couple of years running and went skiing too but skiing and I didn't get on too well. I ended up in the hotel pool rather than on the slopes. I couldn't turn left. LOL

                                WTE - I have never had a problem with gophers so have no idea what you can try - but glad that you are not going with poisons. There MUST be something natural that will work hopefully.

                                Wu - Loved the video of the troops - glad that they did it - they must find it so hard over there. Also smiled at your hubs tipping out the wine that you are putting out for the fruit flies! Over here we can get a little catchy thing for them that they go into and they magically disappear! I hate killing anything so don't want to know what happens to them! I have a compost jug thing on my kitchen side and if I don't empty it often enough get the odd one (even though it has a lid) but as soon as I empty it, they go away!

                                I need to get off to work. Will be thinking of you WTE - fingers crossed that you get some answers!

                                love and hugs to all,

                                love, sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

