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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi Play:

    Thanks so much for your wonderful words . I often think I'm just talking too much. Another great Bi Polar Bonus!

    You're right though. I do love the thread and should post more because the Topa really helped me disengage from AL (well, more than anything else) and you all are like the American Medical Journal of AL meds

    I do have a Topa question but I am completly pooped and I have to get up with the munchkins for their big performances tomorrow...Guys And Dolls for the Twins and Micheal Jackson routine for Matt. I'm dizzy just thinking about it. Especially as they are at 2 different venues...:nutso::

    Hugs to you and night night.

    PS: Sorry Nora to be a slumber party pooper. Rain Check for tomorrow?
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      WTE, have you heard of the "Boutque" doctors, you go to them just as yourself, pay by the month, private pay, no insurance, they don't care who you are, they just order what you need and you get it from wherever you want, that sounds nice, you see the same person, pay a set fee every month and go as many times as you want every month for whatever reason you want from a cold to an order for blood work or an RX for medication, none of it is on your medical record because it is all private pay but you don't have to lie about anything. But I suppose you have your private insurance for everything except this one thing, the, alcohol stuff.

      Now, i'm wondering why you can't stay up late, why do you have to get up at 5:30 AM when you don't usually make it to work, LOL, just asking, you know me, if I were you, I would stay up later and get up later and still not go into the office, LOL.

      Now, I am making it known that 9:30 is my normal bedtime, at least until I started traveling to Spain every other month recently, now I'm totally messed up time wise, even when I have to leave for work at 5:30 am, I still stay up until 12pm and can barely keep my eyes open during the day, all my life I was asleep by 9pm because I was at work by 6AM every single morning of my life except for 2 days of the week, now I am so messed up on the time thing that I can't go to sleep at the right time.

      So, I am also making it known that I am not going to be participating in a "Slumber Party" because that means "Staying Up All Night" and I am totally unable to do that, so I will be asleep at a reasonable hour and the rest of you will be up all night, just putting that out there so you don't think that I am wierd, LOL,

      See you soon, love,


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        HOUTX - Be There Or Be Square!

        ComeOn, You, Need to Be There,

        Find A Way to Spend a Day,
        With Friends,
        We'll Talk and Eat,
        laugh, Cry, embrace and
        Give thanks for our good fortune
        to Meet!



          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi all

          Just checking in to say I'm OK. Had a really tough weeks with 3 days where I could hardly get out of bed my mood was so bad. It was very scary but I MADE myself get up, have a shower, go for a long walk and go out last night so I feel a bit better. Also have some new jobs come in so I'll have to step up a bit in order to complete them.

          I'll do research about the Schengen visa for Spain but I'm not sure you guys understand how difficult it can be for someone from outside the US/UK/EU. Not sure you can apply for one from a country you don't actually live in, lots of red tape. I'll look into it and explain more later.

          WTE, I wouldnt dismiss Lamictal just like that, about 1/3 of people on it isn't bipolar, its often used off label for people who is depressed and have problems with normal ADs. I found relief in it, OK, so I have mild bipolar, but it didnt have any side effects and I know of others who take it for depression and it does really help them.

          Love to all.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Very quick post - and just saying one thing 'cos it makes me laugh - but I too, when I am not working, am always in bed by 9.00 - 9.30 so no worries on that score WTE and Play !!! Aren't we just the get up and go crowd???

            hi to everyone - will post later

            got to get ready for work -

            love and hugs,

            sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              stalking sunni you girl
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Jan - how are you doing? i saw that you have had a rough week at work..... poor you. Hugs :l:l I have actually had RAIN at last - total of 2 and a half inches over two nights!! Wonderful!!

                got to get going - leave for work in 5 mins and can't go doing a Nora can I ? LOL

                Love and hugs to you,

                love, sun XX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  YAY for rain Sun.....!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Good morning!

                    Today's the big day! Getting the kids going but wanted to post my Topa question:
                    For me the Topa seems to pack a real punch at the beginning and then when I think I have found my proper mg's ie decreased SE , it seems to stop working for me.

                    The cravings come back, my appetite comes back stronger than ever. I don't want to up the dose because for me the SE's are super strong .

                    I do take lglut with it and I admit that I ran out and am waiting for the next order.

                    By the way, do you think the LGlut frm say GNC is as good as the L glut from here? I don't trust chain stores in general so a vitamin store...well, you can imagilne :H

                    So there is the up and downs of my Topa experience...have I built up a tolerance of some sort? does it just loose it's potency after awhile?

                    Thanks in advance for any thoughts. I want to use the topa but I need to use it sparingly because the side effects floor me...

                    Hugs for a great Saturday everyone.


                    PS: Dizzy it's nice to see someone else familiar with lamictol. It does have a side effect though which I didn't notice a first and then my doc says, 'yep! , that's a SE...'

                    It's decreased visual acuity ie, makes your eyes worse. Now it could also be my age but I definitely have decreased vision (I'm myopic anyway) but the alternative for me is decreased sanity so....pick you poison .

                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Morning all ….

                      Play: No – I have not heard of such DRs and wonder if we have them here. And yes, my regular medical insurance covers everything else. Just didn’t want any AL issues on my record.

                      And I have just never been one to sleep in late. And even when I don’t go into the shop, I am on the phones and they are ringing by 600 AM. The floral brokers are an early crowd and most work from about 500 AM to 200 PM or so. You have to remember too that I am often dealing with farms all over the world in different time zones.

                      And so no worries about “early to bed” as I am sure I will be right behind you! HA!

                      Also hoping Houtx can make it! Now SHE is a late nighter! LOL

                      Diz: Thanks for the info on the Lamictal. I just REALLY don’t want to be on anything right now. Maybe look into it in the future once I get this blood work up done and a few more therapy sessions under my belt. And decide about TSM. Do you still take it?

                      If I am suffering from “situational” depression rather than clinical, I just don’t want to head down that road. More and more convinced it’s the “crap” life is handing me and drinking to get through it and that is causing the depression and lack of motivation.

                      I’m sorry to hear you’ve had a few funky days. What’s bringing that back on? How is the drinking going?

                      Nora: So far there is Play, Sun, Wu, you and I being here. HOPEFULLY Houtx will join us too! Wish you could stay longer too – but I understand the work thing. Did you get my address?

                      Laughing at your early bedtime as well! I can stay up late once in a while, but then ALWAYS end up drinking too much and feel like poop the next day. UGH. And happy you finally got some decent rain!

                      What dose are you at? How long have you been taking it? I also experienced points where it seems to not be working as well, and so I would increase. And I would also get some SEs again, but they would soon fade. I was at 50/100 when I had to stop. I know some here take much more, but have been on it much longer. I personally found I just had to move up REALLY slowly in small doses.

                      Interesting about the other med – great. My eyes are already getting crappier from my age! I’m in a holding pattern for now ….

                      So the weddings all look in order so I’m hanging back a bit. Every day I promise myself to get to work on my to-do projects and I can’t seem to get very far on my list. I start getting really antsy and end up going and buying wine, with great intentions and then blow another day – or at least a partial one. Pissing myself off.

                      I need to talk to Dell tech support again about one of my computers that I need to move to the shop. UGH. I spent almost 2 hours on the phone with them yesterday “fixing” stuff. What a pain – and It’s hard for me to focus without sitting here drinking wine!

                      I really need to grocery shop again today. And I used to take Charlie to the dog park every Saturday morning, but that seems to have gone to hell again. And WHAT it up with this heat wave??? It’s supposed to be 87 again today which is HOT for us! I hate closing the house up and using the AC. And I haven’t been able to take Charlie for his walks until 630 – 700 PM because it’s just still too warm. YUCK.

                      I spoke with the vet yesterday about Charlie itching so badly. She advised moving up to 75 mg of Benadryl three times a day. That’s a lot! He seems a bit better but still itching. I think part of it is the heat and part of it may be just environmental and the time of year. Whatever it is – I feel so bad for him! She also advised to add fish oil to his diet. I feed him a really good food, but I guess a supplement can’t hurt. His coat does seem a bit duller than normal.

                      And I am sitting here watching another damn rabbit eat my lawn! I am beginning to think it’s the type of sod he planted. My front lawn always had a few bunnies, but I never had total brown spots – which I do now! I think they just like this grass better. GRRRR.

                      Landscaper Guy was supposed to do some “patching” this weekend. But he called yesterday to say he ended up having to go up north on a job – so sometime next week. At least the gophers are gone out back – but still not sure what to do about the rabbits. I’m bummed on how much I spent and what it now looks like already. =(

                      I think most of you know my story about Charlie and him being bitten by a Pit Bull and the whole surgery nightmare. So this morning my GF emails me to tell me how badly she is missing her dog (that she put down). Asking me “does it get easier?” What a tough situation and I wish I could tell her that it was her damn dog that bit Charlie and caused all this so she DID do the right thing. It’s really hard for me to keep my mouth shut – but what would the point be except that she would end up feeling really bad. Only one close GF knows the truth about what really happened …. Tough.

                      OK – going to go see if I can get my act together and get some things done. Hope everyone has a great day …

                      Love & Hugs


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Just need to say 2 things before I forget them, Play, will we be in bed by 9 in Spain

                        Dizzy, sweetie, whats going on, since you have been over here you dont seem to have posted much and I know you have been getting low a few times. If you need a break you can always come here.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          I just had to laugh! I never stay up late either. So glad that I'm not the only one. :H:H
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            HA! HA! HA! OK - Lights out at 930 unless Houtx shows up! She'll have me laughing so hard I won't be able to go to bed! You guys can bring us coffee and toast in bed. LOL

                            WU - when you coming over from that desert place you call Vegas??? HA! HOW in the world do you live in that heat??? The times I ever go are spent almost 100% in the casinos or at the pool!

                            Ok - Sleeping arrangements - did I already post this - or just tell Sun??? Crap I think my Topa Dopa is now permanent. HA!

                            Not sure how anyone feels about sleeping together as we are all just meeting! But someone is going to get stuck on the sofas otherwise. (but they ARE really comfy).

                            Guest bedroom has a Queen and bathroom down the hall from me. Other side of the house has a Mother-In-Law Suite with a fold out Queen and a fold out Twin bed. It also has a full bathroom.

                            I also have a Queen and full bath – but trust – NO ONE is gonna want to share my bed as I snore BIG TIME! HA! And so does Charlie. LOL

                            You guys need to fight it out amongst your selves. HA!

                            One sofa left or a Queen air mattress! (But Charlie thinks air mattresses are fun when someone is sleeping on the floor – so beware. Book that flight!

                            I wish everyone could be here…..

                            OK – actually got my grocery shopping done and did MUCH better this time. Now – If I only eat it! Bought a few new types of protein/high caloric drink thingies too – no clue how they will taste. I figure I need at least 1800 calories a day to start gaining weight again – and NOT from wine! Bought some crappy frozen dinner too (Marie Calendar) which I am certain are not great for me – but at least they are heavy calories and quick when I do have that flash of hungry.

                            OK – back to my project list and start prepping pre-books for a big client coming in on the 31st. I’ll be out of town for 3 days that week so MUST get my act together….

                            I sometimes just hate being an “adult” and wish I could defer to someone ….. who wants to adopt me? LOL


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Dear Space, I am not a partier, but we will not be in bed by 9pm the night that we see the Flamenco Performance, you are going to love it and I actually can't imagine that we will be in bed by 9 pm at all, we also have to stroll along the "Ramblas".

                              Now, WTE and Friends, I would like to reserve a comfy couch because I have to confess that I also snore and I don't want to subject anyone to that awful fate of having to share a bed with me, so I am very happy to have a comy couch to myself:thanks:

                              bye for now, I have an early day of work, love,


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                What the hell am I doing u so late??? Can’t sleep and its almost 11:00 here! Watched silly TV for a bit in my bedroom – turned it off and now wide awake. Weird.

                                Play: I am sorry but we do not accept reservations. Did I happen to mention you are coming to “Journey’s End” ? For real – the name of my house. LOL Check In is after 1:00 PM and Check Out is WHEN EVER! =)

                                Seriously – it will be mostly you, Sun and I here for the week. You take the guest room/bath and we cannot bother each other snoring down the hallway from each other. LOL

                                Sun should be in the MIL Suite on the Queen Bed as she can use her incense, has two doors to the outside and one that enters the courtyard for a smoke. And she can get up early and sneak out to go where ever she wants to go. (hint: gardening! LOL) Half that suite is my “tool room” and all my gardening stuff.

                                When Wu and Nora show up, there is single bed also in the MIS - and one has to call one of the couches. Whatever! My kitchen and living room are one big room so late sleepers on the sofas beware of us early risers.

                                OK, rambling …. My house really is named Journey’s End. I decided when I bought this place – next week will be 14 years – that this was it. Where I would live, retire and be forever… well, unless some really rich, handsome man dragged me away from it ! LOL But it will always be mine.

                                The name comes from a place I once spent special time with my partner, – who passed of Lou Gehrig’s Disease. In Belize, learning to dive, madly in love and I knew that if I died then and there it would all be OK – because it was just that good. The place was called “Journeys End” and on Auberguise Caye. Hence, when I felt I would settle in “for final” – I named my property Journeys End. He never knew of this place as he passed before I ever bought it.

                                OK – Going to try and go to sleep – dang it! HA!


