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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Okay !! Really need to go and catch up on my ironing - I have to do this most Tuesdays or sundays so i have clothes for the week - but feel I need to post first - BUT it is already 7.15 and the ironing is going to take at least an hour or two. SO I think the best thing to do is to do a fairly quick post and then go and iron. i am working early shift tomorrow so up at 5.00. Having had hardly any sleep last night and expecting the same tonight with my cough, need to be in bed fairly early.

    JAN my dear - lovely to see you and all the others think you should post here too - so WELCOME !!!! I wish we had had rain for days - I have just had to water again - our two times of rain were good but that has been it so it is back to watering again!! Great to have you here :l:l

    Space - nice to see you pop in too - how are you doing? WHEN is the wedding and how did it go with the alterations? I am dying to know - having made clothes, I cannot think of anything worse!

    Wu - sorry I had to rush off this morning - I was on hold with the docs office - still didn't get an appt - was told to call back tomorrow to try to get an appt for thursday - she said that the appts for acutes for the next day open at noon the day before - I had called at 10.30 the day before - so how come all of weds were already full??? I will call again tomorrow..... anyway it is so nice to chat with you - hope all is going well - glad that your M-I-L talked to you and things are okay.

    WTE - we will have to see about the shorts - I have ugly legs - I don't have calves - I have cows! And I very much doubt you are smaller than me too.

    I am sorry that your therapy appts are not what you expected - from what you are telling us about her - it sounds as if you are talking more about her than you - that isn't good when you are footing the bill!!

    That is great that Houtx is coming - re the kayaking - I read somewhere that if you get sea sick it isn't a good idea - I DO !!!! So does that mean it might not be good? or is it like when you drive, you tend to not get car sick (which I also do). I wear those wrist bands when someone else drives and they work pretty well. I visited my sister-in-law in new jersey and we went out whale watching and I wore them but STILL got sea sick!! Ended up dozing off as that was the only way to combat it. What does everyone think - any ideas or heard anything? I would LOVE to do it but not if I am going to get sea sick.

    There is a place that I think Play and I would like to visit in San diego - I need to Google it but if it is there I know for me it is a must! I will let you know......

    hey there dizzy ! So sorry about the hangover but you could always say you were doing it in the name of business! You sounded as if you really did your bit and I am so proud of you !!

    I know there is TONS more that I should comment on and I am sorry but I must get to my ironing and then get to bed.

    OH - one thing - PLAY - that picture of the bike - I haven't got it in my pics any more but will see if I can find it - LOL. Made me smile when I read that......

    Love and hugs to all,

    Sun XXXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Late night post! I napped too much today and have been watching TV for bit .. late HA! It?s not yet 1100 PM her but that?s late for me!

      WU: No ? BD is the 30th. UGH HA!

      SUN: I promise you with ALL MY HEART you will not get sea sick! I am the same as you ? very sensitive. I actually worked as a Deck Hand on a very fancy charter fishing boat in Hawaii for a short time ? and had to take sea sickness pills every day before work. LOL

      We will NOT be that far from shore, no rough waves, and it more like canoeing in the ocean along the coastline. Since Houtx will be here, we can do 2 double kayaks! Trust me on this one. You will LOVE it! Bring sunscreen ?

      Ironing .. YUCK! Most everything I buy does not need to be ironed. OK. I lie a bit ? my housekeeper does any ironing I need done .. and some I don?t! HA! Expect your pillowcases to be ironed.

      Yep, I think I know more about my therapist then she does me! But, I will confess to turning questions around on people and learning them. Not sure why ? just curious I guess and trying to understand IF she can relate to me and what is going on. Actually I would her t o not answer my questions ? but she does. Another reason I am suspect of the ?match?.

      Space: A hug and hello and glad you popped in. Like you, was just pooped today for some reason. I think I slept half the day away!

      Mamabear: Is rain normal this time of year for FL? Used to spend a lot of time down there ? but don?t remember what it was like this time of year other than hot and humid! LOVE, love, love the keys. Would like to get back there to dive again someday ... that is after Costa Rica, New Zealand, Bali ?. Etc etc. HA!

      Think I need to find a rich husband pretty fast .. that or Botox! LOL

      WU: As for RJ?s post ..I guess I just forgot reading that years ago. I wonder how she really is these days ? Gawd, I have been here from almost the start of MWO and the TSM forums! You would THINK I would have an answer by now! Shezzzz?.

      So I take Charlie for his evening stroll about 600 PM tonight. We are NOT very far up the hills and he stops ? LOOKS! A damn coyote is out of the brush and looking at us. Charlie pauses and looks at me like ?Can I go play with that dog?? HA! NO! I call him back to me and thankfully he listens and the coyote is heading back into the brush and up the hill where I know a den it at. Weird for them to be out so early and yet not really a threat as Charlie is way bigger .. but still. I would ADORE getting another cat ? but the coyotes are just too bad around here ?

      OK ? I better call it a night or I will NEVER get up in time in the AM!

      Nighters or Morning to all reading!


      PS Notice you are online WU HI!!! Is is morning there?


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Good morning everyone!

        Mama bear, i would tuck you in, bring you a good book, and get you something nice to drink, seeing that you are in FL, i guess a nice pomegranite lime selzer... but it is 12 hours later, i missed that one...

        WTE... when you are doing your dreaded ironing, remember back to living over here.... we actually stilll have to iron.... sheets. i seriously want a tasmanian devil emoticon right now, and have a HUGE pile of ironing that i have been saving up... lol!

        It seems to me that your weather is really strange for your part of the country, and has no intention of returning to normal. I never had to water when I lived in Fulton KY, and everything was green and grew like weeds. I finally talked mum into buying a tracter to mow the lawn, as i finally figured out thats what everyone else did, as they also used these tracter things as a form of transportation. I thought maybe they were doing that because they were scared of getting a DUI... lol! (bible belt, 20 churches, 20 liquor stores, 1 walmart, and nothing else) lol!

        I do hope you tried great grandmothers cough medicine recipe without the third ingredient and that you were able to sleep. You reminded me to get something at the pharmacy here before i leave... lol. tylenol with codiene. Very good to sleep when one has a pesky cough like that. I cant buy melatonin, but i can get codiene OTC>> who would have thought??

        Dont worry about the Kayaking... dont miss out on this experience of a lifetime! get some Dramamine and enjoy yourself!

        Space... nice to see you around! How are the dresses coming? I have to say I agree with Houtx! 2 dress sizes? I would probably be calling my doc begging for Xanax! lol! Please let us know how you are doing Sweetie!


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi there WTE!


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            I am 9 hours ahead of you! I thought, wow, i thought she is asleep by 9... lol!


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi I guess I just need a girly chat, and this is the best place in the world to find one I really cant be arsed going into what happened to me today but I had a good morning taking my son to get his new school uniform, he looks so cute, even tho hes nearly the same height as me. But then the day took a nosedive with, well I was nearly gouing to go into it then but I just dont think I should,it would just wind me up again anyway its now nearly 10pm, I have not long got back from taking the dogs out and Im trying my best to calm down. I have got an appointment to get my hair done tomorrow and I am going to get it cut short, I have wavy,frizzy hair and no matter what I do with it about an hour later it is back to its normal messy self at the length Ive got it so Im off for the chop, I have also booked in to get my nails and eybrows/lashes done next week before the wedding, I have never had that done before. While I was there I picked up a leaflet and it says teeth whitening, botox, semi permanent make up ?150, that doesnt sound right but it shows it as an offer on wednesdays but it seems very cheap for all that, I have never had any except the teeth whitening and I messed that up anyway by smoking as soon as I came out. Maybe Im just feeling very down on myself right now, in fact I have been feeling like shit, fat, old and all that stuff, I havent even got the money to get my hair done yet it looks like I will have to borrow that off someone so I dont even know why I talking about this. so I will stop now. in fact I should probably go to bed soon.



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi all - well, I wasn't going to post as i am going to have a pretty early night but want to give Space some BIG HUGS. (((((((:l:l:l)))))) I think you need them Space !!!! It would be pointless to tell you you are not old, fat etc., 'cos when we feel like that no-one telling us we aren't will make the blind bit of difference - just know that I love you however you are !!! Sorry you are having a bad day. me too..... SO fed up with my cough. am going to go to bed early so that when I wake up all night coughing, hopefully it will make up for the time I miss sleeping, then tomorrow when I wake up, I will have had a full nights sleep!! Yeah right - eh? And there are pigs flying round right now...... well - I am aiming to sleep a bit longer anyway than I did last night.

                SO that is why I am not replying to anyone elses post! Just popping in to say goodnight to everyone. Working early tomorrow - so up at 5.00.

                love and hugs from me to you all,

                love, sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hey all -
                  Can't comment on everyone's but hope Mimi is doing better; Space, you too. You are not old, fat, any of that. I'm sorry you're in a funk, but I say as long as you're getting your hair cut and getting ready for the wedding, dang!! Get that botox, teeth whitening, facial, whatever special!! Put it on a credit card and look the other way!! You deserve it and it will make you feel like a million bucks. DO IT!!

                  I listened to Houston preacher-guy Joel Osteen the other day.. his voice drives me and everyone else nuts, but I like his message. That day it was that "God is a God of prosperity". Now I'm not particularly religious, but I do get motivated spiritually sometimes...I listen to Joel O on occasion, for example. Anyway, his message really spoke to me. Said not to worry about money, God will bless you if you believe he will, ask for the blessings and be open to them. It may take some time, and of course, you have to work for them, but things do happen.

                  The parable was there were 2 men fishing on opposite banks of a river. Both were catching fish but one was keeping the big ones, and throwing back the small ones, as is normal. The 2nd guy was throwing back the big ones and keeping the small ones, which struck the other man as odd. After awhile he approached the small fish guy and asked why he was throwing back the big ones. "That's easy," the man replied, "I only have a 10" skillet..." Lesson is, don't go through life with a 10" skillet. Fish for the bigger ones, make yourself available to the big ones that may come.

                  So with that said (short version, of course!), I let a lot of my money worries go...thought long and hard about how to make some ends meet, and then I got a call that made my day. Then I stumbled upon a silly Asian lottery ticket that said wealth was in my future. Long story short, I feel a huge weight lifted. While I am pretty frugal, with 2 kids in college and living expenses a challenge, I almost didn't come to the "San Diego Conference" b/c of all the financial burdens. The clouds parted, some things changed, and I feel like I have a little wiggle room. It will be ok -

                  As it will for you, Space. Do something nice for yourself before the wedding!! Life is short - take time and make room to enjoy the opportunities.

                  So with all this said, I have been to the offsite blogspace & no one else has shown up! LOL If we kayak Wed (which sounds like SOOOOO much fun), how chilly is the water? Shorts & a T-shirt? Should I try and dig up some athletic sandals for the water?? I want to pack light & leave room for pre-Xmas gifts...Hmmmmmmm

                  I'm thinking we'll be hanging at home most nights, which is fine by me. WTE - love your laid-back "rules". LOL And while I do probably stay up later than most of you, I'll be down with turning in whenever the crowd does and just reading my Kindle. BTW, am reading "Gone Girl" right now & highly recm it!! Couldn't figure out why it's on the bestseller list until I got about halfway in...REALLY good!

                  Stressful week this week getting ready for school, my kids ready to go back to college, and a reunion gig with some musician friends of mine in San Antonio Friday night. I'm the featured singer at an open mike thing!! LOL Lots going on -

                  Love y'all & all the posts. Back soon -


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Tuesday I met with a substance abuse counselor. Tuesday night decided to drink,kinda one last drink hopefully for a lifetime.

                    Wednesday went to an AA meeting. I am on the road to be AF. It has gotten to a point where drinking is no longer an option for me.

                    I will need lots of help to go down this road to sobriety.
                    Day 1:4/4/2014


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Good Morning all!
                      Space... I am getting my hair cut this morning too! Are you sure you want it all cut off before the wedding? Sounds like a big change! I have the curly frizzy drive me out of my mind hair too... ugghh!
                      With our hot muggy weather right now its even worse!
                      Dont let yourself feel that you are old fat, etc... we just have moments like that. I bought a dress to go to a wedding this weekend and my daughter told me to go get one of those things that holds it all in so to say..... um... I dont even know what its called! so there i am i n the lingerie dept with my husband in tow, trying to explain in a different language to the sales person that i need a thingy the keeps all the fat in and makes a nice silhouette. How embarrassing!
                      Just remember that you are beautiful!
                      Things i do daily before a wedding or big event......
                      morning and evening.... i scrub my skin with salt and olive oil, and then wash it, and then i leave the olive oil on for as long as i can get away with it.....
                      take as many vitamins as possible, even double doses...
                      drink plenty of water... gallons
                      boil water and place your face over it under a towel to open your pores.... then cleanse...
                      this plus any other masks, moisturizers, serums ect will have your skin glowing!! and you will be your beautiful self for the wedding!

                      I completely agree with Houtx about getting the other stuff and just putting it on a card too
                      Big Hugs to you and lots of love sent from Swissland!! If I were closer, I would come over, take you out to lunch, and make everything better... xxoo

                      MIMI....I think its wonderful what you are doing. I may have to do the same one day. Just know we are here for you and all sending you warm thoughts and wishes... I too, was having those last goodbye drinks, and still am... uugghhhh..... keep us posted on how you aare doing....:hug:


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Houtx... ok, if you can get spiritual... so can i... lol! this one is especially good for our "problem" well, i find it very uplifting!!!

              [/video]]Shackles (praise you) by MARY MARY (lyrics) - YouTube


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Morning all !!

                          WHERE is the blog that you are on about Houtx? WTE mentioned it and said she had 'given' it to you but apart from that I know nothing about it - so how do i get to it? I don't think Play knows either - nor Nora, which might explain why no-one else is there - LOL.

                          Getting ready for work - early start again today. Love and hugs to all,

                          Sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            I dont know where it is either.....
                            love and hugs to all!! xxoo


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Thanks for the help and advice Wu, I will need to get one of those sucky in things as well but at least I speak the language. I did used to have my hair short and looking back at the photes of me I like it and my daughter loved it, she said it makes me look lots better. Its not that my hair is curly as such, it is more wavey and right now with our strange weather it is awful, how do these women have smooth glossy hair, and do they know how good theve got it. The other thing is when it was last longer then it is now I used to just tie it back all the time and never ever bothered doing it so I have made up my mind really to go short, but cant get it done today my money has gone into my bank so Im getting my nails, eyes and hair all done next wednesday. No botox or stuff tho, I dont know what I was thinking even looking at that I dont need it. My daughter cant afford to get everyone a bottonhole so my mum has gone and said she wants to make them instead, she is useless, I have just been on the phone to her saying that she cant, I dont know why she didnt just say she would pay for them, but then she started asking me what was wrong with the way she makes them, well they are a mess is what is wrong, thenshes asking me how to do them properly, I know whats coming there, I am not spending the day before messing about trying to make buttonholes when I dont know what Im doing so its either no buttonholes or florist ones, Ive just been trying to say to her that by the time she pays for the tapes and wire and then the flowers she may as well just bloody pay the florist to do them anyway. Because his mums have got the money and payed for part of the reception they have done most of the organising, and why we are all so stressed out now is I have now discovered that they havent organised it very well. Like they have booked and ice cream van !!?? and other such odd things, like a sweet buffett, which is basically a stand full of jars of sweets, but they forgot to book and pay for the kids meals and now say they cant afford to, which is a lie by the way, so now weve got to sort that. And I still havent got my hat. When they started thinking about the wedding I suggested that they go away someplace wonderful and do one of those beach wedding packages then have a party when they got home for family and friends, that way they could actually relax and enjoy the getting married and still get the family and friends there at the party, my daughter has now said she wishes she had listened to me. No, Im sure it will be wonderful its just that I dont do at all well with stress over these things, oh well.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Morning All …

                                Space: I am typing as I’m reading – so hope you are feeling better.

                                I agree – go for the full “treatments” and enjoy – well, maybe not the Botox. Don’t you have to continue those forever once you start? Makes me nervous for some reason but I have GFs that do it and I guess I probably should too as I know I need it!

                                That’s a bummer about the teeth whitening and smoking. Same here but I’ve found I can keep it up better as long as I get my teeth cleaned every 3 months. Seems extreme but for some reason my mouth needs it. At least I don’t drink red wine! HA!

                                You will look lovely for the wedding – I am sure. We can all be so hard on ourselves at times. I HATE that I am having another BD coming up and also decided to chop my hair short, re-color, etc. Tried a new guy and he talked me out of the short cut and I HATE the new color he did! I usually just get high lights and low lights and live with my grey so I only have to deal with it every 4-5 months. He made me a strawberry blonde! HA! If I start having big ol’ nasty roots starting to grow out – I’ chopping it off for sure! Like you I have kind of wavy hair and on top of it, it is baby fie. Oh well….

                                Sorry you are stressing about all of it. I think that’s WHY I hate doing wedding at the shop. The entire family is usually stressed out – so you are not alone. But everything always falls into place and somehow works out in the end …

                                Sun: Hope your cough is getting better! Summer cold?

                                Houtx: I don’t know who Joel O is – but I like his message! Happy to hear you a bit less stressed about financial stuff – that is the WORST! Been there – done that!

                                As for the blog thing I set up – you are the ONLY one I sent the link to so I could see if it worked! HA! I’ll see if I can find time later to “invite” the rest if we want to talk about details of the “conference”. HA!

                                As for the kayaking – swimsuit. And T-shirt if you burn easy. You WILL get wet. LOL Also, water sandals are always a good idea for kayaking. I have one extra pair here but I wear a size 9.5 – so not sure they will fit anyone. And yes, I suspect we will be just “hanging” most of the time. I would like Sun to see (and experience) Stone Brewery which is pretty close. The gardens are wonderful, pretty good food, amazing beers and they DO sell wine as well.

                                Featured singer??? I had NO CLUE you were a singer! Love it!

                                It sounds like you are on your way! I often wonder as well if that’s what I should be doing in the long run – total AF. Sometimes I think we fool ourselves into believing we can be normal drinkers again – and think some can and for some it’s just not an option. You certainly have support here so don’t be a stranger!!!


                                Sitting here drinking black coffee again as I REALLY should go get my blood work up done this morning. YUCK. I don’t know why it’s SO hard to get anything done these days! Well – I know why ….

                                Still drinking about the same but at least no meds for right now. Although Target called me to say I need to pick up my Nal by Saturday or the DR will have to call it in again. UGH. I really wanted to see my liver panel before buying the stuff, just in case. *sigh* I have NO CLUE how expensive this script will be.

                                OK – Time to get my act together and get out door ….


