WTE - I've been wondering about you! 4 AF days and only a few on the other nights? Amazing! And you are on 50 mgs?! Amazing. I am going to go up to 250 tomorrow. I've been at 200 for 2 wks at this point...
I'm so happy and inspired you have had the success you've had this time around!! Just awesome!! I am not the "pour the bottle down the drain" type though. Ugh - too wasteful. I also did not see HB last week - maybe this coming. I don't dread it at all...I'm pretty much done with him.
Anyway - I am on my own w/ all this and just do what I do. Have not felt the urge to stop or quit, yes, cut back, which perhaps I have. My son was in town this weekend with me from school and that was nice. We went to dinner and I had a glass of wine, came home, we watched a movie & I drank "a couple of more" glasses (Maybe 4??)...not uncommon. I don't get drunk, but I drink my wine. Next day I felt guilty that he is aware, but we have talked and he says it's no big deal (You don't get drunk, Mom...ok...)
So onward and another week to get thru. UGH - WTE, I am soooooooooooooo happy for you, awed and inspired this 2nd time around it is working. Maybe that is the protocol for some of us. I am going to try and get results the first time around. Keeping fingers crossed for us all - as usual.
Had a fairly good weekend all things considered. Hope so too for the rest of you :-))