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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi Dizz, it's really wonderful o see you, the dinner was really a letdown:upset:, well, better luck next time I suppose, but it is so good to see you.

    Space your setback might also have something to do with the awful stress you have had with your family recently, a day or two will tell perhaps as far as if you need to go back up on the Topa/ in relation to SE, remember it all takes some tweaking I think, but it will be OK

    Hello to our new person, Annie, and Welcome, please don't be shy, just make yourself at home.

    Sun, sorry you are so down, as I said it is this tie of our life I think coupled with our issues.

    And I'm wondering if normal drinkers are just people who don't drink, now that I've thought more about it and heard more of your thoughts also, maybe we all really want to be drinkers who are not problem drinkers, it is an interesting topic to think about.

    I'm off work tomorrow, I plan to catch up a little more, do laundry and dishes and not leave my apartment for any reason, oh, gee, I already foresee that I might need to go to the corner store, now that is what I hate about my drinking:upset:

    Well, love you all, see you tomorrow, please take care,


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Sun will you please try to stop being so hard on yourself, you are not doing anything wrong, just remake a plan that you can work with. Its good you can see that you will not get the meds back at the dose you had because that wont happen, so you need another plan of action. a little one. one little thing that you can do, it doesnt matter what it is just so long as it makes you feel better and is good for you and is easy to do. Then everything else will sort itself out in time.

      I am still going with the being comfortable with where I am at with drink Play rather that normal, that is not so easy tho because even 1 can is tricky because of my son and daughter. It is really starting to eat me up now the lying it is like when I was drinking heavy, but not if you know what I mean, but theres nothing I can do about it, if it where just my daughter I would just tell her and she would just have to get used to the idea and be angry for a while but my eldest son is another story entirely, one that I dont even know where to start.

      So today I am doing the stuff I should have done yesterday and then my daughter is staying tonight. So lots of driving all day, and no drink tonight. Feeling a bit low at the moment, cant wait for Spain


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        OK this is no bloody good, its 8.45 am and I am thinking about wanting a drink. I will havde to go back to 25am 50pm today, in fact I dont know if I can take the extra 25 earlier to make the day a bit more bearable or what to do. I have already had my morning 25 and my L glut so far no good, still want a drink. !


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Morning Space - sorry you are wanting a drink already. I am not sure if taking the Topa now would help - it takes a day or two to get into the system I think. you probably just want a drink 'cos your daughter is coming and you know you can't have one later - Just a thought anyway.

          Thanks for the kind words - although I do have a plan formulating that might work. Not sure yet, but mulling it over. I just know that I can't carry on with me feeling like this.

          I think normal drinkers are those who don't think about it every day.

          Play - enjoy your day off and thanks for the e-mail. I will reply later - I work today though and need to get myself ready soon.

          Diz - lovely to see you again. Your meal sounded the pits - so sorry especially when it could have been so great - what a shame. Laughed about the church bells - sorry I shouldn't but it is sort of funny!! Maybe only four bell ringers turned up that morning?

          I need to get ready for work. The day looms ahead......

          Love you all, Sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hiya Sunni Butt
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Oh Space, the minute I anticipate that I Can't have a drink, then I want one even more, I think that is part of what is going on with you family being there and all, it's awful not being able to be honest about things, I might share about my times with my mom when visiting recently this last year, back after while.



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hey everyone. It has been quiet here today. I am not up to posting right now. Tomorrow we have the charity chaps coming - my stuff has to be out by 7.00am and I haven't even started boxing things up. LOL - I need to go through and find stuff to BOX up !!!!! It is already gone 8.00 and all I want to do is go to bed but I MUST find stuff and box it. Last month I didn't put stuff out when i said I would.......

                Hey there jan - nice to see you - thanks for the PM - have replied! I will be fine - really I will!! I always bounce back - you know me

                Need to go and find some things for my boxes - then off to bed. love and hugs to everyone. I am off tomorrow so will post then,

                Love, sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Ok, I'm back for more of catching up with people, now rember that half of what I am responding to is not in real life time as I am looking at older posts because it is impossible for me to remember anything that was posted more than one post back:H, Topa and age I suppose, oh well, at least I will kind of read up on what you all are really up to, YAY!

                  So, I did go out for coffee this morning, I was out, did laundry, dishes, absolutely no ironing, shower, cooked a pot of pinto beans for the week, just watched the vice presidential debate (not going there:H), I know Sun is feeling down and please feel better Sun:h

                  Space, anything yet on any of your work prospects? And what of the place that you went to previously for anxiety issues, did you go visit there?, did it go ok? Are you still reading that book and trying to lose some weight? I have gained even more weight since Sun came to visit and I don't know what to do, I don't really know why I have put on over 25 lbs, sure it must be alcohol and eating but when I really look at it I don't think I overeat all that horribly, it is a lot confusing to me, it is all in my middle, no joking, I try to cover it up, but I'm running out of clothes and even after buying more things to wear, it's very discouraging, I would like to go to one of those lose weight spa places for a month, but they cost a lot of money and a lot of time.

                  Mimi, how are you doing now? I've wondered why we never hear from you and wish that you would keep in touch, when you are doing well and when you are not doing so well, we would like to be here for all the times:h

                  WTE, oh, my, where ever Devas goes, please, please make sure to have a contract to stay in touch with his parents, he has a place here in our hearts, I know he will have someone who adores him, I just have a feeling that he will have some a little bit like he is, maybe with big ears:h.

                  Now, Landscaping Guy, hmmmm, he must have underestimated who he is tangling with, HA, how has that turned out?



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Space, I'm just reading about your SEs, YES, Topa really does dry us out, and you must drink a lot of water, and just so that you don't go worrying about your eyes again, you need to buy some eye lubricating drops and use them, that was what my Opthamalogist Rxed for me when I had that problem, (dry eyes) so yes, drink more fluids and use the eye drops.

                    Sun and WTE, are either of you making progress on thinking about or making a plan to start cutting down on smoking? Space?

                    OMG Space, I just now saw that you have enrolled in a course to do Customer Service, that is so absolutely brilliant and Awesome, I'm so sorry that I missed it, I just haven't been able to keep up with things here, but that is just so great. How long will the course take? I think it will give you so many more options in the job field and the fact that it is free, yes, take advantage of everything that you possibly can. My son-in-law in Spain is also taking a class to try to further his options in the job market down the line.

                    See you guys in a minute,


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      WTE, I just want to ask how in the world do you transport all your tent comforts?:h, heaters, fans, rugs, mattresses, night stands, lamps, pillows, 2room tent, suitcase? Now I know this is all still basic survival, hunting for wood, cooking over the campfire and washing dishes in the stream:H:H:H, just having fun with you, anyone that can kayak class 4 & 5 rapids is all wilderness in my eyes:h

                      Is your Ireland family with you?

                      Sun, I am wondering too, who does the driving in your family:h



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Re: great American Road Trip

                        So, my take on our little road trip, it's interesting because this has been one of the biggest fantasies of my entire life, 2nd only to growing up with a horse which came true, now I need to put some energy into the financial and other means to enable this road trip adventure, I have wanted to do it for so, so long, now it just needs to become a reality

                        So, ok, gang, here we go, please will everyone who wants to be part of this adventure just put up a picture of some sort that kind of looks like what you might see this adventure as: the sun, the road, palm trees, the beach, the ocean, the RV, the camp, the stars, whatever it might be for you, put it on the bathroom door, the kitchen wall, the closet door, anywhere that you will see it every day, think of it every day, want it every day, do this only if you really want it, and it will become a reality, I can promise that:h

                        Can we do it, yes we can,


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          I think because I havent seen any ( apart from DisneyWorld) of America the road trip is just massively, massive for me. I have seen so many films about America, so much scenery, just so much and it has always been a dream of mine to somehow tour around America that the thought it could come true is pretty overwhelming. For me its got to be the camping, the wildlife, the different people and places, the scenery and just how big the whole place is, in fact just everything.

                          I also wonder how you transport all your camping stuff WTE, I used to struggle with less than half your stuff, I havent got round to going for years now, I wanted to go this year but didnt get round to it again. The weather was too unpredictable when I eventually started amking plans.

                          My daughter stayed last night with her hubby and I feel like a bit of a wussy that i ended up sneaking a can of beer in bed, just the thought of it kept popping into my head and how good it would taste and feel. So today I feel fine this morning, my daughter and hubby have to go home around noon. It is nice to have them visit, but very stressful as well.

                          I see my doctor today, he says he thinks I may have fibromyalgia, that is crap, I dont want to have that it looks shit, but I need to get to the bottom of all the pain and fatigue so I will see what else he has to say about it. My blood tests where all ok so that is good. I just saw what I wrote, I dont suppose anyone really want any illness so that was a silly thing to say.

                          The weight is so difficult isnt it Play, I dont see how I have pout all this weight on, I dont think I eat that much, although compared to Sun nearly passing out after a piece of cheese and bacon (veggie) on toast or whatever it was I think I may do, but no seriously I really dont, and even when I am really trying to cut down and eat very healthily I still dont seem to loose any, and mine is all in my middle, I swear if I was younger people would think I was pregnant. Does that Xenecal/Orlistat work does anyone know.

                          OK got to go now so bye for now xx


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Good Morning everyone. Gosh, it has been a long morning already and I have only been up for two hours. I had to write an e-mail to a dear friend that was very difficult to write and has left me feeling quite drained. Anyway - deep breath and on with my day!!

                            Space - I don't blame you for taking the one can to bed with you and quite understand it - golly, one can is wonderful!! So no worries eh? I hope that you don't have fibromyalgia - that is very tiring and painful. Hopefully you don't, fingers crossed XX. I had to laugh about the cheese and toast - it was TWO slices of cheese on toast and there was a LOT of cheese and my body isn't used to that amount of fat all in one sitting - hence the getting sleepy/drugged feeling - if I had had one slice I would have been fine - LOL.

                            Re Xenical - I have heard some horror stories about it - make sure you have a change of undies with you when you go out - :H or even two changes!!! it has some really nasty SE's !! I wouldn't go there space - as a friend, I am saying this !!!!

                            Hi there Play - nice to see you posting so much - you and space are carrying this thread right now thank goodness! As for you gaining weight - I have no idea why you are - I don't think you eat a lot at all - you eat the same as me and I don't think i eat a lot - well, you didn't when I was with you anyway. And you walk a lot too!!

                            Oh - I do the driving in our family Play - always have and always will. Apart from my car sickness I hate Hub's driving !! ROTFLMBO !!!!

                            Re the smoking plans - yes, I have plans to stop again - probably the beginning of November now. Somewhere around there anyway..... it is a WIP (Work In progress).

                            Play - we have talked about my plans for feeling better and hopefully things will start to look up in the next few weeks - well, maybe a bit longer than that - but sometime in the not too distant future anyway. Thank you for letting me vent too - :thanks:

                            Yes, it must be so hard for you worrying about the baby - it is also a shame that you won't be able to go to florida when they are here. I wonder what the American Doctor will say and if he can add any more to what the Spanish docs have already said. The whole thing is so sad.

                            So WTE - time for a post from you isn't it? And where is WU these days? Dizzy - it was nice to hear from you too. Annie - I saw on another post that you are on Topa - feel free to come and join us...... Mimi - please post - it would be lovely to see you here more often......

                            love and hugs to all. I should get off the computer and go and do something. Maybe go and sit in the garden with the dogs for 10 mins - LOL

                            Love, Sun XXX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi all,
                              I am wondering about topamax..are any of u taking this? Did you purchase on line?? If purchased on line do you need a prescription for it??? What are the side affects if any????
                              Need a little extra 12 is finding me stressed..

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Dottie and welcome. Most of us here on this thread are either taking or have taken topa. I still take it but get mine from my doctor - Play gets hers from River Pharmacy. Space gets hers on line too. WTE used to take it but lost too much weight on it so had to stop.

                                As far as SE's, they are different for everyone. when I first started taking it I refused to look up the SE's - I didn't want to know. I have very few SE's these days but have been taking it for a long time. It works differently for all of us - for some it takes a very low dose to work - for me, i have to get up to a whopping 300mg for it to work and then I get very depressed so don't go that high any more. Others find that 50 - 75 mg seems to work - which takes three weeks to get up to as you never want to rush Topa.

                                let us know if you have any more questions - and well done on your 12 days !!!!

                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

