Play - look back at the post before yours......
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New here and starting Topa and with a question
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Oh well, yes, I found the thread, but well, didnt feel like i knew anyone so didn't hit the fun button for me but I'm sure it is nice and yes it does seem quite lively, take care to everyone there,
Love, play
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Hi there, what is going on here, where has WTE gone now, get back here please dont you go off as well.
Wu, if you are reading please pop in, we are worried about you, I am sending you my best thoughts and wishes.
No need to worry yet about me and the xenecal, it seems to be making me constipated !!! honestly. and I did say I am just seeing how it goes, anything goes wrong and It will get binned.
Im not paniking but I did have another 3 cans again last night, I need to somehow nip this in the bud, in fact yes I am worried, the L glut I think today I need to take more, in the Amazon one there was a scoop and I think I was taking more of it than I am now so I will just take more and see how it goes. But I do think there will be a difference in quality so will still go back to the Amazon one in future.
So should I wait and stay at 25 50 or go up to 50 50 ? Im not sure really, at the moment I feel ok se ways but dont want to be drinking too much again, or getting drunk at all. Im not sure but I think I have benn on 25 50 for 2 weeks, I will check my calender.
What is this weight loss stuff yuou are on about Play, I thought you where going to come back and tell me it was water or something daft like that.
Sun you are right it does seem like this thread is a bit of a 3 pony trick but I think thats the way it goes, just now theres you me and Play but thats cool, otheres will soon be back and join in, I went AWOL for a while and look at me now. but yes I do worry about them all and I also worry about our thread, but what will be will be I suppose.
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Good Morning Space - funny about the Xenecal !!! Well - not funny ha ha but you know what I mean.....
Yes, if it was me, I would go up on the Topa - I would follow the schedule as it is set out - I need to put it in a file that is easily accessible so I can find it when I need it for people !! You had SE's the first day last time so just plan on going up when you are going to be home maybe? 100mg a day is not very high in my opinion - remember I had to get up to 300mg for it to work for me - I am NOT saying you will have to do that - seeing as the 25/50 worked for a while you might just have to go one more dose. I would definitely give it a try anyway.
Yes, the thread does wax and wane a tad at times and I suppose we got spoiled when everyone was posting, but I do miss the others - am so pleased that you and Play are here though!! I do wonder what has happened to Wu though. WTE is probably just in a flunk and will pop in eventually with a LOVELY long lost (WTE if you are lurking did you read that - LOL). Houtx often goes AWOL and then pops in and Dizzy since she went to UK, doesn't post very much........ SIGH !! Oh well - at least we are here.
I had one less than usual last night and had some ice cream instead - I rarely eat ice cream so that was very unusual for me to even buy it, but it looked yummy - and when I would have usually poured another drink I decided on the ice cream instead - I have always thought sugar and AL are two sides of the same coin. Or whatever the expression is.
Anyway, need to get myself moving and ring my and hugs to all,
sun XXXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
New here and starting Topa and with a question
OK, Ok, I’m back! HA! And yes, just in a bit of a funk of recent and stressing about drinking which in turn makes me stress about everything else even worse. But know that I DO read at least once a day and as the days tick by I know it will take me forever to catch up with everyone. So like Play did, I read back to where I last posted - so my comments may not always be timely! LOL
It seems to me that many of us get a bit down all at the same time. Wonder why that is …. But it would explain the AWOL from time to time !
Space – Going back over a week ago: We ALL have dysfunctional families! You would NOT believe mine! HA! Thinking of you today (Sunday) and hoping you have a more pleasant one. You did great with handling your brother without too much drink!
I know you are upset about the 3 cans of recent – but Play is right in that many normal drinkers have 1 or 2 extras under stress or in celebration. So keep that in mind and just don’t allow it to be habit (like me *sigh*)
I’m not certain about the L-Glut, but I also get mine from Amazon. The only other time I took it was years ago in cap form and it did nothing for me. It’s my belief (only) that sometimes fillers in products and medications can make them react differently. At least that’s my experience. The other odd with me is I swear it does not work the same as when I was on Topa. I could just be playing head games with myself – but nothing seems to be helping since I stopped Topa. Dang.
As for Gardner Guy – I spoke with my attorney late last week and he had not gotten around to sending out a letter yet. I can’t really complain because while he does ALL of my legal stuff and has for about 8 years now, we have never met in person nor has he ever charged me! I just send his wife flowers whenever he asked and I don’t charge him. I have no clue where we stand financially but I suspect I owe him BIG TIME as he has done everything from review negotiated leases to writing my will and everything in between. So in conclusion – no idea where things stand with Landscape Guy but I am getting ready to get out the spray paint again. HA!
Wondering what you decided about moving up with the Topa? And how is the job hunt going???
Sun – What the hell is veggie bacon made out of?? I would look it up but it sounds too gross. HA! You sound like you eat like a bird as well. I’m getting better but it always amazes me how much food some people can put down at one sitting. Last evening was a perfect example. (Here goes one of my long stories again! HA!)
There is a group of us that years ago met and many of us belongs to a Meet Up (let me know if you don’t know what that is) Group called Crazy Azz Singles. We would do things like concerts, dinners, bowling, some sports, etc. Some of us fragmented off as friendships developed and about 2 years ago someone created a group called The Village. It was supposed to be all about being there for one another (which for the most part is true) and a closed group. For a while there was a get together the 3rd Saturday of each month – be a BBQ at someone’s house or going to the horse races and so on.
I won’t say these people are crazy drinkers (well, a few are) but the events always involved lots of AL and often times I would just get a bit bored with some people and so have not seen many of them for almost a year! Some private GFs that are part of the group – but not really going to group events. It kind of waned and it’s been quite a few months since everyone was together. Until last night at a pizza place close to me and at the last minute I decided to go with a bit of egging on from a few. LOL
It was great fun to see everyone again (I think there was 15 or so there) , I only had 2 glasses of wine and was home pretty early. But I am sitting between these 2 guys (one I would LOVE to date! HA!) and across from a GF. The GF and one guy both say they are trying to lose weight and so order large salads. I ordered a small veggie pizza *yum* but then there are garlic bread sticks being passed, others ordering giant pizzas to share etc. This guy next to me on his “salad diet” ate more breadsticks than I could imagine! Then when offered he took a large piece of pizza. Then another. I had 2 pieces of mine left and offered them to him – yep. LOL I would be waddling if I ate that much food! Plus he drank a pitcher of dark beer. And he is NOT a big guy! LOL
Nuff of that story! HA!
And Sun – I think I have your Skype name and I have managed to muck mine up and I think I have 2 or 3 accounts now. Need to figure that out. Are you around today and I will try on my laptop??? Or anyone else???
Oh – and thanks for the chickpea recipe! Must try that soon ….
Houtx – I SO agree on the smoking! YUCK! So I am mentally preparing to try Chantix after the first of the year. I worry about the SEs but am trying to push them out of my mind. Having AL under control would make it so much easier as I fear I will slip after a few glasses of wine.
Dizz – Missing your posts also but suspect you will eventually find time to catch up – like I am! So sorry to read about your dinner – that’s awful when it happens! But, at least they agreed to remove it from your tab. Still not fun …
Play – Welcome to the “catch up” game. HA! Hope things are going well for you and the new diet thing you have found out about works for you! I know I have many GFs that are in the same spot and frustrated about losing weight and clothes not fitting. Must be awful – but it’s no fun being on the other side either. LOL I know that’s no consolation, but I guess none of us are ever really happy with “US”. Some I think we just need to accept – at least I know I do as I age and hell “what is happening to my face???” LOL
Oh – and how I transport camping gear? LOL I drive a Jeep Grand, pack like a typical Virgo (insanely organized) and over the years have it down to a fine science of labeled “bins” and always find room for the dog. HA! It’s really a pretty easy pack up when I decide to get out of dodge. Stop at the grocery store and just buy enough for a few days and hit the road. There is always a small market close by for more or anything I have forgotten. My “suitcase” is actually a duffle bag type thing – and my wardrobe is small and basic and easily washed out as needed and hung on my clothesline in the sun. I seem to spend most of my time in either fly fishing gear, a swimsuit or sweats for the evening chill around the fire. =) Doesn’t take much clothes or gear to kayak in! LOL
As for my Ireland family – TODAY!!! They have been here a week but are staying down in La Jolla (south of me a bit) as they are trying hard to catch up with so many friends they know here. So while I have offered that they stay with me, it works better for them to be further down. So at about 1:00 a good friend of ours is bringing them over for the day. =) I’ve planned all kinds of good starters and have a main meal for the BBQ if we decide to do that rather than go out. They are an absolute riot and I know my sides will hurt from laughing after the day!
I’ve been noodling on our “Great America Road Trip” too! In all fairness, I think we first need to agree on how much time we will all have. Do we want to stay in California – or venture to other parts of the country? How many will we be and what size RV do we need? I know Space and I can set up a tent to sleep in. HA! Can Charlie come??? LOL Tell us about YOUR vision Play! And YOURS Space! What parts of the US do you want to see?
HI DOTTIE BELL!~ I hope you continue to post here! Tons of info and support and we’re a pretty silly yet informative group ….
And STARFISH – Welcome as well! Glad you found us and hope everything is moving in the right direction for you. Please stay with us as well .. Topa or no Topa. =) I can’t believe you read this entire post!!! HA!
Well, I have been reading and typing forever! Sheeezzzz…need to not get so far behind again!
I’m not sure where/when my funk started but I am working hard to get out of it. Out last night and now company today. It’s good for me.
I will admit to a VERY deep feeling of loss when I gave up DeVas last Wednesday. I think I was just not prepared and thought I would have him for at least another week – so it was a bit of a shock. I have fought SO MANY temptations to call and find out if he is still available. *sigh* I think about adding a screen door, other nonsense, but in the end I suppose I know it really is not right for my lifestyle right now. Maybe I will become an Old Crazy Cat Lady years later in life. =)
I also got some freaky news from my DR last week – an “odd freckle” in the back of my throat that he wants checked out because I SMOKE! CRAP! I called the specialist for an appointment and they can’t see me until November 12th – so I get to stress about it for another month. As of yesterday, I now feel a slight sore throat which I suspect is just allergies – but still…
I’m calling the DR tomorrow to see if he can refer me to someone that can see me sooner. I just don’t need any more stress right now.
On a good note, my negotiations on my shop lease are going well and I should know something firm on Monday or Tuesday that will dictate my future for the next 3-6 years. That whole thing is tough, but I am in a better position than I was last year at this time.
Must get on with my day and prepare for company! Nothing like guests coming to get your house all tidy in a real hurry! HA! Figures … my housekeeper comes tomorrow!
Bunches of love and hugs to all and missing you that are absent of recent.
WTE & Charlie
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Swift fly by -will post later as I am in the middle of cleaning my cellar FINALLY, and taking a short break....... WTE - it is ironic the way that when I e-mail you and ask where you are and why you aren't posting, it seems that while I am e-mailing you, YOU POST !!! This is the second time now that this has happened! How funny...... Guess I need to e-mail you more often!! LOL. It was great catching you on Skype !!! Have fun with your guests.......
Space - I rarely eat ice cream - maybe once or twice a year so it is SO unusual for me to buy it. I think I bought some a few months ago - and ate too much and had a hangover the next day - LOL !! I always have felt that sugar and AL are VERY similar and sugar can wipe me out faster than AL can. I also find that sugar has SE's for me - I was SO itchy in the night - actually scratched my wrist and arm raw and have scratch marks on my back and shoulders too. Too much sugar is really bad for me and I find it easier to control my sugar intake than my AL intake !! I can take or leave anything sugary.
Anyway - I will post later and answer WTE's post - need to get back to the cellar! I am starting to procrastinate!
love and hugs to all - Sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Hello Everyone!
I am just dropping in to say I am fine. I am not taking my topa, still drinking, and I guess I am in a little bit of a rut. I have to wrap my brain around quitting. The strength and resolution I had when I first started posting here are seemingly gone. I will start reading again to help with that, and make TODAY my first day on Topa. I am so sorry to have worried all of you! :hugs:
I will read up and try to comment soon. Love and hugs to all of you!XXOO
Ps..... it seems we have had some peeps dropping in. Stuck is scared of this thread? That must be me, the crazy one of here..... LOL! I hope I havent scared too many people off!
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Space, just to let you know camping isnt the same here as it is in Europe! Its a little more rough. LOL! I love camping over there, you dont give up any of the amenities of a resort hotel! 5 pools, 6 restaurants, nightclubs and bars.... in other words, all the excitement or quiet one could wish for. I actually have a camping area I have been to four times, just south of Florence! I dont really camp there though, I rent a caravan, which is a little larger than most Rvs, and has everything in it.... shower, normal bathroom, small kitchen with everything you need except the food. I jump in my car and drive south for 5 hours, and dont have to stress if I forgot anything. So much fun! The kids are safer in such an area, so many other families, and I get to relax a little knowing that the kids are fine being able to run around with their friends, or go get an ice cream by themselves. It actually reminds me a lot of when I was a kid, and no one worried about abductions over here in the states, i dont think anyone can be too careful.
Giotto Mobile Homes
there are also reviews on I am posting this for you space, though I dont know how old your sons are that you would be vacationing with. I usually book with eurocamp, but there are many companies that have the mobile homes, some seem more comfy than others.
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Hi, I'm back, I got too sleepy last night and I'm trying to go to sleep earlier when I have to get up at the crack of dawn, actually it's still dark, for work, and I've been so tired during the day I can hardly keep my eyes open, new hours for me, ha, it's difficult, evenings are so much fun.
Yes, sun, I found the killer thread, and you are there so I did know someone, but it's hard to jump into those threads where everyone only says one line at a time, of course they know each other well and it works for them, but of you don't know them it's hard to establish a feeling for anyone as there is no continuity to anyone, just one liners, but I'm sure it is a nice fun thread, different threads just evolve differently I suppose.
So, yes, about the weight loss thing, I think it really is not yet being pushed for weight loss which is great because it is still so inexpensive, it is more used for fiber, but our pharmacist is just a genius and we learn so much from him, like I never knew that Oatmeal actually does help reduce cholesterol and lose weight because it just absorbs all the bad stuff as it passes thru your system and is not even that nutritional, it just absorbs everything. It's weird, when I read claims like that I tend to not believe them, but when I run into someone who is as intelligent as this guy and who has been involved in the cutting edge of therapies for all kinds of things such as HIV back in 1982 when it was just being recognized but was a full blown epidemic here in California, well then I sit up and pay attention and believe what he has to say. So anyway, he tells us about this stuff called "GLUCOMANNAN", it comes from a plant, provides fiber and when you take it before a meal with a glass of water everything just gets absorbed and passes thru your digestive tract and is eliminated. It is good for diabetics and lowers their blood sugars and lowers people's cholesterol. So for 2 hours after you take it, don't take your medicine or supplements because they won't be absorbed. And this stuff is about $6 a bottle rather than $60 that the big name weight loss things are selling for. So some of our doctors are taking it and they have lost weight already, they all love this guy, I'm starting mine tomorrow, and Space, I'm sending you a couple of bottles later this week because I don't know if you can get it in the UK, but it is not a RX! Just over the counter.
Ok, so much for that, on to other things now.
Space, I agree with Sun, probably Tim to increase your dose a bit, and 50/50 is still a very low dose, that is what I am on right now, I'm going to stay there until right before we go to Spain, because right now I am just drinking right thru the Topa, like it isn't even there, and I seem to have absolutely no willpower at all to try to cut down. But I know that while I'm in Spain I will have some real motivation to try to keep it in check because I'll be helping my daughter after surgery, taking care of the baby, cooking, and then perhaps an increase in dose will really give me that help to cut down, I know I won't stop, but just to be able to cut down without going thru the hell cravings will be so acceptable.
Sun, I remember when I first started posting on here, it was a little before Christmas of last year, I also spent a lot of time then reading from the first of the thread, people came and went, some of them we still see from time to time like Bruunand Houtx, at first there were a few people posting and then it quickly almost seemed to be just you and I and at one point I really though it might just stop altogether, then Dizz started posting really long posts, it was both surprising and great, and now she is hardly here and I really miss those posts, but it just shows that this thread does somehow go thru it's ups and downs, people come and go, come mainly more than they go:h, and I can never believe how many people just read this thread, interesting, we must be helping more people than we will ever know.
Going to take a break and then read WTEs post again about Landscape Guy and also talk about my vision of the American Adventure.
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Hi WTE, well, you are wondering about the "veggie bacon", dear god, don't ask about the "tofurkey" that Sun turned me onto while she was here, and I have seen it a million times and have just never tried it, and believe it or not, it is way good, especially with good with Marmite, Branston Pickle and HP Sauce, also British goodies that Sun got for me, and I actually have grown very fond of them, and the veggie bacon and tofurkey are of course soy products probably loaded with lots of other good chemical ingredients.
And so WTE, wow what a great relationship you have with your attorney, I would send some especially nice flowers to his wife and hope that he still digs his wife:H, but hmmm, yes, better get out the spray paint. And BTY, how old is the guy with the Hugh appetite that also doesn't gain weight? Men don't seeme to gain as easily as women do, at least until older years, I think they have more muscle mass and it burns more calories even at rest.
And WTE, I truly do believe that you made the right decision regarding Devas, maybe it just is not the right time of life for you, just like me, I have had every kind of animal there is while my kids were growing up and am an animal person, I brought my last dog and two cats with me when I moved to San Francisco 8 years ago, the little poodle I had to have put to sleep at 17 years old, a cat at 12 due to breast cancer and my last cat 2 years ago at 10 years old due to a brain tumor and seizures that we're not treatable, so now here I am now in an apartment that does not even allow a cat for Gods Sake, almost everyone in my building owns their flat ( it's a condo building) and they all have pets, but the owner of mine says, no pets, perhaps I'm thinking in a few years maybe he will let me or maybe I will move, because really, how can I live forever without a little cat and dog, I grew up with horses, dogs, cats, everything under the sun, I'm an Animal Person.
WTE, please don't get into a Tizzy about the Freckle, I have a freckle on my lower gum in the front and they have biopsied it and it is nothing, I don't even smoke, we all have freckles, now the only reason that he wants to test it is because you smoke, but I can assure you that smoking does not show up as cancer in the mouth as a freckle in the throat first thing, it comes as lung cancer, so yes you need to stop smoking, it's not the freckle that will kill you, it's the lung cancer:upset:, I'm sorry, I wanted to reassure you but at the same time I know how deadly smoking is, and I just love you and Sun, you know.
Now for my take on our RV camping Road Trip thingie , Well, Let's be very realistic, WTE has a very good point, this country is HUGH, it will take a long time to actually travel around it and camp and spend enough time to really enjoy our trip, I'm thinking like Months, so unless we all take 6 months off work, or our regular life, now I am prepared to do that:H, it may turn out that we have to take our road trip in stages, a few weeks every year?
And then we would just plan where we would start the first year, like start with California, rent the camper, plan the stops, etc. So the reality is that this might be something that will take some time, that is ok with me, I don't think we could really see much of the whole united states in two or three weeks, that is just not a realistic plan, but what do we have besides time? It will give us something to look forward to ever year or couple of years.
Now as for camping, I Am an old hardcore backpacker from way back, put it on my back and hike in for a week or so, now of course that was about 10 years ago:H, so I'm probably more inclined to pack it up in WTEs Jeep and go comfy camping, but I am not adverse to real camping and I actually think that Space and kids will like a little bit of roughing it also, whatever we do, I think it will be an adventure of our lives, Sun, you will be waiting in the nice motel adjacent to the wilderness campground:h, and I'm also thinking that my grandson might come along on one of our adventures, otherwise he might never know the joys of camping, fishing and hiking. I'm so excited about this, I can't tell you, when I left Colorado, I felt like I gave up my whole life, not even having a car here, I haven't been camping or backpacking in 8 years:upset:, I used to sleep out in my backyard in the mountains to watch the meteor showers in August, this is bringing tears to my eyes, thank you Space.
Wu, good luck, hope things go well,
Love, play
New here and starting Topa and with a question
WOW, so much to read sinci I last posted, its cool, hi Wu, good to hear from you and glad to hear your back on day one of taking topa, dont worry things will get better bit by bit in time, they did for me, they can for you too.
WTE, I knew you would post,, I dont know anything about the freckle thing but listen to Play and try not to worry. I know thagts a lot easier said than done but p[lease try, you are write, you dont need any more stress. You are doing so well and Im glad you have had a good social weekend. Two wines at a party is amazing, go you.
The road trip, I dont really get how huge America is but I do know that we can cover it in 2 weeks, so I do think bit by bit is going to be best. It makes no difference to me where we start as I havent seen anywhere so California is fantastic WOOHOO!!!!I am not just sleeping on the ground uncovered without a tent outside where snakes and things can come into my sleeping bag, but apart from that Im pretty easy about where I stay
. My son is only just about believing me that Im going to Spain, he will never believe Im going to California LOL. How old is you grandson Play. I have never fished, do we eat the fish we catch? that is so cool, back to nature. can we have a campfire? can I have a beer? will we go to the sea and swim or are there sharks, I dont want to get attacked by one, if so I will swim in the river, or are there crocs. on seconds thoughts I wont swim then if its too dangerous. you tell me whats ok. OOOOO its exciting
Wu, I think your talking about the luxury campsites with the big tents that I have seen advertised, I go to farmers fields campsites with a toilet and shower block being the ameneties, those others cost was too much. So mine are just pitch my tent in the field type of thing, and cook on my little gas burner, I would love to go again, I really must make the effort to go early next year, our waether is so unpredictable tho it is so difficult to go. Plus my mood has be so predictabably down for years that it was evern more difficult to go, but not any more tho I hope
New here and starting Topa and with a question
Last night I had one can again, yipee, I had that in the bath at around 6pm, and just didnt think about the other one I had much at all. I have gone up to 50 50 and am also taking more L glut, I am using a bigger spoonsee if that works but whatever it was something worked last night, I am relieved after 2 nights of 3 cans. Play, I didnt know that you where having a bad time with the drink right now as well, you didnt say, make sure you have plenty of topa and then go up in dose before Spain and you should be ok because you will have the increase in dose and the motivation as well. we will be able to have a good chat and help each other too I hope :l
My daughter hubby is drinking more than ever lately, he is getting drunk nearly every other day, running off and stealing drink or money and then comming home drunk, it is really upsetting her, they have only been married for a matter of weeks and she has already said that she is struggling to take it, he seems to have just given up on the idea of doing anything about it. Yesterday (Sunday) no one came here for dinner becasue my mum had been out for the day on Saturday and was tired and he had gone and got pissed yesterday morning while out with the dog, I asked her to come anyway on her own but she wont leave him because then if he cant get anymore drink he goes off and tries to kill himself or something until someone gives him drink, he is a serious nutjob when he drinks. I have told her that me and her are going out for lunch on Wednesday to have some time together and have a chat, plus it will give my an excuse to wear some nice shoes :H
love space xx