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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hello everyone. So glad to see Space posting.

    Dizzy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful time.

    Play - Have a wonderful trip! When does your daughter have her surgery?

    Ne - I have that 'pinged' thing on my computer too. Not sure what it means. I think it has something to do with making sure the website is online. But, I thought it meant that your IP address was confirmed. Think we better ask Techie, he would know.

    Raven - I commented on your thread but I think your Mom's thread is a great idea. I think it would be really helpful to many people.

    Sun - I was just up visiting my parents. My Mom cooked some cauliflower. I was eating it. All of a sudden I thought.....she cooked it in chicken broth. I asked her and sure enough she did. I just told her how delicious it was. She has memory issues and just forgot. She told me she was sorry and I said that was ok - it was delicious.

    WTE - I'm so sorry about your feet. I never read what happened to you but it must be painful.

    Houtx - I LOVE To Kill a Mockingbird. Must have been wonderful on the big screen.

    Ally - good luck with getting your son involved in something. I remember that battle with my son.

    Big hellos to everyone here. :wavin: Love coming over here even if I'm not taking Topa right now.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Space, so glad to see you. Don't forget the gabapentin if your friend, been popping it myself lately for depression. Maybe it will help.

      Sun, how are you? Yes I knew about the plans of Space and Play and how great they both are and I know it will be grand.

      I was only imagining the reason for Space going dark was anxiety and depression which for me, come as a pair. I isolate then. Trying to help is all.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question


        Lots of love and hugs, Sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Bruunhilde;1414285 wrote: .

          I was only imagining the reason for Space going dark was anxiety and depression which for me, come as a pair. I isolate then.
          That is a big part of the reason, I am trying to make my brain work enough for me to read all the wonderfull posts now and it is difficult throught the mush in my head. It is like my brain is surrounded by fog and I cant see out of it. But I am trying.

          I am also trying to focus on what matters, which is just popping on here to say hello and read what I can, to be able to still go and see Play in Spain even though I may not be mega slim and glam and super on the ball, LOL I just want us to meet up and spend time together so thats what matters to me most of all.

          My son is 13 so I dont know if he counts for me to join the mums club, he should tho. but hi to Raven.

          Also Im well chuffed that Ne has joined us here so Hi Ne, how did you know I had gone AWOL again??

          I havent even read my pm's yet so I better go and do that

          see you all later

          oh and Sun plumbers seem to do it the world over, I can remember getting one when I was minding my mums house and he charged me a fortune for a job that probably should have taken around a half hour, they know they have got you stuck in a fix


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi there all - I have to go in to St Louis shortly but thought I would have time to post before i do.......

            Hi Ne - lovely to see you here. Yes, I have now met five people from MWO (amazing !!) and really enjoyed meeting them all. I think I have made more friends from on here than anywhere !! Guess it is when you have something in common to be begin with........ As for the plumber - yes, $330 an hour - ludicrous - they have you over a barrel though. He rotor rooted the pipes twice - 'just to be sure he had got all the roots'. Wonder if he would have done that if it had been a usual weekday? Hubs and I are still gobsmacked from the bill.

            I have no idea about the being pinged - when or where does it show up?

            Hey Space - So happy to have you back with us - I quite miss you when you aren't here. I was all set to send out a search party for you.... LOL Anyway, so happy you are back. I don't suppose there is any chance of you giving me your phone number now is there? As for being mega slim and/or glam when you meet Play - it doesn't matter - she was worried about losing weight before I went - it does NOT matter - we meet the person because we love the PERSON not what they look like - you are such a sweetheart and so is Play - I just know you will have a grand time together.

            I was so worried about my wrinkles when I went to meet WTE 'cos in her pictures she looks so glamourous, but once I got there and met her, all thoughts of wrinkles went out of my head - it was just US !! Plus the fact, I don't have to look at me.

            Ally - thanks for asking about the nausea - it is getting better thank goodness - comes and goes but definitely getting better. I was dreading it lasting like it did two years ago - but it isn't as bad. Plus I do have the Zofran to fall back on.

            Our meal out last night went really well - we went to iHop where I had a delicious Omelette with spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, umm, can't think what else, some other stuff too - and then hash browns. it was the best Omelette I have EVER had - it was wonderful. Hubs had the steak omelette. So he still got his steak - sort of....LOL

            Oh dear Nora about the cauli cooked in chicken broth - but I understand why you didn't say anything. What a dilemma for you. So good to see you posting here more - are things going well for you?

            Ally - I so agree about the children these days just wanting to play video games and watch TV - I am so glad I don't have young children and have to contend with all that mums and dads do nowadays - it must be very difficult for you.

            Bruun - I am doing okay thanks - my Guinness consumption is very slowly going down - but it is a struggle. I must remember to take the L-Glut - if I DO take it, it is so much easier for me. I think subconsciously I don't want to take it. And of course you were trying to help with space and Play - I am sorry if I came over as wrong in any way - you know me better than that. Thank you for trying to help - I hadn't looked at it from that view. :l:l

            Well, I need to go and get my hair dried and something on my face to try and cover the wrinkles.

            love and hugs to all, Sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Morning All! This seems to be about the only time I can find to post with the holiday and all just about here?.

              First ? HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIZZ!!! You puppy you! HA! Hope you had a wonderful one!

              Welcome Raven! I am the Mother to a 6 year old. But must confess he has 4 paws and a wet nose. HA! Charlie! Happy to hear you are doing well with the Topa! But WOW ? you are at a high dose.

              And PLEASE be careful about too much weight loss too fast. You may want to lose it, but keep it in check. There are a few of us (16% I think studies say) that Topa creates major weight loss. I had to stop it after losing about 25 pounds that I could NOT afford to lose and ended up with kidney issues. Not certain Topa = kidney thing, but I am bummed to be off it as it worked pretty great for me. Just sayin ?.

              Bruun ? I am happy Space has you in her life. You sound like you have such a sweet and gentle soul.

              Good to see you! And no clue WHY we beat ourselves up so badly, but I know we all do it at times. Solves nothing. Past is past but I get a run of it from time to time as well. Awful. We need to let it go for certain.

              ? Waving hello! And no, I have not won the bid for the domain name yet. It closes tomorrow! And so far no one has bid on it but me. YEA! It certainly will take A LOT of aggravation off my plate when that idiot doesn?t own the name anymore! HA!

              And oh how I wish I played piano! I dated a guy (actually my heartbreak of a lifetime) and he gave me a piano and was teaching me. I wasn?t awful ? but had a long ways to go. Sadly, when we split I just could NOT look at that piano every day anymore. Memories of him naked in the morning playing it . LMAO! When I asked him ifhe wanted it back he said no. I sold it on Craig?s List for $5 in about ? hour. HA! HA! I just needed it GONE! Sweet guy with a young son came and got it ? and forgot to give me my $5.00! HA!

              I agree with you on SO many kids stuck to electronics these days. I see it all around me and friend?s children. Sad really ? the way the culture has gone. It makes me wonder how these kids will be in health and otherwise with practically no physical activities at all in their lives. Must be something active he could find interest in???? Maybe?

              ? As always ? BIG HUG. Still miss you being about. And yep, keeping quite busy! And movies are a bit of an escape for me I suppose. Although two in one weekend is a bit much since neither of them were that great. Bummer! HA! Lincoln would be good to tape at home so you could fast forward through the slow parts. =)

              Oh, and my feet! Pffttt. Actually it?s my big toes. Those easily grossed out ? close your eyes. LOL

              Years ago I got that fungus stuff happening and I am pretty sure it was from getting pedi?s at a crappy place that was not as clean as it should have been. Went to the DR and took Lamisil (sp?) which is REALLY hard on your liver and you have to have a liver test ? way through. Great ? sheezzz. But it cleared it all up and they grew back normal.

              Then about a year later ?another small dark spot. Fast forward for 4-5 years now they just grow weird. Really thick and grow in the sides to the point that I have to dremmel the tops just to wear boot ? and MORE importantly to wear my ski boots! I have to see a DR about once a year to cut out the edges because it gets SO painful.

              Well, now that my insurance is paying for everything! HA! I had them 90% removed (which sounds grosser than it really was) and taking a new med so they will grow back normal. Also on 30 days of antibiotics! Oh, and an anti-inflammatory. Joy ? oh ? Joy. But at least it is done now and hopefully all of this works! My DR actually told me I could ski in 3 weeks! Not painful at all to have done and not painful unless I try to put a shoe on. HA!

              Hope your dinner out was fun! I can?t even imagine trying to go out and eat with you! HA! HA! And I am serving that ?cake? at my Holiday Brunch. LOL

              Space ? Sweet Space. I am glad you posted as you know everyone here loves you and worries when you are not about. Have FUN in Spain! I am very jealous!

              Hi Nora!
              No Topa here either but for some reason I still stick around! LOL Who knows what the future brings and I AM putting weight back on!

              So yesterday was pretty goofy at the shop. Still not as busy as normal ? but there is SO much political stuff going on that I know it is effecting my (rich) client base. Grrr. But we will survive it all.

              The only really bad down side is I am finding myself drinking more again and faster for some reason. Still just the wine, but I am pretty upset with myself. And with the season come too many parties and events to attend and it all just goes downhill at a rapid pace. Thankfully my work for now requires me in the shop and so that controls it all a bit.

              A fun thing I did the other day was order a bicycle! HA! Last January when I was visiting ?Buddy? in AZ he had his bike and his daughter?s and I had only had Charlie less than 4 months. And it had been YEARS since I rode a bike. We had a blast! Charlie LOVED running with us and was great about being safe on a lease with it all. So I bought one!

              I had all kinds of ?bonus points? on one of my credit cards that were not worth redeeming for cash like I do my other cards. So I used them to buy just a very basic Schwinn! Nothing fancy, but good for the roads up here. Down side is that ?some assembly required?. HA! I unpacked it yesterday and went OH OH! I have not even attempted to start putting it together as I was too pooped last night. But it looks fun and cool and reminds me of my bike as a kid with fenders and all. LOL Time to get exercising again with feeling better and ski season here and I AM quitting smoking in January!!!! And I think Charlie will have a ball and I need to find more places to ride with him. There are great bike paths along the ocean (sea HA!) pretty close to here.

              Well ? off to the salt mines again as Sun would say!

              Love & Hugs to All ?

              WTE & C


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Happy Birthday Dizz!!!

                :lHELLOoooo, Everyone

                Gee I miss really reading for a couple of days and Soooo many posts and oh, Space, I'm so thankful you are back.

                WTE, I am determined to see Cavilia after reading your account of it, I missed it the last time it was in San Francisco.

                Oh, BTY, I'm in Spain, YAY! I slept pretty well for about six hours, a few glasses of wine, a muscle relaxant and one Ambien really helped me this time. I also went to bed shortly after arriving as it was evening, Thank god, and today have also napped for about two hours as I'm the only one home. The baby didn't know me:upset:, but then how could she, she was tiny the last time I was here. She is still extremely small and is still like a baby due to her condition of low muscle tone, it is a battle here in Spain to get the doctors to allow the treatment she needs, they want to wait until two years of age, they are not specialists which is unfortunate. The Specialists in the US are in contact with them so we hope to sort it out sometime soon. Also my daughters surgery has been moved up to Tuesday at 10AM, I'm nervous and praying for a great outcome.

                Now back to you guys:

                Dizz, I hope your birthday was fabulous

                HOUTX and WTE I must say I laugh at all your adventures with your many friends and acquaintances, some happy, some trying, but I still smile, you are both such social butterflies, especially you WTE:H

                Hi Al, you are doing so well, you are like a touch of Spring here, new beginnings and all those good things. Welcome also Raven, you are doing a great job too, wish I was in that spot, maybe someday, I'm trying though still.

                BRUUN, I just love you, I'm laughing also at your telling Space that at least she and I have "Booze" in common:H It is certainly tru and also true that I don't have my act together at all. Thank you for all your words of encouragement to Space, we are all so fortunate to have each other here, something good has come out of AL, it has brought us all together. We are all blessed to be having the opportunity to help each other.

                Ne, I'm happy you are posting here, I know it is mostly due to your friendship with Space, but stay here with us often.

                Sun, Sun, oh, thank you for all the books you had sent me quite some time ago, I'm enjoying them, I brought the one called"Your Sacred Self" to read on the plane and I love it so much and read at least half, I love it,it's one I will reread over the months and years. I wish I had read it sooner and ordered copies for my two daughters for Christmas, I'll still give it to them later. And I'm wearing a special present from a good friend.

                AL, I think it's brilliant to pay your son to practice the piano rather than the teacher. If he does keep up at least for a good amount of time he will be happy for it eventually, and if not, well I suppose he will develop something that suits him later down the road.

                Nora, so hoping we get a chance to meet up next year at the Annual meeting at WTE's Compound.

                WTE, oh your poor poor feet, I've always been afraid of the pedi thing for that reason but good luck with it.

                Space,thank you for coming back, I've just been so worried about. And now I'm laughing again about you being all worried that you won't be slim and glam and a trivia expert:H, I was really insecure before Sun came to visit because she is SO slim, and she said she was insecure about WTE looking so Glam, and I'm still insecure because I look like I'm pregnant, I didn't use to be like ths, I was slim and trim and so it's a very difficult thing for me to accept, but I'm trying to love myself however I am until hopefully I slim down a little again.

                So please, please, don't be anxious about any of that kind of stuff, we are just beautiful "souls" with bodies.

                I'm so excited for our time together, believe me. I have a lot of stuff to get thru here before you come and that's one big reason I'm looking forward to our little holiday. For me I probably will barely be out of the house before that. I'll be taking care of the baby while my daughter is in the hospital and my grandson will be with his cousins and other grandparents as I wouldn't be able to drive him to school, and my son in lae will stay with my daughter at the hospital.

                Sun, so good you are feeling better, do you ever figure out what the nausea is about? Is it nerves or the increased Topa?

                WTE, have a blast on your bicycle, I WANT ONE!

                Bye for now gang, the family will be arriving home any time and then it will be CHAOS.

                Love and see you tomorrow,


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi All,

                  I don't visit MWO nearly as much as I used to but reading today's posts made me feel so inspired, there's such warmth and acceptance here. Thank you ALL for that.

                  sunshinedaisies;1414428 wrote: Hey Space - I was so worried about my wrinkles when I went to meet WTE 'cos in her pictures she looks so glamourous, but once I got there and met her, all thoughts of wrinkles went out of my head - it was just US !! Plus the fact, I don't have to look at me.

                  Bruun - And of course you were trying to help with space and Play - I am sorry if I came over as wrong in any way - you know me better than that. Thank you for trying to help - I hadn't looked at it from that view. :l:l

                  Yep, I know you better than that certainly but I wanted to make sure my intentions were clear too. :l And I love it that we all have the same insecurities and worries and can share them. Play, you're so right about us being souls just happening to be attached to these bodies. These globs of flesh that enable as well as disable us in so many ways.

                  spacebebe01;1414408 wrote:
                  Also Im well chuffed that Ne has joined us here so Hi Ne, how did you know I had gone AWOL again??

                  LOL Space, so great to talk with you and hear you - funny I always thought chuffed was a bad thing but I assume not now!

                  WaitingToExhale;1414437 wrote:

                  – I am happy Space has you in her life. You sound like you have such a sweet and gentle soul.

                  I agree with you on SO many kids stuck to electronics these days. I see it all around me and friend’s children. Sad really – the way the culture has gone. It makes me wonder how these kids will be in health and otherwise with practically no physical activities at all in their lives. Must be something active he could find interest in???? Maybe?
                  Oh WTE, thanks for the kind words, and oh I so worry about our culture with everyone's noses constantly in their phones. I see it at the dog park and I feel like these people are so tweaked, this is the Great Outdoors which I personally don't see too often being at a desk job and also being a lazy bum who should be walking for the exercise. And these people with their phones waste the big blue sky and eucalyptus breeze by playing mash the gopher or whatever on their damn phones. WTF. If you want to mash gophers, do please visit and do it in real life in my yard instead of living your life in a virtual world and wasting the opportunity for all these experiences in Real Life.

                  Helloooo to Ally, Ne, Dizzy (happy bday!), Nora and the rest of the threaders here - Raven, are you still taking the topa? I'm not much help with that but keep asking questions and post here, you'll get help. Just keep trying.




                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Back from st Louis and lots of posts - YEAH !!!! And I had good news too - I was going in to get my little finger checked out - long story short I had a tumour in my finger years ago on the same hand, and my little finger is going the same way..... so my oncologist sent me to an ortho doc to have it checked out - it is just arthritis !!! At least he is pretty sure it is - I go back in April to have another look, but I am SO happy !!!!!

                    Bruun - I think this thead is really nice - and am happy you are posting more often here again. I like seeing you here :l How funny that you thought chuffed was bad - nope, chuffed means one is pleased about something ! LOL I bet WTE looks it up in the urban dictionary!! Oh - and I think one of the reasons that I did feel as i did about meeting WTE and worrying about my wrinkles is that she is the same age as me !!!!

                    Play - great to hear from you - so happy you made it safe and sound ! Your daughter will have had her surgery by the time you read this - I do hope all goes well for her. The baby will get used to you quickly I am sure.

                    I need to dig out "Your Sacred Self" and re-read it. It is an excellent book - WTE likes Wayne Dyer as well and had many of his books too.

                    PLAY !!!! I hadn't even thought about the increased Topa being the cause of my nausea! I did go up to 300mg but can't remember when - but the nausea started around the same time. I didn't take the 300mg a couple of days ago - just 250 and the next day, the nausea was intermittent, then yesterday I only took 200mg and today I have had no nausea - gosh - I hadn't even thought that that!! I need to try and go back, either on this thread or the Journey thread and see if I can find out what dose I was taking when I had this two years ago....... THANK YOU for suggesting that.....

                    Hi there WTE - good to hear from you as usual - I am surprised to see you here actually but am pleased!! I had piano lessons when I was about 10 years old but hated my piano teacher so didn't do too well. I have my dads piano now though and often think I ought to start again from scratch...... I would LOVE to be able to play!

                    Oh - if it helps any, I don't think your toes looked funny. My feet are ugly - yours looked fine to me. How sad that what you had done was so painful though...... If you have the nails removed, would they grow back normally?

                    Yes, the dinner was great - in my last post I told you what I had - it was quite delicious !!!! And having stayed with you, you know why I am so hard to go out to eat with - ROTFLMBO !!!

                    Sorry that business isn't doing so well - hopefully it will pick up again though - you do such lovely work.

                    Yeah for getting a bicycle - hubs has been murmering about getting one but I bought him one a few years ago and I don't think he rode it once and I ended up giving it away to a friend who used hers all the time and hers had broken!! I will stick with my motorcycle - but with my youngest moving in she has been talking about us both getting roller blades - not THAT sounds like fun !!! we have a great park not far from us that has a two mile circuit, perfect for roller blading......

                    Well, I have a pile of ironing about three feet high that I need to get to. So much for a day off.....back to work tomorrow and I am going in at 6.00 'cos they have some workmen coming in to do some work that can only be done when the store is closed. That means getting up at 4.00. I don't mind really - as long as I get to bed early.

                    Hi to ally, and Space, and raven and everyone else that I haven't mentioned in my posts!!

                    Love and hugs, Sun XXX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi, everyone: just wanna say hi, kind of obsessed w a book I'm reading.... Want to finish the book soon so I'll post later..
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Just popping in to say hi. Not much to report here. Big hugs to all. :l
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          [QUOTE=sunshinedaisies;1414428]Hi there all - I have to go in to St Louis shortly but thought I would have time to post before i do.......

                          Hi Ne - lovely to see you here. Yes, I have now met five people from MWO (amazing !!) and really enjoyed meeting them all. I think I have made more friends from on here than anywhere !! Guess it is when you have something in common to be begin with........ As for the plumber - yes, $330 an hour - ludicrous - they have you over a barrel though. He rotor rooted the pipes twice - 'just to be sure he had got all the roots'. Wonder if he would have done that if it had been a usual weekday? Hubs and I are still gobsmacked from the bill.


                          Wow. You and hubs were completely screwed by the roto rooter guy. It should never cost more than 120 bucks to get your pipes cleared. Even on a weekend. I hope you didn't tip the guy!


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            For Houtx ... because I love her and she doesn't copy & paste on FB:

                            The holidays are upon us and it can be a very joyful time of year. Some of us have problems during the holidays and sometimes are overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us. And, many people have no one to spend these times with and are besieged by loneliness. We all need caring thoughts and loving prayer right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste, and share this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              SUN! LOL You KNEW I would!!!

                              Urban Dictionary: chuffed

                              #3 Cracked me up!

                              And BTW Sun .. yOu were happy about MY wrinkles? HA! HA! HA!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Oh my gosh - I was going to post so much more but the wind is out of me.

                                My hugs and love to all of you!!!

                                Chuck and I are off to bed ....


