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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Quite chuffed today, as ever, since I was three perhaps.

    LOL thanks WTE and Sun!


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi all

      Thanks for all the birthday wishes, my day yesterday was lovely. Well, London was London, all cold and wet but the boat ride down the Thames was pretty and I had Scallops for the first time in a very nice Seafood restaurant in Greenwich. We also visited the Observatory and the timeline. Then we headed back on the boat toward Covent Garden and theatre land where everything was already decorated in Christmas lights, it was so pretty.

      We went to a super romantic French restaurant (where I had to change in the restroom into my skirt and boots as there was no way I could walk in that the whole day LOL) and headed off to the theatre. Jeez, its been a while and the seats were tiny and people were inconsiderate by leaving their mobiles on BUT I enjoyed The Lady in Black. It?s a ghost story so there are lots of scares and spooky sounds, I must admitted I jumped a few times. Drank a bit too much and feeling fragile today but that?s OK as I have two more days to catch up on work.

      Yay, Space, glad to see you?re back. Sorry you?re going through a tough time and I hope you can set your worries aside and just accept that the others are right, we do all have a lot in common, and we all have our insecurities, and that Play is not perfect and does not expect you to be perfect but simply wants to enjoy your company.

      Sun, had a bit of a giggle about you and hubby?s night out. Eating only the two veggies would not have been fun ? I hoped he enjoyed his omelette and birthday though. The plumber story sucks, I am terrified of calling out plumbers, like mechanics they are. BTW, I don?t get people who iron, I just get it out of the washer immediately and hang it up very neatly, that way I only iron 1 item per month and bf wears jumpers over his dress shirts or irons it himself. I HATE ironing.

      Nice to see you, Nora. My secret vice is watching Come Dine with Me (a trashy cooking show) and the people often slip up by using meat stock or gelatine for the Veggies without even considering that it may be wrong. The mind boggles!

      Ally, its tricky with the piano as I eventually gave up at 13 after achieving grade 4. I was relatively good but didn?t think I was good enough to go all the way and the pressure my parents put on my actually didn?t help. Your son is still too young to make that decision though so its probably good that you are persisting but perhaps his passion lies elsewhere. Hopefully you can discover it soon?either that or he sees the error of his ways and thanks you one day for staying strong and helping him practice when he wanted to quit.

      Hi Ne
      , wow, looks like our AWOL Space has made our thread boom in the last couple of days Its fun to see so many new yet familiar faces.

      , I also think the Gabapentin helps for Space?s depression and I have read that it has helped some people keep off the booze. I am keeping it at the back of my head in case I need an alternative form of help, just a bit worried that it may have weight gain side effects.

      This is indeed a very nice thread with enough love to go around ? and as you saw we even learn new words LOL. As English is my second language and I learnt the British version but saw so many US sitcoms I often don?t know what is US and what is British, so I find the ?divide? funny when sometimes the American side get confused about Space cooking her Tea or Sun Hoovering her carpet.

      , don?t really feel like a puppy today but thanks Ouch, your feet procedure is much more intense than I thought, I hope it heals quickly. I?m sure the shop will pick up over Christmas and I hope the weather there is nice enough for a couple of bicycle rides soon.

      , am glad your flight was not too bad and the baby will soon know you again in no time. Please let us know how your daughter?s surgery went, my thoughts are with you.

      Hugs to everyone.



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Ally my 13 year old son has also given up on karate, football, rugby ect and now pretty much just spends his time playing computer games or watching tv. The problem is tho so do all his mates so there is no one to do anything else with. He used to go swimming every Sunday morning with a few mates but now they wont go with him so he cant go alone. Also the estate where I live is kind of rough so it isnt really safe for him to be out after dark which at this time of year isnt long after school finishes. It is hard to work around and I am just trying to spend some time each day with him even if it is to just eat a meal and then later watch some tv together at least I can start trying to chat to him while we do that.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          I need to send everyone a massive big hug anbd thank you for all rooting for me while I have been feeling off. It is strange the longer I wasnt on here the harder it is to come back and now I feel like I am new again in that I cant catch up


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Ah Space, just start here today. Except for me getting older, Play is in Spain with her daugher post op, Sun has had a plumber rip her of, WTE had a painful toenail procedure, Nora's mom fed her chicken broth, you know about Ally's son and both Bruun and Ne showed up to give you support and commiserate.

            Maybe thats over simplifying things but we are all still alive and kicking and just glad that you're feeling better. Everyone misses a few days every now and again so just tell us how you are and catch up from here if you like.



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Good morning everyone, or evening or what be it!

              Play, best wishes for the surgery, I missed what it was for but know it's your daughter. May you all be blessed and float through it effortlessly as possible.

              Diz, I agree, and you are a sweet soul, aren't you? I use the gabapentin and so does my dog (for his spine).

              Play, I forgot to answer your question, or was it Space? My dog has to have spine surgery, he has a compression on his nerve and it's paralyzing him. I've got the money saved but its hard to part with, however, it would be much more miserable to watch him get paralyzed. I'm trying to get a date for it but the darn vet won't respond.

              Space, I can't imagine this generation and what big bellies they'll have if they are starting to be sedentary so early in life. They say the babies born today will live to be over 100, but I'm not so sure given electronics. But who wants to live to 100? Surely not me!

              I feel new to this thread too, its been a year probably since i was on it regularly - but that's the ebb and flow of life. We don't always feel like we can connect either due to time/energy constraints or just the need for a break despite caring about our cronies. Just because you weren't here, and I wasn't here, doesn't mean we don't care, we just can't share right then. I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well.

              Any news from Illum, Sun? And her new man, etc? Last I heard they were happy and I guess moving to San Diego.

              WTE, I find posting to this thread exhausting sometimes because I feel like I need to respond to everything, but I'm going to take the approach of doing it when I can, and not worrying about it if I can't - I figure most of us are in the same position.
              If I only post when I can post to everyone's situations, I'll never post at all! Still, I do care even if I don't mention each person.
              So happy Thanksgiving to you who celebrate it, and if you don't, I hope you still are able to stop a moment and give thanks for what you have and don't worry about what you don't have. I think that's the secret!


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Bruun the thread seems very busy right now and exhausting but other times it becomes quite too so it just takes its own time like we should all take ours.

                Thansk for the catch up Dizzy and I forgot to say I am happy to see you back again too.

                I am just doing little pop in posts right now its all my brain can take


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi everyone - I am home from work and exhausted - not from work -but from - well, here we go - YES Fen - I was ripped off by the plumber. And I have been dwelling on it and today when I got home from work I called a couple of local plumbers and asked them what their charge would have been. They said until they came out and looked, they wouldn't have known - so I explained the situation and they gave me a ball park figure. NONE of them would have charged extra for a Sunday. The reason we chose the one we did is 'cos they put our heating pump in so I thought we could trust them. Anyway - the highest any of them would have charged is $250. Even allowing for doubling that - it is still only $500. So I called the plumber back and BROKE DOWN. I was SO cross about that. The person I needed to talk to wasn't there - she isn't in until Tuesday. Unless they send me a hefty cheque, I am complaining about them to the Better Business Bureau. I ALWAYS check them before I have any work done. SO, that is why I am feeling exhausted. Now I am going to get a well earned guinness.

                  In the mean time..... YES WTE - I was worried about my wrinkles before meeting you - you looked so glam in your pictures!!!! And you really look good for your age - although I had a lovely compliment today at work - a regular couple of women that come in and I were chatting and my age came up - they were gobsmacked at my age - they really didn't think I was that old, they are 48 and 50 and they thought I was around their age !!! So that made me feel good !!!! I think it is partly 'cos I move quickly though !! Hubs is only 4 years older than me and he already is moving like an old person.

                  Space - you are NEVER new !! You are just part of the furniture - LOL. Just 'cos you aren't here for a while doesn't mean you are like new. Never ever worry about catching up - just jump right in. And pop in posts are great - it is just good to see you again.

                  Bruun - the same with you - YOU are not new either - I love when you post! You used to post so much - but us oldies know that you aren't new! SO sorry about your dog having surgery - is the outcome pretty much guaranteed to be good? I would hate for your pup to have it if it isn't. And, no, I haven't heard from Illum at all....... I know she mentioned about coming to the meetup but after that I haven't heard anything.

                  Bruun - I know what you mean about needing to post to everyone and sometimes i just don't have time to do that - so i don't post! LOL. Our posts are pretty long aren't they? I generally wait until I do have time unless I can literally just swoop in to let everyone know i am fine and on my to/from work - whatever!! it doesn't matter - it is just nice that you pop in. :l

                  Dizzy - LOVED your precis of the thread !!!!! LOL Glad that you had a nice b/d. You made me miss England. I have always ironed - I enjoy it actually - it is the only time I get to watch DVD's or TV - can't sit still otherwise! I didn't do it the other night and still have a three foot high pile staring at me. After eating, will start on it. Plus, if I am honest, I like wearing clothes that have been ironed. Call me old fashioned but there is something about them...... LOL

                  OH WTE - NO - you look really good ! I am saying that you look good compared to MY wrinkles !!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMBO. You look way better than me !!!!!

                  WTE - you posted this : I am not sure what it is about but I will be sure to. I have to admit to not really understanding it - maybe you can enlighten me (after all, I AM a Bear Of Little Brain)

                  The holidays are upon us and it can be a very joyful time of year. Some of us have problems during the holidays and sometimes are overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us. And, many people have no one to spend these times with and are besieged by loneliness. We all need caring thoughts and loving prayer right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste, and share this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too....

                  Now - I need to go and eat. Then attack the ironing. I am going to be on my own tomorrow. Hubs is working. We used to go over to his mums but she is getting on so this is the first year we haven't done that. Maybe I will leave my ironing for tomorrow. Get an early night. My nausea has totally gone thank goodness. Maybe it was the topa ?

                  Fen - good to see you here......

                  I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow - we have SO much to be thankful for. I know I do. Much love and many hugs to all,

                  Love, Sun XXX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Happy Thanksgiving to all. For you who are staying alone or minimizing, please relax your minds and hearts and then know you are loved.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Good Morning Bruun and Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

                      I hope everyone of you has a lovely day to day - and as Bruun said, whether you are alone or whatever - you are loved. Hubs is working today so I will be on my own, which is fine - I still have my ironing - LOL.


                      Love and hugs, Sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi All and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all that celebrate this holiday ….. =)

                        Oh my – I AM enjoying my morning! Once again up at 4 AM but it was a good thing! Open your eyes and know I don’t have to work today, that one holiday is done, my Team was is great/silly spirits and it was FUN yesterday. I DO so love the people I work with! AND – since we had no “installs” booked for tomorrow – we are CLOSED! YEA! Best thing I can do for everyone is give them all a day off paid and not have to worry about enjoying Thanksgiving. Dang – I’m a good boss. HA! HA!

                        Play! I dreamt about you last night! No sure why as we have yet to meet or Skype you but I have seen a picture. None of it made sense (dreams never do) but you were at this outdoor “area” thingy and had big smiles.

                        I hope all is going well and my gut just tells me it must be! When do you meet up with Space???

                        And Yes! You MUST see Cavalia!!! I actually heard a report yesterday that they are staying in San Diego a bit longer because of the large turnout. Each show holds about 2000, which I would have never guessed as it seems SO much more intimate. I am ALMOST tempted to go see it again! HA!

                        As for being a social butterfly – HA! Yeah, kinda. Funny you used those words as in grammar school I always got in trouble when my Mom spoke to my teacher and she would tell her that I was “disrupting the class” because I was a “social butterfly” and forever talking. LOL ! I run a bit of high energy (like Sun!) and thankfully that is all back after getting that dang kidney thing behind me!

                        Houtx and I have been off and on with online dating FOREVER! HA! She’s a bit sillier than me (in a good way!) and certainly has her adventures! Guess I do too although everything has come to a halt now until the holidays are over. Well … except for a few I already know. *wink*

                        – So good to see you here more often! I AGREE with the “great outdoors”! I am actually considering taking Charlie and going camping tomorrow. =) It’s been pretty cold in the evenings and I have not checked with the local place I would go which is Palomar Mountain – but I ma tempted! I am off until Monday and it would be a hoot to take Charlie for his first time.

                        And for gopher mashing – it’s not just a job – it’s a career around my place! HA! And NOT on the computer .. the little buggers! (sorry Sun!)

                        I am SO SORRY to hear about your pup and the surgery needed. =( But we do owe them that and you are brave to go for it. I ADORE dogs – Well, actually all animals and I hope it all works out. Sent out a Bruun Doggie prayer last night for ya. What is her/his name?

                        And Bruun
                        – We all come and go as needed on posting. Tough at times for me when I feel the need to answer everyone – so sometimes we just need to say HI and leave it at that. Hugs!

                        Ouch about your finger! But sounds like good news. And, it reminded me that that’s ANOTHER thing I should have looked at before years end and insurance stuff. I hate the thought of surgery and a “tightening tendon” or whatever the heck they call it, but both my Dad and sister (and Buddy) have had to have the same surgery. Not an issue for now, but I suspect it could be in the future. Maybe Play can give me advice on if it makes any sense to deal with it before it gets too bad?

                        And yes Sun – my nails. OUCH! LOL Yes, the point of it all is to have them grow back normally again. No one notices that they look a bit odd or too thick, but they HURT. So I am hoping for the best and actually wore shoes all day yesterday at the shop. One is still a bit too sore and I fear I may need to go back again. But SKI SEASON is here! Whoo HOO! I will dremmel these puppies down as far as needed to get my ski boots on. LOL

                        DANG! Roller Blading! I roller blade and you could have tried my blades out while you were here! Oh wait, I think you have smaller feet. Anyways, it’s a blast! One word of caution – wear PROTECTION while you are learning. HA! I wear wrist and knee pads and (true confession) a tailbone pad. We’ll see how the bike goes – it is still laying sadly on the living room floor awaiting attention to be put together. THIS weekend! OK, maybe, if I don’t load up Chuck and go camping.

                        Wrinkles. You SILLY girl! Yu crack me up. And BTW, the wrinkle cream trail in not working. Well, at least I don’t see any difference! HA! I have EARNED my laugh wrinkles and am keeping them! LOL

                        Nora – HI! And Happy Thanksgiving! Same to you Fennel!

                        Oh, and my post from FaceBook I brought here ….. I was just passing it on to all. Houtx and I are FB friends but for the life of here, she does not understand how to copy and paste. It was just something we were all sharing and so I brought it here to share as well. No clue who originally wrote it – but it hit my heart. =)

                        Dizz! How wonderful your BD evening sounded! Now I am missing London as well now!

                        So Sun
                        – I just see you posted while I was writing. Are you cording me? HA! HA!

                        It’s going to be a beautiful day here today – clear blue skies and will be warming up soon. I’ll be heading over to a GFs house (N) for the dinner at 1:00. Sweet! Sadly I can’t take Charlie as she has some fairly elderly family and a cat which Charlie has yet to meet. So probably not a great idea – but I will be home early enough to walk him in the hills. I dropped off flowers for her table and a fall wreath for her door on the way home last night. Today I only need to bring an ice bucket and some wine. Simple, fun, meet more people and her daughter for the 1st time. Looking forward!

                        All of my sweet friends here … enjoy the day however you spend it!

                        OH WAIT! Ally!
                        I WON THE BID! HA! HA! The domain thing if anyone is wondering. LOL

                        Happy Thanksgiving and Sun – take a day of ironing …. =)

                        Big Love and Hugs!

                        WTE & Charlie


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi WTE - I was wondering what "Cording" was, as in "Are you 'cording' me?" I even looked it up in the Urban dictionary !!!! LOL but so far my Topa addled brain can't work it out.....

                          SO happy that you got the domain name - one less thing for you to worry about !!

                          Yes, you need to get your finger/thumb looked at now - Play said the surgery was pretty painless and was outpatient..... time is running out for you til the end of the year.....

                          I used to roller blade a few years ago and it was fun - and yes I did use knee pads then - but never a tail bone pad - never heard of it but makes sense! I would have had fun with yours though - shame we didn't think of it. I could have stuffed the toes - your feet aren't that much bigger than mine.

                          Have a lovely day my friend - and I wish you lived nearer so you could bring me flowers and a wreath for the door - LOL - I would have you over for meals ALL the time - do you like fake bacon?? :H:H:H:H

                          Love and hugs, Sun XXX Attached files [img]/converted_files/1988714=7174-attachment.jpg[/img]
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            For Sun:

                            "Cords are made of astral and etheric energy and connect two people’s subtle bodies. They stretch between two people very much like an umbilical cord and transfer emotional energy and chi between the two. It does not matter how far away the other person is, as the cord is not a physical substance and distance is irrelevant, so it is still effective from the other side of the planet.

                            There are many types but whatever the case a cord is basically a connection between the astral and etheric bodies of two or more beings which allows for an exchange of emotional and/or etheric energy."

                            Cords: Emotional connections between individuals.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Lets see how far I get on THIS project this morning. HA! HA!

                              The "BEFORE" picture with a 66 page instruction guide!



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                LOL WTE - but it isn't in TOO many pieces is it?

                                And that is sweet about the cording - I am inclined to agree - we often post around the same time - or I post a LOT - LOL.

                                I am half way through my ironing working my way though season 7 of 'New Tricks'. And have just got my Guinness.

                                my daughter came over earlier and is asleep upstairs - no, she has just come down - back later,

                                Love and hugs, sun XXX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

