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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hello from the Amtak to LA! Lovely to have them drive while I get to relax and try to get some work done. Especially in the rain. The train goes up the coast by the surfers out in the waves and the less lovely nuclear power plant. And it's on time, the train is!!


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi there Bruun - how lovely for you !! Your post brought a smile to my face, imagining the sea and the surfers - I SO miss the sea living where I do. In UK, I lived very close to the sea and really miss it.

      Have a good trip,

      love, sun X
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Okay - no-one around so I shall talk to myself - my day off and I am enjoying it so much - have run errands most of the morning and am now in for the day! Am about to make some cappucinno cookies, then some layered zucchini stuff (with spuds that I still have to go and dig from the garden - LOL) and then have to get a box ready for the charity folk that come round every month, then going to iron !!!

        Am having such a lovely day - just needed to share and have no-one else to share it with !!!!! Have had just ONE Guinness - but no doubt another is on the horizon - oh dear...... only have two anyway although Hubs just called and said he had picked me some up. Probably not a good idea.

        Daisy went out this morning and came in limping BADLY on her front leg. she has problems with both her back legs anyway - so I thought I would keep an eye on the front one - she won't put any weight on it indoors yet when I let her out she is down the garden like a shot - as if nothing is wrong with it, after the squirrels. Comes back in and limps badly, no weight on the front one - but outside she is fine. I don't work until 2.00 tomorrow afternoon so could get her to the vet tomorrow morning - BUT if she is fine chasing squirrels but not indoors........... is she playing me ?????? I work early Thurs, Fri, and Sat so wouldn't be able to take her until next week if something really is wrong........ I know not many of you are around, but opinions please.......

        Love and hugs, Sun XXXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Have fun in LA, Bruun! And say hi to my cats for me, 'cause I just left. LOL.

          I know nothing about dogs, Sun, but she might be just excited enough about the squirrel to forget about a sore leg? Sorry that's not much help. Hubby bringing home Guinness doesn't sound like much help either, though it does sound delicious. I'm still drinking coffee because I didn't sleep much on the plane and 'napped' all morning.

          Anyway just saying hi to all. And hey, it's the holidays, right? A couple of pints aren't the worst thing... OK, off to shower and try to round up some friends before I go stir-crazy--and I've only been in town for 8 hours!

          Hugs to all. :l


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            StuckinLA;1428932 wrote:

            Hubby bringing home Guinness doesn't sound like much help either, though it does sound delicious.

            And hey, it's the holidays, right? A couple of pints aren't the worst thing...

            You are quite right Stuck !!!! Especially when I am baking - because I eat the cookie dough I tend not to drink so much anyway - I guess the sugar high of the dough negates the AL.....

            So back to the kitchen - at least I am not barefoot and pregnant! ROTFLMBO !!!!!

            love, Sun XXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Sun, I have to agree with Stuck on all counts. Can you check her foot first? You know how dogs pretend with vets, as if they were squirrels! Maybe she has a sticker?


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hey all

                100 000 view, jeez, I guess we?re famous, which is in some ways good and in some ways a bit scary. I think overall we can bring hope to people out there like us who are struggling. Most of us are still out there everyday living life and fighting AL in our own way, sometimes being more successful than others. And having this forum of understanding friends helps us all when we slip up, when we think we are terrible people instead of just people with a shared problem, and when we feel too depressed to once again try to get it right.

                And having bipolar I know that most people with AL issues have underlying mental issues as well, whether its just mild depression, severe anxiety to full blown bipolar. So what?s nice is that we can often talk about that as well without being judged. In the ?real world? people often say they are open minded when it comes to problems like that but I?ve experienced that if those same people become angry with you they can easily revert to calling you ?crazy? or whatever. So as most of my issues are pretty well managed I am very selective who I tell and therefore appreciate this safe space where can talk freely, even if we have a huge audience

                I know I?m home and I?m still being quiet but my anxiety has been acting up. I?ve had to go to the dentist yesterday and the bill was huge for just one filling. I need to go see the doctor but she?ll only be back after Christmas, its impossible to get anything done this time of year around here, as its also mid summer, so its the time that everyone take their annual leave.

                My mom?s also in a really bad way and her mood always affects me in a really bad way. She doesn?t want to leave her bed and refuses to buy Christmas presents as she says they are bankrupt even though I know they have quite a bit of money in the bank. The municipality sent her a text by mistake that was meant for someone else whose account is in arrears with about $400 and because of this she now believes they will be on the streets in a few days. God, severe bipolar can be so draining and there is no reasoning with it. It makes me feel more resolved to rather stay in the UK, if I can get them to approve my visa again.

                Wow, the news of the shootings are awful, I sometimes wonder why it happens in America. We have more violence in South Africa but thats gang related and people killing other people to rob their money as they live in poverty. Its not gratuitous violence. I understand having a firearm if you live in an area with bears etc. but IMHO I think the laws are way too lax on who can buy which firearms. My dad had to return his revolver and pistol as you now have to pass a firearm competency test every couple of years and we didnt trust him with it anyway. I can also assure you that no one here are allowed to buy assault rifles! Anyway, I'm pretty anti-firearm and I don't really want to stir debate but rather just wanted to say I'm really sorry for all the little children that had to die because of one crazy person.

                Play, I?m glad Space has contacted you and Sun and happy that you?re hanging in there even though it must be draining for you to take care of your daughter. How long will you still be there for?

                Sun, you?re a whole whirlwind of activity ahead of Christmas. You?re never really talking to yourself, I?ve just been so lethargic since arriving here. I think its the heat and its anxiety as well, have to kick myself out of bed some days! How is Daisy doing?

                WTE, can?t wait until after Xmas so we can have daily updates from you again. Also, then you can catch a breather again!

                Bruun, sorry you have to travel so much, must be tough on the anxiety and crushed disc. I sometimes enjoy train journeys though, well more than car and plane journeys that is as you can stretch your legs and you don?t have to drive or be all cooped up for long spaces of time.

                Ally, thinking of you and your visit home, let us know how you are, OK?

                Same goes for you Space. I miss you dearly.

                :l :l :l


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Airam's first post was August 2010, and every time we post or reread our posts, there's likely another 'view' logged, so I'm not sure we're actually famous to anyone but ourselves - and our group has changed over time, I know.
                  Sun, did you ever hear from Illum? She had divorced and was in love, and that's the last I heard. They were both drinking tho. What a vicious cycle this alcohol is! I remember thinking I'd conquered it, only to find myself a month later, seemingly hopelessly addicted again.

                  I guess the new year is a time to renew vows and efforts, but the dark days of January aren't the best time for me emotionally. If we all reduce our intake of a DEPRESSANT named alcohol however, it should help with that stuff, right.

                  Dizzy, my uncle just gave his gun to the police, after seeing this violence. He's an ex Marine, so he's very into being macho so this was a big step for him. A friend of mine mentioned on FaceBook today that when the Constitution was created, the only arms they meant were muskets, that take forever to reload and only fire one bullet at a time. It was for defense against the government, not each other and loonies. I agree the country has taken this freedom way too far. A coworker was arguing yesterday that her husband and daughter should not have to give up dove hunting and deer hunting because of a few loonies. I disagreed - she compared it to hotrods, where people can choose to race them and easily get killed, but this is so different. Yes someone can steal a car and kill people with it, but a car's main purpose isn't to kill, a gun's main purpose is to shoot someone or something. If she just needs birdshot, that's what Dick Cheney shot in the face of his friend by mistake, the idiot, that's fine. But the guns sold here just get stolen and used by bad guys or shipped to Mexico for their war on each other. Or to other countries killing their fellow citizens. I'm against guns!!!!

                  Sorry about your mom, Diz. My brother has Bi-P and he has been horrible - if there was one person I wished was not in my life, from my family, it is most definitely him. He's paranoid and viciously mean. Wouldn't want a gun in his nutjob hands!

                  Yes the train was great yesterday, got to see the surf and relax, and it was only two hours each way, not 4 each way like some rides. And no security like the airport, no packing, no need for dogsitting.... no driving and stressing. All in all, I can't complain at all. In fact, most of what stresses me out about my job is the travel and timing of arriving with delays and traffic and getting lost and stressed in the car but this trip and the last, I had someone else doing most of the driving so they were actually great trips for me. Except for the martinis.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi, everyone: crazy stuff in CT. I agree w dizzy.... Too lax on gun control in my opinion. I just got back into the country.... Lots of catching up to do...
                    Alcoholic (or Ally)

                    "Only a fool knows everything.
                    A wise man knows how little he knows."

                    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Welcome back Ally !!! How did things go? I so hope they went well for you - or as well as they could under the circumstances anyway. I wondered how you were doing..... it is good to have you back.....:l

                      Diz - nice to see you post - sorry your mum isn't well - is it 'cos you are back and she is punishing you do you think? Remember how she was when you left?

                      So sorry about the dentist too - why was it that you didn't go in UK although prices there are high too - but not that high I don't think - although having not been there for so long, and seen a dentist, I have no idea really......

                      So - how did your welcome home party go? I was expecting to hear about it ! Was the ex b/f there?

                      Daisy's limp was fine this morning - I had checked her foot for stickers or whatever and couldn't find anything. But after a nights sleep, whatever it was had gone. However, I did come home to a bout of explosive diarrhea AGAIN. Lovely after closing. Had to get the carpet cleaner out and it still won't come out....... not fun - after Christmas I think I will take her to the vet and ask him to x-ray her tummy.....

                      Yes, I am busy - and it just dawned on me yesterday that it was my last day off until Christmas !!! I have people coming Christmas Day and so have to sort out what I am going to be feeding them - I did buy a turkey yesterday (yuck) but need to think about all the rest plus need to wrap presents and have a whole slew of stuff to do before I had realised I had no more days off !!! Whatever - it will all work out I am sure. Happy thoughts - LOL. (giggle giggle - hells bells)

                      Hallo there Bruun - yes, I do hope that we are only famous to ourselves! I don't let myself think about the number of views - it is daunting.

                      No, I haven't heard from Illum - we did when we were going to have the fall meet up and she posted then - but haven't since.

                      I SO agree with you on the New Year supposedly being a time for renewing efforts and stuff - and for that reason, I NEVER make any sort of New Year Resolution. it just sets me up for failure. I like the 6th Jan - but doubt that I will choose to do anything that day - it is Yogi's birthday !!

                      So happy your trip this time was restful for you - or as restful as a business trip can be. The idea of going on a train and watching the sea and the surf sounds absolutely delightful to me...... Especially as we have cold, wet and rain here..... did you get the martinis on the train?

                      I forget Bruun - are you trying anything these days re the AL ? which reminds me - I haven't taken my Topa for two days !!!!

                      Hi to Space if you are lurking - we miss you so please come back and post.......:l:l

                      Hi there play - you must be busy I know, but I miss you too.....

                      And of course, we can't forget WTE, who we all know is SO busy right now. But we do miss the family when they aren't around.......

                      I need to think about getting to bed. the washing machine is beeping at me so I need to put the clothes on the line - then get to bed. It is midnight already and although I am not working until 9.00 tomorrow, I have to be up at 7.00. Byt the time I get the dogs and the washing and me all sorted then read for a few minutes, it is going to be 1.00 before I know it. Work is crazy busy which is really good.

                      Love and hugs to all, love, Sun XXX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        It was so hard to see my mom's body.... I cried a lot.... It was so easy to pretend she was still alive until I saw her lifeless form... just so final. And after I saw her, she was cremated. still so hard...

                        My brother is useless. According to my dad, he didn't go in the ambulance w her or go to the hospital to say good bye to her. He was her favorite child!!!! I don't think I can ever forgive him... She died without any of her children by her side....(my sister and I were here in United States).
                        Alcoholic (or Ally)

                        "Only a fool knows everything.
                        A wise man knows how little he knows."

                        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Ally - I am so sorry........ it must have been so hard both for you and for your dad. Did your brother not go maybe 'cos he was too upset? I am so sorry that you feel the way that you do - but not forgiving your brother will be harder on you than on him. Let some time pass......please?

                          Sending you lots of loving hugs and prayers my dear.......

                          Love, Sun XXXX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question


                            I'm sure you are right....maybe w time I will feel different about it.... I just wish I was there to hold her hand to say goodbye...she looked so alone laying in that coffin....
                            Alcoholic (or Ally)

                            "Only a fool knows everything.
                            A wise man knows how little he knows."

                            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Ally - I have PM'd you.... lorry loads of love and hugs coming your way......:l:l:h

                              Love, sun XXXX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                So I was scrubbing carpet again at 2.00 and then woke up to MORE. Love my dogs..... Have had about 3 hours sleep and feel it !!

                                Off to get ready for work. Have a great day everyone,

                                Love, sun Xx
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

