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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hey Ally. Sorry it was a rough trip--not that there would've been anything that could make it easier. Try not to worry about your mom not being with any of her children at the end. I'm sure she knew how much you all loved her. I'm glad you're back home now. :l


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Poor Ally,

      I cannot fathom going through losing a parent, but I imagine any important death has special conditions - special sadnesses, like your mom being alone when she passed. But you have no idea how she was feeling, maybe she was okay with it, maybe she always knew her son was weak, most mums know these things and forgive their favorites for anything, and the rest of us for things we don't even know about yet. I don't know if this is meaningful at all for you, but the way I see the world, is she is no longer alone, she is with everyone who isn't on this earth still, that she loves and loves her. Its a celebration! She'd be sad to see you sad, and she'd be able to see the errors of her ways in any complications you had between you that kept you from reconciling. She would be sending you love and peace. That's how I see it.

      And Sun, so sorry about the horrible diarrhea. I think they recommend that you remove all food and only feed bland foods: I found this site: - they say don't go to the vet and get antibiotics, too much of that kind of treatment is bad. Diarrhea and vomiting for a short amount of time is the body's way to naturally extinguish toxins. Here's an excerpt.

      If your dog has diarrhea and seems to be reasonably strong, happy and active, simply follow these guidelines:
      • Cut the amount of food you are feeding in half
      • Feed home cooked bland diets; they are vastly superior to the commercial bland diets promoted by many veterinarians
      • Bland foods include:
        • 1/3 meat
          • Cooked meats that are very low in fat such as chicken (you can also boil hamburger, which will remove all the fat)
          • 2/3 rice or other bland grain )Cottage CheeseWhite Rice (some will do better on cooked oatmeal)
        • Do not add any oils or fats to the diet at this point
      • To the Bland Food, add:
      • Yogurt 1-3 tablespoons per meal (yogurt is soothing but does not really provide any significant beneficial bacteria.... see our information about Bacillus Coagulansor Healthy Flora)
      • Provide a probiotic. We recommend Healthy Flora, click here to order
      • Boiled Sweet Potato: 2-4 tablespoons
      So, I got some terrible news today. Yes, I'm burying this under all the diarrhea talk. My little sister was diagnosed with MS. It's freaking me out, I need to research this because all I can see are the women I've seen in wheelchairs unable to take care of themselves....

      And last - Sun, I don't do new years resolutions either. All I need to do is set a rule, and the ever present teenager in me revolts and all hell breaks loose. And no, doing nothing to stem the AL. Thinking about it but not doing anything. I can't seem to limit it much. Going back to the dentist right now, have a good day all, and Sun you need to get more sleep! I have a feeling you and WTE never sleep and that's why you're so slim.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Dear WTE, thanks for your kind words, I suppose that I am just a nurturer at heart, I've been a nurse since I was 21 years old and aside from overworking, I still get so much happiness from taking care of people.

        And yes, I know that having your own business really means that it is almost your whole life and you can't leave it at the office. I think the satisfaction might just be a mental feeling of freedom, I have that feeling now that I quit my full time position and started working "per diem", I still work most every day but the mental freedom is wonderful, just knowing that I can say "NO" if I want to.

        Will be glad when things start to wind down for you a little.

        Well, I did get to the beach and took my shoes off and waded in the water, not as warm as summer, but no matter, the ocean and mountains are magic to me. I think that will be the only time that I will get out this trip. The rest of the days are filled up with family dinners every day starting on the 24th, too many family members on my in-law side to have just one dinner.

        Bruun, yes, thanks, my daughter is improving little by little, today she went on one crutch and it was a big day for us, only around the house but it will go fast I am sure. Bruun how did you hurt your back?

        I'm amazed also at the number of views that our thread has, wonder why? Maybe it is like a soap opera, "Days of Our Lives" :H:H hope we are helping some peeps along the way, hope Airam notices, it will make her happy.

        Sun, probably Daisey is all better by now but I kind of agree with Stuck, maybe she gets so excited about the squirrels that she forgets about the leg and yes about the sticker thingie, they tend to get them between the toes and its pretty painful, how is she doing now?

        Hey Stuck, you are at the home place, how is it going? And do you have good friends from those days? Just curious as I have no one to connect with when I go home to visit, I was a shy kid, have fun

        Dizz, wonderful to hear from you, please catch up on everything you need to do, such as the dentist before you return to the UK, do you really think there will be a problem with the visa?

        I suppose I must get political now and offend a few people who might be reading (I'm among friends here, so I don't mind venting), about the shootings and possible gun control, the NRA has millions of gun carrying members and they pretty much control the government and prevent any gun control by the money they give to politicians, so even tho many people want more gun control, they are outnumbered by the others, I think America has a love affair with guns, perhaps it will take every family having a family murdered by a gun before enough people demand a change, I hate it, I think the around the world people think we are stupid to choose guns over the lives of our loved ones, sometimes I am really embarrassed to be an American.

        Dizz, yes, I'm super tired, just keeping in mind that I have really been needed and will get thru it. I will be leaving on the 28th and will be in culture shock for a couple of weeks as I get used to being back. Sorry that your mother is having a hard time and I know how much that can get you down, try to not be too drawn into that energy.

        Bruun, I've never taken the train but I want to take the trip from the Bay Area thru the mountains to Denver, it is supposed to be a beautiful trip. So many things I want to do and haven't and even more that I don't even know about and would want to do if I knew about them.

        Sun, I just see that the doggie problem has cleared up, YAY!

        Ally, oh my, I'm so so sorry about your mom not having family members with her she passed, that must hurt you so much, I am very sure that she had some compassionate medial people with her at the end, please believe that she did because I am sure from my experience that she did. I have no idea why your brother chose to not be there, that must hurt also, try to forgive mostly for your sake. Even being forgiving doesn't mean that you approve of what he did, it just means that you let go of the feelings of anger and hate,
        I'll have you in my prayers:h I think Bruun had a lot of good stuff to say, you have some good friends here.

        So Happy Holidays to all of you, I hope to talk before then but as tie sure gets away fast, I better say it now rather than later. I hope you all get what you want for christmas, I know you have all been good in your hearts where it matters:h

        Loving You, play


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hallo all - sometimes you know, you all make me feel SO good !!! And you did tonight when I got home - nothing in particular but your posts just made me feel good.

          Except - Bruun - SO sorry about your sister - does she live close to you? I will PM you..... probably tomorrow evening. In the meantime - POSITIVE thoughts :l:l

          And yes I do need more sleep and usually I get way more than last night - LOL as to why that is why WTE and I are slim - trust me I get lots of sleep usually. I am an early to bed person. I am just lucky in that I have a really good metabolism I think. Always have had. When I was younger I used to have to struggle to keep weight on - now I am older, I stay at the same weight.

          Thank you so much for all the info re the diarrhea - I did just give Daisy fresh food this morning and I think I know the cause of the trouble and have rectified it. Too long and boring to go into here but that was really sweet of you. I did not give her her regular food this morning but some fresh stuff that the dogs usually get just in their evening meal as a sort of added bonus. She seems fine this evening which is good. Last time this happened, the vet gave me some tabs for her to give her should it happen again but they did diddly !!!

          And Bruun - I totally agree with you with what you are saying for ally......

          Hi there play - I have not commented anywhere about the guns and am still not going to...... so am not even sure why I am saying that much.

          The 28th is looming near - your family will miss you. I will be pleased to have you back - we need to sort out a date for me coming over to the west coast to visit you and others !!!!! I am SO looking forward to it. I would love to Skype but know that I probably need to wait til you get back.

          We have had a terrible day here weather wise - a blizzard wind wise with snow earlier then the snow stopped but the wind is just awful - really scary. No snow on the ground but the wind and the cold is just awful. The car just rocks when you are driving.

          I really need to go and do some stuff. have to be up at 5.00 in the morning. Plus, have a good book I am really into - LOL

          Much love and many hugs to all - thank you so much all of you for being here -

          love, Sun XXXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi, all :
            Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts...

            Yes, Brun: you're right... It helps to think that her soul is surrounded by others now....maybe she's w her mom. I'm sorry about your little sister's diagnosis... Is MS the final diagnosis? I know it's a difficult diagnosis to make and there are many "false positives...." How's she taking the news?

            Play: I totally agree w you on the gun issue. Imagine I'm a psychotic deranged mentally ill killer, how is it possible for any gun store to know that? Mental health records are strictly protected, that is, if I'm even willing to see a mental health professional.

            We forget that to have the "freedom" to own guns isn't "free". There's a societal "cost" to it: innocent deaths. (Even the basic one, the freedom to speech, has some costs: ex: School bullies saying whatever they want leading to kids to commit suicide. ) To me, having guns out there for anyone to have, that freedom isn't worth the cost of the innocent deaths of people, especially children.
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi all!

              Quiky from horrible Kindle - just to say I wish you all peace and lots of love, which are sure to bring happiness.

              No bad thoughts - I want to steer towards hugs here! :wings:


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                :l Thanks for asking, Play. Things are pretty good here actually. Been visiting a few friends and just generally hanging out being lazy. Sadly, that means no boozing, no debauchery, and no general shenanigans. Lame.



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Good morning to all !!! And a raw morning it is here too! With the wind chill, it is about 10 degrees! BBrrrr !! Come back summer - all is forgiven !! LOL.

                  Hi there Stuck - laughed at your having a lame time 'cos there is no debauchery etc. !!! SO sad for you :H:H

                  Hi there Bruun - lovely that you are sending hugs to here - hope all is well with you today?

                  Ally- I KNOW your mum is with others - probably her mum and others that have passed - she is at peace now. Hang in there my friend :l:l

                  Hi to everyone else - getting ready for work. Crazy day yesterday and no doubt more of the same today. Just can't keep up with getting the stuff out and the phones and the customers..... LOVE being busy!!

                  hugs to all, Sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Where IS everyone???? I have been working my fingers to the bone ALL day and still there is no-one here....... whinge, whinge, whinge.......

                    SO busy today - two more days - I actually have Christmas eve off !! Amazing. Wonderful. It means I can clean my house and wrap pressies and get ready for my company on Christmas day. I am delighted. I just hope I do NOT have to venture out - I don't think I do. I am feeling really good....... I hope everyone else is - be nice if they would post and tell me ...... LOL

                    Oh well - I will be back later,

                    love and hugs to all, Sun XXX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Just a quickie its officially the 22nd here and the earth is still spinning... Or did the Mayan people mean the 21st in US time? Its a joke here in South Africa that its the safest place should an apocalypse type event happen as Hollywood blockbusters never bother showing us in the action

                      I guess I'll have to go to sleep regardless and give a full update tomorrow...I'm sure we're all still be here. I've already survived at least 3 end of the worlds so they kind of lose intensity after the 2nd.

                      I'll stop talking nonsense now. Been watching the first 3 seasons of Breaking Bad and loving it!



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Dizzy - the mayan calendar is circular and they got back to the beginning in 2012 so they couldn't go any further.........

                        Love and hugs, Sun XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          My husband is so looking forward to the end of the world .... Poor guy, he'll be so disappointed....
                          Alcoholic (or Ally)

                          "Only a fool knows everything.
                          A wise man knows how little he knows."

                          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Alcoholic;1430597 wrote: My husband is so looking forward to the end of the world .... Poor guy, he'll be so disappointed....
                            You r too funny !
                            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                   tool box
                   newbie nest


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              KRADLE....... How are you? it is good to see you here....... How are the young ones doing? How are YOU doing? I don't get around the site the way I used to (I guess old age is catching up with me - LOL) so am not sure what is going on with you these days - I hope things have settled down from the last time i saw your posts ...... :l

                              Well everyone - home from the salt mines and it wasn't too bad today - customers were actually in a good mood 'cos we either had the book or we didn't - they KNEW it was too late to get it for Christmas...... I have lit an incense, poured a Guinness and am going to bake some cookies that I actually made the dough for and have in 'rolls' in the fridge a few days ago! then tomorrow I can dip them in chocolate! I work tomorrow too though - the late shift - YUCK. But I am feeling good. Life really is good you know? I have some wonderful friends, I have a roof over my head and food for the table - what more could anyone ask for?

                              Just remembered I STILL haven't iced my Christmas cake - heck - I will have to do that tonight as well. It has been in the cupboard for the past week, after I marzipaned it, now it needs icing, then I need to put the decorations on it. If it looks okay, I will take a picture and post it - LOL. I LOVE my Christmas cake and make it every year - of course lots on this site would frown on it - I soak the fruit in brandy before I make it...... I made it about 7 weeks ago.....

                              Well, I wish others would come and post - I would love to see a LONG post from WTE (are you getting this WTE???) busy though she is - everyone needs a few minutes down time my friend.......

                              Bruun - are you around? I know you tend to hibernate over the weekends......

                              Space - I so wish you would post - we all miss you so dreadfully. :l:l

                              hi there Play - thanks for the e-mail - will reply soon :H:H

                              Ally - how are you feeling now? I know it is going to take time, and I do feel for you. Just wish there was a magic wand that we could all have to take the pain of grief away. But I suppose it is a part of life.... hugs to you my friend...

                              Well, I need to go and get changed into something more comfortable - LOL and then get these darn cookies in the oven and then do my Christmas cake.

                              Back later,

                              love, Sun XXX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Dear Bruun

                                Dear Bruun,
                                I haven't made a comment about your sister being diagnosed with the MS, and want to say how sorry I am for her and for you who has to bear the pain that it causes you seeing her go thru this.

                                I suppose I didn't comment right away because it is kind of an illness that is hard for me to deal with. Many of my patients and a few friends have suffered from it and I have suffered along with the ones that I was and am close to. Sometimes thankfully people have a remission and stay there and sometimes not. Right now one of my co-workers who is only 22 years old and was diagnosed 8 years ago is taking a monthly infusion of an IV Cocktail of meds that was her last hope, she has been in remission now for about three years.

                                Please forgive me for not being totally positive about the outlook, and I pray for your sister that it goes very well and it can turn out that she could go into remission and not have many problems for years, praying for that.

                                Thinking of you both and sending loving energy,

