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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hey all

    Sun, you make me smile.

    Yeah, I've been quiet as I'm still tired, not sure if its depression or a lack of something. I went out for a two mile walk thinking it would help start my day with a bit of energy and sunshine but now I just feel exhausted.

    Blood tests show I'm insulin resistant with slightly high cholesterol. If I don't stop drinking the way I drink and adapt a low GI eating plan and exercise I can develop type II diabetes within the next 2 years. Of course its fine now here as I don't have anyone who drinks in the house and I have lots of sunshine but I'm not sure how it will go down in the UK. Will have to speak to bf about making this a healthier year.

    Does no one else here have blood sugar issues? Its just that I know it can be more common with people who drink and I have met an older lady in AA who ruined her pancreas and is now on insulin shots. Anyway, sorry, not trying to be morbid.

    I'm now having to take a birth control pill as well as Metformin, a insulin regulator, which upsets one tummy in the beginning :eeks: Then I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast, a handful of almonds for a midafternoon snack, and Omega 3 oils to counteract the cholesterol.

    Oh and then no alcohol for now and then less later as it contains so much sugar and also raises ones triglycerides levels. :upset:

    Sorry, I'm just jumping in here and not really commenting on everyone's posts.

    Play, my bf is not joining me here in South Africa this time, I'm going back sometime in the next month but when is still a bit unsure. If I want to spend the only nice Summer month in the UK, I have to hang on here until the end of February as my visa only lasts 6 months at a time.

    My mom is fine now, seems she was just lacking Vitamin B12 and is feeling better now than she did before she went to the hospital.

    The Wii game is definitely fun especially if you want something to motivate you at home. The Wii Sports Game is a very good basic game and then you can build a collection from there. Obviously if you (we) become more confident we can join other exercise groups too.

    I can associate with a lot of you with regards to that when I'm not working I'm just watching movies or lying in bed reading, sometimes especially when I stop drinking as I want to distract myself. Drinking numbs ones thoughts and memories and being sober can bring up a lot of uncomfortable thoughts etc that I for one am not used to dealing with head on.

    Space, I'm the same if I don't work lately. Just slouch around all day in 'yoga wear' which doubles as pjs . There was a time you thought of going back to work, do you think you would consider it again in future? I know full time or even part time out of the home work definitely lifts my spirits even when I feel quite bad.

    , the trick is that if it works, stay on that dosage. In my experience I have to up the dose every 3-6 months so don't by hasty while 75mg still works for you. It may be that you can stay on this dose forever and you'll know when you have to up the dose i.e. if cravings become a lot stronger.

    , I wish the L-Glut worked for me, as it gets a lot of good press here but I'm afraid it gives me a gawd awful headache. Perhaps it has something to do with sugar levels, I have no idea but just knows it is not compatible with me.

    Hugs to all



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Teezah: I agree w everyone, don't go up higher if a lower dose works!!!

      Dizzy: sorry l glute gave you side effects... I left mine at home today and I'm having panic attack right now because I don't know how I'm going to go through work today workout it!!!! I'm going to sneak out at lunch time to look for a GNC somewhere!

      Stuck: you are such a flirt! I live close to LA! So You better watch it because I'm going to track you down one day and take you up on one of your offers! Lol!

      Sun: I went to bed at 7 pm last night. I don't have ANY energy to jump start to get any energy!!! I got
      Blood work done yesterday, will see what's wrong w me!

      Play and space: will talk to you soon. I think work is calling me! Ahhhh!
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hello Friends,
        I was just reading on page 411 in order to get caught up again, Now Stuck, you just stop that incessant flirting here:H or should I say please do more of it:h

        Dear Space, I'm so intrigued and happy for you being off the drink for a month, wow, I can remember when it was a never ending struggle for you, just like the rest of us here, and now here you go, totally abstaining and not even making it as a big deal. I for one think it is a Hugh Big Deal and wish the rest of us could figure out what happened to make you just stop, I'm still thinking the Depakote, I read up on it a bit and it seems a bit similar to Topa in how it works, perhaps it was just the right thing for you, I'm still contemplating ordering some, but since it seems a lot like Tpa I'm also thinking that it might cause the same kind of Dopa that I just can't work well with, maybe when I have a long holiday one of these years I will give it a try. I have no long holidays coming up in the near future as I spent all my money this year, but for very good reasons.

        Hi there Nora, be careful what you wish for regarding living in bed sounding good:H perhaps a few days yes:h.

        Just reading Teeza about the self loathing in your post. I'm reading a really interesting book called, Transending The Levels of Counsciousness, by David R. Hawkins, it is a bit more intellectual rather than a feel good emotional book, I just discovered him, he was recommended by my daughters therapist who uses Kinesiology in her practice. Anyway all of these emotions, shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride (levels of falsehood), courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace and enlightenment (levels of truth) are explained and there are instructions on how to Transend them (the lower ones) and how to attain the higher ones. It is really fascinating and Teeza, I think you would enjoy it as well as everyone else here.

        Hey Sun, I think your sweats and jumper put you in the same mood as our PJs do us. and I seem to remember when you visited me, the first thing we did when we got home after walking for miles was to put on our PJS.

        Sun, your Sleep Cycle Manipulation Theory has me totally confused. I am also wondering what kind of scheme you are working on to give yourself a life away from home, please don't keep us in suspense.

        Space, I didn't mean to make you feel bad about our not meeting:h really, I do totally understand, and also just felt sad that we didn't get to do it, which is normal. And yes, your feeling of getting older now, although 50 is certainly not old, but I also know that there comes an age when we start to reflect on what our lives have been about and I think that is a good thing! Maybe it spurs us on to do things that we held off on before and really live our life.

        Teeza, hey, you will know us in a flash, especially if you read on the thread for a bit before joining, and I can assure you that we welcome you with open arms, we love this family and you can be a part of it. I am so happy when I feel all the good energy here, the love and acceptance that we have fostered here.

        Regarding the Topa, I think Sun said it very well, stay at the dose that helps you even if it requires some willpower, increase only when you feel that the cravings are becoming too strong' and no matter what, do not stop taking it, maybe after a few years, not sure about that, but not in the short long term. For me, I never had to go beyond 25am/25pm, I still had a glass at night but no real cravings. Then I let myself run out and had to go off for a couple of months as I was out of the country, and then that was it, not the same, but it did of course help a lot, which I realize even more that now I am totally off it and drinking more. I'm biding my time until I can start again.

        Dizz, wow about your test results! Being insulin resistant, yes, I probably am that also as I have gained weight around my middle. And your doc said that you might develop type 2 diabetes in the near future, and did she put you on Metformin for that reason? I'm thinking if you are on Metformin, then you already have type 2 diabetes, right? I'm a bit confused on this. And yes, I think my risk is quite high, especially as almost my whole extended family has it, I think I have been denying that possibility to myself, hmmm, I better give it some more thought.
        Dizz don't worry about not getting to everyone's posts, I'm really glad you have said what is gooing on with you. And yes, I know that oatmeal is one of the best foods to lower cholesterol and just absorb all the bad stuff, I'm going to make some right now, seriously, I keep forgetting about it.

        Ok, bye for now, I will be having some oatmeal tonight even tho I already ate dinner, but really I love the stuff.

        Love you all, play


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Play: your apt sounds very cozy. Is it near the lake that you walk to? I remember when I was younger, I was terrified when those taxi drivers would drive fast on those narrow streets where you couldn't see the top or bottom of those super steep streets!

          Space: are you still not drinking on that epilium ? Awesome! So, it must be the bipolar driving you to drink and the med is helping the bipolar so you don't have drive from the bipolar to drink! Happy for you!

          Ok... Gotta go lay in bed... Maybe I'll go to bed early like yesterday. I slept super well last night. Hope for a repeat.
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Not even going to try to reply but wanted to say good night to everyone.... sleep tight, God Bless,

            love, sun XXXXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi all

              Must say I feel more energetic today - so very happy! :H

              Ally: Did you make it through the day without the L-Glut or did you buy some at lunch time?

              Play: I sent you an email with an ebook called The 30 Day Diabetes Cure. I don't have Diabetes as only my fasting Insulin is raised at this point but with Diet, supplements, metformin, exercise, and weight loss I can reverse the symptoms and even come off the Metformin in 6-12 months so I'm going to use this as my wake-up call.

              I'm not too fond of cooked oatmeal (but I hope you enjoyed yours ) so I soak it in natural yogurt for half an hour and then add some honey. Its soft without being 'gluey' and I like the sweet and sour effect.

              , rest up, you must've been exhausted!

              Everyone, here's some food for thought about why certain people drink more, what it does to our brains and what we can do to counteract the side-effects. By the way there is also a natural amino acid called DLPA that is apparently very good for leveling out low endorphin levels.


              Lots of hugs,



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Good Morning everyone - Diz that article was somewhat scary and also enlightening !! Thanks for posting it.

                No, I wasn't exhausted - it was just time for bed and I know if I start doing a proper post it takes a while! I did my mountain of ironing last night which felt really good - watched some of season 8 of New Tricks. Then went to bed and read.

                SO glad that you are feeling a tad more energetic - that is good to hear - are you still taking the antabuse? I have some coming my way...... am really nervous about taking it as it does take a drink totally out of the equation but it would also be something of a relief too I think.

                Hi Play - yes, my sweats and jumper probably do put me in the same frame of mind as jammies - in fact I am wearing them (sweats etc.) now. I work later today so will change after showering and hair wash.

                I too wondered what scheme I have planned that would give me a life ....... I need to read back I think. The sleep schedule manipulation thing really does work for me. When i know I am only going to get a few hours (tonight I am doing a clopen) then as long as the amount I get is divisible by 90 mins, I will be fine !!

                Diz - I have always had a problem with Low blood sugar! Yours is the opposite - yes? everything on me seems to be low - my usual temp is very low, my BP is low, so that is just the way my body is. i hope that you can get yours sorted - it all sounds very complicated to me. I remember years ago, my Cholesterol was really low so I asked the doc if we could do an experiment and he okayed it - I ate a bowl of oatmeal every day for a month then had my chol. tested again - and it had gone UP !!! But the good stuff had gone up which raised my total up - my total is high but my good stuff is so high that it doesn't matter.

                Ally - go you for finally getting blood work done - I am so proud of you !! When do you get any results? I did laugh at you forgetting your L-Glut and panicking about it - what did you end up doing?

                Yes, Play's flat is lovely !! very cosy and welcoming, and the balcony is lovely too.

                Hey there teezah - how are you doing? What have you decided to do about your Topa level? Are you staying on the 75 or are you going up? Lots has been answered here about it hasn't it !!

                Space - how are you doing? Missing you - hope you are okay. I hear that your weather has evened out a tad - it is SO cold here today - 7 degrees right now - that is minus 13 - nearly minus 14 in C. Wicked. Come back summer, all is forgiven!!!

                Well, I am being lazy this morning and not doing much of anything - I think I will go and read some of my EasyWay book to stop smoking. then shower and stuff for work.

                love and hugs to all, Sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Dizzy and sun: I rushed out at lunch time and got some l glut, found it on sale! Only to return to work and found a secret stash in my desk drawer ! Ha!

                  Play: a balcony! I want to visit your place when I visit SF! If it's near the lake I'm sure it's lovely! I won't have car when I'm there. I'm staying at Mariott Marquis near Marcone convention center so it's just a block to the conference so no need for a car. I debated about getting a cheaper hotel that's 7/8 blocks away so I could walk and lose weight! But I talked myself out of it (laziness but I just rationalized citing safety reasons, right?! . ). I'm queen of rationalization being an alike and all.

                  Yup, after blood draw, 3 big tubes, I slept 11 hrs a night for 2 nights. Results not back yet... I'm suspecting anemia?!

                  Dizz: r u going to try DLPA? Let me know how it works!
                  Alcoholic (or Ally)

                  "Only a fool knows everything.
                  A wise man knows how little he knows."

                  Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi there - Play - I read back to see what it was I said about my life - it is the possible thing with the shifts. But I won't know until next week so am not saying anything here yet until I know.

                    Ally - let us know with the results won't you..... Oh and I checked out DLPA - it is phenylananine (SP?). It was banned here a while back for some reason but you can get it again these days I think......

                    Off to carry on with my Smoking book then off to work,

                    love, sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Yeah, Sun, I also find the article a bit scary but found it not to be 'propaganda' and that it included some very good insight.

                      Sun, I had a 200mg Antabuse on Monday and then I had a bit of wine on Saturday and quite a bit on Sunday... and popped another one on Monday. Don't know if I'm thinking of making this a habit but it worked quite well. Let me know when you get it and any concerns you may have.

                      Drinking 1 beer on it won't kill you, but you will start to feel anxious and your face will go red (which is embarrassing) Also, you will come away with NO buzz and feeling really silly. At this point you will have to *keep* drinking to feel even worse (it won't lift up) but somehow I can't see you doing that. In the end it is a relief, my mind hops 'there' as in 'Should I?,' I remember the Antabuse, I feel a bit annoyed, and in five minutes the craving is usually over. Better than the half hour debates I usually have

                      You low numbers are probably to do with being a veggie and the fact that you don't eat a lot of sweets. This Diabetic book I'm reading is pointing out just how bad sugar and white carbs are for us and how great beans are... I guess I'll have to ease into the beans before I go back to my bf... :H

                      Hi Ally, I knew there was something I missed last night - it was to also congratulate you on having your bloods done! The lady asked me if I was OK with needles and I was like yeah, as OK as anyone can be with needles. My poor brother faints at the sight of his own blood and also has really thin veins so he needs help when he has to go as he ends up full of holes and dizzy, poor thing. Anyway, well done and hopefully your results are out soon.

                      Yes, DLPA is DL-phenylalanine and its been deemed safe. Probably big Pharma companies that had it banned, just as they are trying to block the sale of Stevia sweetner. I have taken it in the past with success but I don't want to mess with my 'cocktail' at the moment. It works best if you don't take a lot of other meds and you don't drink (or drink a lot) so it may work for you Ally. I read about it in a book called 'The Mood Cure' thats all about how Amino Acids and the right diet can balance your mood without the need for anti depressants. The website is also really great for determining what' 'wrong with you' Julia Ross' THE MOOD CURE and what kind of nutrients can help. Julia Ross' THE MOOD CURE

                      Enjoy your book Sun, are you also going to read the drinking book again? I remember you liking it last time.

                      Where are you Space? And I hope you are doing well, WTE. :l


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi, dizzy, play. Sun, space, teezah;

                        My blood work is normal' liver fine! I'm just a hypochondriac! I swear to you I had liver pain for over 1 year!!!! That's why I decided to quit drinking! But my enzymes are so low! Unless the damage is bad that it's cirrhotic and no enzymes can leak out of overly diseased liver tissue? Maybe a liver biopsy is needed

                        But wow! I'm pretty happy!
                        Alcoholic (or Ally)

                        "Only a fool knows everything.
                        A wise man knows how little he knows."

                        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          :blush: sorry, have read through but don't have time to comment on everyone as usual.

                          you make me laugh though - Jeez-oh Alcoholic I've just picked myself up off the floor!

                          thanks for all the advise about the titrating. I'll stick at 75mg for now.

                          forgot to take my 12 & 4 kudzu today and had craving at 5 - so I guess that's working! doubled up and feel fine now

                          DH home from shift tonight - he's been told no drinking and i'm pretty convinced he'll stick to it. that's me done 4 al free days.

                          I'm a happy bunny - night night all xx


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Teezah///you are doing so great!! I'm so happy for you! Awesome job! Definitely take the least effective dosage!
                            Alcoholic (or Ally)

                            "Only a fool knows everything.
                            A wise man knows how little he knows."

                            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Short Post to say Hi and love the posts today from all of you, I have lots to read and respond to. For tonight I'm going to watch a movie and was off today and have two more of those glorious days ahead, first thing in the morning is to post.

                              love, play


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi all - home from the salt mines. Doing a clopen so need to be up at 5.00.

                                Dizzy - if I take an antabuse, trust me, I will NOT drink anything on it - I will be scared to spray perfume on me even !!!! I will definitely be in touch should I have any concerns - I only have a few coming though as i can't get more than that so it isn't going to be a long term thing. Hopefully just to kickstart me into more sensible drinking - back to how i used to be hopefully.

                                There are a number of books about how bad sugar is and one of them even says that if it came out today it would probably be banned - LOL !!!

                                I have seen The Mood Cure by Julia Ross, but I get to the point where I take so many supps that I get confused and take so much of everything - in the end I forget to take them - I have ended up that all I take these days is the all_one - although I have gotten out of the habit of taking it - shame on me - but when I do take it, I really feel good ! My daughter and I are both trying to take it daily now.

                                Actually, right now I am reading the smoking book by carr - working on that first...... then when I get the Antabuse can add that in to the equation. Yes, I did like the carr book on drinking too - am not sure why but his books really do something for me.

                                Ally - I am so happy that your blood work was normal - but yes, I do think you need a liver biopsy - then maybe a heart transplant? ROTFLMBO !!!! You crack me up !!!!! Seriously, I am very glad that your results are good - but now of course you know that you have to work on why you have no energy - ENERGY CREATES ENERGY. It really does !!!!!!

                                Teezah - so good on hearing that you are not drinking - go you !! Stay at the 75 - if that is what it takes - but don't come off it ! Not for a while anyway! Happy the Kudzu works too - I know I need to take the Kudzu and the L-Glut - WHY is it so hard to do these things?

                                Play - great that you are off - enjoy your time. I look forward to your post! Hope you enjoyed your movie. Have fun on your days off won't you? maybe we can chat tomorrow? I work 7-3.30.

                                Suppose I need to think about getting to bed. 5.00 is going to come awfully early !! love and hugs to all,

                                love, sun XXXX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

