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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    hi - home from work...
    Teezah - that bag made me laugh - cute but not something I would want to use !!! I LOVE bumble bees and have a little mobile of them in my computer room.... and have drawing pins with them on the ends....... Cannot belive that Next are selling them - I love the Next clothes - I still have a blouse that I bought there years ago that is just hanging in there and I always get compliments on it when I wear it.

    Dizzy - I didn't remember that melted cheese was one of the hardest things ones body has to digest - that might explain the coma after eating it !! Thanks ! You really are such a wonderful font of information.

    I have no idea about my bulbs - they have two chances. Generally bulbs are pretty resiliant so hopefully they will be okay. The storm coming in really looks bad and stores are planning on closing early, which I am sure will annoy folk - but they don't think of the people that are working there and have to get home in their NOT 4 wheel drive vehicles !!!

    = ice pellets are when it isn't hail - but it is rain that comes down as ice - and lays like snow. So the pieces are smaller than hail, but way harder than snow !! We are supposed to get a real mix of freezing rain - which coats everything with a layer of ice - as it lands, it freezes, ice pellets and snow. I will keep an eye on the weather and if I get finished with my stuff early I will leave. Hubs had my car booked in for an oil change so I was supposed to take his car but I have cancelled the oil change and will take my car - I would rather drive something I am familiar with in bad weather.

    And LOL, no, I don't live on a mountain - I live in one of the flattest places in the USA - well, not the flattest but it is pretty flat around here.

    Yes, the electricity was on when i got up this morning - I have a clock that projects the time on the ceiling in the bedroom and love it except it always defaults to the wrong time zone so when i see it, I automatically take an hour off - anyway when I went to bed it wasn't there 'cos it is electric but when I woke around 2.00, it was there on the ceiling so the electric came on before 1.00 - or 3.00 - whatever - LOL. And we lose power a fair bit so we have torches on the microwave all the time and I burn candles a lot so have those - I have a lot of those little ones - and put three on a couple of plates in each room.

    - thanks for explaining about the visa - I had totally forgotten about the hassle that you had before - I remember now. What an awful pain for you though - I don't envy you at all.

    Well, I hope Play is having fun with her daughters and that Ally is surviving her dad - it will be good to have everyone back! and yes, it woukld be lovely to have WTE post - Valentines day is over so she has no excuse now - LOL

    Love and hugs - got to go and find some dinner,

    sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi all

      Cool, Teezah, there's a Next about 100m from where I live in the UK so I'll go check if they still have some It will be my little in secret as my current purse is looking worse for wear!

      Space, how did it go with the car and with your son?

      Sun, how about the storm, I saw some nasty weather predictions across a few states in the US - it sounded bad. I forgot where you are exactly so I hope your poor bulbs survived.

      I'm doing OK, doing a translation test today and my brother is home from work so I can't write for too long as my 'office' is in our open plan kitchen/lounge and the only reason I can concentrate now is that he is outside playing in his shed. Well, he is making a make-up mirror so not exactly playing

      I'm also a bit annoyed because I've been eating so healthily the last 10 days and still no more weight loss. I'm sure anyone else would have lost at least two more kilos but nope nothing for me! Its so bloody frustrating at times. I know I'm in it for the long haul but a little encouragement in terms of my body showing me appreciation for me being kind to it would be nice! :H

      I wish everyone would check in an let us know how theyre doing. Play, you never showed up yesterday, hope you are doing well.



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        I didnt want to check in yesterday, or today really the news about my car is not good so I dont know if I get it repaired, which will mean I will have a car that I cant drive, or sell and be in a load of debt for it. I have been waking in the night worrying about it and feel awful today Its my eldest sons birthday today as well and I feel even worse as I was supposed to be taking him ice skating and we cant go there so I just went yesterday and got him some stuff from the card shop and the supermarket fro his gift this morning. One good thing tho is that he can have drink presents without worrying about me drinking it.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          spacebebe01;1467074 wrote: One good thing tho is that he can have drink presents without worrying about me drinking it.

          That's really great isn't it Space. I Love, love, love knowing that I can go and pick up my children any time of the evening or night (I would never have drink driven). Really rubbish about your car - it's horrible to have a life line given to you then snatched away again. :l

          Dizz - The purse is cuter in real life than in the photo!! I know what you mean about the weight thing too. It's so frustrating when we're not getting the incremental results our brain so craves.

          Sun - Hope you're not digging youself out of your house and warming up your dinner by candle light, sweetie :h

          TBH I've been keeping my head down since my last post because I didn't want to flag up our existence to some of the ugliness that's being going on in some of the outher meds threads. I was just going to take my lead from you guys.

          I'VE MISSED YOU ALL!!!!

          Speak soon - off to babysit a 2 year old :eeks:


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Morning everyone from a rather snowy here. We closed early yesterday as did everywhere I think. We didn't have a lot of snow - maybve 3-4 inches but then had freezing rain and ice pellets on top of it so everything has a glaze of ice over it this morning. I covered my windscreen with a special cover and have just peeled it off - thank goodness i did cover it or I would have had my work cut out for me this morning !!

            Daughter bought me another carton of ice cream last night - UGH !! And I ate the lot - UGH - coma time again - went to bed and passed out - LOL. Slept really well though. I have asked her not to get me any more and she said she most definitely won't !!

            Oh Space - I have just seen your post - what a bummer for you - can't you go back to the person who sold you the car and complain to him - although I suppose you can't.....poor you - you really must feel as if you are in a never ending downward spiral. I have no idea what to suggest - nothing really. just know that I am thinking of you and sending you hugs. Thank goodness you are not drinking - that is one good thing anyway!!

            I am sure that you will suddenly lose weight - it often happens that people plateau and then the weight loss starts again - your body is trying to hang on to that weight and when it knows you are serious, it will finally give in !!

            I had a quick chat with Play last night and she is pooped. But I am sure she will be around sometime but she really was tired - you could hear it in her voice. Unless I was boring her to death - LOL :H

            Anyway I must go and sort out the side windows on my car and get ready for work - will be leaving extra early today.

            hugs to all, love, sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Teezah - cross post - I didn't know anything else had been going on...... I rarely read any of the other posts these days - tend to stick here where it is safe. Anyway - lovely to see you but have to rush,

              hugs, sun XXX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Goodness, Dizz, you really do pay attention, you noticed that I didn't check in yesterday:h

                Yes, like Sun said, I've been busy and tired every single day. As you know my daughter from Spain is here just for 5 days and every minute is packed with stuff she needs to get don and I am also working, going to hypnotherapy school and trying also to take some time to be with her, and I'm also drinking at night this week and I think that makes me more tired, for sure it does in the evenings after the first glass of wine, I'll try to catch up here a bit.

                Well, Teezah, regarding nastiness that goes on at other threads:, I guess it is human nature and that is why most of us here don't get involved in too many other places, but I will also say to just ignore them, feel free to talk about anything you want here on our thread, don't worry about anyone from some other thread coming here to bash you, believe me, we have dealt with them in the past and they know we protect each other here, we offer them love and peace and just tell them to keep their distance:H

                Dizz, I was wondering about those Fotos you took for the valentine present to BF, could you post one of them? They sound really beautiful and I find myself just wanting to see one, if you can't post it I will see it then when I come for a visit in the summer. And Dizz, I knew that smiling makes s feel better but I didn't know that crying also releases chemicals that help us feel better, yes, god was pretty smart

                Dizz, I also want to comment on the weight loss, I see that you have reached a plateau of some sort, most likely you will start losing again, who knows what the body goes thru I suppose and how it changes in relation to drinking and poor eating habits, maybe it takes some time for it to sort itself out and return to its baseline.

                As for me I initially lost the 4 lbs and the minute I started drinking this week, my food intake also increased and I have of course gained the few pounds back again. But I am looking forward to starting the AB again this coming Monday and I'm going to keep it up regularly as I don't really see anything to get in the way, except for a visit with Sun.

                So for this week off AB, I find that my drinking has increased after the first couple of days, it's not awful, but it will get there if I don't start the AB again, and I'm actually looking forward to it as I recognize how much better I feel when I wake up and I have more energy thru the day and I started projects that I haven't doe for ears, I'm looking forward to more of that.

                Ally, where are you? How is it going with your Dad? Is he still with you? How is his temper? Check in, I miss you.

                And Dizz, how is your mother now that she has started the Topa? Are you anxious about leaving her when you return to the UK? I hope that is going well.

                Space, I noticed that Teezah wondered if you have a support group for the Bi Polar, do you? Maybe I just didn't catch that. I'm awfully irritated that your new/used car is having problems, we went thru that same thing years ago when we bought a used car for the new driving daughter. We lived out of town in the mountains and it was such a luxury to finally not have to drive every kid to every school function, friends house, etc., but the car was an awful money pit and we couldn't afford a better one, it got better, and I hope your situation will too.

                Houtx, did you get your trip to visit with WTE all settled? A looking forward to hearing all the fun you two have.

                Hey Stuck, I'm trying to keep an eye on you on your thread but please check in here as well, we all care about you.

                Dizz, I was re-reading about all the expenses you have put out for recently in such a short space of time, that must be so awfully stressful, hang in there with it.
                >Dizz, I found it very interesting about the different reasons that you drink, for me it is always for a relief of stress, tiredness and stress at the end of the day, to comfort myself :thanks:when I have had an emotional reaction to events, and I would say actually never just for the buzz, except when going out to eat or to a pub with a friend which is seldom.

                And I don't know hey I put that word in quotation marks:H I'm cutting down on their use.

                Sun, sure hope the weather calms down for you and I'm so happy that you are enjoying your new position at work, it just takes some time to build up the extra strength.

                Ok, bye for now, hope I have replied to lots of stuff I missed before but every time that I read back I see tons of stuff that I missed out on the first time around.

                See you all soon,


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hello all. Checking in. 30mg bac and tired of it already, a little bit of anxiety med that I'm trying to make last, and at the same time kind of wanting to abuse the fuck out of. Exhausted tonight all of a sudden, but just finished 3 hours of my hateful online job, and I guess it is 11 o'clock. Just not feeling like posting much, as there's not much going on. Day 6 AF and I want to stab everyone in their stupid faces today. And then eat sliced deli meats straight from the bag in the fridge, without bread or cheese or even anything. And then sleep.

                  So that's my story. Good night everyone. :l


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Good Morning to everyone....well I guess my body is so used to being up at 5.00 that even on my day off, I am up at 5.00. Been chatting with my sister on Skype and have just fed the dogs - it is really cold out and the snow is hard enough that the dogs are walking on top of it just now and then going through - poor things !!

                    Stuck - glad you posted. even though you are feeling pretty bad it is still good to touch base with us. I really feel for you and hope that today you are feeling a bit better. And if you want to eat deli meats from the bag - why not? who says you have to have bread or whatever with them.....LOL

                    What dose of Bac did you get to before when you got SE's? It sounds as if they are kicking in already - a friend took it and she got more aggressive, so please be careful with it. Do you stay at the 30mg level for a while or do you go up each day? That is wonderful you being day 6 AF - I am so proud of you for that - that is probably why you are feeling angry. But wonderful that you haven't given in. Hang in there - can you stay at the 30 or do you have to go up? Hugs to you :l

                    Hi Play - Hey - feel free to take the AB when I come to visit - I laughed when I saw that nothing else would get in the way EXCEPT SUN'S VISIT. I am a bad influence !!

                    And yes, my new job is going really well - the boxes don't seem to weigh as much any more and I love being tucked away in the back. I also am really enjoying having the straight work hours now. I think my body has changed and adapted to lugging the boxes just fine. No aches or pains at all.

                    As far as the drinking - I am at a tad more than I would like to be and need to remember the L-Glut. I still am undecided about taking the AB on Monday - I will let you know. I just wish that I had felt differently during the week. I know ones body has to change but as I told you when we chatted - when I quit for the 8 months, I felt that way the whole time and then when I had a drink - I felt normal again. It really is a pain for me !! I just need to keep it down and will be fine.

                    Well, off to start my day...... hugs to all,

                    love, Sun XXX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I have ridiculously read this thread from beginning to end -- which is saying a lot considering how long it is. I admire you all immensely. I have great issues with drinking. Ironically, not every day. I am more of a binge drinking kind of gal. Once a week. But here I am. Horrified at what I DO when I DO drink, and wishing I didn't react so negatively to when I do drink (which is only once a week). Sigh.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        And as a Canadian ... Topa is not much of an option.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          If someone here is more of a binge drinking type and not an everyday drinker I would love a response.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            I drink maybe once a week, yet it entirely fucks me up. Wow. Really. Wow.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              ljeanner;1468171 wrote: I drink maybe once a week, yet it entirely fucks me up. Wow. Really. Wow.
                              I would love if one of you would respond. I am probably one of the most fucked up people I have ever met, and would love if someone would respond to me. I am SO fucked up.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi ljeanner and welcome. Im not really sure what you are asking, why cant you get topa because your in Canada? Im in UK and dont understand that maybe someone else that side of the ocean can enlighten me. I would think that topa would work for binge drinking once a week, it made me not want to drink much or get drunk at all so that would work no matter when or how much you drink. Im sure there will be more peeps along soon to help you as well the threads been a bit quiet lately. Oh and well done on managing to read the whole thread, that must have taken some doing

                                How are you today Stuck are you feeling any better yet.

                                Hi Sun are you off work today, hope you manage to get a lie in if you are I cant imagine how you can get up at 5 everyday, I would be asleep before noon if I did it even if I was in work youd find me curled up on the boxes.

