hi - home from work...
Teezah - that bag made me laugh - cute but not something I would want to use !!! I LOVE bumble bees and have a little mobile of them in my computer room.... and have drawing pins with them on the ends....... Cannot belive that Next are selling them - I love the Next clothes - I still have a blouse that I bought there years ago that is just hanging in there and I always get compliments on it when I wear it.
Dizzy - I didn't remember that melted cheese was one of the hardest things ones body has to digest - that might explain the coma after eating it !! Thanks ! You really are such a wonderful font of information.
I have no idea about my bulbs - they have two chances. Generally bulbs are pretty resiliant so hopefully they will be okay. The storm coming in really looks bad and stores are planning on closing early, which I am sure will annoy folk - but they don't think of the people that are working there and have to get home in their NOT 4 wheel drive vehicles !!!
Space = ice pellets are when it isn't hail - but it is rain that comes down as ice - and lays like snow. So the pieces are smaller than hail, but way harder than snow !! We are supposed to get a real mix of freezing rain - which coats everything with a layer of ice - as it lands, it freezes, ice pellets and snow. I will keep an eye on the weather and if I get finished with my stuff early I will leave. Hubs had my car booked in for an oil change so I was supposed to take his car but I have cancelled the oil change and will take my car - I would rather drive something I am familiar with in bad weather.
And LOL, no, I don't live on a mountain - I live in one of the flattest places in the USA - well, not the flattest but it is pretty flat around here.
Yes, the electricity was on when i got up this morning - I have a clock that projects the time on the ceiling in the bedroom and love it except it always defaults to the wrong time zone so when i see it, I automatically take an hour off - anyway when I went to bed it wasn't there 'cos it is electric but when I woke around 2.00, it was there on the ceiling so the electric came on before 1.00 - or 3.00 - whatever - LOL. And we lose power a fair bit so we have torches on the microwave all the time and I burn candles a lot so have those - I have a lot of those little ones - and put three on a couple of plates in each room.
Dizzy - thanks for explaining about the visa - I had totally forgotten about the hassle that you had before - I remember now. What an awful pain for you though - I don't envy you at all.
Well, I hope Play is having fun with her daughters and that Ally is surviving her dad - it will be good to have everyone back! and yes, it woukld be lovely to have WTE post - Valentines day is over so she has no excuse now - LOL
Love and hugs - got to go and find some dinner,
sun XX