I was told by my doctor to pop in often. I have read that some are afraid to go to doctors for medicine because you don't want it on your record. Are those afraid of others finding out about your drinking.
Questions was asked if my family knows I drink. Mom drank too much and had to stop a couple of years ago because of her age and drink caused of a lot of problems. My husband has addressed my drinking and being a child of an alcoholic he wanted it stopped. But he is on disablitiy and I am the major income. I think he overlooks it and I hid it. I think my immediate family knows I have a problem, I don't drink in front of anyone but my daughter. I have quit twice but I like it. I know it is killing me. But I don't drink and drive, I just start every night at 8 with gin and go to bed at 930.
I love hearing about your everyday life. Who is the one that owns a business that puts on parties, so interesting. I also love the different countries everyone is from.
You are a very loving group.