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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi everyone - I am having such an awesome day today. I have hung out washing for the first time this year - our temps are amazing today - in the 70's and VERY breezy - just wonderful!! Ran errands this morning and am about to pour my Guinness. I LOVE saturdays !! LOL

    I am visiting Play on Friday and am working until thursday then leave here at 4.00 AM on the Friday so am making my lists today for stuff to take. Am SO looking forward to seeing her again. We had such a good time last year! I am doing iPod lists and just really enjoying myself. Hubs has gone out and daughter is working so I have the house to myself. My tooth is more or less okay.... fingers crossed.

    Dizzy - I SO agree that there is a connection between what we eat, gut health and mood !!!

    Hi Meggie
    - The Sacred Self book is really good - if you like Dyer, you should get it. I have not heard of the book, Living Sober, but will check it out.

    Off to brush the dogs..... today is SO good !!!

    hugs, Sun XXXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      OMG - Play is in hospital with appendicitis !!!!!!! Surgery today !!!!!!!!
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Still waiting to hear from Play - the appendix had burst so they are keeping her in longer. she came out of surgery fine but I am still waiting to hear from her today. I am supposed to be visiting her on Friday!! If I do still end up going, it will be a very laid back, gentle visit!! We have tickets to a seminar on the Sunday too.....

        I don't know where everyone else, but Play needs your thoughts and prayers please...... I will let you know if I hear any more - her daughter will be getting there so hopefully can take her ipad in to her - I know her phone battery was running down.

        Hugs to all,

        sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Well shit. I am glad I checked in when I did, but man it sucks to hear about Play!

          Please pass along my thoughts and prayers when you see her, Sun. Or anyone, if you happen to be in touch with her.

          Get well soon, Play :l


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Just talked with her and she is very tired but doing fine. On IV antibiotics but doing well. I am still planing on visiting but we will be keeping a low profile !! I really do feel like Typhoid mary - whomever I plan on visiting ends up in hospital !!!!!

            Anyway - her daughter did take her iPad and her chargers so she should be here when she has had some sleep hopefully.

            Thanks for the thoughts Stuck.......

            Love, Sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              I can't talk now, only have my phone and battery's about to die. Just wanted to say thanks Sun for letting us know and Play, I'm sending lots of healing energy and hugs your way.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Everyone,
                Thanks for your thoughts and kind words. I'm doing good, just can't keep eyes open, probably the pain medication. I really does help when iget up to take a walk but when I really needed it was on Friday and Saturday when I was having the worst abdominal pain that I have ever felt. I had convinced myself that it was gas, it was a constant wrenching ache and finally on Sunday I decided that it was something more and they also wouldn't let me stay at work because I couldn't stand up:H so off I went to the ER in a taxi and was in surgery a few hours later. I have to stay 3 extra days for I'VE antibiotic therapy because the appendix was partially perforated and there was a lot of infection in the abdomen and I had a 103 fever.
                Thank God I had not given up my insurance, I'm so so thankful for that.

                Well, I'm too tired to write more right now, but love you and thinking of you.



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Play - so happy to see you here and that you are doing okay. Actually it was saturday that you went into hospital - LOL. But so good to see that you are up to writing! Now get some sleep! keep us informed as to how you are doing - lots of love and healing thoughts coming your way,

                  love, sun XXX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    titrating up

                    ok gang titrating up to 50mg of topa today, how long do i stay at that level? 25 did nothing for my cravings, my husband is as mean as ever...i hate my life..


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Enjoy the pain meds, sweetie. Those are hard to come by.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Play I am so shocked to read that you are in hospital, I am thinking of you and sending love xx


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi all

                          The Topa didn't work for my mom's bipolar so we're taking her off it. I think it's in part because the doctor started her on 50mg and then jumped her to 100mg but she just felt the nervous anxious energy with none of the 'happy' energy that it gives me. She is taking her last 50mg pill so I'm hoping that she will feel better with it out of her system. She is still on 100mg Seroquel and another mood stabiliser.

                          The meds is having no effect so the doctor is going to ask the medical aid if they will pay for six treatments of intravenous ketamine injections. These are said to work for about 10 days each and are quite expensive but if I can give my mom two happy months after a year of misery I think its worth the money and experimental therapy. Its either that or shock therapy but she won't consider the latter.

                          Play, so nice to know that you are already doing well enough to be typing to us. Thats the brilliant thing about smart phones and ipads - make times when we would not been able to speak to you times where you actually have more time to speak to us. Well, when you feel up to it that is. You can be so glad you caught this in time, seems like you were being quite stubborn about it and that the people at work had to force your hand on this one I'm just glad you're safe.

                          Sun, you're right, it does seem every time someone on here plans to visit someone else the other one falls ill/has an accident. Am starting to rethink my offer of you staying over at my place LOL! Its not just you Space was also sick when she was supposed to go to Spain. You never said how your husband did on the AF days and whether he is still doing it.

                          , how is your husband mean? According to the titration schedule you are supposed to stay at 50mg for a week and then go up to 75mg. Do not go faster than that and do not go up if you are having the desired effect at 50mg either. How is the drinking going, why don't you tell us more about yourself and your situation?

                          Hi to everyone else. Had a dream that WTE
                          posted last, can't remember what she posted but I remember feeling happy hearing from her



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi everyone.

                            Bug - no worries about the 25mg not helping - just keep going - start with the 50 and stay on that now for at least a week. SO sorry about your hubs - as Dizzy said, how is he mean - please share with us if you want to. It is so hard when your other half isn't in tune with you.....

                            Dizzy - I had forgotten about Space getting ill too - yes, it does seem things happen when we are going visiting !! Hopefully I will still be going though. As long as Play comes out of the hospital I will! Hubs does stop for the Monday and then does a few days. As far as I know anyway! He of course, isn't on AB. And doesn't know I am.

                            I talked with WTE this weekend and asked her to post - maybe you picked up on that somehow - LOL. I too wish she would come back and post - I miss seeing her here.

                            Sorry about the Topa not working for your mum, but it seems that the doc needs to know the right dosage !! Hopefully the medical aid will go along with the ketamine injections......

                            Stuck - pain killers have never done anything for me - when I was prescribed them, I didn't take them and don't know why folk say they are so wonderful!

                            Hi there Space
                            - so lovely to see you again. I have missed seeing you here. hope all is as well as can be expected for you. :l

                            - keep in touch and keep resting and getting better. Yes, walking will help too, but gently! Hopefully I will be seeing you soon. And I bet this has helped with your weight loss !!! Plus hospital food ... that should do it ! Thinking of you and sending lots of healing thoughts to you my friend :l

                            Off to get ready for work. Have a wonderful day everyone,

                            love, sun XX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Play, sometimes you never know if you should go to the doctors. Nothing worse then going to the ER and finding out you are just constipated. They tell women to go to the doctors if they have the unusual pains that could be heart attack. Who would go to the ER with upset stomach and back ache. I hope you are doing better, enjoy the quiet time, read, write and sleep.
                              Hope everyone else is doing well.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Morning All,
                                It makes me feel so good to be connected with you all while I am in here. Ann yes, Sun, your new name is TYPHOID

                                Well, I'm still on cleart liquids, and my stomach is still HUGE. I thought I had lost a few pounds but the stomach sure doesn'tt look like it.

                                The pain medication really helps for when I get up and walk but it makes me so sleepy that I can't stay awake to read or watch movies. I think I am caught up on sleep so I might not take any more, but then they won't give me any to take home (for emergency). Oh well.

                                Well gang, getting tired here, can't wait to see Sun, yes, I suppose we will be low key

                                See you later, love you.

