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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi All, well I haven't caught up yet but I'm feeling better every day and just want to say to Houtx, well once you take the AB you will find you actually have very little in the way of craving, the brain just goes into a different gear. I always now have bubbly water in the evening with some OJ mixed in or whatever juice you might like. You will start to crave a little about a day before you can safely drink again, it is super simple, much easier when you take it than the scary anticipation before you take it, now I look forward to taking it because I am sick of drinking after the two days that I am allowed

    Talk soon and love you all.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      A quickie as I'm on my phone but would like to say hi.

      Still waiting for Visa paperwork but have now found out that one of my bf's best friends sister used to work at the visa offices and now runs a visa assist service so there's hope. They just didn't see each other while bf was at new temp job but this is good news even though I'm not too fond of the guy. It's the driving instructor trainer who drinks and drive LOL.

      But now that we have a contact there is hope, its like someone is finally going to teach me the rules of chess after I've been losing hard for 6 weeks. . Oh and not sure if I said but bf's old job is taking him back for a much better salary so he's over the moon about that.

      Also after only taking 100mg Epitec, 100mg Seroquel and dropping the Topa (it gave her severe anxiety) my mom looks to be on the mend.

      Sun, what a nice long post How's the garden doing?

      Play, glad you're on the mend, was it strange being on the other side of nursing for a while there? How's your tummy?

      Houtx, you can do Sunday to Thursday but remember even though its going to feel nice having a drink Friday its going to be hard taking that pill Sunday. I find it easier to be kind to myself on Friday I.e. treating myself in any non booze way and then getting to bed early. The plus side is you'll be bright eyed and bushy tailed Saturday mornings to do shopping after which you can break out the wine for lunch or whenever. But if you feel Sun-Thurs work better just ensure you wait 12 hours before you take the pill. I also have plenty of water after my last drink and b4 taking the pill but you'll be fine. Do try juice for cravings, esp. the 'witching hour' one, whatever time that is for you. And hot baths with Epsom salts (it has magnesium that calms the nerves) work wonders for me.

      How are you doing Space? What's the new pill if I may ask? Are the others staying the same? Fingers crossed this is the magic combo.

      Hugs to all.



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi all,

        Thanks for asking Dizzy, this is probably of no relevance to anyone else here but I know you know about bipolar and its meds so I can tell you. Previously I was taking Epilim (sodium valporate) and citalopram but as of this week I am now dropping the citalopram and starting Lamotrogine (which I have just googled your mums new med and found thats what epitec is) and Serequel as well as the sodium valporte. Reducing the citalopram has been hard this week and I finish them tomorrow but I am determined to do it. My moods have been all over the place and I cant plan to do anything as I dont know whats going to hit me in a minutes time. I have even been feeling sad which is not a word I have used to describe my feelings in, well, years, if ever. However I know this should all settle down and am hoping the new meds work better and this is the cocktail for me . Maybe for your mum too.

        Wishing you luck as well with your visa, maybe you have found the way in at last, I hope the girl can sort it out for you.

        Also Dizzy you really seem to have started something here with the AB 5/7 thing, with Play and Sun being successful with it and now Houxt wanting to give it a go, it seems to be a good way of moderating drinking and I wish you all continued success with it. If I broke out the wine Saturday lunchtime tho I would be pissed by dinner time after sinking a few bottles. LOL

        Love Space xx


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Yeah, I should start charging people money for my 'system' Some weekends I get pissed, others I hardly drink, its hard to explain. I still think 5 out of 7 days sober is better is living the miserable life of drinking constantly, at least for me it was often miserable. At the moment I'm sober as I'm too upset to drink, it just makes me all tearful when I do, so its not fun

          I know your meds, have taken all of them except Epilim. Keep meaning to drop citalopram as the Topa is my real antidepressant but I also get the weepy SE when I try to so now I just take 10mg. I think the trick is to taper off REALLY slowly if you can? Its doubtful whether it really works for bipolar so your body might just be very used to it.

          Epitec/Lamotrogine is great in that it didn't have any side effects except that it can augment the pills you are on even pain meds so keep an eye on that. I didn't see much change on it but when I combine it with Topa it boosts its effects a lot.

          Don't know much about Seroquel except the not so nice sleepy morning after effects and that you were on it before. I think its widely used and good at a low dose.

          Ah, cleaned all morning and feel like a little snooze in the Autumn sun now.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question


            hello everyone, i have some questions, i have been taking 75 topa for 4 days now, i also take escitalopram 20 mg in th morning, clonazepam up to 1.5 mg daily and trazodone at bedtime. my usualy schedule was to take the clonazepam in the evenening to also aid with sleep but with the topa i get so tired. i have cut back on alchohal, i am only drinking about 8oz of vodka a night ...i need some ideas...i stiill have the cravings, i am happy that i have cut back considering i used to drink one and 1/2 bottles of wine a night, but the topa with the clonazepan and the vodka just make me so sleepy, i obviously could just not take the clonazepan, but i don't think i'll be able to sleep thru the night...or maybe just take 2 right before bedtime, but i really do think that it's the topa that's making me so sleepy, will i used to it after a while, should i stay on the 75 until i get used to it and i'm not so tired before i am not so tired any longer? helP/?????????????thanks for any suggestions bug


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi Bug
              Why don't you tell me when exactly you take each pill now + what you'd like to change? Then I'll give you my 2 cents. Is anxiety a big issue during the day? Is it all prescribed?
              D X


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Bug, I know Clonazepam and its a nasty drug to be mixed up with. Before I went to rehab I took about the same amount as you and drank loads (well was figuring I was never going to drink again so might as well)

                Anyway, within 5 days the rehab had me off both the drugs and meds by titrating down with valium and I would never believed it but I was sleeping better than ever.

                Clonazepam is a short acting drug so although it might help you fall asleep I very much doubt it help you past the first 2 hours. Try taking one less tonight and if it works another the next niight. My dr prescribed it for me again and I found this schedule online in which you can use valium to taper off any benzo. So I tapered down and find that valium is a much better sleep aid anyway.

                I love quick fixes but I know every time I drink less and rely less on traquilisers, I'm actually less anxious and after 2 days I sleep better too.

                But you're sleepy anyway, right? And doing great with the great reduction in vodka that will also prevent middle of the night wakeups. TheTopa, Tramazone and Vodka should all send you to sleep. Try to kick the Clonazepam (as a sleeping aid) as it causes quite a severe groggy morning hangover (that you stop noticing after a while) and don't go up on the Topa until you feel less sleepy.

                You're doing great, try to now start practicing some good sleep hygiene like taking a bath before bed and curling up with a book. No stress or bright light an hour before sleep. Also expose yourself to lots of light in the morning to help you wake up and try to get a bit of exercise.




                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Dizzy - you are such an absolute love the way that you help everyone. You research and find stuff out - yet are going through so much stuff of your own. You really are a sweetheart! Thank you so much for everything that you do on this thread for us all....... :l

                  I have had a wonderful day - weeding !!!! Been outside for 4 hours - and all I have done is weed. But loved it. The temp was wonderful and the sky is blue and as we have had so much rain, the weeds were (relatively) easy to pull, except those stubborn ones that send roots every which way. It was very hard work, but I feel good. I shall be back out there tomorrow - the weeds are wicked this year!

                  Dear Bug - I have nothing to add to Dizzy's post about your meds, not knowing what some of them are. I usually take a melatonin before I go to bed, which sends me off to sleep and does not leave me groggy in the morning. Oh - and definitely stay on the 75mg of Topa for a while seeing as it makes you so sleepy......

                  Space - PLEASE be careful with getting off the citalopram - that is the medicine that I was taking when they thought I had had a stroke. My doc took me off it too quickly !! it is one of those that you have to come off of very slowly - I had such weird SE's from coming off it, ending up in the hospital. My Doctor had no idea what she was doing...... so please do keep on it for longer than necessary - it is better for you. According to my doc, as I was going on another AD, it would be fine....IT WASN'T ! So please take it slowly.

                  - hope that now you have a possible contact, things might start moving for you re the visa. It really makes me cross when I think of how many people just enter the UK every year - and they don't have to go through what you are ! Fingers crossed for you my friend. oh and yes, I find that I sometimes have too much of a weekend - although on a sunday I try not to, 'cos of sleeping Monday night !! Although so far I haven't had much of a problem - I drink earlier and stop ages before bedtime so most of it is usually out of my system before I get to bed.

                  Hi there play
                  - like you, I too look forward to taking the AB on a Monday. it just makes life a lot easier, and knowing that I can have a drink on the saturday makes that week easy! Or easier than it would be if I was taking the AB all the time......also like you, I do get cravings a day or so before I can drink, but the first few days are really easy. Am so happy that you are feeling better now too !!

                  - good to see you posting more. I am thrilled that you are also going to try the AB - I was so scared the first time I took it. But now, it is fine - no biggie - I just make sure that I either take it before I leave for work or have it on me (if it hasn't been 12 hours since my last drink) to take at work. Once it is taken, I am so pleased !

                  I was wondering where Ally is these days...... it seems ages since we heard from her.

                  Oh well, off to sort dinner out - have a lovely new recipe that I am going to try - a feta cheese, spinach and caramelized red onion Omelette. Tomorrow I am going to make an awesome lemon raspberry cake with lemon cream cheese frosting ! After gardening that is.......

                  Have a great evening/day everyone,

                  Hugs, sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Las Vegas is like Disneyland for alcoholics. I don't wanna go home.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      StuckinLA;1494849 wrote: Las Vegas is like Disneyland for alcoholics. I don't wanna go home.
                      How long were you in Las Vegas Stuck? You need to go home......hugs to you,

                      sun XXX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Until I die of alcohol poisoning or tomorrow, whichever comes first.

                        I do feel like proper crap, though, I have to say. I don't know if it's the booze for the past three or four days, the fact that I haven't been taking the Ativan since I'm drinking sort of nonstop, or going back on bac--which shouldn't be it since I'm only taking 20mg--or what. But I just feel intolerably weird yesterday and today. Going to keep getting wasted today, poolside, and hopefully give lots and lots of money to a stripper later tonight. Then just dry the fuck out when I get back to LA.

                        Hugs to all. :l


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          StuckinLA;1494870 wrote: Until I die of alcohol poisoning or tomorrow, whichever comes first.

                          I do feel like proper crap, though, I have to say. I don't know if it's the booze for the past three or four days, the fact that I haven't been taking the Ativan since I'm drinking sort of nonstop, or going back on bac--which shouldn't be it since I'm only taking 20mg--or what. But I just feel intolerably weird yesterday and today. Going to keep getting wasted today, poolside, and hopefully give lots and lots of money to a stripper later tonight. Then just dry the fuck out when I get back to LA.

                          Hugs to all. :l
                          Oh Stuck...... I am so sorry. Your life does not sound happy right now. Please consider the AB ? It really does help and once you get over the scary thing about taking it, it DOES work !! You cannot drink on it. I think it is the only option left to are so young and need to sort this out now.

                          Hugs to you, sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            I am taking keppra for seizures, can I also take topamax? They are both seizure medications. I took about 75 mils and it worked for me at that level. I take 1000 mils of keppra. Love hearing all the stories. Those that have taken the AB, have you lost weight.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Yes Meggie, several people use Keppra and Topamax as you can see here:

                              keppra and topamax - Google Search

                              but be careful to follow the titration scedule, rather titrate up even slowe than others, and report any side effects to us.

                              Yes, I have lost 5 kilos in the 5 months I've been drinking less but I also have been working on eating a more low GL diet, nothing strict though, just some tweaks like cutting out a lot of pure sugar and junk.



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Stuck, what your doing sounds like your living the young mans dream. Las Vegas for the weekend then back of home to LA. In fact forget the young mans dream, I want to go too!

                                Oh no its not so good, you said you have to dry out when you get home, crap :upset: that horrible depressing soul destroying time, when everything in your life turns to shit. You will be ok and get through it, you have done it loads of times, too many times, probably more than you can remember. I know this because Ive been there and its not fun.

                                I think you should keep the bac at a steady dose right now while you are coming off the ale, if your going to go to HDB then start that in a few days when your feeling better. Im concerned about your mixing the Ativan and massive quantities of alcohol, its a dangerous combination, and if your anything like me you loose your judgement about how much Ativan your taking when your drinking too much. Ive taken so many overdoses, not to top myself but to try and not feel so bad but I have been very lucky to escape with my life. Some people arnt, I dont want you to be one of them. I feel like Ive got to know you over the past year or more on here and have come to care about you, I would hate for anything bad to happen. I would love for you to be healthy and happy, in fact thats my wish for you and Im sending it to you tonight.

                                Take care Stuck x

                                Thanks for reminding me Sun that it was citalopram you had the problem with, well I have had one hell of a bumpy ride this week on 10mg, got two more 10mg's left then I stop. I think tho a big difference is that you stopped with nothing else whereas I do have the quite a few other meds as a cushion to help keep me stable enough to stay out of hospital or anything drastic like that. Now I have got though this week I am determined to keep going as I dont ever want to repeat this again.

                                Hi bug, Has all this tiredness started since you went up to 75mg topa and what time of day do you take it. If it has just started then I would say yes its the topa causing it and it could well be that you need to slow down on the titration. You havent said if you are getting this prescribed from a doctor or buying it yourself. I will assume tho that you are buying it otherwise you could just ask your doc for the advice. Its great that you have reduced your drinking by taking the topa. I wonder if you could start reducing the clonazepam while sticking with the topa dose. If you reduce very slowly. Clonazepam has a very slow half life which means that it stays in your system a long time. In fact some of what you take one night will still be affecting you the next night so you have just been topping up on it every day and have not been without it for as long as you have been taking it daily. Withdrawal from any benzo can be very nasty so take your time with this and it may well be best that you tell the doc who prescribes it what you are doing and get some advice from them. Drugs affect differently people differently and also interact differently with each other.

                                I have just realised that you may not want to cut down on the clonazepam in which case that is your decision and I think you should just titrate up on the topa more slowly and watch out for any unwanted effects to try and minimise them.

                                Got to go now and get to bed so love to everyone

                                Space x

