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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi all

    Yay for you Stuck on the AF! Today is day 3 for me a long way to go. Sleepwalking is such an odd concept to me but I do sometimes get the opposite - my brain wakes up but my body is asleep. Its petrifying as usually I have had a nightmare there is somewhere in the house, trying to break in, but then I just lie there inside this 'dead' body and my asleep self tries to wake it - weird!

    I'm so bummed that I can't handle L-glutamine as it turns out its in whey protein too. My diet is basically protein, veggies and legumes but some mornings a chocolate shake would've been nice I tried asking around but if there were ever a bunch of annoying people, it must be bodybuilders. I come to them asking for advice and then they look down on me for not having spent 10 000 hours researching the answer already. If someone comes on here and asks a question, I'm only to happy to help but not these guys.

    Nice to see you Play, we need some more around here as its mighty quiet.

    Thinking of all of you with family in the US with all the terrible weather events lately. Is there a reason why all the houses are also made out of wood too? Is it less dangerous somehow or does it simply destruct faster. Its only that I come from brick and mortar myself, so am curious.

    Chat soon to you too, Sun



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Very interesting posts. The weather and the crime in the states has been very devastating. People don't realize that as a teacher the students that are in your classroom are your children. We take it seriously and will protect them with our life. The last 6 months has proven that but we are also one of the least respected by our government.
      Also I found interesting was the information about what goes on in your sleep. I have recently found our I have seizures in my sleep. I don't know how long it has gone on but how would I, I was sleeping.
      Our homes are made of wood because brick and mortar is so expensive. Older homes are made of brick, and some very expensive homes have brick decor. The average person can't afford brick. However, it looks like even brick buildings didn't make it.
      Still looking to quit, I cut back, then have days when I can't believe I drank as much as I did.
      I need to go back on the topa. Does anyone know if you can take it while on seizure meds?


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        I can't answer on all of that now Meggie, but I have read up and many people use Topamax with the other meds you use and it should actually help your seizures. If I was you, I would go ahead and order it from River but just be really careful about titration and watching your symptoms. Either that or find another doctor. X


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Major panic stations here this morning - I put my glasses on to read the computer screen and still couldn't read it - I mean, my vision had totally changed !! Really weird - after leaning closer to the screen and being able to read it, and then taking specs off, and putting them on again etc., I finally came to the conclusion that somehow I had managed to pick up an old pair that look the same as the ones I wear for reading ! Went searching and found my 'right' ones - but what a panic for a minute to have my vision change so drastically overnight !! ROTFLMBO !! Talk about a blonde moment.

          Lovely to see you pop in Play ...... seems a while - hope you catch us up soon on how things are going with you.

          - I agree - we need your lightheartedness ! You make me smile and am so happy that you are AF . although the sleepwalking sounds a tad scary. I agree with you on changing your doc - they need to work with you not just lay down the law! I would have thought going up slowly was better - you know your own body better than your doc.

          Also, yes, I find when I am AF that I eat - but apart from this thing lately with ice cream do not really eat much sweet stuff and eat hardly any junk food at all. I am lucky in that i like healthy foods ! LOL I also find that if I keep my protein levels up, that really helps with not craving sugar.

          - how terrifying for you - I cannot for the life of me remember the name of what you experience - it will come to me I am sure - but I have heard of it. Does it happen a lot?

          I think the houses here are mainly wood as it is cheaper and faster to build them. In UK, they are bricks pretty much too. But houses here go up very quickly with frames and siding. And of course, come down easily too. the weather has been scary - we have had storms but so far no tornadoes - we live in 'tornado alley' but have always been very lucky in not having anything major. The Oklahoma one was so sad - I cannot imagine what it must be like to lose everything in one fell swoop.

          I wonder how Space is getting on in Mallorca? I hope that she manages to post soon and tell us what it is actually like - well as soon as she gets there that is.

          I have the second part of my dental work happening today - putting the post in. Am a little nervous but not taking anything - not after last time - LOL.

          Well, off to get ready for work - have a wonderful day everyone,

          love, sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Cross post meggie - hi there. I agree with dizzy - Topamax is used for seizures - my nephew takes it for that so it might help you. How did you find out that you were having seizures in your sleep?

            Must get ready for work......
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Okay - I am going to whinge. I HATE coming home from work and the first thing i do is turn on the computer and check MWO - and I was the last one to post !!!!! SO disappointing !!!

              Very short whinge but I miss you all - we are all so quiet these days !! I was so sad when I saw no-one had posted after me.......

              Off to bed....

              Love, Sun XXXXX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                I'm making ice cream tonight, I have one of those old style Donvier ice cream makers where you put the tub in the freezer, cook the cream, eggs and sugar, cool it overnight and then put it into the tub along with the paddle and turner which you turn by hand a few times and "Viola" you have awesome, rich, ice cream. I always keep the tub in the freezer but seldom make the ice cream, but gonna have some tonight

                I didn't take the AB on Monday as I was coming home on the train from helping my daughter get her stuff moved and actually forgot about it until it was too late:upset: I can only take it in the mornings because in the afternoon my resolve starts to falter, so Monday night was a disaster, as well as Tuesday and Wednesday and tonight probably I'm on my way, that means a bottle of wine, and that is the pits for me. Last night I fell asleep with my computer on my lap and woke up at four in the morning still sitting up in bed with the kitchen light on and I felt like shit, thank god I didn't have to work today, everyday I think I can moderate and then I can't stop until the bottle is empty and if there was more I would drink it.

                So Daughter is still engaging with Mister abuse and now it is of course starting to make her distance herself from her family. We can only talk to her on the phone if he is not around, which leaves only a minute during the day with nothing really being said, I sure hope we come back together eventually, she continues to defend him and is more protective of him than herself and I pray that the abuse does not turn physical, mental is bad enough.

                I had hoped it would be sorted out before I go to Spain but that will not be happening and I must accept that she is the only one who can make her decisions, and even tho her sister, brother and I feel we know what she needs to do, she is the only person who can actually make those decisions and we have to give her the respect to let her do that,
                I guess that love means letting another person live their life, And how difficult that is to accept when it is an abusive situation but I really have no other choice.

                The question of why we build with wood rather than stone, that's a good one, I have figured it was because the US is only two hundred years old and trees were really plentiful as opposed to Europe that is hundreds of years old and most everything was built hundreds of years ago out of stone, maybe stone was more plentiful then. I know that new places in Spain are now built of wood also so maybe that was just an ancient thing? I have always found it interesting when in Spain that they really don't have fires like we do because stone doesn't burn, they don't have fire escapes in the buildings (which are hundreds of years old) or smoke detectors either, interesting question, I need to do more research

                Space, are you on HOLIDAY yet? Guess it's nighttime for you, hope you hung out in the warm sunshine today, no matter how your hotel is, you are still in Minorca, OMG, that is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

                Stuck I've noticed recently on your thread that there has been someone causing some trouble, but mostly on their own thread which you and Ne/Eva ( cannot figure out her name) always reply and I have wondered why don't you just stop reading that other thread and responding to it, if you don't give that person any energy don't they eventually burn out?

                Well, gonna go and watch Friday Noght Lights and have ice cream,
                Love to you all,XXX:h


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  You are a very Impatient Bear:H



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Play: ah yes, that... person.

                    I just get mad and spiteful, and like to fight.

                    Ne thinks of it as her civic duty to humanity. This person only comes to MWO to say that bac doesn't work, that it's all a sham, and that you're stupid if you even try it. Then spreads lots of lies and misinformation. Ne is afraid that someone out there, desperate for a way out, will only see that and give up hope, instead of real information and the support of the community.

                    She (Ne) even gets mad at me for fighting, because again she's worried that if someone sees a big petty argument, again they won't know what to think about anything and won't get the help they need here. So that's why we won't leave it alone.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Ah ha, yes, Stuck, I actually knew that, I understand, I too sometimes worry about the Newbies but then again I figure that given a little time they will figure their way around the site, they are smarter than you think but I remember when I slapped a boy in third grade because I was defending a girlfriends honor:h I do get it tho and love you and Ne both for your kindness and concern.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that I am in Mallorca, (not Millorca) and yes it is a beautiful place Play. Tha apartments are actually fine, spotlessly clean and I havent even seen one ant let alone any rats. The only downside being is that there is nothing here really, only a small pool and a bit of a hike to the shops, restaurants and bars and the beach, its also got more expensive than it was, I guess the declining economy has hit the island badly. The weather is lovely and its great to get away from the rain and cold we had been having back home.

                        Today I think we are going to get a taxi to the bigger resort along from us and see whats there, the lads need something fun to do, where we are is really best for couples lying in the sun and stuff.

                        Anyway Im off to catch some rays, dont worry I have got my protection cream with me I dont intend ruining it even more by getting burned.

                        Sorry, havent really read your posts yet



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi all

                          I do my due diligence every day, impatient bear, it is our new friends TAW and Bug, and our old friend Houtx that is making it quiet in here. And when it is quiet I am sad :upset:

                          Nothing much new to report, have an article to write on solar energy and avoiding the topic of visas with boyfriend as I feel like the ball's in his court. He has this big mess-up with his bank that owes him a card so he can accept his last 6 weeks of pay, so I think that's what we're waiting on. But then in a week's time he he has to go on the road for a month for work so I don't know and I'm tired. Our relationship is repaired so he'll just have to go see a lawyer when he can fit it into his oh-so-busy schedule as I sure as hell don't have the money.

                          Space, so happy for you. You know the point of going to a sunny island is to basically relax by the pool in the sun but I can understand that its not that easy with the boys. Enjoy!

                          Play, I really don't know what to say about your daughter. Bad relationships can be a bit like addiction, you have to hit rock bottom before you can make the out. If you can, try to talk to her about other things and try your best not to judge him too much in front of her. You're alienate her and if he is indeed bad and manages to drive a wedge between her and her family and friends, thats the worst thing possible. So talk about other things, pretend like you trust her to do the right thing if you have to, I know it sounds phony but you have to keep the lines of communication open.

                          As for the AB, I'm about the same when I don't take it and I hate it. I'm back on it this week, I woke up this morning and for 5 awful minutes thought *ugh* another hungover day before I realised that no, I feel fine Don't worry, Monday is not to far away.

                          Hi Stuck
                          - have fun with Ne

                          I guess the houses of wood when there's lots of timber and its cheaper makes sense. Houses here are incredibly expensive and we don't have nearly as much trees as you guys.



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Good Morning - sorry I was impatient .......:upset: I just enjoy seeing your posts !! And there are so few of us posting regularly now it wasn't fair of me to say anything.....I sometimes go a day or two without posting and no-one complains - so I will be quiet!!

                            Play - your ice cream sounds yummy - but you COOK the eggs??? In ice cream? You have no idea the picture that is in my head - LOL.

                            I understand about the AB and that if you don't take it in the morning then by later in the day the resolve to take it falters..... and you think that you will only have one or two drinks ... yeah right. I cannot do that any more. SIGH. Oh gosh, sometimes I just despair of me and AL.

                            I think you are doing the right thing with your daughter by letting her be with it. My daughter was in a terrible relationship some years ago and the more I pushed the more she dug her feet in. It ended on it's own and I was there with my broad shoulders. All you can do is be there for her as you know. :l

                            Stuck - I have to admit to not reading your thread so don't know which individual you are on about but it sounds as if you and Ne have it sorted between you. I can see it from both sides as to not responding and to keeping it going - and might just go take a look now - ha ha ha !! How are things going? Still AF? How are you feeling?

                            - so pleased that things have turned out okay - just relax and enjoy the sun. Lovely to hear from you in that you got there too!!

                            - yes, you DO do your due diligence every day - and I am sorry. See my first paragraph! I am happy that you and b/f have got your act together - now you just need to get the rest sorted. I do hope that something can be sorted soon for both your sakes.

                            Well, I had my dental appt yesterday for the next part of getting a crown - can't say it was the most fun I have ever had in my life but it wasn't TOO terribly bad. I have a wonderful dentist and we were laughing about how when I first went to him, he remembers me shaking - I am fine now. I have been seeing him for 14 years and I told him he wasn't allowed to go anywhere.

                            Well, I must go and get ready for work...... have a wonderful day everyone,

                            Love, Sun XXX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              We were just teasing you, Sun, I also feel that way. I hate it when it goes quiet around here. Enjoy work! X


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Oh Sun, I was teasing, you know that:h and I owe you an email which I will do straightaway.

                                Dizz, that is such good advice about not alienating my daughter, I will try to take that road.

                                Space, so happy your hotel is nice and clean and you are in the warm sun.

                                Taking my AB at 11AM.


