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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Huxt Im with yu there on needing to let some self conciusness go, why does it hold us back so much when I see people who have the confidence to just go for what they want and not worry about what others think. I hope the meeting with the man is good, if not it doesnt matter anyway at least you are managing to get out there I stil havent even set up a match profile yet and Ive must have been saying I will for a few years now. The party sounds great, enjoy youself there, just remember to let go

    Cleansed it sounds like things are moving along for you with not wanting to drink so much. The decision to not drink is up to you of course but IMHO we need to either reduce to a place or stop so we can get a clear view of whats going on so we can change it. Go for a therapist or meetings whiichever feel will help. Dont forget this does take time and you are doing really well, its great that you notice you feel better now.

    I met my new therapist today and really think I will be able to work with her, she is so easy to talk to I am feeling possitive that I will get better at last, well start to anyway I know there is no quici fix for me.

    space x


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Was AF yesterday. Taking Topa. Cleaned out my closet after a very long time. Felt good. organizing some more today. Then off to doc to check how I'm doing on this med. Keep in mind I am off work so that's how I had the time. So I thank God for that. Taking lots of vitamins and supplements so no real SE except tingling which a banana helps. Lots of emotional work to be done. Hope one of you responds. Have no one to talk to about all this.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Thanks for the encouragement. I don't think I can moderate at least not yet. I also wonder if I can make it through 4th of July. I will do one of your suggestions. Scared of meetings, need someone to talk to though. I appreciate the advice.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi there everyone ......

          Cleansed - you can always PM me ..... I check daily so would reply. I have no idea which time zone you are in (just saw - NY) .... I so agree with you regarding the emotional work - I am working on that now. It sounds as if the Topa is working for you which is great. Yes, you CAN drink over the Topa - but that is up to you. I found that I got to the point where I didn't want to, which sort of annoyed me - LOL - but you really need to listen to the Topa and try and take notice of it. Once the Topa really kicked in, I didn't even want to moderate. My problem was that it kicked in at a really high dose that gave me severe depression so I had to come off it. What dosage are you up to now?

          Hi there Houtx......Oh I did laugh at your daughter losing her appetite immediately - sorry !!! But you said that she is really overweight - right? So this is a good thing! You are not REALLY overweight ! You just need to lose a few lbs ! I doubt that the Topa will have any effect on her drinking - it is way too soon !!!

          The chap sounds nice - just up your alley !! STOP worrying about yourself - you are a wonderful person !!!!!! 10 lbs here or there will not make a difference - trust me !!!!! EXUDE confidence ! Pretend to yourself that you are a 120lb sexy whatever !! BELIEVE IT !!!!! BE IT !!!!! FLAUNT IT !!!! You know you are it !!!! Do you really think everyone is going to be looking at you? They are all going to be worrying about what THEY look like !!! Stop worrying about it Houtx - and enjoy yourself !!!

          Have to laugh - hot days in the garden - we have had 3" of rain today and temps in the high 60's. In JULY !! Last July here it was 110 degrees !!!

          Anyway - off to bed.

          Hugs, love, sun XXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            NEW GRAND-DAUGHTER !!!!!

            She is BEAUTIFUL !!!!! Born this morning - just perfect! What can I say - am I biased or what? My heart is full of happy !!

            love and hugs,

            sun XXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              congratulations Sun, Happy Day. Enjoy. Bug


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Am a married woman Will tell all later.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Congratulations Sun and Dizz:h

                  I'm just popping in to say hi and that I'm reading and thinking of everyone but haven't had a minute to myself to do anything. Things are good here but my AL is out of hand and I forgot to bring the AB I realized just when I was going to take it, now must wait tilli get home and just muddle thru.

                  But at least I'm muddling in Spain, going to the beach and just family stuff and things around town.

                  Bye for now, everyone take care, lots of love,


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question


                    SO happy for you ...... wishing you and HUBS all the best for a long and happy life together,

                    love and hugs, Sun XXXX Attached files [img]/converted_files/2143341=7607-attachment.jpg[/img]
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hello all -
                      Dizzy - congrats and can hardly wait to hear the details!! Hope it all went well and you are now relaxing on your honeymoon!

                      Sun - Congrats on the new baby!! How wonderful for you & the new family!!

                      Play - glad Spain continues to go well!

                      Cleansed - good luck with your stint on TOPA!! Sounds good so far! Lost a few pounds, drinking less and more energy?! YAy!! Hope the good news continues!

                      Space - Life is so weird!! So many ways to think about things and stress/not stress over. As my dad once said, "You can choose which side of the bed to wake up on". I thought that was such simple, true advice. I dunno - this sounds so random.

                      Today I turned 60!! Had a great day yesterday & today with friends and my kids. Ate & drank whatever and whenever I wanted! UGH - yet fun! I haven't gotten blotto/ thank god/ the food absorbs the multiple glasses of wine I've had w/ what seems like massive amounts of fun indulging in bad food!! lol

                      I have actually been pretty well-behaved. Just eating WAY too many carbs the last couple of days. Tomorrow is a fitness & golf day!! And spending the rest of the summer trying to improve my golf game!!

                      60. I'm down wid it!! lol

                      Hope alls well w/ the rest of you!


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY HOUTX !!!

                        It sounds as if you had a blast !! I join you with the big 60 next February! And I am down wid it too - ROTFLMBO - sounds funny coming from me !! Seriously, I am happy you had such a good time. You sound very happy!

                        I am doing well too - feeling really good and working on the why I drink! Have the weekend off and nothing really pressing to do - lovely !

                        Have a good weekend everyone,

                        love, sun XX Attached files [img]/converted_files/2143850=7236-attachment.jpg[/img]
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Houxt also forgot to say happy birthday so want to say it now, glad you had such a great time.

                          Dizzy congratulations on becomming a married woman, I hope you and hubby have a wonderful olife together.

                          Sun a new grandaughter!! I didnt know you where expecting one, how wonderful when do you see her. Also sun what it the book your reading.

                          Play glad things are good in Spain.

                          I had the endoscopy on Thursday evening and it was ok, I had the sedation with it, it said to take it easy for 24hours after but I had a funeral to go to the next morning, it was my uncles funeral in a town about a half hour drive away so my mum had to drive us there. I hit it off straight away with a nephew of my uncle on the other side of his family who I havenever met before, he had flow3n in from Northern Ireland for the day, all was going well until he started flirfing with me, he was nice but as always I got really nervous and just ddidnt know how to talk to him anymore and I got wierd and put him off. I am reaslly dissapointed in myself that I cant even hold a conversation with an attractive man anymore, hasd I had a drink I would probably have been fine and we may well have kept in touch, before I went weird he was talking about being on facebook but then said nothing more about it. I dont know whether to ask my mum his surmane just to send him a masssage on facebook to say I hope he got home ok and see if he wants to answer me or would that be even more odd, no I dont think I should I think Ive blown it. I am having a hard time of it right now, my mindis filled with negative thoughts and I keepon rep0laying mistakes and things that have gone on in the past, I seem to be obsessed by it and cant stop it. I know I used to drink to stop these kindof thoughts and thats why Im getting them now so I will have to wait and ask my therapist about it on Monday. I am so gload I have started the therapy I do hope I will be able to deal with this.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPACE

                            and of course Pooh has to say it too.......

                            SO hope that you had a wonderful day !!!!!!

                            Love and hugs, Sun XXXX Attached files [img]/converted_files/2144362=7236-attachment.jpg[/img]
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi all

                              Happy birthday to Houtx and Space, I hope you guys had/have beautiful days. Oh, and Sun on the beautiful new granddaughter.

                              Everything on my side went really well with some small mishaps like a few marks on the dress and suit as we had the wedding before the engagement party, and the make-up artist tuning up very late... but everyone enjoyed both nights so now I can just relax.

                              I'm a bit sad that bf who is now hb is away but I'll see him soon. I just need a day to relax a bit and if I'm honest to detox a bit, but I guess if there's one excuse to overindulge a bit on the AL front it is one's engagement party/wedding/honeymoon :H

                              He brought me some emerald jewelry and the ring is fantastic, AND he also gave me an ipad mini. I'm so blessed, no I can play Angry Birds in bed in peace today after the running around for weeks.

                              I promise to catch up on everyone and send some pics to people privately. I only have a tiny amount of pics though as I asked four other people to take the pictures and I will collect it in the week to come.

                              We were so blessed with beautiful sunshine weather right in the middle of winter 10-20 Celsius days, hb thought it was Summer The hotel upgraded us to a honeymoon suite and obviously with the weak South African Rand it was really cheap. We had this huge bath and they put rose petals everywhere and gave us free champagne. Oh, and the room was tucked away in a private corner.

                              The wedding was at an American friend's home, she's almost 60 and has never been married so she REALLY went all out with all the planning, flowers, and snacks and even bought us a wedding cake as a pressie. Neither of us thought of that and it was chocolate ganache (spelling?) luckily as hb hates fruit cake. He took some as a doggie bag and was still eating it three days later, LOL.

                              The marriage officer was a real character, been all over the world, spend some time in the American marine corps or however you spell it, and loves Harley Davidsons. He's a pastor but I asked him to leave religion out of the ceremony so it was all short and sweet and we even had little conversations and jokes in between.

                              There were two doggies that were the bridesmaid and bridesgroom as they had little bows around their necks but other than that just a flower posie and he wore a button hole. Afterwards we had lovely snacks and champagne and we got to leave at 9:15 by taxi to just relax in the hotel. We were both so tired, hb got a bit emotional but to be honest I was just in survival mode and thought that if I started crying I might get hysterical

                              The engagement party was a bigger event, so I had my hair done up and tried to was my dress and fix his suit but the rose sap wouldn't come out so we just had to make do. We did have to run around the whole day, buying wine and dropping it off at the restaurant, trying to find a 2-hour dry-cleaner, and just some last minute things.

                              The restaurant was really stunning and it was the first time that my whole family (well not everyone but the ones we see very often) and close friends came together all dressed up so it was really special. My dad, me and hb gave speeches and all three of us were really nervous, me more to not start crying. I bought hb a silver compass that said 'You are my True North. H XXX' on it and I used it as part of the speech to say that I love him and I will follow him to the ends of the earth but said that I convinced the people at the shop to 'fix' it so that once a year it points to Cape Town and that we'll have to visit whether he likes it or not.

                              The food was lovely but huge portions, luckily my big brother sat on my other side and gobbled up half of my food. I was wearing spanx and it shrank my stomach to the size of a golf ball.

                              I got the seating arrangement right so everyone sat next to their nearest and dearest and there were more than enough wine and champagne and our table of 20 was sectioned off from the rest of the restaurant. Except for the flower vase toppling over and my dad spilling a bottle of red wine, we managed to get away unscathed. I got quite a few nice gifts but what I really wanted was a candelabra which I have been hinting about and then my older brother and his wife gave me the exact amount for one. I was SO chuffed, because it looks exactly like the ones at the restaurant, so now I'll remember it forever.

                              It's a pity the time was so short and we had so much running around and driving to do, would have loved to just veg out in front of a movie as well, but then again, there will be plenty of time for that in the future. Our favorite time is pulling out the sleeper couch on Sunday mornings and making a big breakfast while talking nonsense and watching cooking programs. Luckily for me, he usually makes the breakfast :h

                              I'll check in tomorrow but I had to share this with you all.

                              Lots of love and hugs.



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hallo MRS Dizzy !!!!!

                                Well, the whole thing sounded wonderful - I am really looking forward to getting some pictures from you. The whole day sounded really good and there always haas to have something just go a little wrong - but it was all sorted so that was good. You sound SO relieved and relaxed finally ! I am really really happy for you and HUBS !! Now - when do you leave for UK?

                                How lovely that the hotel upgraded you to the Honeymoon suite - just lovely !! I could tell from your post how much you enjoyed the whole lot even though it was exhausting for you.

                                LOL re the folk at you saying the folk at the shop had 'fixed' the compass !! ONLY you would think of that!

                                Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful few days with us - I wish I could have been there !!

                                - you had your appt today - how did it go? I so hope it went well for you. Did you ask the therapist about the thoughts that you are having? I really hope that she is going to help you. Hang in there my friend - Love you XXX I am so happy that you are finally talking to someone who hopefully understands and can work out what is going on with you.......

                                I am reading a couple of books right now Space - one is called Power Vs Force by David Hawkins and the other is called Zero Limits by Joe Vitale. They are both excellent books. Oh - my grandbaby is beautiful and I will see her for the next few weeks then my daughter and hubs are having to move for the military! She is my 3rd grandbaby..... and is SO sweet !!!

                                love and hugs to all,

                                Sun XXX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

