Space -
You poor dear about the headaches!! I hope you get some relief. With regards to your therapy, I think it just goes where it goes. You get to talk about whatever ails you, moves you & is in your heart. Just get your money's worth! It's your stuff, you're paying for it, you should talk about whatever you want whenever you want. Your therapist should be the one who is picking at the golden nuggets and getting you to delve deeper. Slippery slopes of emotions in our pasts. We are fucked up by our fucked up parents who were f'd up by their f'd up parents and on and on. I think everyone - even the truly fucked up - are doing the semi-best they can.
God - I wish I could go back and redo a lot of the crap I inflicted on my own kids. They turned out ok, I think. But they are both on anti-depressants, have anxiety issues or social issues, migraines, etc. In spite of all that, they seem like happy, well-adjusted, home & parent-loving kids who swear neither I nor their father fucked them fact they don't think they're f'd up at all, but I fear someday it may come back to haunt me even more than it does. Anyway -
All we all want is to be happy and have hope and look forward to another day and a bright future. Plain & simple. Then all the other shit gets in the way!! lol THX Space again, for the kind words. I wish we could be real friends - go out and do things! We have quite a bit in common. I, too, sometimes feel my chances of ever finding another love is pretty remote. But I haven't given up hope or closed my options or chances of having that happen. I think about it a lot. Am I nuts to be actually quite content alone?? I'd like to have a bf/FB I could conjure up when needed and then conjure away when I was done. (Stuck, any ideas?? LOl) But so far, I'm trying to be positive about Life in general...and not get too self-abusive about my drinking. BTW - with having a cold I had maybe 1-2 glasses of wine then sipped at a throat soothing toddy. Felt bad I couldn't just do hot tea...but, well...ya know. It is what it is.
Enough about this - Meggie, Bri, FunnyG, anyone else lurking: hope alls well.