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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    LOL Stuck !!

    Thanks everyone for your input - I did not end up drinking after all and Houtx - yes I know it isn't a problem, but I have to see if I can do without even in this situation - more a matter of just showing myself I can do it rather than worrying about stopping again - I want to be able to have a drink - but not alone or at home - it is hard to explain but I need to get over just the 'wanting' it ! No cravings - if craving and wanting ar two different things. I wasn't craving as such - just fancied one!

    Anyway I am good to go again today and feel great!

    love and hugs, sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Just saw your post Dizzy - after I had posted mine. I don't know what happened to candle. After our meeting in UK (which went well) I haven't heard from her - I did PM her but she didn't answer that but her green light is often on on Skype so I know she is okay..... maybe I will skype her one day and see what is going on with her.

      Hope your tummy gets better !

      hugs, sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        I posted the other day but it never showed up here. Thanks for the welcome Sunshine and Houtx. I am three days without alcohol. Not sure how long to continue Topomax? I have 8 50 mg, and 6 25 mg left. My psychiatrist released me and told me to divide the pills up myself. Any thoughts? I have been taking 100 Mg for the last three days. Thanks.

        The best thing about the future is that it come only one day at a time. Abraham Lincoln


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hey great job on the 3 days, Greta!

          Just thought I'd throw that out there. Hugs all 'round. :l


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Greta - you need to keep taking it if you want to stay stopped ! is your doc not giving you any more? Can you get more? Once it has worked, it is really hard to have it work the same if you stop then restart it....... you only have five days worth left - ask your doc for MORE. PM me if you need more info .....

            Hi Stuck - hugs back at you :l:l

            love, sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Nice to hear from you all. Sun, I had terrible vibes Wednesday and Thursday. I found myself almost PMSy, however, I am well past that. If something could go wrong, it did. It almost felt like there was a full moon. I tried to bring all my positive thoughts into the picture and it didn't work. I talked with my friend who is also practicing a new way of thinking and she had the same type of days. I really think it has to do with Halloween. I know kinda of weird, but look at Sun, she has been so good and clean for such a long time.
              Now on to a new day and positive thoughts.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Good Morning - have to admit I had some Guinness yesterday! But it is all good - as long as I don't go down the slippery path - I only had a few but won't have any today. If I can do that I will be fine.

                Meggie - it sounds as if you are really on the right track to me. You have to change your attitude to everything and trying to think positive thoughts when things go wrong is definitely changing your attitude! I like the way you are dealing with things - it really makes such a huge difference. As Play said to me, you can have the AL, but cannot be attached to it. THAT is where my different thinking comes in !!

                Going in to work for a couple of hours to sort some stuff out - I don't want to go in Monday with the mess that is there right now.... back later,

                hugs, sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi, I seem to have missed quite a bit since I was last here so will try to catch up quick.

                  Greta, what is it that your psychiatrist is trying to do, what was the idea in the first place. When you say that you where supposed to have a drink or you could have a seizure where you drinking very heavily before and had reduced right down with the help of your pdoc. Sun, if someone is a heavy daily drinker it can be very dangerous to just stop so that's why she could have had a seizure if that was the case. Anyway well done on the 3 days. Are you going to get more topa from the pdoc or did he just give you them to help stop drinking but not to stay stopped. I have never heard of topa being used for withdrawal its usually some form of benzo.
                  You must have been told the plan in the beginning, can you phone and ask for more and ask if you can stay on them longer term.

                  Houxt your trip sounded very emotional, and yes sometimes I find myself just sobbing my heart out and it can be cathartic for you. I am concerined that you seem so unhappy being single and have been for a while. There must be someone out there for you, you do seem to want a relationship and have so much going for you, you are a wonderful person. I do think you are doing well with not going over the top on your drinking, that must take some doing when you are having a bad time. xox

                  Sun, don't worry about the Guinness, get back to what you where doing and see how it pans out. You have been doing well, I am glad that you came on to say you wanted a drink and then had one, you always seems to be concerned about others welfare but don't talk much about yourself, its about time you did.

                  Hi Meggie, glad things are going well for you, are you still drinking or have you stopped now?

                  Stuck my son plays games with his friends with the headphones on, it looks good fun and I think is lots better than just playing the games on your own. You are probably playing games as a diversion but I do that and think its ok. You are doing great, you have stopped drinking, fallen in love?, doing well at work. So what if you play games too much and feel down, don't be so hard on yourself you are doing great.

                  Dizzy cool pumpkins, have you never celebrated halloween before, don't they do it in S Africa. Looking forward to the new house piccies I am happy for you. x

                  I didn't take the house, decided it was way too small and no point moving there so am still looking. I have been in a pretty bad depression since having to stop taking one of my meds due to se's. I see my pod tomorrow and hope they can help me. Im not drinking much, now and again if I really feel the need for one or just fancy one. It has taken me years to get to this stage and do know its because of the meds I take that I can do this. So Im mostly AF, but not feeling better for it, which actually is crap because if I was still drinking I would be dead so then |I wouldn't be feeling anything would I. So yes I do feel better not drinking, I don't think about it, I don't crave it and that's got to be a good thing.

                  space x


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi there - yes space I know that if one is drinking heavily and just stop they can have a seizure but Greta had already cut way down - and if she didn't want one, then well - I just think she should have gone with her feelings.

                    Thanks re the Guinness and drinking Space - yes, I will go back to what I was doing and am fine with that - I did have some but am not going to today or in the forseeable future - I feel really good without it and sleep way better too.

                    Sorry about the house - no, you have said that yours is small and so to go to a smaller one would not be a good plan! So sorry about your depression - I really wish that you could get that sorted out - it cannot be fun for you. I am on the tail end of quitting my AD's. i have cut down over a long time and went to every other night then every third night and now feel it will be okay to stop taking it. originally my doc had said to take a half for two weeks then stop, but after the debacle and ending up in hospital I wasn't about to do that so have taken about 2 months (I think) to cut down really slowly. I am feeling good still and really don't think I needed them any more.

                    I suppose i don't talk about me much as I never think there is much going on with me. I have got the AL where I wanted it and I am really happy about that. Work is going well and the family are all really good. the pups are doing fine too and the newest one - the mum, is slowly but surely becoming more trusting of humans !! It is great to see her changing - makes me very happy.

                    Anyway - going to go and hang some washing out - the weather is cold but it is a lovely sunny day so it should dry. Then I shall iron this evening ! Fun life I lead eh? LOL

                    love and hugs to all,

                    sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Not sure about "love," Space, but thanks! Heading down to San Diego in a couple hours, to spend the week with some friends and, yes, the girl. So we'll see. I have to take a ton of work with me, but hopefully it'll all get done well enough.

                      Anxiety has been back around, quite a bit lately, actually. That's annoying. And not sure what the reason is. I know this new job stresses me out, and I know this deadline for some writing this Thursday is hanging over my head - looming LARGE would be more accurate - but I've been just feeling awful. Lightheaded and dizzy, and panicky. Though I don't think I'm eating very well at all, or enough, and I'm drinking too much coffee and not sleeping well.

                      Or it's post-acute withdrawal, which certainly could be the case. I believe it's supposed to pop up around the 6-month mark, and that's where I'm at. Just trying to tough it out, and use the Ativan sparingly.

                      Anyway, that's about it here. Work work video games work. And stress.

                      I wanted to say something else, but am forgetting... Oh well, talk to y'all soon! :l


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Stuck the idea of post acute withdrawal is something Ive never really thought about but maybe should have. The amount of times Ive had six months sober then drank again. I am concerned about your anxiety and what you can do about it, Im really not sure have you spoken to a doc about it. You have just said that you know you should be eating better, cut down on the coffee and then you might get better sleep so that could help a bit but |I think your anxiety problem that might not be enough. I don't know, I do think you need to become very pro active about delaing with it tho. Do you do guided meditation cd type things, there are some good ones on you tube you could try, maybe. It would take a whole load of your time tho and you need to get the work done too so probably cant spend hours a day relaxing. Another thought is looking at taking suppliments, there are amino's and stuff that may help and that would just be try one and see if it works then move onto another if it doesn't. Also maybe certain foods can help though I don't know which ones. These things are probably going to just give a subtle effect but over timje may help. Just a thought I myself am still at the stage of trying to put up with it and then when it gets really bad take a valium so kind of like you really but its not good. I will run out of valium for a start off.
                        Have I got it right that you run, does that help at all. Anyway good luck with getting the work done and have a great week away. xx


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi everyone - not much to report - so busy - no time to post. I read back through the thread to see what I've missed. Greta - your doc needs to keep you on the topa if it's working. I'm with Sunny - it doesn't work well if you go off & go back on. When I did it the first time, I was AF for awhile with no troubles. Wish I'd stayed on longer . . . .now I've tried to go back & I react to it very differently & still wasn't able to completely stop drinking. I did cut back - but not enough.

                          I have a prospective buyer for the house - but waiting to see if she'll be pre-approved for mortgage before I will go to contract. If we do a contract, then it shows as "pending" in the MLS, so realtors probably won't show it. So .. . .we wait - I hope she'll be approved. I should know Thurs or Friday. If it's all good - there are 2 properties that I like that I could buy. Fingers crossed.

                          Nothing else is new - working all the time . . . .hope I just live through my busy season which ends on 12/7. The new healthcare law hasn't helped either - I sell Medicare during this time & that was bad enough, but then they introduced this on October 1, and since nothing is working I can't help my individual & family clients much . . . .oh well - all I can do is the best I can . . . .

                          sounds like everyone is doing well - keep it up everyone! I do enjoy reading your interesting posts.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi everyone - hope you are all doing well.

                            FunnyGirl - gosh I so hope that the house sorts itself out - it sounds promising though!

                            Your job sounds very muddly to me - good for you doing it !!! Maybe I should ask you about my daughter signing up for the new plans !!! I have NO idea and she has NO insurance !!!

                            Yes, it is odd the way that Topa does not work as well when you have taken it before then stopped .... a real bummer I think !!! Like Chantix - I used that for stopping smoking and then started again when a friend died (AL related). then when I tried to take the Chantix again - it just did NOT work !!! Really must quit smoking ..... SIGH.

                            love and hugs to all,

                            Sun XX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Sun, if u want to ask about new plans, just pm me. I'd be glad to help. Just do busy --takes me a few days to get back to people. You'll quit oking--just VERY hard to do. Don't give up. Took me quitting for 10 years before it stuck. Not unusual . Fingers crossed about my buyer--hopefully she'll be approved for a mortgage and I can get on with the rest of my life. I hope so. . .

                              Night all!! Exhausted. Two more full days of appointments ahead. Tired. . .


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Sorry for the typos . . . So tired

