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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I LOVE that people are posting - it quite warms the cockles of my heart! I also love that we are being upfront about things bothering us !! THIS is what this thread is for ! Thank you Houtx and BK and Dizzy - thank you !! We are listening to each other and being there for us all! Gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling ..... LOL

    BK - of course we picked up where we left off - why not ? I like when folk come back .... and of course, I am like the old furniture - still here !

    I understand about wanting to stick to 2 or 3 drinks. I used to worry about my TWO a night. I am now trying to keep it to 3 or 4 a night ! Then I will try and go down from there. I know that Nal can take some time to work so stick with it eh? And yes, if you see any progress re not blacking out or having hangovers - that is wonderful - baby steps ! I also think that by trying not to drink and by saying that you are scared you might fail - you are setting yourself up for failure ! What do you drink? Can you just get enough in so that you ONLY have a certain amount - that is what I am doing - and telling hubs and daughter NOT to buy me any if I ask them to - and I will not go out once I have had more than two - so once I have had what I have in house, I am finished with AL for the night. I really find that is a good way of doing it. OR if I fancy another Guinness then I will start on the Ben & jerrys' - they do a wonderful one called New York Super Fudge Chunk and once I have had that I don't want any more Guinness.

    I agree with what you said to Dizzy - and hope that she agrees and will either Pm or post - I so know how she is feeling - it is really hard being so far from 'home' !! Even though I have been in USA for 30 years, I suppose I still think of UK as home !

    I also liked what you said to Houtx - SO true ! My daughter is overweight and I wonder if she does the same thing. Although from what Houtx has said she isn't really overweight - just weighs more than she would like to.

    Well, I am home from work early 'cos I was finished with my stuff - so now have the weekend. have all sorts of things planned and am looking forward to it.

    Love and hugs to all, love, sun XXXX

    P.S. If anyone has any great ideas about how to get my dogs to STOP eating poop, I would love to hear them! I have tried tablets that make poop taste bad (which cracks me up ), and tried putting hot sauce on it - they liked that !!!! It isn't always easy to pick it up the minute they go - any ideas gratefully accepted !!!!
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Oh dear Sun, never heard of that before. Yuck, wouldn't like them to lick my face.
      My counselor and friends are amazed at this thread and the people I have met. We have met people from all over the world and there are so many different personalities and ages. I can relate to those 55 and older. We relate with our teaching experience, our weight, our relationship etc. However, I also love to experience the lives of those that post that are younger. I love reading Stuck's post, he is so bright and is trying so hard to find a life for himself.
      I have been here since 2007, but rarely post and went away for many, many years. Thank you all for caring. I also feel I am being selfish when I don't address each posts. I appreciate the acknowledgement to my post but we need this place to vent.
      So please vent.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        PS, can anyone tell me why this post isn't coming to my email anymore?


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          sunshinedaisies;1592117 wrote: P.S. If anyone has any great ideas about how to get my dogs to STOP eating poop, I would love to hear them! I have tried tablets that make poop taste bad (which cracks me up ), and tried putting hot sauce on it - they liked that !!!! It isn't always easy to pick it up the minute they go - any ideas gratefully accepted !!!!
          If you find a solution, let everyone know. My last dachshund would go out in the yard and eat cat poop, the come inside and vomit it up. I knew it was puke, but it took me a while to figure out why it was such foul-smelling puke. There wasn't much I could do about it, since cats bury their poop, but of course with the nose of a dog, she could find it and dig it up and eat it.

          Our current dachshund (fortunately?) doesn't seem to be interesting in eating poop so much as just rolling around in it. But wiping her down with a pet wipe is a lot less hassle than cleaning up vomit, especially off a carpeted floor.
          In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Good Morning meggie and Alky - I wish I could find something to stop them - it started with the puppy doing it and now all three dogs are doing it !! At least so far they haven't thrown up yet - but I have NO idea how to stop it - I googled it and all manner of things were suggested - like adding pumpkin to their food - but so far nothing works !
            I am just going to try to pick up immediately .... at least that should cut down the amount out there for them to find !! LOL

            Meggie - I too used to get e-mail notification - also for Pm's but that has stopped too and have no idea why!

            Meggie - even if you don't have time to acknowledge everyone, it is still nice to see the new posts ! How are things going with you these days? I hope you had a great thanksgiving.

            Off to watch the dogs to see if they 'go' !! :H

            Love, sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Meg & Sun- go to edit options under your user CP then there should be an option for default mail down the page a little & you can change the preference to what you want to receive.
              And I was looking up your dog eating poop thing. Have you tried hot sauce on the poop? I also read if you put meat tenderizer or pineapple in their food it might help?

              As for me- went out last night with a friend. Took 150mg Nal before hand & did pretty well. Had 8-10 drinks 4 while I was at the bar then a few more when I got home. I felt buzzed but not drunk. Went to bed feeling pretty decent & not sloppy drunk. Baby steps.
              I am going to try to remain AF until next weekend. I don't want to drink tonight but find that by the time the afternoon gets here I start feeling a craving or desire. I feel depressed about the fact that I can't just have a couple. I wish I could have 2 & be done.
              There is an outpatient place near me for women that I had called & made an appointment to be evaluated but I decided not to go because I was afraid they were going to tell me that I would have to be abstinent & I just wasn't sure I could do it. I really am thinking of giving it a try.

              Sometimes I find just get plain exhausted worrying about things.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi there BK - I am curious - did you mean FOUR drinks from 8-10 ??? Or that you had 8-10 drinks !!! Hoping it was the former .... LOL

                Yes, I have that option on my profile and it used to work but doesn't these days. For some reason. LOVE computers !

                Re the hot sauce - the dogs like it ! I think they think I am seasoning their 'food' for them! I have also tried putting pumpkin in their food which is supposed to stop them - that didn't work either. We are trying to be meticulous about picking it up - but as i said it is hard when it is dark out. It is so gross !!!! I read somewhere that dogs have a very short digestive tract so it comes out smelling as good as it did going in ....LOL

                I do understand the feeling of being down 'cos you can't just have 2 drinks. I used to do that and even thought that that was a problem for me - I had to have those two !

                I have just put my Christmas tree up - this is a first - usually I put it up maybe the day or two days before Christmas. Hubs is not going to believe it ! I will probably be fed up with it in a week! But decided to ring the changes and just get a small one - a 4 footer that sits on an end table. With a puppy in the house I decided that it was probably better to do that. Plus not working with the public any more, I am feeling way more festive than I usually do!!

                Having a LOVELY day today - feeling really good - love and hugs to all,

                love, sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Unfortunately it was 4 at the bar then when I got home I had a few more but didn't really count would guess at an additional 5. So about 9 drinks from 4:30 to midnight. It stinks.

                  It's kinda funny that your dogs like hot sauce. But am sorry you are dealing with such a pain.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    sunshinedaisies;1592564 wrote: Hi there BK - I am curious - did you mean FOUR drinks from 8-10 ??? Or that you had 8-10 drinks !!!
                    love, sun XXX
                    I read 8-10 drinks at the bar, too. And I thought to myself 'yeah good job, that sounds reasonable!'


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Actually 8-10 drinks isn't to bad for me when I drink them over a period of time but know it's not healthy by standards. Sometimes I think I just live in the wrong country. New Zealand's standards are twice the US.
                      I did much better Saturday with only 5 but the Nal makes me feel weird I don't like it but that's to bad cause I refuse to stop using it. I am going to beat this one way or another. It does seem to make most things not pleasure able. I feel sort of flat line while on it. I plan to not drink this week so maybe it will clear out of my system. It makes me tired too.

                      How is everyone today? I am starting of my week feeling pretty darn good considering I drank quite a bit thru the holiday. Not going to beat myself up just move forward. Didn't drink last night. Planning for another AF day today.
                      I'm off to go running a few miles. Check in later.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Sorry, not having had checked in have nothing to do with the thread, my mood is so bad today is the first day since last Monday I forced myself to get out of bed. Maybe it's S.A.D.? My mom got prescribed vitamin D by her podcast and is feeling great.
                        Hugs to all.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Dizzy~ I am sorry you are feeling low. I did all Thanksgiving vacation. I stayed in bed until noon 3 days in a row.
                          It must have been what I needed cause I am much better this week????
                          What is going on? What are you feeling? Can we help?


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Thanks girls, probably just need to see a psychiatrist but not on the Uk NHS yet so this may take a while. Had this kind of panic low before and I also think I have an ulcer. Hubby is travelling for work and loneliness is not helping but I wasn't up to travelling Sunday and we can sometimes grate on each other when in hotel rooms for too many days.

                            ITAH: don't think vitamin D is the answer but it will help me, I also need a SAD lamp, it helped when I was here before. Although Berkshire is at least less gloomy than London most days. Vitamin B injections also did wonders for my mom w oh is severely bipolar - her stomach stopped being able to digest it so she needs monthly shots.

                            BKYG: My radio writing jobs failed on me this year (usually my highlight job wise) due to budget cuts and the other writing job is also in recess till Jan. Also waiting for permanent residence card so can't work full time. So first I have to get out of a big mental hole, and then I need to face facts that if I'M not going to get jobs and make friends no one will do it for me. I owe it to me and hubby to try harder.

                            Hate feeling so paranoid, we have a semi-detached house wth wooden floorboards. Last night I swore the place was haunted but it's probably just the neighbours and the wood settling. Although the sounds stop in the night when I go look if I can see anything? Probably slightly mad but always thought there's something here. I feel like it like I do about spiders, just not in my room thank you

                            Where's the rest? Sun just taking a rest? Space - you next to me in the hole?



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hey there - I am here - and feeling good - no, not taking a rest - just time going TOO quickly !!

                              Dizzy - DEAR Dizzy - I am so sorry that you have been so down - been there and done that and know how you feel. I really don't have any suggestions - you know all the stuff that one is supposed to do. I just wish I could wave a magic wand and you would feel better.

                              I am sure that the noises that you hear are just the house - most houses have odd noises - I thought I was going crazy the other night as I kept hearing stuff but when i asked Hubs to listen of course there was nothing !

                              Diz - I am always here for you if you want to PM, but I know when you get to feeling like that, you really don't feel like doing anything ...... I so wish I could help! I do know how you are feeling. Hubs went away for a year after we arrived in the USA - I knew NO-ONE .... but did survive. But it is hard when you are away from home like that - plus with your work not being as good as you hoped, that must be hard too.

                              ITAH - nice to see you here - feel free to join us again.... we would love to have you here

                              BK - I know what you mean about 8-10 drinks, although I can't have that many - but I do know what you mean - if that makes any sense? I am sorry that the Nal is making you feel weird - I only took one tablet once so do not know what you are going through. But yes, if you really want to beat this, then one must do whatever !! Having said that, I couldn't handle the feelings that Topa gave me when it worked - so it is hard! Good for you with an AF day - i find it so hard to just go AF. Once I am though, it is easy - relatively - LOL.

                              I wish Space would post ....... I am worried about her but know that she will resurface when she is ready ...... and there is nothing that I can do here so I just wait and hope .....

                              On a different note - my Christmas cake this year is a success !! Last year the icing went rock hard, so I added more glycerine this year - and it is lovely. I am the only one that eats it so have already started eating it ! Why wait? LOL

                              And on that note, I am off to make a salad for my dinner.

                              love, sun XX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Dizzy- I can so feel for you. I'm such a fraidy cat. I have 3 kids & 3 dogs so I don't have worry much anymore but when we first moved into our new house I was a wreck. Having a dog really helped me. We used to have just little dogs then we got a German shorthair and he is PROTECTIVE. Maybe you could think about a fur friend until you are ready for people. My little dog knows when I am sad or hungover & she cuddles with me. Having her makes me feel better.
                                I am sorry to hear about your job- I'm sure that hurt. Sometimes I think things happen for reason but we just can't see why "yet".
                                Are you In a comfortable neighbor that you could go for a walk?
                                And yes it's up to you to help your situation but you don't owe anyone anything. That makes me feel like you feel like you should do something. Don't should yourself. Allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. If you are sad that is ok and it may take sometime to figure it out. Remember to be kind to yourself-
                                Talking helps me. It just seems like there is more than just your job & move. I will read back thru some of your posts because I feel I am missing some things.
                                I am sending you a big hug...

                                Sun- Christmas cake yum!! I drink light beer most of the time and I know Guinness is heavy so I might be drinking 2 to your 1 but still I know you don't drink 5 at time. I am feeling good about the week no cravings to speak of. I always do pretty well during the week. It's the weekend. Funny how we all have our little quirks with it huh.

                                Much love to all

