Sorry you're drinking more than you like, Sun. At least it's not enough for a hangover though! I don't seem to have much interest in moderating, and a drink or 2 doesn't even feel all that great, so not sure why I'm drinking at all or what my plans are. Part of me is thinking that I'll "go back" to drinking, and get some wine to have around the house or whatever. But I was just grocery shopping and didn't get any alcohol at all.
Though there's whiskey in the cabinet due to a couple of unfortunate decisions earlier in the week.
Anyway, last night I ran a couple errands and then stopped at the bar. I had my car with me, so no drinks at the bar and I went to bed without drinking anything yesterday. Did take a little something to take the edge off some anxiety and help me sleep. So, like I said, not sure what my plan is.
Thanks for the congrats on the work stuff. The story is a very, very small thing that I wrote for fun a couple years ago and forgot that I'd sent out anywhere. It's not nearly as "serious" as my other publications but it's at least something I can put on my resume. Forgive me for not giving more details - it's just that it will be online and attached to my name, which I'd rather not share here.