How was the visit, Stuck?
But I get really jittery and anxious and trapped-feeling when we're in the apartment together. I lead a boring life, and I feel this pressure to entertain her or to always be "doing something." She's not putting that pressure on me - she's fine with whatever - but I feel it, ya' know? And I have a small place, and I have a ton of work I need to do, and I simply cannot be in bed at weird times of day or evening, even if we're cuddling, 'cause I feel like I gotta be working or distracting myself from my thoughts, which are a trainwreck.
Last night after a walk we went to the bar, and I did kind of let loose. She likes going out, and likes drinking, so it's not *that* much of an imposition to drag her to a bar

Anyway just thought I'd update y'all and get some thoughts out. :l