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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Yep, drank Friday night and Saturday morning. Got pretty well good and drunk, too. Was visiting friends who live fairly nearby, but enough of a distance that we (thankfully) don't have to hang out with them all that often. But it was the first game of the college football season, so we went down and spent the night.

    The girl was good enough to only have 1 or 2 drinks in the morning during the game, so she was able to drive us home in the afternoon. I was kind of a mess, not even going to lie about that, and passed out most of the way home and then immediately once we got home. Then I woke up around 9pm and was anxious as could be. Took an anxiety med and we went for a short walk and then got back in bed and I was fortunately able to sleep again the rest of the night. Feeling much better today. And also ready to be AF again hopefully for a little while. This weekend was a stumble, and I'm praying that it remains just that, and that I don't have to deal with too much anxiety in the next days because of it.

    Well, that's it from me. Have a good holiday weekend, everybody!


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hello all - not sure if this will fly b/c apparently I didn't log out properly last time. We shall see. My school year has been sucky - one week down and it was the worst it's ever been. Principal of 3 yrs keeps making sweeping changes - 30+ people have left. Our class sizes are anywhere from 3 - 33! Some have 40+. It's crazy. So glad for a 3-day weekend!

      The new bf is still in the picture, but this weekend I didn't get to see him b/c of his commitments to his kids, etc. Kinda bums me out, but oh well. My son came in town and we've been hanging out. I've cooked, shopped, gone to the driving range, etc. Last night got shit-faced without meaning to and passed out on the sofa until my son came home. Put myself to bed...was going to play golf this morning but we got rained out. I went back to bed and slept like a zombie until about 11! UGH!! Tonight I'm taking it relatively easy! LOL Breaking Bad Binge on AMC keeping me entertained!

      Sunny, Meggie & Stuck, I always enjoy your posts! Struggles on many levels but we are here. Hanging in there!


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Have wanted to check our Breaking Bad, but I know how it ends so that is a bummer. There are so many at school that followed it.
        I know about the young administrators, I have one but he is having a difficult time because of his changes. The staff is really pushing him and making life bad for him. The state is making so many changes we don't need internal changes. 33 in a classroom is crazy and you are responsible for their grades. I t hought 25 was too many.
        I start tomorrow with meetings and the kiddos come Wednesday. Planning on a quiet day.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi all

          I've been quiet as my GP took away my Topa and now wants me to take Seroquel, a very strong drowsy-making anti-psychotic. Apparently I can see a psychiatrist in about 3 weeks and then air my grievances.

          I have a job interview for something I really want on Thursday, so don't enjoy feeling so 'out of it'. My dad's finished his pill chemo and radiation but had to go for a cat scan yesterday so fingers crossed.

          Seems like there's some mixed results here in terms of drinking. I've been on and off but with the Summer being so short in the UK, I'm giving myself some slack.

          Breaking bad is brilliant, it won LOADS do Emmys this year. Don't let the end put you off, Meggie. I also really enjoyed Breaking Bad and Lillyhammer is a must for Soprano fans.

          Well good luck with new school terms Meggie and Houtx. It can't be nice but I guess we have to do what we have to do well, to make money at least.

          Glad the new BF is around to make you happy, Houtx.

          I feel you, Stuck, about being ready for another AF stint. Glad it sounds like the gf is settling in. Couple drinking is harder than drinking when single though.

          Sun, I'm really trying to focus on my achievements and AF days instead of feeling guilty about slipping up. To me, every AF day is a feather in my hat. :l

          Hugs to all.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Welcome back Dizzy, good to see you. I think the summer went by fast everywhere. Of course, today,the first day of school, was hot and humid. I hate the heat. Tomorrow is the first day with the kiddos. Hoping for a wonderful, productive year. Already been told I have some difficult cases. I hope I can turn them around. Have a nice day everyone.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hiya Dizzy! And everyone!

              Sorry school's been lame Houtx. It hasn't been fantastic for me, either. Man, got so drunk Friday night and Saturday morning. I really can't be doing that - so much anxiety and whatnot after. Just trying to buckle down and get going on things. Lots of meetings this week, etc.

              Have a good one! :l


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Off to my first day with the kiddos. I hate it when other teachers stop by and look at my list and tell me about my problem children. I will find that out soon enough. I just wish we had more parent support. I have support of those that don't need support.
                Stuck, I have never had a drink in the morning, is that due to anxiety? Take care my friends.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Good luck Meggie ...... will try and post later today but saw that it was your first day today - thinking of you :l:l
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Have a great first day, Meggie! Probably a good thing you didn't have a drink first. And yeah, the first thing in the morning is because of acute withdrawal when blood alcohol level drops rapidly while passed out. The 'hair of the dog that bit you' hangover remedy. Sometimes 1 or 2 drinks really helps take the edge off a hangover, the trouble is stopping there.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I usually eat a carb and have a banana,this helps my hangover. Well, it is hot and going to get hotter and we don't have air in our classroom. It is so hard to keep the attention of sweating kids. Well, this will be an interesting year. Many bold personalities and it is only the first day. As stated, the heat doesn't help. Well, off to another day.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi everyone

                        Good luck Meggie, I remember blistering days in classrooms and it wasn't cool. There was a tale about how we could all go home if it reaches 44C, it came close about 5 times a year but alas, it never happened. You're in the UK, hey? Today was 24 and humid here. I see troubled teens everywhere and they scare me, or do you look after the younger ones? Good luck anyway and keep fighting the good fight.

                        I had an interview today as a part-time writer for a mobile (cell) company. Please hold thumbs as I had a really lovely interview (a first) and the place is only 15 mins walk from my home so I really, really want it.

                        Hugs to all,



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Prayers for the new job. I live in the states in NY. I think they might close if it got to over a hundred. No air, tomorrow is going to be soooo hot and humid. I teach the 10 year olds. Funny it used to be so much easier. 20 years ago we didn't have the problems they have now. And parents are worse then the kids. I know they mean well, but, they can eat me alive.
                          So far I survived today and so did they. I hope to provide a year with many fun, positive memories where each child feels loved and respected.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Is anyone here still using Topa? What dosage? Are you abstinent or moderating. I have an appointment with a Psych next week and want to try Topiramate.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              I felt it worked very well for me but it gave me topa dopa. I couldn't think or remember things. I wasn't able to do my job. I need to remember things, esp kids names.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Roadking
                                I got many benefits from taking Topa, people usually start at 25mg and then git rate up with 25 more every week or second week, depending on whether they experience side effects. You can go up to 300mg but sticking to the lowest dosage that curbs your cravings is advised.

